Why do people in general keep repeating this stupid lie?

The literal science that supposedly proves the statement "there are more differences between inviduals in a race than there are between individuals of different races" literally proves the exact opposite. Adding to the fact that if you admit races exist then a subset can not possibly have more differences within it than the differences between all other subsets of a whole set. What the fuck is wrong with people that gobble up bluepills without question?

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It's convoluted logic, but I suppose what they are saying is that the maximum radius of divergence from the proto-nigger is larger than the comparative one amongst whites. You can visualize this as 2d disks.

Yet, and as you correctly surmized, if we accept the obvious fact that not all europeans are niggers (the European disk isn't wholly contained in the nigger disk), then there must exist a distance between some European and some nigger that is larger than the largest distance between any two niggers (the maximum radius), using whatever metric these faggots define for comparison.

Ay lad but why do people accept this bullshit without question?

Because it's much easier to claim moral highground by taking a non-stance. They argue for cases where they have no personal or mental investment, such as who should go to college or who should get a job as "professional running man". Not who should drill your teeth or operate in your brain.
It's hidden behind a sense of righteousness where acknowledging any difference apart from supposedly physical ones is going down the slope of inevitable slavery.

Because they're trained to accept without question in modern education.

There's far too much scientific knowledge out there for even intelligent people to come through and comprehend it all, let alone for your average scientifically/numerically illiterte normalfaggot, so they rely on repeating what other's have told them since there isn't enough time in their lives to check every fact they hear. This is pretty basic stuff but the example you've brought up is interesting for a few reasons: The logic behind the statement is falicious anyway, for example there's more variation in traits between men and other men than there are between men and women, but that sure as hell doesn't mean that men are women. The fallacy arises from people not understanding how bell curves and statistical distributions work, they hear a catchy one liner that seems to solve an ethical dilemma and assume it's valid because it sounds good. The other reason why it's interesting is because of what I just mentioned, the differences between races is an ethical dilemma to most people, why should we treat niggers as equals if they are not equal to us? And if they are different from us, how much of a difference? If the difference is genetic then are they even the same species as us? All these questions are easy to answer for us who understand race realism, but joe normalfag would rather memory hole the entire thing with a thout terminating sentence.

This degenerate is one of the biggest proponents of this marxist ideology plaguing our universities. Big fucking surprise he's a kike.

You can find more about the origins of this fucked up ideology here:

Because it works. Anyone with a basic understanding of population genetics can tell you why exactly why the statement "most genetic variation is within races" is both technically true and extremely misleading (if you look at single alleles in isolation, most of the variation can be said to be within-race. The issue is that differences in single alleles correlate with each other, leading to large phenotypic differences between populations and letting you determine race genetically by looking at multiple alleles at once). Normal people don't know any of this shit and don't assume that someone claiming to be a scientist is trying to bamboozle them.

Some portion of them want to believe it already, others just don't understand the science behind it and automatically defer to the (((experts))).

And from the wikipedia article above, in which reads like a yiddish phonebook, here is the statement in question. Thank UNESCO.

The 1951 revised statement stated that Homo sapiens is one species. "The concept of race is unanimously regarded by anthropologists as a classificatory device providing a zoological frame within which the various groups of mankind may be arranged and by means of which studies of evolutionary processes can be facilitated. In its anthropological sense, the word ‘race’ should be reserved for groups of mankind possessing well-developed and primarily heritable physical differences from other groups." These differences have been caused in part by partial isolation preventing intermingling, geography an important explanation for the major races, often cultural for the minor races. National, religious, geographical, linguistic and cultural groups do not necessarily coincide with racial groups.

Most anthropologists have classified humans into three large groups. Such a classification does not depend on any single physical character such as skin color. There is considerable overlap. With respect to most, if not all, measurable characters, the differences among individuals belonging to the same race are greater than the differences that occur between the observed averages for two or more races within the same major group.

Most anthropologists do not include mental characteristics in their classification of human races. "When intelligence tests, even non-verbal, are made on a group of non-literate people, their scores are usually lower than those of more civilised people." However, overall, available scientific knowledge provides no basis for believing that the groups of mankind differ in their innate capacity for intellectual and emotional development.

