So when'd it die, Holla Forums?

So when'd it die, Holla Forums?

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It's still pretty good.

Back to cuckchan, soyboy.

i remember complaining about the quality took a nosedive when (((conan o'brian))) started writing episodes
in comparison to season 5+ that was a golden age. but really only seasons 2 and 3 were any good

Not yet, it will only die when you stop paying attention to it. Just don't look

What happened during season 6?

DHS says that, basically, there were just really shitty boxes.

Fucking finally! Someone said it! Thank you!

Just report the thread for low effort shit.

It stopped being good around season 10 if you want to be exceedingly generous. It died and became completely unwatchable and irredeemable to most fans after the movie came out.

I have both season 5 and 6 DVD boxes and what you're saying is absolutely true. The season 5 comes in this nice box, but I have to be really careful opening the other because the disc panels almost fall out during. Not to mention you can't really put it on a shelf like a any other DVD box, game, movie and so on because the side of it is just yellow plastic–no labels or anything. Get multiple later seasons which have heads of other characters, and you just have a mess of yellow indistinguishable plastic.

Saged because this thread is lazy shit.

where's the data for 15-19 ?

The simpsons died in season 9, episode 2.

You are an idiot, conan wrote the monorail episodes, one of the best episodes of the series.



When John Swartzwelder stopped writing episodes.

When Andy Dick murdered Phil Hartman.

The Simpsons was never actually all that funny, and the negative consequences of it existing far outweigh the positive.

At this point, it has been bad longer than it's been good, and one could argue that when it was good, they went full merch blitz and sold out hard, it tarnished the earlier good seasons. Doesn't mean the good stuff stops being good, but now it's a part of history, which we look back upon sadly whenever we are forced to engaged with the present-day incarnation which is so undeniably awful.

When Phil got murdered by his shitty junkie wife.

Shit still going, try harder Andy.

Season 13's when it started the sour (I stopped watching after season 16)

Phil Hartman was the only good thing about the Simpsons.

Was this before or after Harman's death? Please don't tell me they had this cunt on after what he did to Phil.

After. He even played himself too. This is the absolute state of Nu-Simpsons

wtf was Seth's problem?

Apparently Jon Lovitz hates Andy Dick for what he did, and Andy was a cocky cunt about the incident.

Attached: lon lovitz.jpg (800x968, 107.51K)

Who? I live under a rock.

when they started with the family guy-tier shock value jokes