Know "that guy"

Why does 'that guy' always treat piracy/buying games as a stark black and white?

Other urls found in this thread:

Welcome to Holla Forums where Piracy doesn't effect sales but obviously the normalfags are to blame for your favorite niche game not getting a sequel

"i made a copy, n-nothing was stolen, it harms nobody!"


If you don't support something, you are not entitled to complain when it fails. It's like whining about a politician not getting enough votes when you couldn't get off your ass to vote.

yet 'that guy' i know does AND thinks hes a "content moderator weeding the weak from the chaff"

See you say that, but every time some highly adored game here gets a PC release after being trapped on a console for so long there are invariably tons of anons that upload the game to mega or link to

and then a month later when it turns out it didn't sell well these same people come out scratching their heads as to why it sold like shit and why it'll likely be a while off before we get something like it again, if anything.

Nice strawman!

Nobody thinks they're saving gaming by pirating games. There are legitimate arguments against piracy, go find someone intelligent and have them share them with you so you don't sound like an imbecile.

Why don't you just let it go?

It's just an absurdity platform.

Simply turn a position black and white because then you can easily justify your position because the very nature of what you have set up is fake.

There are moral grey areas and contributing factors that are built into the law. Killing in self defense or stealing food to feed your family are two classic examples. The world is about nuance or at least acknowledging the situation around an act as much as the act itself.

It's a tactic used because anybody that wants to talk about an issue has to address those things and by setting up a debate with true/false is basically the intellectual equivalent of someone ignoring every bit of evidence for evolution and then claiming 'bible!'

Sorry i forgot to add a trigger warning for autism. I'm sorry this doesnt boost your hero narrative.

You… haven't been on Holla Forums long.

I bet you think pre-orders are helpful too.

He's not implying that every pirate thinks like "that guy" you stupid, illiterate nigger, he's talking about a individual who thinks that way.

No real person does, but we're on the internet, nobody here is a real person.

See? black and white with these people. Can't defend it because on some level they know its retarded and so they just try and go "no, u!" instead.

I knew someone like that once. I told him "you're not allowed to complain about that when you didn't buy it yourself". Any protest he makes gives a repeated answer that if he wanted it to thrive then he would have bought it. When/if he gives a flimsy excuse not to buy it then you simply state "too bad you couldn't buy it since that resulted in it not existing anymore" or if he says his sale wouldn't have mattered then just say "I guess other people thought that too, you need to be the change you want to see".

Give them these three answers. When/if they're still complaining at that point all you can do is shrug and say "oh well, not my fault it happened". The next time they say the same thing you just repeat the beginning.

Pirates are one of the most effective sources of word of mouth and is essentially advertising, if they don't talk about it a game will die much faster. Pirates are also one of the groups that pays the most because a little less then half to a third will pay for things after they pirate while the rest would have never bought it anyways.


So how many anti-piracy shill IDs are going to show up ITT, Holla Forums?
Place your bets & don't forget to sage.

Wow, struck a nerve.

Not an argument.

Speaking of spinning narratives, you can stop pretending this is a real thing. I've been here longer than you, I can promise you. Not that it matters.

Good point.

Hi (215)!

Why do people keep posting this weaboo nigger?

I just want to Clarify though, I'm not trying to be "holier than thou" here, I pirate too, and if I like a game, or series and want to see it thrive instead of shrivel, I'd gladly pay for it instead

And if a game like Senran Kagura or Dragon's Dogma is getting a PC release, you can bet your ass I'm gunna buy it, because its not often we get PC ports that good, much less for games that were console exclusives for the longest times, so thats why anons who pirate shit like that and then complain about no sequel to Dragon's Dogma or poor sales for Senran Kagura are completely baffling to me, because they seem to have a complete disconnect between their actions and the actual figures behind these sales

First part is true, Piracy WILL get your game's name out there, Doom would not have been nearly as successful if people didn't pass it around en masse

The second part is utter bullshit though, lets end this "Pirates tottaly buy every game after they play it" meme, no, fuck you, nobody who pirates does this, if you have to choose between free stuff and not free stuff you're going to pick free stuff, don't lie to yourself.

Sage for double-reply, but I also missed the part where I implied that everyone thought that way.

You really are illiterate, or dyslexic.

When you post

After all that talk of piracy, it reads as if you are saying he is responsible for the game selling poorly.


t. Neopiratefag

Woolie is the closest thing to an anthropomorphic representation of full/v/ as you can get.

There are already plenty of games to play and other things to do.

If you really have nothing else I guess that works, but I'll stop wasting my time. You're either trolling or exhibiting cognitive dissonance.


You want to talk about narratives? How about even having to pay for a game at all being DRM? How about this idea that Gabe has a big red button in his office and he's going to press it and oh no, valve's gonna take yer games away!

I literally cannot stand most pirates, because 90% just want free shit but pretend it's some sort of crusade.

I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

You want to tell me you've never seen a pirate like this guy on Holla Forums?

I don't care one way or the other about piracy but don't lie to yourself.

go back to cuckchan

Whats wrong with pirate breasts jiggling freely on the sea?

little column /a/, little column Holla Forums

Wow, what a hypocrite. You brought it up, big guy. As for the other stuff, I don't know why you're waving it at me, I never said any of those things. I came here to dispute one stupid comment, I never said piracy is good or that pirates aren't self-righteous hypocrites as well. Just that behaving the same way isn't constructive, and the narrative the OP was spinning is not real.

