They Trayvon Martin'd the Antifa Girl

I'm filled with rage right now.


All normies know right now is a violent neo-nazi skinhead assaulted a hippie pro-peace prostester who dindu nuffin…

They don't talk about her belonging to Antifa, they don't talk about her facebook posts where she says she will scalp nazis, they don't talk about the interview where she dismisses an old woman getting hit by a m80, they don't talk about her porn, they don't show her twitter posts where she says "people underestimate my strength" and so on…


Other urls found in this thread:

It's just that their job is 'Spread cultural marxist disinfo'.

Not if she was punching back and hitting people with bottles

It's called an agenda, and kikes.





MSM is filth.

what a disgusting creature.

I can't wait until we get a law passed criminalizing blatant lying like this.


how fucking new

Look at all the comments everywhere online. Normies aren't buying it anymore. There was a CBS interview on YouTube and it had the least likes I have ever seen for a video (about 100 likes with 14k dislikes).

All the press is doing here is digging their hole deeper. The only people they can fool anymore are elderly.

If they weren't all owned by the same people, you could send those to the competitors and let them publish each other to death.


this is their job, they're propogandists

Talk about self-defeating, as well
All these examples

No one online, except true believers are buying it though. They know she was out there looking for a fight like the commie scum she is. Even the vid in OP just has less then 150 likes to over 17,000 dislikes.


People who still at least partially trust MSM
Especially Tumblrinas
Any platform to normies.

spread some of these

Trump Violence 1:

BLM Milwakee Vid 1 -

Trump Post Election Violence -

Trump Inauguration Violence J20 2017 -


Milwaukee Wisconsin Black Lives Matter Riots - August, 2016 -

Trump Rally Violence June 2016 - The Left Gone Wild -

Trump Post Election Violence - Love and Tolerance Edition 2016 -


That's the literal 'you don't own nuffin goy' face, disgusting.

ugly fucking rat shrew

Do what we did during the Zimmerman trial. Create memes and spread the truth.
You never expected the jews to tell the truth, did you? Telling the truth is on us. We have to do it ourselves.

Also her GoFundMe the comments were all calling her out.


I feel your frustration, but how new are you? Stop being defeatist. They always do this and we always counter it. Make a video or an info-graphic or crush their likes and comments sections. If you have the internet the mainstream media isn't a gatekeeper. Michelle Fields, WWII, gamergate. It never stops. They bullshit. We bust them on it. We take their clout. That's the trajectory this is and has been going.

You're in a propaganda bunker that wins basically all the time. Watch a Hillary video where the guy yells pepe or something to get an idea of how powerful being a sick fuck on the internet is against entrenched power. Get your mind right and come back to work.

We need to flood jewgle with her name and 'atk hairy porn' strings.

Fucking believe it or not we actually have the advantage. It's called asymmetric warfare and we're beat THE SHIT out of them. That's a fact.

*and 'venus rosales'

No chance. Like 10 years ago Fox was in court and the precedent was set that, they don't have to tell the truth.

If libshits wants to make this scumbag into something that means they're desperate. She's human garbage. A literal cumdumpster.


Women never wanted equality, they wanted to be seen as superior to men
Anyone who doesn't see this is a fag

They are doing their fucking job, you retarded newfag.

I can see you're new here. This is introductory level of jewish tricks. And as you can see, the jewish tricks are very similar to what leftists pull because they all play by the same manual.
I hope that more universities become protesting battlegrounds like Berkeley has.

I think it's an unwise move to put their eggs in this basket. The normie trust in media is at an all time low, and this event was recorded and spread virally. Very famous people are talking about this. I'm pretty sure it'll be on the Anthony Cumia show, maybe Joe Rogan and the Jim and Sam show too.
People will hear about it from their favourite funnymen and you better bet they'll be harping on the "hair-fetish porn-actress throws bottles at free speech rally, gets punched" angle instead of "stunning and brave hippy gets lynched by neonazi" angle, just because it's funnier.

Anyone who didn't expect this to happen really needs to bone up on their "media lies" redpills.

considering how many people got woke up by the lies about trayvon and mike brown, and those who didn't would have been our enemies anyway, I'm not sure what the problem is here.

(1) direct linking jewtube
Do they have to?

