ITT: purchases that you regret

I should have bought a 3ds.

I'd regret buying the shitty version of the Vita, too. But I'm not stupid, so I got the good one in white.

What's wrong with the Vita 2000 besides it not having an OLED screen?

I mean, that's a huge deal already. I think it's also the one with the gross yellow tint on the screen. I'm also not a huge fan of the new buttons/sticks. I much prefer the sharper look of the old ones.

Isn't there supposed to be a Vita 3000 or something soon?

The lack of OLED is pretty much the only downside.

Advantages include vastly improved start and select buttons.

Sony's totally abandoned the Vita.

Sony dropped the Vita.

Fuck no. Sony is trying to get out of the paperweight business

I feel the opposite way. I bought a 3ds and feel like I should have gotten a Vita. Even the good games on the 3ds(A Link Between World, Mario 3D Land, etc.) are just inferior versions of Nintendo games on other systems. At least the Vita has a few interesting looking games.


I have both, you dink.

But dropping it could damage the system.

I had heard that the OLED is going to end up wearing down after a much shorter time compared to the screen on the other model.

Doesn't stop it from being true, especially now that what few exclusives it had are being ported to PC or consoles.
Keep trying to justify your purchase though. I bet you're so retarded you think ports still count as games on handhelds because of portability

Should have got a PSP.
I got a Vita expecting great things since the PSP, boy was I fucking mistaken.

I don't think so, no.

I regret buying it because it didn't get hacked.
I love my 3DS though, shit graphics and all.


I bought Titanfall at full price
worst decision

I've played a fuck ton of my PS Vita, and I don't even play any of the JRPGs or ecchi games.

And spending money on PS Home.
Just kill me.

PS Home was fun user.

At least you can pirate every single thing on the 3DS, no extra hardware required. Hell, you can pirate games directly from Nintendo's own CDN, and they can't do shit about it. It's amazing.

user, don't tempt me with that kind of comfy.


Using Steam is my biggest regret. I last logged in 6 years ago. I don't buy anything now so there's nothing to regret.

I backed the homosuck game.Kill me, fam

You might as well buy a PSP if you want to emulate.

I hate it. That said, colors are still fucking awesome.

I got Dark Souls 2 at 23 bucks.
I think I played 20 hours of it and then lost all interest.

Sony even forgot to release games for their main console until this E3

I wish i could get a refund but i bought it off Amazon. Now i'm gonna save up sone money for a New 3DS XL.

I have it the other way around.

I only play Pokemon on the 3ds

I play Atelier, Neps, Persona 4, and loads of assorted weeaboo stuff on the Vita.

It's not true though. It's getting new games every month, even if you don't count all the weeb games coming out for the ps4 that are also getting vita versions.
Keep spouting old memes though. I bet you're so retarded you think games that don't get "localized" don't count as games because you can't learn moonrunes.

As someone who owns one, you should probably get an O3DS unless you plan on being a buyfag. Besides the SNES titles, Isaac, Hyrule Warriors, and Xenoblade , there is literally little reason to get an N3DS right now when the older ones and the 2DS even is cheaper.

Thats where we have to disagree, my 3DS was collecting dust for months, I enjoy my Vita more.

But as for real purchases I regret, I regret owning a Wii U. There's only like 3 games I play on it, Bayonetta 1 and 2 and Monster Hunter 3 U. That ain't enough to justify it, especially since Nintendo didn't give a fuck about it at all.

I have one, dude. Who doesn't? Plus PPSSPP is probably the most optimized emulator that exists.


Aahhh, yes, marvelous bait.
As far as I know the 3DS only has Monster Hunter.

Both WiiU and PS4 have barely any games I own both and regret it
But every nigga I know has their vita collection dust on a shelf and is instead regularly playing MonHun/Smash/Pokemon/Zelda/Kirby/Donkey Kong e.t.c.

A CFW would revive it, but most people don't care enough about Sony to try.

More like Sony locked up the Vita way more than a 14th century girl with a chastity belt.