They need to keep boosting their narrative to keep their safe spaces intact from wrongthink.

I always pirate because games on steam are often very overpriced.
$15 for nidhogg? $35 for Dayz?
good joke

You're fucking braind dead if you think piracy had anything to do with it.

The fucking game came out on console and did way better than capcom expected it too and the 300k sales it got for the PC for a 4 year old console port is a massive gain considering anyone remotely interested in the game already played it to death on the consoles and never mind all the bad fucking reviews it go thanks to your favorite youtubers. Capcom had it in for that game before it's release for the consoles, they expected it to tank so that's why they forced the devs to cut content and release early and then proceeded to try to kill the game by making a mobile version and an MMO.

Quit talking out of you fucking ass if you don't know anything, I dont know much about senrans since I never owned a handheld or played weeb cocktease games.


And again while we're talking about narratives-

Literally nobody ever said that.

People have been locked out of games they paid for before, it's not a fantasy. It's reasonable to be worried about something like that.

If you think what you see on the internet is indicative of real life then you are completely delusional and detached from reality.

What the fuck are you talking about? at least go to /scurv/ or the share thread and provide proof that pirates act this way.

Name games that sold badly but were good.

We're fans of >>>/scurv/ here.


Full Holla Forums becoming half Holla Forums is the result of bumping trash threads like this.

console ports to pc are usually one of three things

there's other reasons why games do poorly then fucking pirates and no one ever says otherwise

I'm not a nigger faggot.


You raise a valid point. The only thing that comes to mind is an indieshit platform called Wings of Vi, and I don't think it sold terribly, just not well.

AAA shit will always sell well no matter how terrible it is because normalfags eat that shit up, meaning smaller, forgettable titles and companies will sell far fewer copies, pirates or no.

it's almost as if marketing has something to do with how well a video game sells or something huh

You really think someone would just tell lies on the internet like this?

But what about games like Just Cause 3 which had DRM but still got shitty sales?
What about games with no DRM and still got amazing sales?
Does piracy really effect the industry so much as to cause games to get cancelled?

This may shock you blackbeard kun, but maybe its not a stark black and white scenario and you should judge by developers and ips separately?

Fucking CRAZY i know.

Isn't piracy directly proportional to marketing? As in, if the marketing budget is huge (AAA), more piracy will definitely hurt the sales, but if it's low it can actually help marketing the game?

I dunno, I just pirate cause I'm a poorfag, I'd buy stuff I like if I could

Fuck 'em, off to the high seas I go.

Most people who regularly play and pirate games do spend money on games, pirating is more like testing the game out before deciding whether to purchase it. Its like going to a library and loaning a book. And when you find that really damn good book that you love, you want to support the author and buy the book and merchandise as bonus.

Those who pirate absolutely everything are not audience for anybody so everyone should just ignore anything they say about any game. But then, people who pirate everything and dont pay a single dime for games tend to be part of the casual crowd, they're extremely rare with more veteran gamers.

Do we live in the end of the computer age yet?

People like OP have been claiming piracy is harmful for years, even though there's no evidence to prove that.

That's just being willfully ignorant, user.

y-you just wait and see

videogame market crash soon and it's gonna be all your fault too because you didn't buy one copy for every computer you used , everything else was like going in sotre , taking the disc and walking out the door :^)

well tbh, after the pirate copy of DD got leaked, preorders jumped

aaaaand we're through the looking glass, people.

Nice blog. You might as well take it up with him instead of Holla Forums.


Shills are getting more subtle.

If you exclusively pirate games, you're dumb
If you buy all games before you play them, you're retarded
The only sane choice is to pirate games first, then pay full price for the ones you like




The only reason to pirate is because they are not releasing demos anymore.


>paying full price for any game

Only an absolute moron pays money for things you can get for free without risk. Even niggers are smart enough to grasp that concept.

kek stfu

nobody does this, it's illogical. If you have the full product, you won't delete it to buy the steam version. I have either pirated or brought from cdkeys every game i have played this year. Just say you wanted free shit.

I don't know that guy, but sounds like he's one cool dude.

Shitposting is a fun activity for the whole family, and I heartily encourage everyone to shitpost at least once a day to encourage good health.

If you're not going to pay full price, don't buy it at all, stick to piracy.
If you buy something at fraction price, it's purely money for the distributor, with no cut for the developer or inclination to invest in them further.

If pirating didn't exist I still wouldn't buy games.

Then you're an illiterate dumb shit if that's how you read it.

Unless the failure was inevitable. Likewise, with your politician analogy, if you're given two choices that don't benefit you, I wouldn't think it too far out of the question to complain about the end result.

OP, those are freeloaders. They weren't going to buy anything to begin with and are using that "little guy" excuse to justify the fact that they're freeloading.

There's a handful of other reasons. Abandonware, for example.


I do it all the time, I want free shit but if I like something I have an itch to give them my money anyways and keep the paid product sitting on a disposable drive somewhere cause it's DRM or some virus designed to fuck me regardless of if I was a legitimate buyer or not.

