Has this man really been releasing daily arguments every day for the past 10 years of his life...

Has this man really been releasing daily arguments every day for the past 10 years of his life? is there anyone more committed to philosophy and the Art of the Argument than sir Stefan Molyneux?


His next thumbnail should be him making the concerned emoji face.

except your post literally isn't an argument

Yes and they are almost without exception devoid of substance and often betray the infantile grasp of the profession he claims to be an expert in.

t. had no argument

not an argument

I find it hilarious how he desparately tries to defend career paths like philosophy and other equally useless liberal arts while at the same time being a youtube e-begger who asks for donations constantly because he wasted his education and couldn't get a real job.
t. Engineer


I listened to some of his old stuff and it's amazing how woke he's become compared to being the most basic bitch lolbertarian he was before
truly an evolution


A real job is producing something of value, such as engineering products necessary for every day life, making food which is necessary for every day life, etc. Some autist ranting about his world view isn't a product or service of value to every day life.

t. Cuckitalist

No niggerspeak.

That is actually literally what communists preach.

t. small brained nigga

The problems we face are not based in food availability or shitty technology that you likely produce and you act like that's an important thing. You go ahead and do whatever it is you think is so valuable while the adults in the room talk. I mean how stupid do you need to be to act like your dumb job is worth anything on an ethical level? Unless you're killing people for a living or seriously researching energy production your job meaningless, and the fact that you think you're so important for falling for riding the normie convener belt and picking up all these dumb ideas along the way is one of the major problems people like Stefan talk about. I don't even follow Stefan or even like him but he's doing something important.

get fucked, homie

Because airplanes, energy, and the computers you use are useless? The entire functioning infastructure of the country is based off of products engineers create, even moreso in the modern age where we have a high reliance on electricity for everything we use. You get to have your meaningless talks thanks to the adults working to make sure the lights stay on.

Guys let's just buy into Molyneux's cult and act like it's totally normal

yep, that's why i'm proud to be donating to his patreon

Listen guy, YOU do not keep the lights on. The lights are not going anywhere. This is even more retarded than some Army scrub talking about "defending" the country. This self importance you feel is entirely contrived and keeps you from thinking about shit that actually matters.



And how do you think we got to the point where we can comfortably make time to have arguments with each other? The infrastructure comes first, maslow's pyramid.

Listening to a Jew! More like Stefan MolyJew.


nod an argumend tbh famalam :DDD

No, a healthy society comes first. One that functions well enough to allow infrastructure to even be built. Infrastructure doesn't come from nowhere. I bet you're the kind of idiot who thinks the internet is an example of the glorious free market when it was in fact a creation of people looking forward and caring about more than stacking rocks. You are a cog in a machine and you've convinced yourself that you're the machine.




I wish I had the energy Stefan has to spend hours tearing apart dumb bullshit like this but I don't. Keep being a tool, faggot.

There is no fool like the engineer drone.

Tools are actually useful, and you've convinced yourself that being a coat of aesthetic paint brings functionality to the product. Keep enjoying a blissfully ignorant life of being able to safely argue the merits of your useless liberal arts thanks to the engineered products providing for constant basic needs.

hmm, it's almost like you're a moron parroting what i'm saying because you don't have an argument


The difference is that a society can continue functioning without your "contributions". I'd like to see the same without electricity and food be done.




You can lead a horse to water but you can't make a STEM autist actually think.

Engineering is the only one of value, scientists are useless idea guys who aren't actually creating relevant products for human use. Scientists are meme tier shit like NASA being a jobs program or Bill Nye and magic nigger.

You can lead a nigger to the job fair, but you can't make him fill out the application.

It actually can't. You have no idea how fragile all this is. You're two weeks away from starvation on a good day, and it isn't you stopping that either.

It's very similar to the attitude dumb people in the military develop. They get a taste of validation and then they roll with it for the rest of their lives.

Have to be over 18 to post here kid.