I regret buying my 3DS honestly. Nothing on it has been satisfying except maybe Rune Factory 4, Mmonhun, and zelda ALBW.

Animal crossing was the most bland one yet, every single zelda game on it besides ALBW was a port, mario continues to fucking suck, and the vast majority of RPG on the piece of shit are inferior ports ala conception 2 or wholly uninteresting. Considering I bought the thing(n3ds) solely for xenoblade I suppose the incredibly shitty port might be the source of a lot of my buyers remorse, but still I'm willing to bet I could emulate the fun shit I'd played on this piece of shit in a year or two without issue.

I remember seeing the tech demo for pshome it promised so much more than what we got. In the end, all we got was an interactive advertisement shilling space for movies and other media. In short, like most things: pshome a shit.

I disagree. The screens are brighter, the loading is snappier, and with CFW you can force the faster CPU frequency for older titles that might benefit from it. I even briefly considered upgrading to a N3DS, but it's slightly expensive just to upgrade. If I didn't have one to begin with, I'd definitely get the New model though.

I suppose, but while I quite like mine, I just don't see too much reason to upgrade at the current point in time. Though since you put it that way, that might be enough to justify the extra price.

I have the Quatro. No regrets. I didn't buy it. My girlfriend did.

Well, you have Death Stranding to look forward to.

Actually, I really want DQ Builders. Game looks cute as fuck and, unlike Minecraft, actually has shit to do, which means there's a reason to play it. Also NieR Automata.


hate to break it to ya, but Chrono Cross blows dick.

Same, brother bought Ps4. But I regret buying GTA V remastered, TLOU remastered since I liked the multiplayer but i ended up not even beating the story again on both.

I got a wiiU but no regrets since it came with Splatoon. Got more games for the wiiU, bay 2, 3d world, fast racing neo, smash. It's okay.

At least with the ps4 I finally got bloodbourne and I also look forward to NeIR automatic

I was about to say at least you have something with a cool OLED screen, but man the 2000 lost out on that best part. There's CFW for emulators and shit on it now, right?

No, you should have bought a PSP 3000/Go.

Vita is not gonna have a life because no major cfw is coming. Using special memory card destroy those chances.

Man fuck sony.

Ayoooo hol up, fucking CB isn't on the western PSN?. That fucking blows.

Sony is a bunch of assholes, one weekend those restrictions were lifted and you could download any psp game to the vita.

And you bet your ass they were quick to patch that one.

This, Vita memory card prices are just fucking insane.

Vita CFW is not going to happen any time soon unless we get some 3rd party memory adapter like the Pro Duo to MicroSD.

Thing is the Vita memory is just barely bigger than a micro sd.

I don't even thing it's physically possible, unless you got a smaller form factor.

Does this apply if you're not a faggot? I've been thinking about getting a PSP for homebrew – I can unlock region right?

the only thing i regret is dragon age 2. why didn't i listen to Holla Forums

They won't sell PSP'S in my country anymore. Kill me

So what is so bad about the vita 2000?

It's kind of shit.

I'm sort of regretting it.

Trying to figure out some more games to get, but I'm also playing with the idea of selling it already.

Maybe if you didn't have bad taste it wouldn't be a problem.

I should've kept my money

But why? Thats easy money.


No it gets worse, apparently that was unintentionally rerestricted, but literally not enough people own vitas for them to give a shit.

I am learning that Japanese companies abhor money.

You can play whatever the fuck you want on a PSP with CFW.

I only have Warped on my PSP right now, pic related.

You can buy 2nd hand PSP's from amazon/ebay for like $80-100.

The only factory new PSP's around are the special editions sold by scalpers at insane prices and the JP version at around $300.

I just don't get them. Either they have great pride or their heads are so far up their ass.

I donated $200 to this.

Kill yourself.

How did you think that was a good idea at all?

Why the fuck would you do that?


In my defense I did it when the idea was first introduced and Holla Forums was filled with nothing but hype threads about it. Everything seemed great and I had the disposable income for it, I didn't see any signs that it would turn into what it is now.

