Has anyone heard about a Boondocks revival? The Facebook page hasn't posted anything in 4 years...

Has anyone heard about a Boondocks revival? The Facebook page hasn't posted anything in 4 years, and they suddenly post Riley and Huey in a new style.

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I'll only watch if Aaron is back on board. The last season was terrible without him.


Go home CK.

Boondocks is a nigger show just as DBZ is a nigger show

That is the dumbest thing I have ever read on Holla Forums, and I always read the Night of the Were-Eds every year.

Night of the Were-Ed is pure kino though.

You're not on Holla Forums


a-am I in Hell, user?

Christ no

And they bring back Ed the Third, Gin Rummy, Thugnificent, etc.


Please just let it stay dead. I'm so sick of the monkey's paw.

it never made sense for boondocks to have such quality animation anyway

Do niggers actually like the Boondocks? I thought the fanbase was mainly white Americans laughing at how goofy niggers are.

god damn i fucking hate niggers

To answer your first question I'll address the latter part. The first season of boondocks WAS meant for an intelligent audience, white americans caught on and enjoyed it because of how it distinguished niggers from black people. The 2nd season wasn't created by the original creator(iirc) and was basically set up as a show for black people. (the same ones that never watched the first season). It didn't make anyone happy. I might be miss-remembering some of this stuff, maybe there were some good episodes in the last season made.
this new stuff looks like tumblr drew it. I can only assume it's going to be another souless cashgrab attempt.

Hey Holla Forums

Aaron McGruder was the show runner for the first three seasons. He was then fired and the fourth season was directed by Angela Nissel, and it is widely considered the worst season. Also, The Boondocks is/was very popular with black viewers; it was even nominated for awards by the NAACP.

I used to talk to some alright nignogs about the show back with season 1.

His post is in context with his image you retarded faggot.
You killed the board, you can fucking leave now gooncuck.

Why'd they fire him again?

I don't believe the reason has ever been publicly stated. But it's easy enough to assume that McGruder was either too difficult or controversial to work with. Or maybe it was just bad scheduling, after 4 years.

I'm willing to take this entirely at face value. McGruder never shied away from inserting his own politics and opinions into his work.

Aaron is a massive nerd. He probably demanded top quality visuals for the show.
Back when it was a newspaper serial he spent like 3 weeks bashing The Phantom Menace and Brokeback Mountain. There were also a few odd Sunday strips knocking the newspaper puzzles it shared space with.

But how did a dinky little-know political strip get high quality anime animation for four fucking seasons while other actions cartoons last half as long?

That explains the godawful granddad gigolo episode.

Charlie Murphy is dead

I thought boondocks had a lot of hype around it before landing the show. Like, I remember pieces being ran about how it surpassed Peanuts for being the most popular strip a few years before the show. My guess is McGruder had enough competing offers to give him enough bargaining power to demand so much of AS.

I know he had some beef with the BET and Reginald Hudlin.

That's true. It rapidly became hated in conservative circles yet beloved in liberal circles for it's edgyness and overcoming of censorship. Sometimes the plotlines were deliberatly made to offend. For example, there was a story arc where they investigate 9/11 and Hewey reports Ronald Regan to the FBI and CIA as the perpetrator. It reached its peak popularity just before the tv show came out. Now people don't even remember it was a comic strip beforehand.

I never heard jack shit about it. Caught little glimpses in commercials and never got the impression it had anything other than a niche audience. I didn't even think it was on air as long as it was.

It'll just be loaded with current year complaining about Trump. Don't bother.

I was talking about the popularity of the comic strip before the show. Of course you could have the most popular comic strip in the country and still never been heard of because of how many people had already given up reading newspapers over 10 years ago. Regarding the show, my guess is that it probably never got more than a few million viewers.

Ruined my day.

What newspaper would publish subversive political shit like that?
We never had anything but peanuts and garfield in our newspaper strips.


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Oh, great, he's started drinking the kool-aid.

nah user, he's saying with all the SJW bullshit going around and how unbelievably insane politics are right now, it'd be real hard to even attempt reviving the show without the sjw crowd jumping him for "racial insensitivity towards blacks" or accusing him of being "a racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, bigoted piece of human garbage" like they do with everyone else that uses the type of humor that The Boondocks does.

So… it's a video game?

If it's not the comic or cartoon I don't give two shits about it,

It's a mobile game.


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Here I thought we were going to get a San Andreas with boondocks characters. Instead all we're going to get is some stupid bullshit with microtransactions so Aaron can continue to rape the IP. Was season 4 not enough for him to realize people were unhappy with how CN was exploiting the brand? What a fucking jew.

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this could lead to some more loli jazmine art

Read the thread, dumbass. McGruder was not involved with season 4.

No fucking shit he wasn't, if you read my post, you'd understand what I meant. CN raped the IP to hell with that season, cashing in on it's lasting popularity with a shitty mobile game won't make it better. I'll give you a (you) if you're this retarded and want to play this shitpile.

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The sheer fact that McGruder is not pitching another season of the show is proof enough that the show itself was bad. That does not mean the IP has been ruined, you cock-gobbling merchant.
Oh wait, you're retarded. I'll leave you be.

It says in the post he can't make another season due to licensing. Jesus christ, do you have the reading comprehension of a retard? I can't believe some nigger online is doubling down on some shitty android game. If Aaron isn't paying you in pennies, then I'll pay (you)
user, do you have aspergers? Do you think that when someone makes fun of you they're laughing with you, and not at you? Get that checked out bud. Sage for off topic.

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Stop projecting user, just because you can't understand simple written text doesn't mean the rest of us are disabled. Go back and read what I wrote, very carefully.

You sure are butthurt over a simple mistake you made. Are you feeling ok, user? Anything you want to talk about?

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