How do we stop the Stirner problem?

How do we stop the Stirner problem?

hey leftcom

ideological purity is a spook

What problem?

Stop with your spook faggotry

Faggotry is a spook.

I'm sure that some nerd on the internet can do what Marx couldn't


I love Stirner but I'm sick of all these faggots who misunderstand everything because NO ONE FUCKING READS ANYTHING and call everything a spook

Reminder that stirner wasn't a sociopath

The whole "spook" thing is a way of showing that society's foundations are largely imaginary, i.e., largely within our own minds, and this knowledge is meant to show that society is not impossible to change, that it can be overcome and improved and revolutionized. It wasn't, as Marx said, that Stirner "saw ghosts everywhere." I think that's what a lot of people misunderstand.

How do we stop the "how do we stop X problem" thread problem?


A Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread General.

Remember that time Marx made the equivalent of an autistic youtube response video on Stirner because he got triggered so bad about social constructs?

how do we stop muke from posting

Mein Nigger

No need to, he already has GRIDS.

By imposing full patriarchal antisemitic homophobic communism

We force people to actually read him.

lmaoing at ur life fam

what's grids?

Answer: kys
It'd be the logical conclusion of anti-egoism.