I don't get it, I really don't.
I decided to pick this one up after I saw matthewmatosis had done a commentary on it, I'd always wanted to play the series so I thought if there was ever a time to start, it was now.
The first few levels were breddy gud, I've played both Bayo 1 and 2 and I've gotten pure platinum in 2.
Right off the bat, let me just get this out of the way. The camera in DMC gives me fucking brain cancer, I have more trouble fighting the camera than I do fighting the enemies. I've played all of the RE games, so I thought I'd be used to it by now, but holy shit, the camera is abysmal in so many ways.
I hit a roadblock with Nelo Angelo, but I kept going. The game was fun from time to time, but the constant battle with the camera just kept me from enjoying it fully.
I ended up hitting mission 11 before writing this post, now let me just add: I'm not exactly someone who gets mad at video games, neither am I someone who usually has a problem with them. I've beaten Ghosts and Goblins before and didn't have any mental forthcomings during my playthrough.
So back to mission 11, I beat the boss, no problem and got to the forest where I finished 3 waves of enemies off. Anyway, I was just about to cross one of the two routes when I noticed something: The fucking light that you need to guide you wasn't there. So I decided to walk back and the camera does its usual garbage and switches around to another angle. I keep walking and you know what it does? It teleports me back to the start of the forest.
At this point, I just chucked my controller at the wall and turned of my PS2. I really don't know what to think about this game, it's fun sometimes but the camera is so fucking abysmal that I feel as if there's no reason to play.
My bad for the blog post, I just need to know what to think about all of this. If any of you anons can help me out with enjoying the game further in any way, just let me know.
TL;DR: DMC's combat is fun for me, but the abysmal camera ruins it, should I press onward, or just give up the game?