Other urls found in this thread:
The exact same thread is on Holla Forums, go fuck yourself.
>>>Holla Forums587506
not videogames
I don't go on Holla Forums
You know, Videogames!.
That would defeat the joke.
His superpower is that the sound effects he makes while fighting are slurs.
If he was named "Nig" it wouldn't hint at his powers, which is the entire purpose of superhero naming.
Where the fuck do you think you are?.
I want to fuck Erin
Erin doubles.
Well, most of the SJW men are total fucking pervs, so yeah
post the rest
L-lol ?
I must be stupid because I really don't understand the joke here.
He wants older characters. Someone accuses him of the typical SJWfaggotry that we know really happened with overwatch. In reality he just wants a milf to fap to.
Here's SJW journalism for you
Feel free to vomit.
Same as last thread. If anyone has my comics, pls post them. Otherwise the next shitfest will be out tomorrow hopefully
Holy shit what a shitty comic.
The joke is even funny, but everything about the comic is fucked.
1. Is the first panel supposed to be his own comment? Why not convey that by having him typing it, instead of apparently just staring at the text on the screen which may or may not have been his own comment?
2.Why have a youtube comment in the form of a person in an orange overcoat talking behind him (or beside? The perspective is fucked.)?
3. What the fuck is that face in the second panel supposed to imply?
4. Why imply that he's looking at MILF porn by having his screen covered in pop-ups? Nobody browses porn through pop-ups. I get what they were getting at, but to imply that he's looking at a certain kind of porn by having those as pop-up windows on his screen doesn't work, given that pop-ups are something that nobody actually wants or likes.
The first panel should be him typing the comment, the second panel should just be the same text but as a reply comment (because why the fuck wouldn't you portray a reply in a comic as a fucking reply?), then him going "Yeah…Social Justice…" or something with a self-defeated face while closing out milf porn.
It's such a fucking easy joke (person wants older characters to look older -> people think it's because of social justice -> it's actually because of a fetish); it would take an actual gorilla as a writer for the joke to not just write itself.
I celebrate whenever I hear of some diver\climber dying a meaningless death. And every one of those dumbasses reinforces their death drive reciprocally.
You could even make it a two panel comic by showing him typing out the comment in the first panel, then the second panel shows the computer screen with the SJW accusation reply with a few tabs of MILF porn. The reader will at first think "what is the joke of someone accusing you of being an SJW?" and will then proceed to inspect the second panel closer, looking for a joke until they find the semi-subtle tabs at the top and chuckle as it clicks in their mind.
So Salon's being funded by rich globalists? And that's why they peddle degeneracy like that string of pedophile apologist articles?
What's wrong with defending our faggots? We might hate them for being degenerates but they are our faggots goddamn it and I for one don't like mudslimes coming here and killing our faggots.
The world is really fucked up isn't it?.
But he isn't writing in the first panel, he just looks dumbfounded.
It's actually an ok joke, but poorly drawn. I am led to believe that the text in the first panel is what he reads, but in reality he writes it.
If anyone is gonna kill our faggots it should be us, not some filthy sandniggers.
Funny how this comics forgets that these are people although mentally ill who have families and friends who have suffered a loss with this shooting. Also it's more like "hey faggots muslims are even starting to kill you off so get your shit together", and what the fuck does the whole trans bathrooms issue have to do with the Orlando shooting?
They don't care about that.
Here, have some lewds.
Yeah, the first panel is fucked, I was confused too for a moment.
I didn't even read the part where the company was founded in (((2007))).
Fuck you user
I don't think I've been this disgusted in a long time
How can you even piss with an erection?
It's not impossible. I do it when I wake up with wood and need to pee badly.
This comic would have been a lot better if Slur was a white guy and it was a black man was criticizing him and when he broke his back it said "NIGGGGGRRRRR!"
It's perfectly possible. Are you a girl?
"hey girls! the best you can do when entering games is being a mediocre javascript mobile game developer!"
You wish.
Eunuch then?
I'm pretty sure that someone hid treasure in the cave and just put up that sign to trick people!
