Other urls found in this thread:
How about we dont give these faggots attention?
It's archived, stupid.
So just bitch about it on Holla Forums, where only other Holla Forumsirgins who share the same opinion can see it and contribute to the bitching? Yeah, real productive.
I don't see you doing anything better homo
So scoot
Those images are fucking cancer.
Kill yourself.
Who even appoints these cunts to be offended on my behalf, even when I'm not actually offended by anything?
If they want video games to change they need to grow some balls and outright say they do not like that video games do not pander to them or make their own games and keep bathing in their own shit.
its archived. no clicks no revenue. stop bitching about bitching.
It is current year after all
yeah guys I like playing video games too
i'm glad I get to talk about all of the video games I play with you guys
this is definitely about playing video games
I found the toxic white oppressor!!! ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
>not a LOL thread
Why don't you take this to Holla Forums if anything?
I want to give evil dogger some kibbles and go adventuring to hell.
Looking through it, it does eventually talk about videogames, but instead of OP talking about how it all relates, he left it blank, so still fuck him.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
Every time.
Every single fucking time.
At this point we should just search for subcategories of Jews instead.
it mentions games in the pic post retard
The lack of self awareness of this people is off the charts.
Speaking as a Holla Forumsmrade, I don't really give a shit.
Yeah, it's amusing that they're getting suckered into believing an obvious sales gimmick, but seriously, what the fuck are they gonna do? Comics are a complete shit-hole that employs Kate Leth. There's really nothing they can do to make it worse than it currently is.
Just more fresh meat to laugh at as they die in the wasteland, I guess.
user, one would hope that by now you'd have learned never to say never.
Yeah. Once in the title. As clickbait. If you go around sharing that article because it mentions videogames in its title, archive or no archive, then congratulations, you got yourself caught.
SJW pls
I like you dogger, you can stay around here.
Just admit it, your thread sucks. Instead of trying to deflect all criticism like a failed game dev, learn your lesson the next time you decide to make a new thread.
Subject, not title. My bad.
Nigga, your whining is even faggier than OP's. Maybe these webcomics are more your taste, champ.
Considering I just want the fucking thing to burn already, the worse thing they can possibly do is increase comic sales to turn around the recent shit-fest they've gotten themselves into. This scenario from sjws is highly unlikely. Our current comic sales data show that "sjw friendly" books don't sell, and taking into account that sjws are crazy, the odds of them saving the comics market are very, very low.
So, with that in mind, they'll probably just flail around, bitch and moan, and then either flee or die when they realize they've just stepped into a shit-hole.
Oh my fuck this is gold
But the powers that be don't care comics sell like shit. They've proven time and again that pushing their propaganda trumps profit any day of the week.
It won't burn down because Disney and WB don't want it to burn down. If they were in it for the money they'd have already strung up all of Marvel and DC's leadership from trees and put people in charge that know how to make money.
They don't even KNOW they still print comics. Disney hated print
I've heard of OP sucking cock, but I've never seen someone suck OP's cock this hard.
Nah. They just don't give a shit about the actual dead tree comics. The money is in the movies and merchandising. They basically keep publishing them because it would hurt public perception of the brands if they didn't. Normalfags may not read the Avengers comics but they expect them to be made. It is a write off for the purpose of keeping the brand strong and healthy in the public eye. The suits don't know and could care less what the idiots at "The House of Ideas" do.
Ey bud, I'm just trying to entertain your ungrateful ass since you seem to dislike the topic of this thread.
They don't need to know what the fuck Marvel does (albeit they do), all they need to look at is the quarterly reports and ask where the fuck their shekels are.
I keep hearing this idiocy time and again. Disney and WB care about brands. Disney especially cares a lot about its public image.
If it wasn't for agenda pushing do you think they'd let SJW shit get published? It's clearly politically motivated, because if they didn't give a fuck about comics they'd just give an order to make shit as bland as possible, like a GI Joe cartoon, in order not to offend anyone.
Do I want to know?
Why do they look like anthromorphic racoons with potatoes for noses?
post porn of Erin
Are you implying we don't go out into various other social media sites and call this sort of thinking out when we see it?
He was a double agent for hydra the whole time or something stupid like that
Marvel also claims that Captain America has been dropping hints about such for years.
I believe one such hint was Thor's father being racist. Captain America would not have been able to pick up Thor's hammer unless the hammer was already racist.
They care about the movies and the merchandising, nothing else. No one reads the goddamn comics. How is their public image of the brand hurt when the average consumer they actually give a fuck about has never read a comic? They don't read the books, enthusiast websites or any of the shit that would tell them about what faggotry is occurring. The only thing that hurts the brand is if the books stop being published. Normalfags will care about that and that will shake public confidence in the IP's. It is a small write off for the execs. Comics will never make any significant profit again. They weren't earning even when the books weren't pozzed to hell and back. They hire the cheapest artists and writers they can to minimize the inevitable profit loss and let them do whatever the fuck they want. No one gives a shit about the comics. Least of all the suits.
Go away evil dogger.
Little Timmy watches the Avengers movie, little Timmy wants more Avengers, little Timmy buys an Avenger's comic, little Timmy is met with shit like this.
