Is he next?
Is he next?
Let me call my expert on sexual assult to take a look at this.
Is he a buddy of yours?
why the fuck would he be? what's your beef with this guy?
yeah seriously fuck OP
Pawn Stars is one of the few good shows still on TV, and Rick Harrison is a good man
He voted for Krumpf and thinks he is doing a good job
There's also the not part of hollywood thing.
what the fuck happened to Antwaun? i don't see him anymore
feels like the first episode was just yesterday tbh
maybe i'm getting old
Also Rick's favourite President is Andrew Jackson
Any of you fags watch Hardcore Pawn, it's mostly unwatchable though it's funny that it's basically a show of Jews dealing with Niggers in Niggertown
good choice
even if you didn't agree with him it's hard to deny he was the most badass president of all time
i saw some youtube clips and felt like it's mostly staged
It probably is, but even so It's still funny seeing Niggers acting like Niggers and Jews acting like Jews dealing with it
sounds like good chemistry
one istrying to get too much money while the other is trying to make the other pay way less than it's worth
corey seems like a bro.
would have a beer with.
And it always ends with the nigger kicked out to the kerb
^why would this part be bad? especially in the context of the above part
Remember the time they put Seinfeld style skits before the show starts and their game show hosted by Christopher Titus. I member.
Though I prefer American Pickers. I know Storage Wars is still going, even though it lost the original cast that people actually cared about. One of the few shows remaining after that pawn/ auction show boom some years back.
You guys remember Hardcore Pawn? I loved that show
He's a kike
Rick Harrison from Pawn Stars
How much do you wanna bet Chum is wearing some nigger shoes in that pic?
Woah! Mine too!
I'm not accusing you of anything but that sentence was kind of reddit.
i do browse reddit tbh
i've browsed imageboards a long time and always assumed reddit was shit, but it actia;;y has a few good boards. think it's starting to rub off on me
Brainlets, everyone.
Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!
Go back to your safe space if it triggers you that badly.