What did you guys think about this part of E3?
Is it wrong that I actually am looking forward to System shock 3 knowing this guy is the lead of it?
Creator of Dues ex creating System shock 3
Other urls found in this thread:
I realized this image would get posted as soon as I made the thread.
Team or no team he has made very very bad games lately.
"This guy"? He was involved in the original System Shock, it shouldn't be a surprise that he's working on it.
He's also a huge SJW and hasn't made a good game in a long time.
He wears a fag stripe and he haven't been involved in making a good game since Deus Ex. I doubt anything good will come out of his input into SS3.
You mean the Epic Mickey games? Those weren't that bad and they obviously weren't where his passion was. Besides Epic mickey and invisible war he has a great track record.
So did all the old fags who came out of the woodwork with kickstarters and ended up making shit.
His mojo is gone.
I agree, I was disagreeing with that he made very bad games lately. Epic mickey was ok tier.
Warren Spector also produced the original system shock, come on. How do you not know who he is?
I liked Invisible War, for all its shortcomings it had a good story and better gunplay than the original.
Warren Spector outed himself as SJW a few months ago, my respect for the guy is gone. The speech was okay, but I don't think he really believed what he was saying.
That sure has a lot to do with his ability to produce videogames.
It does.
If you're not paying attention and have better things to do than think about it, SJ sounds good on paper.
Motherfucker is busy.
Usually Spector's role involved keeping the team on track and preventing any kinds of burnouts, but I think they might be reaching too high.
Doing it only to look good is proof of mindless following of modern fads. Like male feminists.
You have absolutely no info to make that claim though.
Yea, I knew this guy in CS who was pretty decent in coding, but after he started getting into social justice, it's like he couldn't code for shit anymore!
I don't, you are correct. I just have a hard time accepting that otherwise intelligent people just caught retardation.
Nice strawman dipshit. Coding isn't all that's needed to make a game.
If you care about social justice you're gonna spend more time hiring a writer that makes sure not to offend anyone. That person will write worse characters since their main focus won't be their personality but their sex and race.
Soon after, instead of developing gameplay in meaningful ways, you'll have people trying to work around it to make an interactive story instead of actual gameplay.
Maybe instead of hiring actually talented people you'll decide to hire someone because they're a woman or black, even though they're really not as talented.
And from there it just gets worse and worse. Once you start off in that direction you start a spiral that you will not get out of.
You're a dumbass and should leave.
Well, when the only non-problematic language you can use is C+=, it does put a damper on things.
What made you think I was joking? I'm dead serious about what happened.
Seriously nigger?
It never does, on paper or IRL
>>>Holla Forums
Warren is a hack
If the game is actually good it will be thanks to this man.
Paul fucking Neurath, this man does both coding and game design isntead of being the poster boy idea guy.
Equality is a fine goal. Cept that's not the goal in reality
And as history has shown, an unattainable one.
If you can't except there are innate differences between people–both good and bad–due to race, culture, and even fucking genetics, you deserve to be shot for being so retarded. Not everyone was born to be a winner. Not everyone was a god's special little creature. Many people are just defective from the start, and no amount of "equality" changes that.
And in an equal world the less skilled wouldn't be accepted over the more skilled. So it would mainly be white men you're dealing with with the occasional woman or nig who is exceptional and strived to be better than 99% of their compatriots
Not true
In a world with only champs there wouldn't be any cashiers, gardeners, plumbers, etc
It might happen in a world with bots at some point in the future, but not now
Unless you want to enslave your white fellows, making white people no better than nigs or low-level chinks
Gotta get dat nostalgiabux for epic redditors like yourself, OP.
You misunderstand, in an equal society if you and a nig are competing for the same position and the nig is more qualified than you. I would not hesitate to hire him over you. Conversly if you are the obvious best candidate I'm not going to be hiring a nig for "diversity points" that is an equal society. This works at all levels be it cashier or manager. Factory worker or engineer
Well, that happens regularly actually, problem is niggers have the big misadvantage of being shit persons even when they are actually efficient in their jobs
The big "appeal" many new "geek lol" companies are doing recently is hiring based on your personality too, it might sound unequal, and somewhat it is, but it gives the edge of knowing a person might actually work better with the people inside due to his personal traits
But sometimes it's badly done, why would a janitor or a strict inspector be a ebin joke maker when his job is whipping people to stay on deadlines
It's a big mess, and many of those betas are actually people who simply dont want a savage or a shitstain that cracks jokes at fucking people over when they are actually working with other people in similar environments
Nigs are very bad at analyzing contexts
He's just supervising, not actually designing anything. Just like he always does.
