OP got so fanny flustered over a minor derailment(?) he deleted the Kirby thread


Anyways, can we agree that the game was average at best?

It had some high points, it had some low points, but it was really difficult to enjoy when the levels were so numerous and linear, and secrets consisted of "take this ability and go into this door and get the hidden item"

I collected all the cubes, and didn't feel like looking for the stickers. KSSU is still top tier imo. The last boss was fun, though.


Other urls found in this thread:


I like having NOVA have an explanation that doesn't really explain shit.

Shame, but I tried to be civil. Didn't even tell them to fuck off.

I've played the demo at GameStop and loved it, but I feel like the suit doesn't have enough it can do on its own, which is kind of disappointing after how much they hyped it up as the selling for this game.

*selling point

This game is really making me want to get a 3DS.

Look at it this way: For each power, the suit has two different, additional abilities to use.

The only problem is that not every ability works in the suit, and they more or less force when abilities you have access to at any given time. Expect Rock the most, because it can push blocks.

Suit can do more on its own than animal buddies in Dream Land 3 could

Also that wasn't any small derailment

Best animal buddy?

Yeah, but with the promises of something like a mech suit, it'd be nice to rocket punch and pile drive shit. I found some of the suit copy abilities to be disappointing as well, but this is just my impression from the demo. I was especially disappointed when I didn't even get the boss fight they showed for the debut. You'd think that might help seal the deal with the potential for bosses.


+the suit and the powers it DOES have are satisfying to control
+good balance of in-suit segments and out-suit segments
+actually have a reason to hunt the collectables
+really varied atmospheres within worlds (moreso than any other game in the franchise I'd wager)

-the suit powers are way less versatile than Kirby
-the in-suit puzzles are built specifically for one powerup making replaying levels feel really repetitious
-the lack of difficulty kills the buzz of the suit
-worlds have way too few levels

Best suit power is Fire, best Kirby power is ESP

Fucking pleb

either the cat or the owl

Rick a shit

They have more actual good games than any shit current generation console you were suckered into buying.

how does this game run on the old 3ds? I'm tempted to get it but hyrule warriors has me nervous.

fuck you, rick is great

Nago is for faggots

butter smooth

best power is poison

I want to do lewd things with Susie.

Only stutters or framerate slows are pretty rare, nigh-unnoticeable and only present during mech segments since it probably doesn't handle persistent effects well or something, New 3DS has no benefit

I'll fukkin fite u m8

don't we all

Fuck you SiIvaGunner for deleting that video, now I can't link it here.

Been out of the loop, is it a proper kirby game?

or is it another "Kirby game with random gimmick that has little to nothing to do with the basic kirby formula and will only be used for that one game, and never again."

It's Kirby, mech's basically a resurgence of animal buddies from Dream Land 3, mech itself is probably only going to be used for Robobot unless they surprise us in a future game

Given the evolution of ultra-powerful abilities since Return to Dream Land with its 10+ second animation Ultra abilities all the way to a mech they might be inching their way towards applying DL3's animal buddies to the Super Star formula

What video?

It's overwhelmingly average.
It's not bad, it's not amazing. Worth a borrow or buy

There was a bait-and-switch rip of that very game in the OP that redirected to footage of a harlequin baby. Underage and redditors got triggered over it and the channel was "obliged" to take it down and make an apology video. The comments are actually praising that act of weakness, it's fucking cringeworthy.

A what now?

Harlequin ichthyosis.

Fucking really?
Reminds me of a time I got banned from a Garry's Mod anime themed theater server when I brought up one of Triple Q's 9/11 joke video's.

Forgot pic.


Pretty nightmarish skin deformity that basically fucks skin up so badly it develops as armor plates

This is why I stopped watching once Shitaku made an article about it in the last channel, sad how fast it can degrade.

I want Kirby Robobot 2.

Where the final boss is a corrupted Cortana, you fight along-side a Steve Jobs Chibi looking guy, similar to susie, then it turns out Cortana was only infected with a virus and the Steve Jobs looking guy is the real bad guy, you helped destroy her, and now you must bring down the true evil from take over the computing world


Harlequin fetus's eyes look so delicious. They make me hungry for raspberry jam every time I see them.

This shouldn't fucking exist.


How is he back to silvagunner again? I thought that was suspended years ago.

I want to hold Susie by the hand


Are you talking about the Nova thread?
Mark is the one who deleted it for no reason.

I deleted it because there were already a few kirby threads in the catalog. No reason to be reductant.

Didn't the game basically pull a TTGL at the end? how do you fuck up that badly?


WORST POWER: Lightning

fuck me daddy

only if you're a grill


It's hardly redundant if they're discussing different things.
There were ones discussing robobot I bet, but that one was discussing lore of the games in general.You had no reason to delete it.

The add, you better go delete the Air Ride Modoki thread too if you're going to go by that.

remote control thunder pigeon was fun as fuck

oh, well then my apologies. I thought it was a thread like this.

Susie's a corporate spy.

Yeah, like the fact that Nova did nothing wrong.

Unfortunately, he became corrupt enough to want to destroy pop star and everything around it.

I believe the "puzzles" this time around were weak. You weren't punished at all for not having the right ability, which could'be been a clue on the previous screen. I remember running into two cutting ability mobs at the same time, and thought I should pick one up for a potential puzzle on the next screen. Nope! Gotta get handheld to even do the puzzle.

The lore was bretty güd for RtD-era Kirbos, and the cameos weren't that outta place.



this game is great, so god damn satisfying destroying everything in a mech suit.

Cutter is best

Is there a link to the boss bios anywhere? I never paused during their fights and didn't know they displayed info until a friend told me

Just finished everything but the true arena. I really enjoyed it, even though it was as easy usual. I have to say that the final boss did Star Fox better than the latest Star Fox. I hope they keep the Robobot armor in future games and maybe even give Dedede and Meta Knight their own mechas.

The Kirby game I really want to see is a sequel to Air Ride, though.

Cutter, Fire, and Spark best Robo-powers.

Sword is still my favourite for on foot because i'm boring, but Carnival and Archer are pretty neat. They even made Mirror fun.

It shouldn't.

It's a horrible birth defect.

Susie's a robot copy of a dead girl

Why does Kirby have so many cute girls? Adeline a best

A few slowdowns with the 3D off. Game's pretty clearly made with N3DS in mind.

Seconding this. I want to see why NOVA's there.

I think the official bio during one of the fights states Susie got lost and damaged and had to be rebooted with a fresh install. She is actually Haltmann's daughter and has essentially amnesia about that.

Why does his bio say "he just wants to see his daughter again?" Were they referencing how she isn't really his daughter anymore? Besides, he doesn't seem to be a roobit, so why is she?

Apparently Haltmann doesn't recognize her, since she was a child when she was lost. Don't ask me how it works if she's a robot.

why is true arena such bullshit?

I've made it to the last boss twice now. takes 30 minutes each time

Admittedly the first 3 forms of the final boss are such damage sponges, at least the amazing music makes it bearable.

Nobody loves you.

This thing will never find happiness, never find love, and will live an extremely depressed life. If I were its parent, I would put it out of its misery because I would want my offspring's experience here on Earth to be a good one.
The only benefit I see from this is the potential breeding of super soldiers with hardened skin.

who can barely move or pull the trigger? gg, retard.