It's like you're a retard that woke up from cryo sleep due to an Indian's fuckup while using remote-assistance on a control computer, only to find out that the jews in the media selectively highlight stuff while hiding other stuff.

I wonder why :^)

oh fuck this is a hard one

shit I can't really tell why
I'm at a loss.

Anyhow, since since they exposed the scumbag celebrating White suicide rates, do you it would bepossible to have (((FOX jews))) to expose this?
I don't trust them one bit, but i think it would be Worth a try, besides i expected them to simply ignore that piece of shit celebrating White suicides.

Don't get mad. Get even. Expose their lies. Show the photos of her with the bottle. That she was out there looking for a fight. Push the (((Equality))) angle.

Death to journalists death to women

Because journalists are information warriors for the left and globalism. If you don't have a list of your local journalists and their home addresses for the coming civil breakdown, you aren't prepared.

I wonder where tiny females got the idiot idea they could go toe to toe in a fist fight with men.


your frustration is from misunderstanding (((Journalist's))) jobs are
their job is to make content people (((click/like/share)))

Welcome to Holla Forums newfriend, enjoy your stay
you're here forever

This will be the new angle, since the patriots stood up and fought back, defeating and embarrassing the commies on camera. This typical kike tactic will be the new attack vector. Just like at the San Deigo Trump rally and when that Milo fag went to Berkley and the commies won there was no media outrage, the exact opposite will happen now and the "violent Trump supporters" angle will be used again.
This time he is president and instead of just being asked to denounce their actions, he will be asked to allow strict policing of the patriot gatherings.
This should not work, though since the commies are the ones that are funded and organized and given orders and the free speech patriots are the actual organic response the the commie faggotry. Time will tell. Sure is entertaining.

Good. Things are ramping up.
Get ready for the race war, fellas. We need to keep normalizing violence.


THEY THINK THEIR JOB IS TO LIE BY OMISSION AND PUSH THE RIGHT KIND OF NARRATIVE, so they're actually doing their job. The media is the enemy.

Won't happen. No matter how much of a disappointment Trump turns out to be, that won't happen. They can try it, but they won't get anywhere. The police were present at Berkeley, and sympathetic to the communists, and we still won that war. There is nothing the POTUS will be able to do to stop events like this in the future.

have you ever heard of Omar Thorton?

I've seen that twice lately, you're repeating the 8s get wrong

Checked and kekd.

This. If you think journalism is about spreading the truth, you are clearly mistaken and should lurk more.

Great post, saved all of them to a folder. thank you. Anyone have more of these?

#HairyGirl was about to turn her life around, stop prostituting, stop throwing bottles, go back to school.
Right after finishing that bag of skittles.

Of course. You cocksuckers made her a martyr with the constant threads. Shekels are flowing.

lol you dont get how imageboards work do you, grandma

Good thing we have pictures that show she was holding a bottle.

Kikes are gonna kike, it's no big deal. No one trusts the MSM anymore. Let them add more fuel to the fire.

I thought that they wouldn't even try given that we deconstructed the narrative before they even started building it.

I can't believe they are that fucking stupid to try influencing people who are already aware of the full situation.

We outpaced their matyr creation rather than respond as we usually do.

Take heed Holla Forums, this is what happens when you don't pay enough attention to your daughter.

You can't have both, faggots

I want to meet her in some lefty cesspool they call a "nightclub", drug her unconscious, take her to my home, and vigorously wash her fucking hair

They are doing their job. Its just there job isnt to report whats happening objectively

She is a kike. So not necessarily.


This place is a show prep goldmine. In fact, I think that is the secret of our influence.

What could possible go wrong.

t. Someone who came to Holla Forums in the wake of Trayvon. There are no good Jews.

"Equality" is PR bullshit. They want supremacy.
Anyone who tells you otherwise is a man hating cat lady or a beta white knight faggot.

ITT : Stormfaggots mad they don't control the narrative.

Every fucking time.

fucks sake Holla Forums

not true. i heard there were about six gorillion of them made good.

here have some mind bleach, watched it after I read the daily fail article on her and felt right as rain.

Every fucking time indeed.

Oh and to any alphabets lurking, I have absolutely no intention of committing an act of violence against any political opponent. Just feel like I should make that clear.

it's called fairness doctrine, it was ruled unconstitutional. its why all the seniors blindly follow the media prompt, because they grew up on media that was held morally accountable.