Warren hasn't been involved in a good game in years, man. His talent is gone, if he ever even had it in the first place.
Well that's fine too, obviously you want someone who is the best fit for the position they are applying for. And yes we are very close to an equal society, though I think we were closing back in 2000/2001 than today with forced diversity quotas and sjws pushing for more women in everything
Not talking about that. Most people should be smothered in the fucking womb. Equality of opportunity is not the same as equality of outcome.
I agree, forcing stuff in, let's be honest, very retarded fashion actually pushed back many peopl
They might not say it publicly right now, but i bet there's plenty of future employers that are buttmad at spics and nigs being hired because of their color and actually knowing this, thus being obnoxious when doing their job too
That's the vile attitude that quote said about being defended/represented by someone who doesn't know anything about your group
Also that's the majority of communism, rich hipsters defending poor people who hate them
Everyone hates the middle class, even themselves.
Too bad he's retarded now
Ace digits nigger!
Post the tweet where he gets triggered by reading Moby Dick
Another socjus shit pusher past is irrelevant.
Like the modern churches–I don't put full blame on guys lie Spector.
It was society itself that wanted to go retarded SJW-tier and now, most people just have to conform to the herd.
He hasn't made a good game in decades
Expect universal ammo in System Shock 3 because of how retarded he actually is as a designer.
It's going to suck.
Just another senile fraud that believes in his own legend too hard, like most that end up on kickstarter. It'll probably have a "1999 mode" like bioshit or something equally insulting to everyone that isn't a journalist.
You mean this fucking retard who doesn't understand the game he helped create? I seriously doubt he had much say in the making of Thief beyond coding and some of its design, but this idiot doesn't understand WHY Thief's design was intentional.
Either he's a retard or he never played it himself.
If you actually analyse Deus ex from a design perspective you'll realize how bad Spector is at designing games.
Hell look at something like Ultima Underworld. So many useless skills, spells with no purpose whatsoever, complete nonsense design decisions like the inability to fight in water or how the game fucks you over for specializing or actually roleplaying.
In case of Deus ex, combat skills are completely unnecessary, the boss battles are absolutely retarded, the augs are mostly useless and you are always drowning in items making resource management pointless.
Meanwhile everybody has heard of the suffragettes and nobody remembers the chartists.
I've heard of the chartists, but I am Welsh.
Anyway, this jew needs to fuck off out of western civilisation just as much as the rest of them. Deus Ex may have been brilliant: doesn't change the fact that he's yet another creepy jewish exponent of destructive, cosmopolitan ideologies.
Well there are quite a few situation where killing everything is way simpler.
I'm obviously talking about non-human entities.
I guarantee you he did no coding on the game at all.
Unless he's got the same team he had with the previous games he's made, I don't care. He hasn't made a good game since Deus Ex 16 years ago either.
System shock is boring anyway
Anyone who disses invisible war have to realize that Deus Ex Human Revolution is literally Invisible War 2
Shwd mae'r gwlad Duw yn ddiweddar? Yn paratoi i adael yr UE?
Reminder that Spector doesn't like the first deus ex and thinks invisible war was the better game.
Nobody actually said Human Revolution was any good.
What a lame fucking excuse that is, also publicly outing yourself with retarded statements like that is more than just "conforming to the herd".
"This guy" hasn't relevant in decade and a half and he's a full on koolaid drinker like the rest of them.
I have no doubt in my mind that the game will be shit.
SJ doesn't have the kind of societal dominance you think it does
Sadly I don't speak Welsh, being from the southeast and not having been sent to a Welsh speaking school.
I tried to google translate your text and got:
If you're asking if Wales will vote leave; then I think the answer is 'yes' (though the champagne socialists seem utterly unaware of this fact, somehow). If you're asking me if I'm voting leave: then the answer is also 'yes'.
I mean the southeast of Wales, obviously, just in case you thought I meant the home counties.