About a third to less then half (depending on what products you include to measure the total amount) can and do give money to support developers that they like however this is mutually exclusive to pirating and if that seems contradictory to you then that's because pirates don't intend to pirate and then give money retroactively thinking like this is a mistake it's an after thought and there isn't long term thinking involved it's just "this dev makes shit I like and I feel like giving him my money".

So your bright idea is to buy it, financially supporting and enabling that practice, and then break the exact same laws anyway?

See your first mistake was listening to a retard

See above

Usually games that partake in those practices aren't worth a damn anyways

And game devs have been doing anti-piracy measures since what the 70s-80s? It's a practice that will never die.

Usually, yes, but his post freely admits that there are exceptions (i.e. everything on Steam)

DRM and anti-piracy measures are not equivalent things, despite what the misleading acronym, pressure from publishers, and affirmation by Kotaku and friends would have you believe.

Is GoG drm?

Money is DRM.

Living is drm



I don't have a picture smug enough.

It's drm

No more than Best Buy is.


We don't know about the clothing, though. We still haven't come to the point where a lot of people post selfies.



Not really, nah.

This is a true statement you fucking copyright shill.

Get the fuck out.



Sure they do. Obviously not everybody, but a large chunk will buy a good game after pirating it.

The key there is that it has to be a good game worth spending money on to support the developers, so AAA bullshit that sells on hype alone is going to have a lot less pirates buying the game afterwards.

This thread makes me sad, not because OP is wrong but because so many people can't understand that it's in their best interests to buy games they like.

I'll just pick another hobby once video games die. It's no big deal.

No it seems pretty straightforward that's what you're implying.

I'd just stop playing them first. Have before, would again. And there are virtually no games you can purchase without funding cancer or your own destruction outside of 2hu.

I don't fund the MPAA by buying movie tickets either. Giving shekels to people who point guns at your head is for pathetic, disarmed goyim.

Like true cancer

Pirating means you get all the advantages of digital without any of the drawbacks as a consumer.

Pushing this whole "customers don't have standards and are scum" thing isn't going to help people buy more, all it does is increase resentment for an industry being run into the ground by kikes and numales.

I honestly don't remember when was the last time I played a game, and thought that I wouldn't have regretted paying for it. Even if I paid $1 instead of the outrageous sums people ask.

It's been a long, long time since I last paid for a game and didn't regret it either.

These days games are so shit even the effort of pirating them is too much.

Last game I [TRIGGER WARNING] pirated was Rome 2. Had okay graphics, but runs like shit and battles are laggy as fuck. The long ass loading times make it unplayable. At some point I turned on Nightmare mode out of curiosity and, when it turned out to be utter shit I couldn't turn it back off, it basically ruined my campaign. At this point I don't even feel like playing it.

Had I bought this piece of shit, I would have had buyer's remorse like crazy, both because of being a gullible faggot who wasted his money on a shit game and for supporting the jewery of the dev. And that's not even mentioning the DLC.

Show me a developer that's not a faggot, doesn't overprice his games, releases full games and not incomplete alphas, listens to intelligent fans (as opposed to tumblr retards), actually cares about providing support after you buy the game and I'd happily buy. But every single thing about games these days just screams "didn't care lol".

im just going to flat out call bullshit. Pirating is not a demo, a demo leaves you on a cliff hanger enticing you to buy. If you have the entire game infront of you, this won't happen. The only exception I can see is if the game has an online component like Dark souls

It's Sumer.

I'm just planning on ignoring pirates after I release my game. In any case it shouldn't be such a big problem, since have 2 hour refund time.

I plan on adding some sort of support to the game, that way paying seems much better than pirating. Maybe add an Easter egg for pirates so that the main character wears a pirate hat all the time.

Post the uncensored than.

Don't bother with any DRM, it only fucks over paying customers and does nothing to stop pirates.
If I ever finish my shitty little game it'll be DRM free and made open source after 2 or so years.

..and how


Like any of you faggots haven't downloaded MP3's or AVI's, why are video games any different?

Windows 95 pls go

I pirate everything and if I like it I pay in some way or another. If I love a TV series I'll buy the DVD, if I love a band I'll buy the album or see them live. The only exception is movies, I only very rarely give money to the movie industry and only for movies I really like.

Don't lump me in with those faggots that say that pirating is like playing a demo, I openly admit I pirate and want free shit. IDs motherfucker, look at them. I support devs I like and pirate them at the same time if you can't fathom this then I'm afraid you won't be able to handle the various contradictions in life.

About the only thing I don't condone pirating is MMOs and that's only because I can into Holla Forums and understand that pirating MMOs is more harmful and parasitic then just not buying the product.

I know. Pirating is what motivated me to buy a few games like ori and the blind forest.

But I was thinking of adding a funny Easter egg like the pirate hat thing or maybe there's a dialogue option that you can say arg and makes people instantly hostile.

You know like a "We know" dark brotherhood type of thing. Like what the skull girls Dev did.

The pirate hat thing sounds pretty cool

Entire Half Life series
Mass Effect 1&2
Dragon Age: Origins & 2
All Witcher games
Anno 1503,1404,2070
Terraria, Creeper World and a ton of other Indie titles
Metal Gear Rising
Some titles that I've bought after pirating.

People forget that pirating also generates advertising

Who's people?