I tried to get my money back during that shit with Dina. My request was denied.

Maybe you should have realized Inafune had fuck all to do with megaman being good You faggot hipster.

Fucking loser.

I should have waited and bought a new 3ds xl, the circle pad pro is super gay.

literally only bought mine for Pokemon and Animal Crossing

I bought an XBOX One on release day.

I also picked up Call of Duty Ghosts along with it.

You paid an expensive price for learning your lesson. You did learn it though right, don't ever fucking do that kind of thing again. Jesus fuck please don't ever do that again. Next time you even think about doing something like that, think if renting out your asshole to strangers or selling your organs for snakeoil hype is a good idea.

my own hard learned lesson is paying full retail price for Age of Empires 2. I was young, flush with cash, and impatient. I really enjoyed the first game, the sequel must be good or better amirite. It wasn't a terrible game, but not worth full retail price at all.

Aren't there some games that only work with the circle pad pro and not the new 3ds?

I own every game that uses the circle pad pro.

Oh, and in SmileBASIC there are two configs, one for reading it as a circlepad and as a highhat.

SFxT: Collector's Edition
Ultimate MvC3
Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls - in my defense, I didn't know RoS was going to make the game worse.
Buying Brawl during a midnight release

I usually don't regret a lot of things.

I shouldn't have bought a Game Gear.
I definitely shouldn't have bought the stupid Garfield game for it. It cost like $40 back then, and it ended up being garbage.
At least now everyone can actually learn about games before buying them. I look forward to being a crotchety old man, telling young whippersnappers stories about the dark days before the internet.

Won't that melt it?

They made a peripheral that allowed you to play Master System games on the Game Gear. That was the only reason to keep a Game Gear.

Get a load of this console war faggot.

Is your pillow made out of chocolate

user are you sure you're not just actually sleeping on a bar of chocolate

Ass Creed III
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Infamous Second Son
SFV fancy edition

Garfield Caught in the act had a pretty decent pc version.

Oh wait maybe im mistaking it for another game.

Vita is my favorite current system. I can play anything for free on my 3DS, but I still only play it like 1/10 as much as Vita. You're probably just too much of a normalfag to appreciate it.

You are probably more of a normalfag than i am, main complaint i have is the lack of support from Sony and the overpriced hardware and software.

GameGear was awesome. There wasn't as many games as gameboy, but it had plenty of good ones. It was nice not having to use some retarded light to try to play in the car at night too. Plus, I could watch The Fresh Prince of Bell Air on it.

Japan Studio made a couple games and every other first party dev only makes shit anyway. The memory card prices are Sony's normal proprietary ripoff they're accustomed to. The good thing is you buy one and never have to worry about it again. Just make due until gamestop sells 16gb cards for $20 again. They do it at least once a year.

I got a New 3DS for $20 and I'm OK with it.

>mfw I NEVER EVER donated to any crowdfunding game EVER

Is this a joke? Because it's a really surreal one if it is. But I also can't believe that anyone would say this and mean it.

I bought (preordering) a vita on launch day.
Like many others, i was expecting the same support and type of games the PSP had.
When i played "Uncharted: golden abyss" i thought:
"Not bad, and this is just the beginning"
I was wrong, dead wrong, that was the beginning and the end as well.
They didn't even tried to support the thing, i remember the E3 of its launch year they already forgotten about it, basically all the first party titles were just the ones were already developed before the system even came out.
Waste of money, the only console i ever preordered.
Never again.

2012 was the only year that turd got any first part support.

just fuck my shit up fam

I bought one of these because my R button broke and I just assumed it wasn't some janky ass piece of shit that needs game-by-game compatibility.


This is all I wanted and needed from my 3DS. Played it to death, wore out the rubber from the slide pad right off. I will never regret that purchase. Rune Factory 5 when.

What I fucking regret is my Splatoon machine originally bought for XCX, SMTxFE, and Zelda. Never again.