He may not be but I'm a eunuch who likes to get pissed on and drink pee
I had testicular cancer when I was like 15 man I had no choice.
Aren't Italians Wogs not Wops
I do it all the time
Well, now I feel retarded.
What fucking sense does that make? Wop stands for without papers, referring to Italian immigrants trying to enter the country illegally.
Would play.
how do you pee without foreskin?
Well I'm Australian and I've never heard them called Wops they're always called
I just do
Well you guys do have a habit of giving things gay names.
The character looks like something drawn by the tumblrina who made "assigned male".
It must be possible or else people with piss fetishes would be completely fucked.
I need to piss > Thinking of pissing gives me a boner > fuck I can't piss > boner goes down because no piss > Oh thank god I can piss > thinking of pissing gives me a boner
How horrifying.
What makes this comic funny is that I've never seen anyone advocate for beating people down for being transgender.
As for the people saying about gay lobbying, that's an opinion, we, in the west, as far as I understand, can have opinions but doesn't mean we'll go out of our way to harm people.
You can talk about how "White Christians" hate homosexuality but they've never advocated for killing them. That's the difference between Western culture and Eastern culture.
You're a righto tosser aren't you
Yeah, now bugger off ya bogan, I've gotta wake up in the arvo to get some Macca's.
What's the story with this character anyways? Isnt she from some webcomic or he waifu of someone who does those or something?
Old myth. Gets worse once it's been out of you a while, too, nevermind the smell.
ow right in the funny bone
It's hard
I miss deep sea threads
wait until you're over 14, then pull it back, bend your dick straight, and aim properly
unless you have permanent phismosis
I thought wogs were greek-ier, and wops were itals+greasy spaniards/portugeese
That's Australianesian, idiot, go away
But your edit doesn't have a joke.
I don't think that fox studied in an accredited institution.
I like that, it would be subtle, make you work a little for the joke, like the OP PBF comic, where you have to read it twice to really get it.
bum tickley is enough of a joke for all the possible loss edits
I thought wogs were niggers, as in "golly-wog"
what is my captcha trying to tell me?
Fuck me that's loss.
I thought you shouldn't drink piss since it contains all the toxins that your kidneys filtered out of your blood, and you shouldn't put that shit back in there since it's literally toxic.
It's also "Western Oriental Gentleman."
Got a source on that?
Might just proove Salon is set up to push agendas- and who wants those agendas pushed.
GG might want it.
Everything wrong with humanity, in one short comic.
Zionist Jewish mind control?
One time I had to piss so bad while getting head. I ended up peeing a little in her mouth after I came.
Who wouldn't it's the best idea for a game anyone's had in the last 7 years.
This too
Oglaf has its moments.
I liked how they were all "fuck GamerGate" but then went on and made a "check your facts" comic.
What's it gonna be, fags?
Someone post the drawing of the skeleton trying to hide his gold.
How did you pass biology class?
So if someone comes into my workplace and shoots the asshole I never like, I suddenly have to like one or the other? I can't have varying degrees of hatred for both of them?
Sounds fun
You just reminded me of a weird game idea I had in a dream.
I have the feeling this could work if the resources were put into it.
Picture is unrelated.
The kidneys filter toxins out of the blood, and those toxins have to go somewhere, otherwise your kidneys get clogged up with them and your body kills itself.
Why else would piss be forcibly ejected from the body if not because it is hazardous to its continued health?
Why does this exist
2499 comics.
I guarantee Loss arc isnt' in it.
Look closer, user
because even if it's awful. that man did something incredible. He gave the world loss
But that's actually a good comic….user what the hell? This is a lol thread, no good allpwed
Oh shit, I do have them
The man said look closer you blind fuckboys
It's not funny when you give it away like that.
Fuck I know that feeling too well. Is it a symptom of autism or something?
The only appropriate reaction, disgust just isn't enough
Holy shit your right
I'm an extremely gay furry and even this is too much.
>It smells horrible after a few hours
lurk more
I figured as much
Enjoy being killed.