Are you going to keep saying that when movies, TV shows and games (if they haven't already) get to where comics are?
Because we are getting there. Are you still denying that the Jews in charge aren't pushing a political agenda?
Little Timmy doesn't read comics. He watches the movies, cartoons, and buys the merch and vidya. Which, amazingly enough, has only the barest hint of the bullshit you just posted. Why? Because that shit is what they do care about. Comics are fucking dead as disco my man. No one cares except for middle aged comic grognards and twitter warriors. They have use as a part of the public perception of the IP's. Normalfags expect them to be printed. That is as far as they care.They will be continued to be printed as long as that need is necessary. When the capeshit movie bubble finally pops and the merch isn't flying off the shelves then the execs will take a hard look at whether they want to keep printing new runs at a loss or just start reissuing old runs instead. I expect they will keep a few of the big names going and cull the rest until they think the public will be ready for a new round of movies.
Fair enough, but why did you ignore the second part? They're doing the same exact shit with games, movies, TV shows et al. And those aren't "dead as disco".
Are you saying there is no agenda at play?
There are fucking decades of non pozzed storylines to be mined for movie, cartoon and game fodder. They haven't even scratched the surface yet. The comic writers and artists they pay peanuts to have SJW agendas. Only a fool would deny that. The suits have shekel agendas. There is a subtle but very appreciable difference there. When the movies have Whor and Hydra Cap then you will be correct in your theory.
Story Time
I'm not talking about comic book inspired spinoffs specifically, but the whole of entertainment in general.
This people should take lessons from their own sermons.
I suspect they put far too much stock in social media bullshit and think they are getting in front of the next wave of public entertainment trends with a lot of their bullshit like the trannies and such. Once they figure out that even self loathing white normalfags, niggers, and spics have no desire to consume that shit even if they hate whitey it will taper off. As far as the racial aspect, they have the demographics and are laying the groundwork for whites being a minority in the west anyway. That is why you see shit like we wuz kangz Lancelot. They will take some heat now in order to build goodwill with the upcoming majority of mindless consumers.
What now though, user?
I like how there's even doublethink in the headline.
Go away evil dogger
This is genuinely enthralling.
Though to be fair, I've not read many comics that go meta.
Oh wait, it's satire.
Did anyone at Holla Forums send this to Willis? Or are they leaving him unaware of the switch?
Considering the state of things it's not really any different from the real deal.
No its reel
Hahahahaha what the fuck, these retards will never get "memes"
If there's some agenda keeping comics afloat they sure have picked a shit medium to do it in. The books are $4 a pop with shit art and writing, and to top it all off, the entire fucking thing has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. I mean, you're talking about an industry that has to seriously consider heart disease when it's projecting it's yearly profits.
For a medium that was founded, promoted, and staffed by Jews, I'd have expected comics to be doing way better financially if it was an instrument of Zionist domination.
I'd have to check, but many of our bullies are blocked and our esteemed editfag retired due to poor health.
They were jew nerds.
Well we just finished the edits for the switch not an hour ago, but I think it'll be funny to see his reaction now that he can't do anything about it. I was considering posting this on the half thread unless that would be a problem…
Huh. I take it he's reform rather than orthodox.
The Jews fear Asuka.
>[material] has an established premise for over 40 years
We could've listened to Ford and Patton.
Thanks m8
Stop being a retarded cuck and realize what people are trying to do to your hobby and the industry behind it
Since the OP made such a shitty thread, I'll add onto his pic and say that the attempt to drive white/male/hetero/asian creators and games out of the industry is a deliberate attempt to subvert the market and stamp out the dominant forces in the industry.
They are literally out to take your games away, and if they can't do it directly, they'll push for diversity so that so that people who aren't qualified to work in a company take the seat of someone who would've fulfilled the job better while being any of the aforementioned categories
Reminder that the Twine Revolution was instrumental in revving up the push for the democratization of video game production, enforcement of diversity and inclusion, and the push for more non-games that tell personal stories and narrative instead of being fun and mechanically engaging
And if you don't believe they're literal commies
Just fucking read that, written by one of the people behind the Twine Revolution.
These people hate the industry, the dominant demographic that produces and consumes them, and hate the patterned outcomes of the free market that renders their projects worthless and inferior (because they are)
get out of here dogger
What's going on? I've seen these comics before, but what is this switch you guys are talking about?
It's a bit of a tale, but let me try and give you the story:
I hope they memed carefully. God help us if they didn't.
It went off surprisingly well since the start.
Starving someone of attention doesn't work when they're not just an attention whore.
That's pretty badass. So Mary is free from her libral hell?
A version of her, it sounds like.
This sounds right up tumblr's alley of taking headcanons too seriously though, however unlike them, something is being created from it instead of demanding the original be destroyed.
go away evil dogger
These people are just blatantly making shit up to "oppress" them at this point.
Video games, comics, and every other media they claim is problematic and been bending over and taking in the ass for these people for years while demonizing straight white men and blatantly telling us how unwelcome we are in the hobbies we made big.
Naw, people are just mocking how shitty comic books are since SJWs took over.
go away evil dogger
Because Nick Fury is fucking actually black.