Not vidya related, but: Alestorm, a folk metal band that has lyrics about actual sea piracy puts up all their albums on Piratebay, with an addition - in the middle of each track, usually during a solo, the Vocalist adds "Arrrr, remember: Piracy is a crrrime!"
I own all of their albums, yet I choose to listen to the Pbay variants

Everyone in this thread and industry.

You have to understand that in the current political and economical state of the video game industry its almost impossible to obtain honest, actual information about the quality of a certain game.

The social media sites and enthusiasts forums are infested 100% with paid shills, normalfags with poor tastes and useful idiots who repeat what the first two groups say. Not even 8/v/ is exempt from this.

The video game journalism is a bust too with its corruption and outright malicious manipulation of information available to the public.

E-celebs like youtubers are paid off too, some are more honest about it but it's a moot point.

This means the only way to get a good idea of what the game is like is just to play it yourself. Some could argue that watching video footage can allow you to determine the quality of it, but that's a load of shit unless its some cinematic walking simulator, in which case you can pirate the game by just watching a playtrough on youtube without losing out on anything the actual game would provide.

To play you need to either buy it or pirate it. And why in all that is holy would you buy a cat in the bag even with the ability to refund or return it when you can just download it for free?

Was the game actually good? Great! Now you can buy a copy since you know that there is an above average chance of more good shit will come from where that came from if they get funding.

Was it shit? No big deal you did not waste anything besides your time and bandwidth.

I do that shit all the time, New Vegas, Alpha Protocol, Dark Souls 1 and 3, Human revolution, EYE Divine cybermancy are some that I got after I pirated and beat them because they were GOOD.

The video game industry consumers are the most cucked in the world by far, only closely matched by cinema consumers. If a new car were to be advertised for months as the next big thing and then turned out to be shit or god forbid faulty, the company would go fucking bankrupt. If a new product was introduced in the food industry that was obviously malicious and even poisonous to consume like SecuROM and Denuvo are to hard drives then the creator of said product would be fucking sued and thrown into jail for life. But the video game consumers just keep eating shit up with no stop.

Piracy is a necessary evil in the current state of things.

I bought Liru while anons screeched for MEGA and torrent links.

Okay. Even though I am skeptical, I won't get into it. Explain why you decided to buy the product? only if, buying adds no extra value, and you have access to the entire product.

You're a good man.

I like, I gib dats to dems.

To support the company.

The devs of "There's No Time To Explain!" uploaded the game to The Pirate Bay, but the main character always wears a pirate hat in that version.

Because I greatly enjoyed it and wanted to compensate the creators for it.

So are we having a legitimate discussion about piracy? Or is this another shit flinging competition with smug reaction images?

it's retards who hate pirates and pirates defending themselves

There is no uncensored version

Fuck you.
[Textual representation of Dante, from the Devil May Cry series]

I pirate games because I'm a poorfag and I know I can get away with it. I'll probably get caught if I steal food, rent or utilities, so I steal my entertainment.
I know it's wrong. Anyone who steals for any other reason is delusional. There is nothing righteous about stealing luxuries.
When I have spare money, I buy indie and limited run weeaboo games that I enjoyed in hopes I'll see more neat games.

You're a good person.


You're acting like one, chimping out at the picture of an eceleb.

You want a banana, some white wimmenz, maybe some more welfare you fucking DOUBLE NIGGER?

That's all nice and dandy, but why would you pirate a game that you like? Someone just either give me a answer, or just admit that you can't/don't want to buy vidya.

Y-you too.

How can I tell if I like it if I never played it?

read the thread

Oh this again. There are reviews, silent LPs, video game discussions, and doesn't steam allow you to get a refund? When you pirate your game and you like it, do you then buy it? If no, my question still stands.

It's mostly kids who have yet to develop empathy and reason so they can function like a fucking person in society and happen to be poor as fuck.

Or, just poorfags who don't have the means to purchase, don't care to do the work to have the means to purchase, and need to lie to themselves about their thievery and niggerdom to feel better about the fact that they can't afford their hobby.

Alternatively they're just an asshole and as such fit in here perfectly.

I enjoyed the product, and I would like for more games like this to be made.
I purchased it, so both the creators and investors have further incentive to make more.
If they had a donate button on their website, I would donate it and write "I like your games, make more please"

You're either a troll, industryfag, or a self righteous prick who ignores his own collections copied music and movies.

I have been pirating games since the 8-bit home PCs and I have yet to see someone who has spent as much in the industry as me.
I use to work with early ftp distro groups and no one spends as much money as people in that scene. It's like a rental.

So head outside and play hide and go fuck yourself.

Yes, I just said so.

You are starting to sound dangerously like a shill since you don't even know about ID's

Epic, lad.

Sorry, I don`t support capitalism nor any form of market economy. It is only moral that I sabotage the market forces.

a potential sale was stolen



thats the gayest antipiracy promotion i've ever seen, thank you

Wait, i actually buy video games because i have ps4! Now let me check if i play any of those 30 title i bought for it…

Nope, i don't, i play yu-gi-oh legacy of the duelist and f2p Smite assfaggots shit because its addictive and everything else just exists there to take away my harddrive space.

Continue pirate, its not like buying shit will make you play it for more than 30 minutes, most modern games aren't playable more than this. Even the ones you delude yourself are good, but you still don't complete them. I start to fear that if i'l complete them, i won't have anything to play later. But i never return to them.

