Bomberman genre

What went wrong?

Why is there no bomberman-esque games anymore these days? The whole genre seemed to have died completely.

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Had it been still alive, it would have been raped to hell and back.

The SNES one was perfect, all that came after were paler and paler shadows.

Konami's acquisition of Hudson Soft may be to blame.
As for clones, Detonate on Sound was neat.

Oh, and to murricans, Custom Battler Bomberman was appearently never released in your territory?
Go hunt down a rom, its decent

if Bomberman was still around they'd turn it into a moba.

The same could be said for many franchises to be honest.

Bomberman 64 was the tightest shit, get out of my face.

it's not interesting in any way

I Love the shit out of SNES Bombermans as a kid, They were fucking perfection and the only thing that made me want to get a multi controller tap. I played the NES ones all the time too, and they were good but the SNES ones were perfect.
Years later, now I am heavy into collecting, I cant find the SNES ones worth a damn and if I did they are insanely overpriced. I found an N64 one I never played for like 10$ and thought what the hell.
Come home, boot it up, and it plays weird as shit. The basic premise is still there (for multiplayer) but its been shifted to all hell.
I find another N64 one, shit plays even MORE differently.
God Dammit I just want some classic bombermans to play with my buddies.

konami bought out hudson soft and is probably using the IPs for mobile games and pachinko machines.

donno why no ones made any clones but bomberman's gameplay is pretty iconic and simple and it may draw the ire of konami if one were to make a clone and sell it.

I saw a popular assfaggots bomberman mod not too long ago.

What, is there actually a market for this stuff? I might be in the wrong business.

I saw a while back that Nintendo bought a konami's ip that was actually one of the hudson's ips, could they do the same for bomberman?

You must be talking about Bomberman 64 and Bomberman Hero, respectively.

64 was amazing

Act Zero is actually pretty fun. Past the edgy redesign, the gameplay is still regular Bomberman (unless you're playing the FPB mode).

TG 16 versions are the best and exactly what I think of when someone says Bomberman.

Which SNES one? There were like 3 of them.

Meant for>>9749668

I need to get some sleep.

I dont doubt if 64 was good or not. Singleplayer seems pretty nice.
I do doubt, however, its ability to satisfy my need for a good bomerman couch multiplayer.
Shit played weird as fuck when I tried it with my buds. I wouldn't call it bad, but it was far from the ideal bomberman multiplayer.

Ill still probably play through he singleplayer eventually, I mean I do have the cart I may as well play it.

Because videogames are dying.

Instead of mourning their passing, let's post good Bomberman clones that were made in the past.

64 Second Attack is much closer to classic Bomberman. Bomb explosions are in the traditional plus shape.

Saturn Bomberman was 10 players and online before online gaming was a thing on console.

Holy shit i've had this on my genesis.

You ever wonder what would happen if Devil May Cry and Bomberman were fused into one game? Here you go.

Anyone here want the Sound Version I ripped?

Very rare.

Yeah sure.

If it had a community like Quake 3, this game would have been awesome. I still love this game.

Is it any good?

what if
there was a hentai version of bomberman?

I would be super OK with that.

Then you'd have an accurate "Syrian" "Refugee" simulator

Is there any Bomberman clone on PC.

Saturn Bomberman best

There's apparently a Touhou one.

Bomber Man might offend Muslims anyway

I still think Bomberman Quest & Bomberman Tournament were the best two cuz I liked them being action-adventures. I thought Bomberman 64 was decent until I unlocked the white/rainbow palace or whatever it was called as it just plainly shat on the experience with its infuriating bomb jumping segments.

There's a Touhou one called Bomb Meirin.

There's a hentai one called BomberParadise.

instead of defeat by being bombed, an array of perverse traps like tentacles, slimes, and obligatory maze character, the roaming minotaur that will catch and rape you

Anyone here play the wiiware title? It had some pretty cool features and game modes.

Fund it!.

this happened


How can you make them not exact clones?

HDremaster of Bomerman? I'ts better of playing the original since I can see no way to improve it.

Mario Party was trash long before Hudson ever went away.

Because konami owns it and will sue your dick off if you try to make one.

Like that other user said, Mario Party started sucking around MP5. Also, a lot of Hudson developers are working at ND Cube for Nintendo still.

I played the hell out of it. Good shit.

The DSi one was pretty good too, when I didn't get violated by nips.

not much art is there

There's 爆東方幻想郷 Detonate on Sound. It's a Touhou fangame in the style of Bomberman.


There were five, not all were released everywhere.

Maybe the TurboGrafx Bomberman games on Wii VC? I'm not sure if those have multiplayer.

Yeah, as soon as they took Donkey Kong away, they went downhill. 5-7 were ok, 8 had waggle shit, and 9,10, and Island Tour all did that retarded car thing. DS was good, though.

out of the way, pinnacle of bomberman coming through

The TG version supports up to 5 players.

Pic related.

Though due to the Wii only supporting 4 Wiimotes you won't be able to play with 5 players on VC.

rip Hudson.

Stupid redesign aside, the game was pretty much the same gameplay.

The 64 titles were fun as fuck. All three of them. Also reminder, Konami cancelled a 3ds Bomberman.

Also this

That's not true. I did 5-player all the time. You have to do at least one gamecube controller, though.

What are you fags crying about? All the Bomberman games are still here to be played.

I cant wait for those kikes to suffer a horrible bankruptcy due to pachinko laws.

fuck, there weren't enough platforman bombermans before the series died