LOL threads are for posting whatever shit you can find doesn't matter if good of bad, bonus points if it's a loss edit.
Except all the sound effects are supposed to loosely sound like the actual sound effects you'd expect. He cracked his back so it was "cracker"
Nigger wouldn't have made sense there. I bet Slur was black simply because the artist couldn't think of one that fit nigger
What is even the context here?
Would you kill that user?
Even Holla Forums isn't this autistic, you goons need to get better bait.
Ebin reaction pic. Now excuse me as i go and puke my meal.
Short history: virus transforms people into talking animals this unleashes the world war 3 and everything gets destroyed, the survivors (now know as mutants) have to hide in a underground city called Endtown. The comic takes place years later with the habitants trying to survive while avoid the topsiders (humans that thanks to a special suit weren't affected by the virus and want to kill all the mutants because they think they are the source on the infection). What are you seeing in the backstory of one of the characters remembering all the things that happen when the outbreak kick in. It's pretty good
This shit is pretty gross, but I'm always disappointed by all the newfags getting all disgusted over this shit. On a chan, and piss fetishes still gross you out? You should be desensitized to this shit by now.
I'm not used to seeing those kind of pictures because i'm not actively looking for them unlike you :^).
It's fun to overreact. It reminds me of a time where I could feel something.
It really is, give a try it's slow in the beginning but then there's a moment when shit gets serious
Shit, put up the wrong one.
There is one organ which is capable of getting rid of toxins such as alcohol or ammonia. Which one is it? Hint: not the kidneys
It's been known for years that Salon (and I think Huffington Post) don't make any profit.
Seems to make no difference at all to any liberals to make them wonder why exactly these companies keep chugging along.
It's an overused and nonsensical joke, because even if Hitler was accepted into the art school, he would have done everything the same way and would have become the Führer anyway. Surprise surprise, that art school was pozzed to all hell with Jews and their degenerate art. Being in there would have made him realize how sick society is, just like he saw it outside the school.
That is a better piece of art than anything Hitler ever made.
The depth of contour and colour in such crude brushstrokes is interesting to look at, it's at the same time simple and very detailed. You can see detail of major muscle groups and bones underneath, despite the exaggerated proportions.
Hitler only ever made uninspired and mediocre watercolours of landscapes and urban scenes.
That's the sort of shit a seventy-year old woman makes to keep Alzheimer's at bay.
The liver just turns these toxins into less toxic form, it doesn't remove them from your body. IIRC urea, what becomes of ammonia in the liver, is still poisonous.
Shoot yourself.
I bet you enjoyed Depression Quest.
Nice to see Hitler apologists continue to be hapless fuckwits devoid of reasoning ability.
I thought art was about emotion, boy. :^)
It´s furshit, but the most loosely you can have it. Also suffering, lots of suffering.
Fuck this, let's settle it by dance off.
Lyin' ass skeleton clearly just wants to hide his pirate treasure from me.
Discourage an artist… ANd you get a rocket engineer making all your space folk miner dreams come true!
Hello reddit.
I too am Australian and I recently moved to the UK. I can tell you the word "wog" to mean "mediterranean immigrant" is an entirely australian thing. People here thought i was talking about poo in loos.
Does make more sense. Most folk what hate ayrabs in muh country love guns.
Maus is fucking hilarious
Music is from this
thanks user
wow, i suddenly find the comic less funny now that you've said that
i know this isn't the right thread to be posting in, but are there any horror games about deep sea diving or cave diving?
I am really glad that you posted this. Thank you so much.
I still can't forgive the author killed Oglaf and just made random feminist jokes.
I love this author's stories. They can range from scary to funny to weird although they're usually so incredibly absurd that you can't take them seriously at all.
Almost Alice in Wonderland levels of unreal but still deeply unsettling. A sane person could not imagine living in such a bizarre world where up is down and down is up.
At that point I'd kill every cop who would try and prevent me from taking back my daughter. The niggers would be next.
I hope those pigs are proud of protecting those subhumans.