I also noticed that most steam users act the same. Most games they buy they don't actually play. Buying games is a waste of money.

Guilt. Some pirates are faggots who simply don't want to pay for games but feel guilty about pirating, so they convince themselves they're on the complete moral high ground to deal with it.

You can't steal concepts you goddamn kike. Get the fuck out.
Next you're going to start saying it should be okay for walmart to sue the dollar store for selling the same shit because they lost a potential customer.

Barring a miracle, that is the future.

Only buy your favorite games and call it a day.

I bought Robobot, haven't bough a game at full price since Cave Story 3D

I've been locked out of my account before. Lost over 400$ worth of games for no fucking reason. The only things I could even remotely think of was using console commands on my own server in Killing Floor and renaming my account to include "God" in the username. It is absolutely okay to pirate any game.

Literally one of the worst companies you could have chosen to support.

Only one aspect really makes a difference - would you buy it if you couldn't pirate it, or you would just ignore it. If latter, nothing of value was lost. If former though, you're "taking away" from developer's profits.

Games are an art, they're not supposed to be sold or made by companies.

you dumb motherfucker

Contra 4

This is coming from a guy who buys vidya for companies I love, dont give shit about pirates

>implying Holla Forums doesn't want the current vidya industry to crash with no survivors

Binary Domain
Freedom force
Marlow Briggs and the Mask of death
Super Trench Attack
Assault Android Cactus
The Mean Greens


that game is like something a redditor would show his buddy during a weekend sleepover


You are a good person user.

Holla Forums is everything they hate. Thus, Holla Forums is a black Sony-loving "pro gamer" weeaboo NeoFAG.

Liberal cucks please get the fuck out


Shouldn't have started something you couldn't finish motherfucker.

Hey, dickfuck, guess what?

I pirated Dragon's Dogma, and ended up buying it because I liked the game, wanted to slow support, and desired the online compatibility.
Only games I don't buy that I've pirated are either old to where the dev wouldn't get the dosh anyway, or are games I wouldn't've bought anyway. For instance, The Sims, or Xcom 2. Though, to be fair, I mostly wanted to test that game to see if it was even worth considering ever. It wasn't, regardless, and without the ability to test it, I'd've never picked it up regardless.

You're full of shit, mate.

So in other words you are a liberal cuck what believes killing is always wrong, regardless of why or who you kill.
As I said, get the fuck out

Fucking this.


It seems strange to me that a thread with a "controversial" topic such as this has so many (1)s and (2)s.
You'd expect people to get all up in arms about this, going for the (216) record, but this time there are 90 IDs in a 180 post thread.

I am the 1%

Metal Arms: Glitch in the System

i think it sold poorly because nobody knew it existed


well first example's white, second example's black, obviously.

piracy's black too, but that doesn't stop us, we're all assholes who don't want to pay for shit

the market fucked itself over, now the only games even worth pirating are all modern society SJW stuff or games by japanese jews who want to get payed over 30 shekels for their pieces of shit

Probably because its a done to death topic, and its good bait because its one of those areas where everyone here knows the law is wrong, but it is still the law. Bound to piss people off.

There's so much bullshit and misinformation being thrown around that it's almost pointless for anyone to get their point across because too many people are taking shit personal, shitposting, or don't even provide sources for their argument.

Most of these studies I've found dealt with music piracy and not video games. However we are talking about pirates so this should give you an idea of what to expect.

Pirates buy more than the average consumer. The links are a few years old and I've yet to find something more recent.

I did find a study from Feb 2016 talking more about pirates acquiring music. They Saying how piracy has went down only because more alternatives to gain music have become available since 2004. Some of them not technically being piracy. Either way, it still shows pirates buy more than the average consumer. Then again, they never specified how they obtained their results in this study.

Anit-piracy measures are useless most of the time and mainly just screw over the consumer. But that's common knowledge here.

The RIAA tries to deny research that favors piracy and pirates, which is why we don't have more articles of this stuff.

Reminder that Hotline Miami was uploaded to the pirate bay by its creator and he even offered technical advice on how to get it to run properly, and it sold how many fuckin copies

If you think all piracy is bad you're retarded, as a couple anons already said it's essentially free advertising and if the game is good it will still sell

Now people may argue that piracy killed the PSP in the west. But looking at the Vita. It might have just been Sony who killed it off with a lack of support after the first few years. Barely any updates to the US and EU PSN (where games from many devs are missing. Even Resogun, Sony's own damn game, is missing and can only be found on the PSN site. Not the ingame browser). Push to make so many games digital only for the US and EU while selling over priced memory cards and not even the biggest memory card over seas. And putting out updates that doesn't fix a damn thing but anti piracy measures.

Here's a article how piracy might do damage to niche artists.

Personally I don't agree with the article because there are almost never torrents for niche artists. If we are talking about niche game devs, then piracy is the best free advertisement they could get. And if people love their game, they will buy it. Hell I've purchased games just because I love the music and it came with the soundtrack. Pic related related too.


Copyright shills hurt gaming by taking down entire archives due to one game.

The vast majority allow freeware sites to continue to go un-archived as well as refusing to donate to them to remain online, which hurts gaming.

Of course, this is always primarily about how e-piracy hurts indie-Steam-shills & Dear Leader Gaben. who hurts gaming directly by syphoning his lard ass off of his Early Access shit & terrible SteamOS that doesn't even work properly for the vast majority.

