COD is shamelessly ripping off Killzone & SJW pandering

Not only call of duty is rippping off both gundam and Killzone. COD officially starting to die off the day they decided to go SJW.
please use archive.is2016/6/15/11940848/call-of-duty-infinite-warfare-sdf-e3-2016


Go back sucking Jamal's dick, Dice marketer. Your WW1 garbage fest will be just as awful.

Too bad this is the last cod

Good, one more reason for it to crash and burn like it will.
Too bad DICE is doing the same.

Thats not even close to her. Do you have Prosopagnosia?

That is the entire point of UN peace keepers you dumb fuck. They are supposed to come from different countries. The black guy could be swedish for all you know.

At least dice never base a character on mattress girl.

Activision has to much money to care about diversity

How fucking new are you OP?
You didnt even archive.

nice oxymoron, shekelberg!

Forgot that even existed. I stand corrected.

thats the joke you dumb fuck

Nobody gives a fuck about BF1 or COD here, faggot.

Why is mattress girl such a popular asian to model off of?

Why can't you fags just link properly for once

Because all Asians look the same.

Mattress girl looks slant, character in pic looks more niggerish.
Sexist racist is considered satanhitler so no big surprise if true.
While irl they seem to have problems NOT raping the people they're supposed to defend.

Last COD had a bunch of women in the swarm of enemies you kill. They just lazily put it there so nobody can say they didn't become inclusive.
Are they really Nazi's or is it the common mistake that people make on bad guys?


But you dont?

t. marketing shill

It looks more interesting than the "historical" Battlecuck 1.

Fuck off DICE.

Fuck off, newfag. Both are going to be shit.

It's very disingenuous to have a graph about divorce rates and rape rates and not even mention that throughout the 1970s (where the huge rape spike occurs) marital rape became a thing. Just because a broad interpertation of statistics conforms to your views does not mean it is a legitement way to view the statistics (see wage gap).

Cute. I didn't say CoD was going to be good, just said it looked more interesting.

If I want a WW1 shooter I'll play Verdun, if I want a futuristic SciFi shooter I'm shit out of luck because they are all terrible.

Was Killzone Shadow Fall any good?

Fuck off back to where you came from EA shill.

nice archive DICEcuck

Aren't you supposed to be telling someone they have shit taste by now?


Archive where?
I want to see if they actually said that they were basing a character off of mattress girl.