But it never forced you into combat.
You always had the possibility of going around enemies or using your items to distract them and get a clear path.
Quit slamming your face into your keyboard.
I switched to another conference that starded before this.
Probably should have stuck to shit considering it was 1 of 2 that showed games. All the others were worthless garbage and anybody who says that Nintendo or PC wasn't the best should go back to reddit where they can talk about how great battlefield 1 will be.
Or the Suffragists who, unlike the suffragettes were not terrorists.
You have to be extremely naive and new to not have noticed that anyone turning to social justice either was already shit or goes to shit very quickly.
It's not wonder either, social justice and Marxism do not appeal to self-sufficient, mentally sound, and skilled people. On the other hand, they will appeal massively to numale developers with a massively inflated ego, huge insecurities, and no real tangible skill. What useless sack of shit is not attracted to fame and good press just because he made a character a sheboon?
epic mickey ended up badly because Disney had strict limitations on what he could do with their characters
I don't know what he expected out of that deal
XP through kills and takeouts vs finding aug canisters. I never asked for this.
you could say Warren Spector is a ghost of his former self
His twitter timeline is cancer, he supports Female Libtard Jackie Thompson, keeps giving retarded speeches about his great career and how the "ultraviolence has to stop!" so games can be a "medium of art!" and if you haven't looked at the warning signs within the last 5 years, prepare to be disappointed
He's a fucking hypocrite piece of shit.
Can we all agree that System Shock is better than any *shock game that came after it as well as any Deus Ex?
Also I'm betting SS3 will be better than any Kevin Levine installment, but not as great as the first game.
By the way, I beat the game first time playing it a couple years ago via SSP so there's no nostalgia bias.
I think he meant it as in you only ever hear about men and never women in history, and not the origin of the actual word
Yeah, you deserve the future that is coming and every shit game that precedes it.
Well he was wrong anyway. Also he hasn't made a half decent game in almost two decades.
Yeah but those are middle of the road games. He is the director and he has lost a lot of his magic. Its like Kevin Smith who hasn't made a good film in fucking years. Not the best example but you get my drift.
You know twitter is a mistake. What if this are just random thoughts he has with no real bearing on his person but because they are posted for everyone to see they get hyperbolized. Maybe he gets made fun of and call an SJW and in that moment thinks "hey maybe SJWs are right" . Twitter is just a weird ass way to communicate , especially because people use it for controversial topics when twitter was actually made for small short and direct communication.
I agree.
I like SS2, but it's my least favorite of the "big three" Honestly, I don't think it deserves to be there. Put HoMM3 or something in its place. Just by my GOG playtime; Heroes3 90 hours, Planescape 80 hours, Dude Sex 70 hours, System Shock 25 hours, SS2 21 hours. I played them all before and System Shock 2 is the only one I don't feel like replaying.
Look at the top 3 boards. Now remember that it's also summer and we've probably got a deluge of newfags thanks to E3.
It's going to be a long 3 months.
Don't feel bad. Half a day ago, we've had anons in an Elder Scrolls thread defending feudalism as a system that did nothing wrong. Dissenters were promptly sent to leftypol.
Right now we have faggots engaging in the whole U GUYS ARE JUST LIKE SJWS CUZ UR OPINIONATED AND TRIGGERED BY LEFTISM. Just look at the HG 101 thread:
I just saw the System Shock 1 credits, why isn't Doug Church in them as the director, or am i missing something.
We'll trigger them to leave or clean them up. It'll take less than a month.
I agree, System Shock feels like an adventure game rather than an RPG or in the case of System shock 2 a shooter that shoves arbitrary RPG limitations BECAUSE.
It does allow for multiple playthroughs to see things you've missed, but SS1 has that sense of adventure and progress through raw player skill and exploration which is really rewarding, plus the soundtrack, I guess I prefer SS2's soundtrack, but SS1 still has a shitload of catchy tunes, in fact, listen to the song in the video, and I dare you to guess it's influence.
What about retcons? I don't remember any.
They pull lol she's alive twice; first time because she must be the villain of the series. Second time at the end because muh franchise. Both are passable. First one is a great moment, too. But when you talk about masterpieces and best game, nitpicks like this matter.
I thought it was trash, sounded like shitty electronic music, and completely ate any atmosphere the game could have had.
