Max Stirner is a meme philosopher

Max Stirner is a meme philosopher

He was ahead of his time but irrelevant today.

Yes, he was, which is why he makes for such a great meme.

He didn't have a beard, dummy.

But that's a picture of Feuerbach, who was not a meme philosopher and was actually respected and influential on Marx, another actually relevant philosopher.

when i googled stirner only this photo of him popped up

Nietzsche is a meme philosopher

only because dicksucking marxists uncritically follow Marx' nonsense he wrote in the German Ideologie.
Stirner actually genuinely spooked Marx because he took his anti-idealism to its logical conclusion.

That's because there are no photos of Stirner, only sketches of him made by Engels during the Young Hegelians epoch. Stirner wasn't respected or even known enough for technology like photography (relatively new and expensive then) to warrant use on him.

Max Stirner proves his worth every time someone makes a thread like this

"Feuerbach was a mistake"
-Karl Marx

The fact he makes ancaps salty is what makes him relevant

Ancaps can't handle the truth that capitalism is not individualist. Just wait until they find Renzo Novatore, they'll collectively commit suicide.


I'd rather see Feuerbach mistaken as Stirner than whoever the fuck pic related is

That's a picture of Ludwig Feuerbach.

That's a picture of Marc Bloch.

and this one?

did you know that max stirner translates roughly to big forehead.


Anything is individualist if you make it so

not true

/liberty/ autists being this ass blasted.
Go back to your cage kid.

Something being a spook doesn't mean you have to not follow it