Law enforcement is currently en-route to your location, user. Your filthy antisemitism wont go unpunished any longer. Enjoy being raped by niggers in prison!
You against diversity or something you bigot?
Holy shit, thank you user! have any more?
I wanted to laugh at the foolishness of the western world, but that last one triggered the fuck out of me.
Good job.
He's transracial. Check your privilege.
you reddit refugee shitlibs really should go back tbh neo/v/ really is beyond shit.
the apprentice was the only reason i was reading those comics
I actually wish Oglaf would do more non-sex jokes. They are funnier.
I remember some faggot of a polack getting triggered about all the "gay stuff" in oglaf's comics.
What a fag.
I got triggered that they turned out to be feminist faggot retards
Oh well comic was running out of steam anyway
you need more buzzwords dick lips
His comics don't really seem to be terribly feminist.
Better question, what the hell do trans issues have to do with gays in the first place.
They're not, they were just like every other misinformed normalfag who thinks GG is about stomping women
Dogecoin was a scam, so he might have just said that for cheap PR.
Yeah, but you are not aroused. For me I wait untill it has been cooled down to a semi.
anyone knows why?
This picture is pure cancer. Fuck you.
Well this was meant for the last thread, but oh well.
is this somehow related to prince of persia?
Absolutely nothing. They're just piggybacking on us because we have way more of a chance of being accepted than trannies could ever dream to.
sorry to hear that.
Even more sorry that leftists who care more about causes than context sided with Muslims that want you dead instead of your right to fuck other guys.
If that's real, then that little brother is going to have trouble convincing his family that he is straight.
Didn't like that?
Well, here's something else to cheer you up.
I was expecting a screamer.
well, it's better than that furry shit at least.
if you're gonna post 3D, at least post Asians
Oh, you want 2D?
That would've been a really nice landscape picture if it wasn't for the focus on the woman
How about you just off yourself.
the piss isn't the sick part, it's the attempt to normalize it to someone. I mean, yes, these literal furfags were about to have a gay threesome, but then they go about trying to drag the one with the most sense into a deeper circle of hell. and it goes upwards to the comic itself. this whole thing is actually degenerate, in that its something that further degrades their morals and good sense.
Urine is disgusting. it's natural to want to avoid it, and to instead fetishize it invites all sorts of issues to health and hygine.
ayo hol up
I want to believe that she is lying and that's fake, but people don't usually lie on a site like FB, then again that probably isn't "her" real name.
And also why would she do that to her fag brother, if she was asked to keep it a secret the last thing you would want to do is post about it on a social network.
Something makes me think that that furry didn't go to an accredited medical institution.
Nah, I haven't had sex in the missionary position for the purposes of procreation with a qt asian yet. Until then, suicide will have to wait.
He painted what he considered beautiful, in all likelihood.
Besides, the painting itself, the one you're referring to, has issues beyond being vulgar, in that the man's proportions are way off, the muscle groups themselves are wrong, the man himself has a huge ass forehead and fishlips, and there's no action or movement in his pose and the man's posed in such a weird way to hide the fact that one of his arms is longer then the other, even if you were to put him in a neutral position, his right arm (fingers facing down) would go way past his hips and below his knee, while the other would stop at the waist.
It's clear the person who did this has developed a "style", which is a death knell for an artist, especially if your style is unappealing, which it is.
The person who drew this has likely gone nowhere and ended up in a ditch. Hitler may have done horrible things, but he ended up a leader of a country, precisely because of his rebellion to this nowhere mindset.
Do NOT laugh at an artist that chooses to depict scenery. They're way better at art then you'll ever be.
In fact, if you want to learn artistry, you need to learn how to depict scenery and then people, before you can move on to anything beyond an over-developed DOODLE of a man like this.
I never understood you fish fetishists.
Reddit is filled with good goys who can't read, no one is surprised
I can't really explain it to you. I just like what I like. And the thought of having a doting, devoted loving wife with nice healthy thighs makes me happy and thinking about plowing her for hours into the night with tender snuggling, kisses, and whispering makes my dick diamonds
*drinks koolaid*
Man I love super mario
I suppose it doesn't matter what we like, seeing as neither of us are ever going to have sex anyway.