There is no evidence for the existence of so-called "pure races" and no scientific justification exists for discouraging reproduction between persons of different races.
And from thence it began, the fall of Western civilization.

The "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" shit, which amounts to just science as religion, combined with subversion of the sciences, esp. life sciences, has led to widespread scientific illiteracy coupled with absolute faith in science as suits progressive doctrine.
This combination is dangerous, in that people are blindly believing of 'science', holding supposed scientific principles as concrete fact in the same way most religions do certain pieces of dogma, while not personally having any conceptual understanding thereof - which means whoever someone holds forth as 'science' becomes akin to a prophet. Then all you have to do is employ progressive doctrine buzzwords - ie racist, sexist, etc - to discredit those scientists who actually espouse science in a true sense of the word - constant searching for truth, as opposed to nigh-spiritual belief in established principles -and you've made yourself a fanatical religious order.

This is the other hurdle we have to face, upon learning that niggers are not even genetically human (the genetic distance between us and them is larger than the distance between many other separate species of animals), the natural response is digust and a deep desire to remove them. Normalfags instinctively know this but the system or morality imposed on them by kikes makes them feel terrible whenever they start to connect the dots, so they use fallacious but correct-sounding logic to avoid realizing that everything they know about right and wrong is a jewish lie.

shit's confusing, half people are below average iq and most people aren't even aware or have been well-trained to barf that slogan whenever the topic arises.

so simplify it with an image or an analogy, op

All the funnier is that the first and second statement are, at least partially, exclusive. So what if there are no "pure" races? The races that come into existence exist with certain traits due to their adapations. Each of these is best suited for their climate/location. It just so happens, however, that the European adaptation requiring thinking in the long run can be used to replace anything the adapations, say, an African might have developed by use of technology. Regardless of superiority/inferiority, purity/impurity, we have different adapations, mixing them will dilute each of ours. It just so happens that ours (those of European descent) is superior due to its ability to replace all other adapations of the other groups due to its development of technology.

A fun trick: Try replacing that rhetoric with something akin to "Is it moral to treat niggers"…

It's Jew speak, because variation between individuals can be so great they're implying that the differences between races make up a smaller portion of DNA that individual differences. Thing is, it still simply proves that there is physical DNA that separates the races and unless one race mixes they will never have the genes from another race.

Also, the amount of DNA doesn't matter, what matters is the variations specific sequences of DNA can cause, so what if we have a greater amount of varied DNA that seems to not code for anything, the important part is the DNA sequences that do code for differences.

The same Jew logic can be applied to humans and chimps.

The line between species is determined by reproductive incompatibility, not a pure measurement of genetic distance. Niggers are the same species. Abos might not be, though–white/Abo mixes seem to be much rarer than expected, even taking into account how ugly and stupid Abos are (American niggers have about 20% white DNA on average, but their African ancestors were almost as ugly as Abos and not much smarter).

You know Holla Forums is a special place when you see topological proofs to dispel Jewish lies.

There are mutually exclusive statements, the former directly contradicts the later, goddamn kikes pissing in my face and telling me it's rain. Even if we accept the argument that "IQ only measures aptitude to do well in a western society" then it's still an incredibly meaningful metric, because it shows that niggers are incapable of coexisting with us, the only sensible options are removal or pest control.

And even accepting that we share a lot of genes with niggers and the other races, so that we're not technically pure in the sense that there's no overlapping alleles (though this is a dumb distinction to make anyway since all DNA life on earth is similar to some degree), it doesn't chage the fact that the differences that do exist are the cause of the incomprehensibly large difference in th ability of whites to create technology and maintain societies, and niggers complete inability to do anything other than chimp put. I hate that they manipulate people's poor understanding of mathematics, even if the genetic distance were only 0.000001%, that minute difference has to be the reason why we're humans and they're violent genetic failures, that miniscule precentage is the most important part of our DNA.

This is debatable, as there are multiple animals that can reproduce across species lines.