Oh, but yes, "we're" all supposed to care about the 'hurt' series shat out by Steam shills. BRB; waiting for & to get shut down and everything on it lost while no one cares.

Damn you sound like someone people don't want to be around.

Hear hear.

I will say this, I think it's annoying when people act like they are morally and intellectually superior for piracy. In principle, you are still consuming said media. It's just that you didn't spend money whereas the other person did.

I kinda see it as the ultimate form of consumerism, being elitist in how you consume what is most likely meaningless entertainment. Like how /a/ gets super autistic over streaming anime, like fuck dude, why do you even care? And it applies equally to those who think they are hot shit for paying to consume. Do you think I give a shit if you pay for Netflix? So does me and my family!

Do whatever you want, in the end, we are kinda trapped in a culture of constant consumption. No need to get high and mighty in either direction.

That said, I tend to pay for shit because it's more convenient, don't really have the time to be cracking games or messing around with torrents like I used to.

If something is free and I can take it with no consequence, then I'm going to take it.

Only liberal cuckolds complain about it and nobody can argue that their life wouldn't be better off without those kinds of people. The ones who are right wing usually get introspective and realize their mistake. The few who don't just stop complaining.

I feel like I'm winning on all fronts.


Tell that to devs releasing games with Denuvo.

I just like free games.

A fool and his money are easily separated.

Spending your time AND money on a hobby like this is doubly wasteful.

Gust is pretty much the only developer I still willingly support because Atelier is never going to go big and that's probably for the best. Anybody else is fair game, if I can get a game for free with no downsides then I'll go for it every time. Doesn't mean I harbor any ill will towards the developer or publisher with one caveat - Nintendo can get fucked, the 3DS getting cracked so wide open in the last year is sweet karma for refusing to put the treehouse goons on a fucking leash. We'll never see such streamlined piracy ever again and the NX is probably going to be Vita-tier in terms of security, but goddamn did they deserve this.


Why not vote for Sanders then. Lots of free shit from that guy.

maybe not, but anons sure like to argue in favor of that stance.

ha ha no of course there isnt

user, I…

the entire world isn't the states or western europe you nigger


the only two games I bought recently are dragons dogma and dark souls 3.
and I swear to god, I have so much regret that I bought dark souls 3. I don't care if it doesn't get a sequel. Dragons Dogma is a masterpiece though.

I don't know how to break this to you…

I played it on the ps2, it was pretty good.
but i bought it used.

Then youre not a gamer with any worthwhile opinions, as simple as that. Youre audience to nobody.



t-to save our m-m-mother Earth from any alien a-a-attack…

t. preordered dragon age inquisition

Fuck no, I'm not as stupid as you. Pirate the games first, try them out. If its good, support the devs.

how did you pirate dragon age inquisition then? because it is not pirateable.
did you just buy it without trying it out?

If I pirate a thing and spend more than a couple of hours playing it, I generally buy a copy.

If it's a choice between screwing someone out of recompense while I enjoy the fruits of their labour, and raising the chances of getting MORE of something I enjoy down the line, I'll take door number two.

Not everyone is so simple-minded that they're incapable of abstracting the results beyond "free stuff" and "not free stuff".



Fuck, I wish I knew that half a year ago when I was pirating it.
how do you pronounce pirateable?
*"Pirate able" or "pirat-ahbl"**


I want >>>Holla Forums to leave

The first two statements are true.
Trying to call copyright infringement theft is an retarded SJW tier argument.

Post yfw you're the pirate scum the good goys of Holla Forums hate

I shiggy. That said most people I know are "pirate then buy" thanks to no proper demos being the norm.

No raindrop believe it is to blame for the flood.

I won't lie man. I used to be That Guy; the truth is that gaming is an expensive hobby, and as a third world college student with his schollarship paid by the government I don't have enough money to buy every single game I'm intrested in.

That said, if I really like a game I'll save money and buy it.
It's a shame steam owns PC gaming tho, I fucking hate steam. I usually buy them and then use a crack or something, I don't like DRM.

I pirated when I was a teen on my family computer. My tech savvy sister already had some games pirated on it already and playing them has formed some of my taste in games to this date. I played Supreme Commander on that computer so I bought it now as an adult.

The last game I pirated was Max Payne 3 because of RSC. I don't regret that although I'm usually pretty against pirating.

If you feel that a game is not worth your money then it's almost definitely not worth your time and is a shit/meh game anyway. If the game is worth your time and seems awesome then it's probably worth investing in it in my experience. I actually like to support the few games that cater to my niches.

Games on PC are fucking cheap anyway and I'm a poorfag so I got damn good at bargain hunting from an early age. Anytime there's a sale I'm on that shit but I know how to control myself and just leave a game, even if it's super cheap, because I know I won't play it anytime soon or something like that.

I'm thinking of picking up morrowwind on gog right now because I found out about openMW and it's on sale.


Why are you even here then?

To tell people they are fucking stupid for liking games.

You could stop doing it for free and just send an application form to kota- oh right.

wrong pic

You should probably find another hobby, user. Doesn't sound healthy what you're doing.