I don't even like online multiplayer. I got it in humble bundle a long time ago before the jewish introduction of "unlock tiers" ruined humble bundle forever. In some ways it's a good thing humble bundle was ruined since stopping myself from using humble bundle also stopped me from using Steam thus I was pulled back from the brink of mindless consumerism that plagues Steam users only dipping into it once with this single impulse buy. I dodged that quagmire & returned to piracy.

fuck you Japanese Huey

Never bring that up. I remember being hyped as shit when they brought that up, along with XCX just called "X" and Windu Waka HD.

What a massive let down.


I have both and enjoy both, as a rule never buy a console before it has 5 exclusives you want released.

>Pokemon X I preordered this one

Gen 6 was so fucking bad

Gen 7 is about to get even worse

huey was a good guy

I know that. It was obvious with Junichi Masuda "we want the mobile audience" comment.

I don't understand how they did such a u-turn after how good gen 5 was



I bought a physical pc game at retail price in 2013, and an Xbone since I never played Halo or owned an Xbox before.


Metal Gear Solid V for 70 Dollarydoos on the PS3

I play my Vita all the time
EDF 2017 is bloody great

Can't find the image but it was 3DS and Vita games purchased. The 3DS side had Monster Hunter 4U filling 95% of the list and the Vita side was a mixed balance between a bunch of different IPs.

All I want is RF5 for this thing and maybe a new Tit Ninja game if it comes out on it. Other than that it's a Monhon machine.

Honestly the best part about this was the mass amounts of salt it produced and showing how easy it was for people to be swept onto a hype train of "promises". That and Call art. Hell that 3 million would have been better off making a Call doujin from the official artist.

Never have I been bored of a game so fast. Definitely buyer's remorse. Not sure if my tastes just changed or if there was something wrong with that game, because I loved the others. Didn't play long enough to figure it out.

i bought both and i regret buying the 3dshitty far more than i regret buying the vita

at least in the vita i played soul sacrifice (which sucked a bit, but the story was interesting), disgaea 3 and 4, gravity rush, Digimon cyber sleuth, and valhalla knights 3.

on the 3dshitty i played Mighty Switch Force, Fantasy Life, and Kingdom Hearts DDD, thats it, monster hunter sucks.

do i really need to know?

Basically that girl is a big time fuck up, she's also kind of a bitch but whatever.

First Game: Gets her classmates transported to a hell school where half of them die via stupid ritual, in this case she didn't know about the ritual's real effects and the bitch that gave her the information regarding the ritual was intentionally misleading her so it's not entirely her fault here.

Also the dudes that died ended up getting wiped from the memories of people who didn't survive hell school, they also get replaced but other people.

Second Game: Wants to revive friends who died, takes her friend with her and they perform a potentially deadly ritual to bring them back, ends up creating faceless abomination of friend who dies anyway, they both then get almost killed due to backfire from performing black magic and Asumi's sister sacrifices herself to save them.

Third Game: Still isn't over her friends dying and people being oblivious to this, ends up getting duped by multiple sketchy fuckers into going back to hell school where more people die instead of listening to her friend, the only good character in the cast, eventually the hell school spreads into the real world killing hundreds if not thousands of people, because Asumi played into the hands of the Villain.

When the day is saved people remember the dudes who died, Asumi and her friend get removed instead, though they are still alive, nothing really changes.

Asumi also gets infected by evil ghost child and is put into a wheel chair where she drools into a mirror all day, best boy knows where she is so I think it's safe to say he's trying to care for her.

Granted I forget a lot of Blood Drive's story because it was shit, I think it's stated at one point that the Villian would've sent the Hell School shit into the real world eventually anyway but Asumi sped it up considerably, the villain died shortly after anyway, so It probably wouldn't have happened?

She did enough for me to hate her in the first game, with her wetting her pants over the generic pussy-ass MC while being a bitch and causing trouble to one of the only likable characters out of the main cast.

Worst purchase in years.

Fuck, the clouds skip ahead a few frames. I suck at animation.

i'd kill myself if i were you

I'm already dead.

Dubs confirmed it.