There's a lot of different metrics to measure genetic distances, and I believe it's the FST measure between Europeans and Africans is larger than the same measurement applied to closely related but seperate species of birds and dogs. The source for this is in one of the Holla Forums genetics inforgraphs, but those are always really hard to read so I never save them. Point is, it's obvious that we should at least be considered seperate subspecies, and absoloutely should not be considered equals. Calling us one-race-the-human-race is a purely political classification that has no basis in biology, but i'm preaching to the choir.

This part is gold too.

> UNESCO would start a campaign to spread the results of the report to a "vast public" such as by publishing pamphlets. It described Brazil as having an "exemplary situation" regarding race relations and that research should be undertaken in order to understand the causes of this "harmony".

Hahahah, yeah the harmony of being the murder capital of the world. What an exemplary situation indeed.

There are issues with the definition of species, sure, but I don't see much reason to go against the most basic definition here.

We agree there. Dogs are all considered the same species, but there are clear breed differences. No one would say a German Shepherd and a Chihuahua are interchangeable.

Also since nobody has done it, I'm checking all these digits.

That's a laugh, it's just like the socialists singing praises about Venezuala only to memory hole the entire country once the famines start.

Embed related

I missed this but succinctly put. The sheer amount of DNA has absolutely no importance in comparison to the specific DNA that creates the innate variations or differences. Again, it's like people saying we're the same as chimps because our DNA is comparatively similar rather than different. Just because our DNA is 95% similar does not make us chimps, nor make chimps human. I would argue that easiest way to shut this argument down is to use the human-chimp comparison to explain why the differences in DNA are what matters, however minuscule, not the amount shared.

You'll find that most of the things we neeed to redpill people on are just misunderstandings about numbers because most people can't into maths.
There's a reason why mathematics education is so bad, and maths is always shat on by our jewish culture, it's to prevent people from realizing that nothing adds up anymore.

Just wait, the kids coming up on the common core curriculum are going to be a real treat. Unless you can find a good charter school, there is no other option besides homeschooling your children. There's no reason for a white child to learn at the same pace as a nigger.

Indeed. Students used to learn calculus in high school and some even middle school (there are early schooling textbooks showing this), now most college students are still trying to wrap their heads around algebra.

Oh yeah, and statistics is completely elective and never a part of compulsory education.

Meanwhile Russian students start analysis in their first year. Now granted this is more like an advanced calculus course than something like Rudin, but it's not like they're having to teach them the concept of a derivative in a university.

To be fair, linear algebra would be a better fit than calculus for students both conceptually as an extension of the algebra they already know, and practically as problem solving technique (and you can even introduce derivatives in terms of linear operators later on). But at this point Calculus is more important as an intellectual challenge for young whites, if you can understand the history of problems and solutions leading up to the development of calculus, and then understand the proofs, methods, and applications of calculus, then you're well aquainted with some of the white race's finest men and finest creations.

Funny you mention the Russians, because one of the best books I've ever read on introductory complex analysis was by Markushevich in 1982. The soviet union was a better educator than modern day western high schools, ridiculous.

Just took a look through the table of contents, that does look quite nice. The Russians have a good talent for exposition, I have quite a few Russian math books on my self.

wew nice oc, saved

This is a reflection of the state of the public school system. The last 30 years of reform have been to lower the quality of education so that niggers could keep up. And they keep repackaging the same shit over and over but wonder why the US is continually sliding in world education standards.

My Calc 1 and 2 teacher at my university was Russian. He was obviously brilliant but didn't relate very well with the students. He did a pretty good job, I suppose. His tests were really difficult, though.

because they want to believe it

It's based on single trait variances. If you take any single marker, chances are that the spread between maximum and minimum in every population will overlap with other populations. The second ypu start taking more than one variable and plot something like relarve frequencies of markersn, however, blobs start appearong.

The simple statement "more differences inside than between" is complete butchery of logic. If it was true, then random white families ould be having nigger amd arab babies every so often and vice versa, yet that NEVER occurs.

/r/ing more redpills on race

This is a great, I like it.

http:// www.humanbiologicaldiversity .com/