What went wrong? How did he go from that elegant masterpiece trilogy that wrote the book on film fantasy to

What went wrong? How did he go from that elegant masterpiece trilogy that wrote the book on film fantasy to

King Kong - trash
Lovely Bones - trash
Hobbit 1 - trash
Hobbit 2 - trash
Hobbit 3 - trash

He lost weight

Because his work is based off of other people's work.
King Kong was probably the Avatar or the Michael Bay Transformers of its time. The special effects are the only thing that makes them worth a damn.
2 movies would have sufficed. He butchered the Hobbit in particular by using CGI and shit too.

When I saw those films in theaters, The Two Towers was my favourite, and Fellowship of the Ring was my least favourite.
Now Fellowship of the Ring is my fave and the other two I haven't watched in so long I barely remember them.
His best films were Bad Taste and Dead Alive.


He started losing it at the end of lotr

Dude! Trash is how he got his start!


Braindead is one of the only zombiekinos tho

You know, I have the dvds from my brother, but I just can't sit through a LoTR marathon. The Hobbit was a cringe fest I never want to go through again.

Meet the Feebles was pretty good in that fucked up way.

LOTR is the best fantasy series ever written and everything else is shit or leftist cuck propaganda

*fiction series

He made King Kong out if self indulgence. Can't comment on lovely bones. Del Taco walking out on the Hobbit really fucked things up. You also have to realize WB (also behind the DCU) was asking for a third movie and all these other insane demands. He got fucked really good by them and just gave up trying to salvage the movies. Moral of the story is Warner Brothers have no idea how to manage movie series and you can't trust them to not fuck everything up.

No, the actual question is: will the Lord of the Rings ever be cleansed of any connection with that movie about idiots running in New Zealand grass?

Its the most basic bitch answer. Its like saying The Beetles are your favourite band.

Fuck the Beetles.

Led Zep man.

Pink Floyd > Led Zep

The Doors > Pink Floyd

King Kong is not bad trash. It's fine.
The hobbit should be placed under Del Toro's name. It's basically all his fault. Fucking spic fraud

This is disgusting trash.

White Men listen to the Beach Boys.




LotR was his swan song.
A movie series he probably had in the works for 30+ years where every scene was thought out during his debates with his movie buddies.
Basically his pet project for which he would do anything as soon as the tech became available for as little money as possible since he had constraints.

The rest are trash because of the sheer amount of CGI used and how inexperienced actors react to the green backgrounds. Yeah the actors in LotR managed it becouse they were actually good.
The play of the ones in the rest of his movies are mostly shit because the disorientation with the exception of Hobbit where some can carry their water.
I thing Viggo said it well when he labeled him as a CGI whore.


lotr had a bunch of greenscreen too, mostly in Return of the king

Outlander > LotR.

Because the LOTR movies aren't as good as you remember.

I liked his Lotrs despite many issues I have with its lack of accuracy to the books & the increase in bad CGI starting around the second one (two towers) and its very bad (compared to the first 2 films) on the last one however you will never see a better rendition of LotR from hollywood in the future (cultural marxism, forced diversity, incompetent writers/directors,etc.). As for the Hobbit, the Hobbit should have been filmed at the same time as LotR as 1 film and it would have been far better as the quality and look would be identical to the LotRs trilogy rather than the prequel cgi trilogy, "it needs women, love triangle, remember leoglas,etc. mess it turned into.

They're actually better tbh. I've rewatched the extended versions and they're amazing. Even though they pretty much take a day each to watch they never feel dull. The Two Towers is aryan kino.


Frighteners was good.

2:56 all the riders are swinging at nothing.