You gave $130 to jewthesda to encourage them to continue molesting the corpses of id's IPs. Fuck you.

okay faggot
What good non weeb games does the vita have, and what good non-weeb games are coming out?
Indie unity "artistic" cancer need not apply.
Only game I can think of is that Killzone game, maybe LBP and Uncharted as well.

I only have 2 games on my 3DS, Monster Hunter and Animal Crossing, I have over 300 in AC and a bit over 100 in MH.
Better then some 2 hour long weebshit on Vita.

Is there a 3DS piracy thread up? I need the info and I wanna start pirating shit. Still at 10.3 I think.

Biosuck Infinite season pass years ago.

Well, at least you contributed OC to the board. Good job. Have a (You).

Vita has no games besides shit you have to import, which is a fuckton of money to put towards a handheld when I can play everything BUT vita games on my phone for free. It's good for Metal Gear though, which is the only reason I have it. The 3DS on the other hand I hated from day one simply due to the amount of bland childrens games they have for it. Pokemon is shit too. I traded in the 3DS a month after I had it, and burned the screen with a lighter to the point that it would be unnoticeable to the cashier checking it, but very obvious to anyone playing it longer than five mins.

Also: the PS4. I'm trading that bitch in tomorrow and rebuying it when it costs like, $100 and has more games. Literally just a dwindling investment in the current state it's in.

I've only imported 2 games, and I have 16 physical titles. 45 dollars isn't that bad of a price to pay for an import.

I don't see how this makes sense. You're going to get less money for trading it in than you'll spend on another one. Just stow it away somewhere.

When will people learn to stop supporting shitstation products? You're enabling the company that is responsible for the shitty state of the industry.



Are they really worth the amount you paid for them though? I they really worth the damn vita?
For a handheld? It is. I better be getting a damn blowjob for money like that, hardly any PC games worth that much.

That's IF it actually has games. I want the most money for trading it in atm. If it doesn't have any games then I'm not rebuying it.It's just currently taking up space and collecting dust.

I mean, on average I've spent about 40 bucks per Vita purchase(including the handheld and memory cards). I calculated that a year or so ago, so it might be off now. That's not a bad price, since I enjoy the games, and used games tend to be cheap. I return to a few quite often, so I'd say it was worth it to me.

Again, I enjoy them, and they require no setup to play, so I have no complaints.

So like me with the Wii U, then. Fair enough. Sold mine and didn't look back.

If you have fuckton of money to burn which I did by importing around +45 games and 15 VNs, mostly used goods then yeah the Vita has a good amount of titles, assuming you know japanese too. But yeah dont bother with it otherwise, as the you'll find better libraries with the PSP and DS.


After playing Risk of Rain and Odin Sphere on my bed, I can say that you're fucking retarded.

I have a Vita and a New 3DS. I love playing SNES CV, Smash, Kid Icarus and some GBA injects on my 3DS, but I also live playing on my Vita. having Risk of Rain, Odin's Sphere, Muramasa, Dragon's Crown, loads of PSP/PS1 games with better screen and controls and waiting for Bloodstained and Shantae Half Genie Hero already make this console worth it.

Your money, not mine. I'd rather just cut my losses and play ISOs I can slap on my PSP. I don't think I'm missing out on much by keeping the vita as a Metal Gear console.

Your line of reasoning is retarded. As long as it works, whether it has a botnet or not is irrelevant. The gov can see whatever you're doing whenever you want, if they wanted to fuck you up, they could. Accept that fact now instead of being an asshat that avoids conveinience because he thinks that's the only way the gov/companies can get to him/make money off of him.

You also bought a damn vita, so I don't know how you can talk to me about autistic botnets and whatnot.

I dont use PSN on the vita which pretty much limits the functions (no possibility to archive saves and screenshots not until a proper cfw is released)

oh excuse me, you don't have PSN so that means they TOTALLY can't get anything out of you

I'm actually kind of jealous, actually believing what you wrote must be a bliss

I suppose Sony could get my position when I download the updates/patches but that's pretty low compared to your botnet shitphone

I bought Azura's Wrath, Kane and Lynch 2 and Duke Nukem Forever. Not at full price, but still.