I'm pretty determined user. I wanna hit that, start a family with a loving devoted woman, and spend the rest of my days in each other's arms. It isn't just about sex but that is a part of it, granted
Ask and ye shall receive.
Enjoy your serial killer offspring
And I want to be the little girl. We all have to let our dreams go sometime user, you want a fictional creature,a loving devoted woman, to just spring up? Has and never will be such a thing.
Kinda requires actual sex to take place, doesn't it? Wouldn't worry about it.
Haha you are funny.
What a stupid question.
apparently some furry made that song: soundcloud.com
this. whoever made that should hang themselves.
More funfacts:
Songcreator is also a sparkledog hyper fag.
Seems to be quite the fitting theme for this thread. furaffinity.net
I had the weirdest dream last night.
Tim Buckley was diagnosed with cancer. So Holla Forums decided to organize a meetup in which they'd visit his house and try to cheer him up. Only 5 Holla Forumsirgins showed up.
We all drew our own versions of "loss", wrote our names on a big "get well" card together, and fucked off.
Now I feel sorry for Buckley.
I get the feeling that would happen if he did get cancer.
well shoot I forgot to spoiler that shit.
I'd be fine with this if a decent artist did this
And if they were regular bees, too.
Kill yourself anytime.
But you have to deal with periods and other shit.
Where did I imply I would be a gross 3D whore? 2D for life.
Thats a great idea, user.
If he gets cancer, we should do this.
yeah but you get to be pregnant as well
That's pretty gay.
To be fair, if I could reduce my mind to an AI, and have it uploaded to a lolibot body (with senses because what would be the point otherwise?) I would. I'd also have other bodies, but I'd be riding the Good Ship Lolipop for a while.
It's not gay if I'm a girl.
The original is superior tbh
It's from Tobal 2
I hope you aren't talking about my post user, because they are all very straight.
I'd love to get my mind into a spaceship and explore the stars.
Thats a plus?
I will never understand trannies.
ye, thats why im not a tranny. if i could be a real woman i would, but just slicing my cock up is no go
It is when pregnancy arouses you. Or just prominent bellies.
Hey don't tie a perfectly natural pregnancy fetish in with those mentally ill degenerates.
Technically it'd be men in the bodies of girls having sex with men, if you became the little girl.
You pretentious fucking idiot
Are you serious? It looks fucking terrible. It doesn't represent anything. The guy is doing nothing. There's nothing that I can say about this painting other than that it looks like a dog turd.
It looks like the skin on my ballsack. Are you a Pollock fan or something?
Oh wow he drew pecs, good job!
Except your a man who wants to have sex with men, therefore its gay.
If I became the little girl I would be 2D, and it would all be good. Only 3D gays and women are disgusting.
2dgays are gross, too.
I think thats what real trannies want too. They just have to make do with turning their cocks inside out.
No, I want to be the little girl, not a man having sex with men.
Ok? Feel free not to become one then.
yeah fuck that, as soon as they get womb transplants working though im all in
You want to be the little girl so it would be easier for you to take dick. A man wanting to take dick is inherently gay therefore you are a faggot.
Do whatever you want, user.
I find that kind of un-nerving. if I transformed into a girl overnight I would kill myself.
oglaf is funny but the amount of gay sex in it is ridiculous. It was funny at first but if you read all the comics, there are almost no heterosexual couples and it seems like every other punchline is "LOL GAYSEX"
No, I want to be the little girl, because I want to be a little girl. Stop projecting your gay fantasies onto me, faggot. Pic related, me and my friends, when we become little girls. Except I'm not a slut, a boat nor do I have any friends.
I'm pretty sure this fine fellow thought the same thing at one point in his life.
I think I get you user.
You think your life would be better as a little girl instead of what you are now.
I'm sorry to say this, user, but that's not true.
He looks like he seen some shit.
Who is he? Someone who saw his sister die so he crossdresses to make sure she lives on somehow?