Here's a radical idea, maybe the video game publishers should make games that are so good, everybody WANTS to buy it, instead of releasing unpolished turds that crumble in the box.
Console games full of glitches, with heavy focus put on optimization to the hardware while fucking up graphics quality.
PC games full of glitches, unoptimized in favor of users purchasing better hardware to compensate for the shitty coding, uncompressed game assets that easily take up 50gb now since ''space is cheap!" despite many users having data caps in this fucking modern world of regional ISP monopolies, with plots/stories/game mechanics so heavily lacking that it ceases to even be a game and more like a movie (or in the BEST case, like those old VHS tape game sets).

Fuck theses industries, let them learn their lesson and actually make good games for once.

If you don't think modern games are trash, you deserve to get ripped off by publishers and to pay to have progressive propaganda shoved down your throat.

Oh, but I do, I was just suggesting a way you could make money so you afford some funs.

I think 90% of them are and I buy mostly older games (you'd know that if you ready my first post). Still doesn't change the fact that you should find a new hobby. If you really don't like games and are pirating you're wasting your damn time. Read a book or something, dude.

It makes about as much sense as me robbing a store of knitting gear. So I can go home and knit even if I think it's boring and shit.

Progressive propaganda is a very minor issue, if compared to the whole "games are not about gameplay anymore!"

they're promoted by the same people

Actually you know what, just get rid of publishers entirely.
These huge fucking companies meant for distributing games are micromanagers from hell that divide funds unevenly among their caste of workers, with developers being the second lowest caste above janitors who just clean the porcelain thrones every night. In this day and age, enough people at least have internet access that publishers are not fucking needed any more.
Let the developers get back to making the games they would find fun, and distributing it themselves, and stop feeding the CEOs.

SocJus do promote it, but there are several, several, SEVERAL developers that promote it as well that aren't socjus (yet).

And replace them with what, exactly? Crowdfunding? How fucking retarded are you?

The way id did it?
Mail order?
Crowd funding, sure, just to cover the publishing costs.

Yeah, you really are fucking retarded. Anyone willing to do all of the shit parts of being a publisher without any of the oversight, control, or benefits that would typically come from acting as an investor and source of funding is a gullible goddamn retard.
That's before you even get to the fact that most developers are completely out of control when left to their own devices. How many Tim Schafers and Keiji Inafunes does it take for you to learn how bad of an idea it is?

Actually, a publisher that is not controlled by shareholders would be a very nice start, because shareholders want quick buck, not a stable company, so they force the publishers into being a quickly bursting bubble of shit.

Three quarters of my library consists of games I pirated before buying. The game that weren't pirated first either had a demo or were cheap enough (5$ or less) that I was willing to take a chance.

According to Steam alone, I own 234 games. Factoring in my console games, his assessment of "pirates tend to spend the most money" is pretty fucking on the mark. My most recent console purchase was 7th Dragon III: Code VFD. I played the leaked copy and thought it was good enough to deserve a real purchase.

Explain why they would need crowdfunding without a publisher.

Well, how many Tim Schafers and Keiji Inafunes are there?

Because, generally speaking, people need to be paid to work. Crazy, I know, but that money needs to come from somewhere, and that somewhere isn't a publisher.

How many incompetent developers who will take people's money and do whatever the fuck they want with it only to release garbage later with no oversight whatsoever?
The sky's the limit.

How about you go fuck yourself, kike?
I'd rather have a bunch of different games to choose from with varying quality control than the same fucking game over and over again, which costs 60 fucking dollarydoos.

ezpz, and you already have developers doing just that, it's called being independent, and not the hipster SJW circlejerk version. Tale Worlds (Butterlord) is the first dev that comes to mind.

So you wish to became a successful game publisher, right?
All you have to do is sign a contract with me and became a open traded company!

And before you start spouting bullshit and moving goalposts, we're talking about PUBLISHING the game, not funding it's entire development.

Also, learn about IDs.

I'm "that guy" too.
I honestly don't understand the thought process behind paying for something that someone else already provides for free on a torrent site.

At first I thought people just weren't tech-savvy enough and couldn't be bothered to learn how to mount an image or how to replace an executable with a cracked one, but when I learned that that isn't the case, I was left baffled.

Some people are just weird I guess. ┐(´ー`)┌

Then feel free to put your money up in advance for it, assuming all of the risk that a publisher would in exchange for none of the reward. Just don't expect others to do the same, or even buy the finished product, especially if it's heavy on kickstarter exclusives.

You seem to be missing a few steps here, namely the part where you publish several extremely successful games under the funding of a publisher.


you stupid nigger

not funding development

You haven't been following the conversation, have you?

I keep my piracy restricted to consoles.

PC games are worth paying for. PS3 games not so much.


How they should act:

How they actually act:

I swear piracy tards can be so fucking retarded, how about you just tell other guys to deal with it when they ask you why you pirate.


are people against piracy this stupid

We've moved away from the era of shareware copies of games and even demos now with the AAA industry trying to just sell games on hype and live action trailers that look like ass

look at old ads for say Sonic or Pole Position, they advertise the strong points of the game and show real gameplay

The only person fit to play Char

you should be buying all the new gaems m8

what part of that don't you get, it's like buying F1 and F2 thinkining interplay will get any of that money

You've been trying to move the goalpost this wholw time, yes I've been following the conversation.

I do when I find one worth buying. Happens about once a year.