Good to know you're conceding that the basic needs like food are the first most important thing of value before you can start wasting time philosophizing.

Holy Fuck.
Where do you think the engineering principles come from? Back to bed kid you drunk.

I should have clarified that. Modern scientists are nothing but meme tier atheist virtue signalling cultists.

I don't think they even have souls at this point.

No i'm saying that turning the crank is not the be all end all like you pretend it is. When a hurricane hits and everything falls apart people wait for help. They don't start stacking rocks because why the fuck would they? Why do you do your job? You ever think about that? Do you ever think about why any of this shit exists at all? Why Colorado has ski resorts and in Africa they're making pies out of bugs? No, because you're incapable of abstracting beyond your own asshole.

And yet you're at the mercy of the expectation that the man turning the crank will continue to do it so you can keep enjoying an easy life. Get a job and move out of your moms basement, lad.

He is a sofist, Socrates would laugh at him

I have a job. I'm just not so deluded as to act like my job is my life or matters on some existential level. Or that anybody is at the "mercy" of my existence.

That's literally your entire life. You exist to pursue contentment, that's all you do. You're real proud of being told that your position means something and so you live off that high and suck dick and watch Netflix or whatever you do. You are a tool, and that's not a compliment. You exist you be a rigid object that does shit for other people and are proud of it like a retard with a crayon.

No, I exist to provide for my need to not starve to death so I can keep living until I die of old age if lucky. Luxuries and shitty entertainment like netflix and television are a waste of money and time and completely unneeded to live.

got into him around august 2016 due to Trump

he's good, repetitious sometimes but defintiely good and glad he's doing what he's doing

fantasy land, that's what you live in


really makes ya think

really fires the neurons

What does this even mean? Do you understand what you just wrote? Yeah, that guy works his ass off and is still capable of thinking, unlike you. Who does whatever bullshit from 9-5 and then beats off for the rest of the day





Not an argument



All of these fags are just leeches who attached themselves to right wing people just to make money out of them.

Molenu cant argue for shit, he can fucking shout at his opponents so they stop making a point, pretend to be unable to understand simplest concepts so opponents will waste time trying to explain it to him If he is so smart why cant he understand simplest concepts, he only make wide assumptions without providing any real substance. Like "how do you make you bullshit utopia? - we all must work together for the betterment of all people! - But how exactly this is gonna work? - I am working all day and all night on this! You do not provide any clear answers, cant you answer? - oh we got a big boy here! who the fuck are you? I was a philosopher for 30 years! I know what I am talking about!"

The only book he can write is the art of modern demagogue. He does it all. Or how to run a cult.


There's a lot more money is spouting basic bitch libertarian shit like he was doing until very recently when he alienated the majority of his audience by getting into race realism and such topics. Same with Cantwell. Obviously you don't know the history here.

Funny you say these things one after the other. What he's doing is challenging the premises, the assumptions, people have because the root of the problem is usually very base. When your entire worldview is flawed obviously your conclusions are going to be flawed and that's mostly what Stefan talks about from what i've seen. It's why it takes him hours to tackle a topic, he's deconstructing it completely.

big if true

small if true

truth has no physical form

pls donate to me but more than a dollar because that's not cool tbh

I will donate my hard earned wisdom. get a real job hippie

Hippie would imply he's lazy and lives off the government when in fact he's very hard working and simply makes a passive voluntary income from making content and distributing it for free rather than charging access to it. "Hippie" is more like getting offended at the idea that "free" shit actually costs money to produce.

Well I'm sure a fair bit of government grants are wasted as you say but there is still real science going on and you can never know where the next finding will come from.
Reminds me of a Fox segment where they were chuckling at a biologist researching duck breeding and their weird corkscrew dicks totally oblivious that many engineering principles have been found in nature.

Oh please. The second the trump campaign got going, it was clear a new gravy train had arrived, and moly just hopped on it like every other basic bitch looking for a quick buck.