You need to die
I see your point, but the thing about the SS games is that Technology is fucking KING in the SS universe, it can revive you from scratch, and in fact, now that I think about it, SS1 had more of a classic popcorn feel to the cidatel and the overall design, I mean, look at the enemies themselves, straight out of a cheesy sci fi flick, with the color palettes and the designs, and the RW-45 Ion Rifle, it looks like a freaking nerf gun, and I think it adds to the charm, and I think it was supposed to be a juxtaposition, like the game looked like it was going to be this fun ride through a cheesy sci fi setting but it became a terrying fight for survival, that's just a theory, but the jump from SS1's style to SS2 is glaring, SS2 is much more grounded to a more "serious" tone, which is fine by me, but they feel like they take place in different universes.
I thought It was catchy enough and atmospheric enough.
After listening to tunes from both they are both pretty shit in terms of building atmosphere with a few nice songs dotted around, I guess my nostalgia got the better of me.
Where the fuck am I.
cant wait for the dude sex machinima
Filter the spamming retard, and move along.
It was to announce them, not demonstrate them.
bump :)
sage :)
What the fuck are you doing
you broke this poor user OP
look at what you did
OP see what you've done you got Warren Spector here.
thank you user.
He's right though
remember user, dehumanizing the enemy is the first step to losing
SJ isn't about being equal. It's about the "progressive stack."
Equality is racist and sexist, according to SJ.
Are you a bot?
So many of them going full retard with the SJW nonsense.
I'm pretty sure he left because EA raped Spore in front of him with no remorse.
That's it, let your Autism be a drill!
A drill to pierce the spectrum!
Though perhaps not relevant anymore, Lord British also drank the kool-aid some time ago and publicly supported Anita and femfreq on twitter.
I came to this thread to ask if (215) is back
Oh I know, just recalling how that story of one of his coworkers getting the upper management to remove a religious term used in the game. I can't imagine putting all that effort into a project and something so small, so unimportant and so minuscule being changed just because someone was offended.
David Jaffe is the most baffling, does make me realize. who the fuck is paying to put him on TV over something as infantile as a tweet?
Who put that lunatic Wu in front of a camera?
Who's paying to push this bullshit?
What did I miss?
Some guy spamming the thread in an autistic rage over Deus Ex and System Shock.
Same, what the fuck happened?
No caps?
Why bother? I just filter them.
Spam happened.
Where the fuck do you think you are?
Why would someone cap that? Just a sperg believing that he was Donte.
Oh please, as if I want to see 50 posts of someone sperging out and adding literally nothing to the thread.
Usually you can point to a bunch of extremely talented people whose joint contributions ended up creating something amazing.
Steve Powers is another big name behind Deus Ex, created and designed the Hong Kong area. He works for Arkane studios now.
When cogs are missing from the wheel the end result will never satisfy.
Why can't we just let the good things die?
And Arcane is just as cucked thanks to Harvey Smith, and Dishonoreds a shit to begin with.
Fuck everything
These were Harvey's ideas. Warren had very little to do with Invisible War on a design level. Harvey pushed for Xbox as the lead, Harvey downscaled the overall idea. Whereas if it hadn't been for Warren the original Deus Ex would have been scaled down, he kept telling Harvey to stop redesigning and streamlining because Harvey kept doing it. Its well documented in their post-mortem lecture. Harvey was to blame for most of what was wrong about Invisible War. And naturally he's a shitlord that sold out to Bethesda. The only reason why Warren turned SJW is because all his former Ion Storm buddies now work for Arkane/Bethesda and all of them are SJW cucks. On top of that his Relationship with John Romero isn't helping either (as Romero is a SJW as well due to his Wife).
Obsidian had SJWs while they made great games.
I miss .plan files
That may have been because they had unsympathetic external publishers whipping them into shape. Notice that their first game with excess cancer (and the first one where the more extravagantly obeisant Sawyer demonstrated SJW homage obnoxiously enough to chase out the more restrained Avellone) was after they broke free via Kickstarter.
But we already let videogames die, Mr. Triples.
It literally does though… It means the game will have a leftist agenda shoehorned in, instead of just being entertainment for the sake of entertainment.
Go back to reddit.
There's actually people who think this?