That's odd, because I seem to remember initially replying to someone posting about the manner in which publishers fund things, saying we should just get rid of them.
Sounds like the one actually moving the goalposts is you, friend. After all, you're the one saying "N-no, this is actually about distribution, that's all publishers do!"

Yeah, and the point is, publishers give jack shit to developers and what the developers create is dictated by a team of analysts that "crunched the numbers" to find out what would sell best.
Meanwhile, the majority of funding goes to marketing what doesn't go to the CEOs of the publishing company.
So I fail to see how developers going independent and funding themselves like they did prior to publisher acquisitions is a bad thing.

Seriously? This isn't cuckchan or Reddit.

It harms nobody if i wouldn't have bought that shit game anyways.

They won't change if you just bitch about them, you dumb nig.

Excessive censorship is more than a matter of good or bad. Companies like NoA and NISA need to be purged before they cause more damage.

Don't buy the shit with lots of their fingerprints on it and pay for shit they didn't do much to, Kirby iirc was one of them. Because they're probably not going to go away until Nintendo full on collapses. And that includes NoE and NoJ, which are much less shit.

Consider the following:

We have people here on 8ch acting like retards, and doing so "ironically", this lead to the heavy fall in post and thread quality on halfchan

we also have redditors from goymergate coming here thinking this is just 4chan 2.0

Well I mean

If you spent a while making a game. Wouldn't you want to make some money from it?

I pirate every game and then buy it if I like it after

Why would I give a fuck if a game and company I didn't like failed and didn't get a sequel

I'll care, I've download too many fun games from both sites to let reddit shit on my hobby.

How you should be acting:
How you act:

Well I mean,
I spent a whole week filling my toilet full,of unflushed shit.
It required a lot of actual effort. For real, I had to stuff myself with unhealthy food, my stomach ached, then I had to squeeze it outta my butt and endure the smell.
I feel like I should get paid for this, you know? Why is it that the guy who came into my house now demands money from me?

You almost fit in until that last phrase, now you go back to reddit


If that's your only argument, you could always just… not play games. You're not entitled to play them.

It's heavily neutered and the only thing it does now is throw money at people who remotely give it the time of day, it's like that weird person who thinks the postlady has a thing for them because she said hi to him

incorrect, you were replying to somebody posting about the manner in which publishers CONTROL things.

Point is we don't need big money publishers because we don't need 10 million dollar development costs (fuck know how much of that is spent on marketing) because we can barely tell the difference between gens nowdays.

You are intellectually dishonest and you ain't mah nigga.

Nah, I'm okay with just free games.


and what's wrong with that image?

It's almost as if a human bust isn't equally complex throughout it's entirety

I don't understand.
Is this better?

the picture is misleading. it isn't adding more triangles, it's removing them from the rightmost image.

there was a counterpicture that shows you can rearrange triangles better and achieve more details even with lower polycount. but nowadays you can just add details on the textures so who cares.

Do you have any understanding of the subjects you talk about or are you just parroting shit you saw on the internet?

Can I have a source on that? I genuinely don't know the "history" behind that image.

I have a mental disability called "beingafuckingdumbaxia". Can you please tell me what you meant with your post in a straightforward fashion instead of three layers of irony and rhetorical questioning?

Different things must be treated differently, of course simply tesselating the entire model instead of reworking it will look like shit

The person who took it used the 6000 model as a baseline than smoothed/decimated it to the 60,600, and 60000. A true 60,000+ bust would have a "texture" from minute details in the stone and shit like chisel marks or cracks, instead of just being that much more smooth.

In other words picture something from a video game, and then picture that same thing from a Pixar/DreamWorks film. The second does not look like the videogame one but smoother, but like an actual object

The images have a point though, with even more triangles, it wouldn't look much more realistic. It's not as strong as in the pic but it is a thing.

You could argue that it's not about the triangle count on a single model, but on all models rendered ingame, but that's not what the picture is tackling.

There's a point that it isn't worth adding more triangles to the model, it's better to use complex textures like says.

I'm pretty sure even pixar uses actual textures to make their models look realistic, making a texture from hundreds of extra triangles would be instane.

I don't know if any of our opinions on anything related to this thread overlap, but I feel the need to openly tell you that I respect you for actually explaining the image to user.
I was going to just reiterate to him that he is retarded.

Well doesn't that play into my argument that higher poly count does jack shit to improve visuals past a certain point (where the human eye cannot notice a difference)?
I get that by "texture" you mean adding minute alterations to the model instead of pasting a jpg over it, but the image is talking about poly count, not realistic depiction in general.

Fuck it, I'll comment on this one too. A true full-retard poly car uses those vectors for shit like hinges, actual wire grilles, weird seams, stitching, and other shit that is a lot more noticeable up close, instead of being smoothed a fuckton. It's even easier to create high-resolution cars than people or animals or whatever because the companie bother with super detailed work like this use some sort of laser scanning tech to pull it off the physical cars.

it's nice to have a civil discussion once in a while, despite me being a retard.

Forgot image

You're less of a retard than the guy who just kept saying, "ur rong lol", though. The images aren't 100% accurate but they are correct.

Hell yeah. Doom was the first game I ever pirated off my local Wisconsin BBS. Took over 24 hours and my computer couldn't run it, but dammit it got me excited enough about Doom to buy it later.


Here you have it faggots