
How much of Holla Forums has read Marx's great work, Capital?

If you have, what do you think of his ideas presented in the work? If you haven't, why?

Ive not finished it.

terrible post.

>tfw wanne cum inside yui!9Ry/3jAu.w

Then be a man and type no.

only the first volume so far. does that count?

It's a perfect tie at the moment. Interesting…

Kys weeb.

bad meme

No, but I'm starting from the greeks and working my way upwards. Any advice, friendos?

fuck off, das capital is too damn huge


You're not making anarchists look good.

Reading is the tool of the reactionary

i read half of it but then i got sick and forgot about it

whatever, marx probably didn't even know what he was talking about; he needed three fucking bible-sized books to explain something obvious.

I've read the mango. It's the same.

Tell me more about how many pages Einstein's works were….

Not the simplified explaination. The scientific papers.

You can explain the general concept of something simply, yes. But one must also go into detail to explore the intricacies. Are you actively trying to make yourself look retarded?

The general relativity stuff is p short, actually.
Like a quarter inch wide at the spine.

so where are the practical uses of those intrincacies? i mean, proudhon just explained everything right in "property is theft", and things like ciclical crisis conclusion and the evolution of economic structures can be easily derived from basic axioms that can be descrived in a few pages. only autistic trotskiddies would read that useless shit entirely.

I really hope this is a false flag. trash like you is the reason why we have to put up with the "DAE anarkiddies can't read" shitposts. Please pick up a book

There is a reason professionals in any field learn the intricacies. For the most part, the general theory will get them the majority of the way there. But when little issues start cropping up, it's in those intricacies, and the ways they interconnect, where the solutions tend to lay. If one understands the intricacies from the outset, they are much easier to approach when problems related to them arise.

that's it; since yet im not cursing a doctorate in autism or something, i think the more prudent thing to do is to start organizing instead of competing who is more know-it-all about useless (in the nowadays reality) knowledge.
you leftcoms are nothing but liberals on steroids.

No, only a few texts about it and some parts of the abridged version. My knowledge of Marxist economics, just like my knowledge of economics in general, is next to nothing.

And fuck off, why is this poll almost 50/50? No way half of leftypol has read it.

Too many people have read some/a lot and don't want to say 'no' and put all that reading to waste.

Do you mean pursuing? That's the only word that makes sense in that sentence.
Yes, organization is extremely important, and the left is in dire need of it
jesus christ. Illiterate mongoloids like you who act only on impulse, are as useful as counterrevolutionaries. Go hang yourself. Sorry to all the anarchists who are not this retarded.

idk i don't speak english

luck trying a revolution driven only by pseudointellectuals like you.

t. anarchist

luck trying a revolution driven only by dumb cunts who, like, totally hate the system man, like you.

muke is descending into madness

“Capitalism has been the first to show what mankind's activity can bring about. It has accomplished wonders far surpassing Egyptian pyramids, Roman aqueducts, and Gothic cathedrals. It has conducted expeditions that put in the shade all former exoduses of nations and crusades.”

Shows how smart Marx was.