You're telling me you're posting on here with the most locked down linux system behind x amount of proxies? Nah mate, you're getting fucked regardless.

Well, of course. That really wasn't the point of my response. I just disagreed with the "nothing besides imports" statement you made. That's blatantly false.

Don't worry user, I bet he has an antivirus or something :·(

You mean the same game i played on my 360 back in 2007?.


You faggot.

Didn't that have a glitch that corrupted save files or something?
Or was that Virtues Last Reward?
Either way, did they ever fix it?

one is all you need, after that it's just redundant, so you're pretty much on equal level to me
Well gee, I can use a GPS, listen to music, watch anything I want, use the internet, play vidya, text, email, pretty much everything a PC can do with about the same level of power as an average prebuilt. If anything, I can hardly name something it CAN'T do, really.
Uh, yeah. I mean I'm not gonna be able to play anything insane but if I feel the need to somehow play an RPG or a VN I can slap it on and go to town on to the go.


I should have just bought another PSP.

So you keep a million expensive separate devices laying around just to keep the government from doing what it's already doing? You're an intelligent human being.

PSPs are bulky as fuck. They're only good for the physical buttons.

>Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Ye X and 4 ultimate tops it but it counts
>Paper Mario Color Splash…Shit game, thu

And probably some I forgot to mention. I mean, I know that the Wii U is fucking terrible spec wise and its a gimmicky piece of shit, but the games justifies owning one, unless you really hate Nintendo's first party games.

Also, to stay on topic, I just want to say that I should grab a Vita soon since I know moonrunes. Gyakuten Saiban 5 and 6 are getting me occupied though.

Physical buttons are important for any game.
I'd buy a controller for my phone but I don't know what to get.
Any suggestions if you happen to know these things?

That's what I'm saying, there are no controller alternatives for phone because allegedly they waste battery among other things. I bought a PSP-1000 to play any games I need physical buttons for. Though I have yet to use it.

keep being a faggot

Consider suicide

At least I got it with a gift card, I guess.


I have both a PSP and an Android device, the PSP is better tbh.

What the hell are you on about? The only games I DO play on the phone are emulated in one way or another. Where did you get your info from?


PSP is better for low end emulation and obviously PSP games. That's it.

Gothic 3

I actually like my PSP more than emulating it on a phone, just like you. But that doesn't make playing your games on 720p on an Android device a bad choice.



Vitas are quite cheap, and you can get a brand new 2DS ready for CFW and a 32GB MicroSD for 90 USD, you have no excuse user.


I have an old samsung phone which I barely use, a vita and a kindle both of which I nearly always have with me. You have a funny definition of a million, user.

We're talking about being able to do anything on the go, and the fact that botnets are on anything.

Sony filed a patent for a Vita with click able analog sticks back in January but nothing has been announced.


You avoided the Pandora scam, though, so it was a good choice. Might want to save for a Pyra now or a GPD Win


Where the fuck do you live mongoloid.

No John, you're the mongoloids

Dark Souls 3. I expected a new game with half-decent PvP, and instead I got half of Dark Souls copy-pasted for no fucking reason and a bunch of players sliding in T pose.

I'm so fucking sorry


Alt-tabbing or removing focus from the game at all is what causes the sliding.

I bought Quake: The Offering when it was on sale on GOG, forgetting that the money went straight to Todd
"Fleetwood" Howard And then found the original DOS CD at my local charity thrift shop the next week
I also bought a shitty Chinese capture card that takes 10 minutes of fiddling around with to get it to start recording, and more to get it to record in interlaced 60fps. And then I bought a PCI Soundblaster (actually a rebranded card from another company) so I could use a FreeDOS USB stick for DOS games, only to find that the DOS drivers were not only shit in general but don't support a modern motherboard, and especially not a modern AMD motherboard. Next time I'll do more research than "does it exist"

This, too.