I think my life would be better if I killed myself and became 2D, being the little girl is a personal preference. Brian on the other hand, is a mutilated degenerate. Nothing even resembling a pure 2D maiden.
I think you might be on to something, user!
You should give it a try and find out.
Gotta turn 30 first, save up my wizard mana, that way the portal will be more stable and my journey more secure.
And here we arrive at the root of the problem.
You just dont want "your life".
Because following this route you would lead you to no longer have any life at all.
So really you just want death, you want an escape from your life as it currently is now.
I'll be honest, I want to do the same, but not live as a girl, but as a very effeminate male, gay too since gay men seem happier than straight men.
Impressive bro, you managed to uncover the hidden meaning I cleverly hid by stating it outright.
In 2D that isn't a worry, since there are actually females with souls, unlike the 3D world.
Maybe do something to improve your lives, rather than just throwing your hands up the in air and saying "I quit".
No, I would rather just complain about it on the internet until I die a virgin, thank you very much. And if you think that is the wrong choice perhaps you should consider checking out this site called Facebook? It might be more for your type.
Sometimes there's no difference physically. I could tie is with some subcategories of vore if I wanted.
How am i supposed to read this
With your heart.
anime is one hell of a drug.
Why are there so many degenerates in this thread ?
I'm simply not twinky enough to pull my dream off. Plus I find anal painful.
What is the alternative? Settling for 3D? Dying alone is preferable. Every man who settles for 3D is a coward. He betrays his own principle (for no man truly finds 3D pigs to be adequate mentally and personality wise, how could he?) and settles for what he finds "realistic" because he is scared. Renouncing this 3D world and it's disgusting "women" takes true courage. So rather then lecturing me, trying to drag me down in a jealous outburst, know this. If you are still pure, there is still time. Renounce the vile temptation of 3D and start on the path to reach nirvana.
Everyone dies alone.
Sure if you want to be literal.
Doesn't mean you have to live alone.
What if you're a hermit?
get out of here Jim Butcher
Did anyone else notice loss on the desk thing?
When you see them, you shouldn't tell people where they are, just that you found one.
Directed by Suda51
Would be GOTY material
Fuck those muslims, they're faggots but OUR faggots, we'll hang them, on OUR trees, in OUR white countries, with 100% American Hemp ropes!
Except for the part where he'd enjoy quantifiably more legal rights and protections, assuming he's a US citizen, as well as receiving preferential hiring by law allowing him to more easily obtain and retain employment, plus better benefits in the event he elects not to, and he can always just pump out a babbeh and have the state forcibly extract an income from the father.
So like, the opposite of what you said. I don't think this goes for trannies, though, but natural born women - way easier time in the West. I'm pretty sure it's the same in the East too, as far as being required to pull your own weight, plus the weight of your family a generation in either direction.
Brandon, JUST calm down for a minute, we are talking 2D. Don't you have a movie to make for the Poo in the loo's? You know, to make more alimony money?
Severe lead deficiency, user.
Please tell me you took female hormones and became a god tier trap.
Yeah that's degenerate as fuck but if life denied you your balls you might as well have made feminine penis lemonade.
Better post your graphs :^)
Absolutely fucking disgusting. Boys are naturally cuter than girls, no exceptions.
not sure that I wouldn't do the same thing, to be honest
I want to insert my weenus on this creature like on one of my doujins.
Riyuyu is pretty cool.
The original pic was created to complain about people who use filler words.
From the article.
I have no idea what kind of phenomenon the edited pic reminded you of, but if it was filler words, that's not autism; it's language AIDS you caught from society.
>So how do these, umm, hurt your career?
Gee whiz, it seems like the guy he's complaining about is already successful anyway. What's the point?
Good thread, lads.
Further proof that trapfags are just awful. Don't forget that they went from crossdressing to full-on tranny hormone treatment.
I just want to become the most notorious tyrant of our modern times. And then shape the world how I see fit.
Nothing grosses me out more than Asians trying to THICK. Why don't they just embrace their naturally slender bodies rather than eating themselves into a poor imitation of a Caucasian?