Perfect. Did you do the ones during the DNC?

ah yeah some fried turkeys, but i am confused, is this board pro or anti erdogan?

this is the part where I politley tell you to lurk moar

We need a video on You Tube with a slideshow of images like these…possibly with a comedic background son. Benny Hill might do.

Benny Hill WILL do (please)

And SHE deserved every bit of that punch. I'm a woman, and if I don't wanna get dealt with like a man, I don't step up to a man. Don't kick a mans balls, or get knocked out…both things my dad taught me and it served me well.

Honestly- I'd not mind a man like that for my own daughter, this is the type I'd want because she'd be protected, fully. I sat wondering why people kept trying him, it was beyond me. But when I start to understand antifa, I'll just gas myself.

From just some pictures on Dailymail, I saw he was merely protecting himself, and comments and the green votes were majority his way. He threw a couple other people in his face away, some were licking wounds, bleeding wounds. They got those in his personal space. Now, antifa knows it's not like pickin' on kids in the playground anymore. I'm not one for gravitating to crowds, and it's all fine with me. Mostly because, I'd be on my way to jail within a few minutes. I should learn and practice some self control, not easy lately though. I do possess some, which is why I'm NOT in jail at this point. Tough times ahead fam, warm months are coming.

traps don't count

I second that

Do these journalists realise we're moving closer and closer towards civil war? Every time they lie, every time they twist our words armed action seems more and more justified.

What do you think the kikes want user? They want civil war as it will give them more control.


This is not a war against women.

The benny hill song is called yackity-sax.
Make it happen lad

College normies that are non-white, non-straight or non-attractive eat this shit up. Beautiful white women tend to just act like air heads about it or keep silent.

Can anyone confirm if sheboons and SJWs were celebrating on Twitter and FB her getting punched because she's a white girl with dreadlocks, yadda yadda cultural appropriation?

Would love to see some screenshots of leftists calling her out for "racial insensitivity" or what not.

She must have really liked that ballon.

Thank you based user, this shit is golden redpilling material. Do you have more?

"Omg hehe punching woman is like cool for like he necksed lyke 24 hours cuz lyke i need to lyke wynn an internat argyoumint hehe I freaking love Justin Bieber!" - UI. Involvel "Micropeen" Neetsoc

"Omg hehe punching woman is like cool for like the necksed lyke 24 hours cuz lyke i need to lyke wynn an internat argyoumint hehe I freaking love Justin Bieber!" - Ui. Involcel "Micropeen" Neetsoc

Did she graduate from Tel Aviv Yeshiva with a major in Nose Enlargement?

This can potentially work in our favor. Look at it this way

So sheboons vs SJW's?
how many rivalries do these shrieking macaques have simmering under the surface?

Its fine, just remember, every time someone brings this up, point out they are defending a bottle throwing attempted murderer, and if they didnt know she was throwing bottles, they are too ignorant to be telling other people about politics in the first place.

We could always just sockpuppet the whole thing, they do it to us, fire with fire and all.

They are doing their 'fucking job'.

Their job is to shape your mind and your opinions away from reality and towards their preferred narrative, in an attempt to manifest this narrative from thin air via the resulting mass delusion.

Your job is to keep in mind that the second you are able to do so, the entire media class must be rounded up and killed en mass as a first point of order, and we must make sure to teach of the media cleansing to our children for many years to come, as a warning of what happens when you deliberately build entire infrastructures dedicated to breaking reality in your favor. Like how even 300 years later all anyone remembers about the french revolution is that a bunch of aristocrats who had been taking the piss badly for far too long finally got theirs in a very public way and hey, we dont really have aristocrats like that anymore in the west, at least not that blatant.

Was there a better way to handle moldylocks than slugging her? Like getting her in a choke hold to knock her out?

I know all about "spin doctoring", "agenda setting" and "perception management"…

It was more of a rhetorical question.

Its really surprising me that some of you on this board are miffed and caught off guard at the amount of media lies that you are seeing. You really need to move past the shock and naive stage of outrage. None of you should be complaining at this stage.
This is what makes this place the worst echo chamber ever. We all know that half chan is a shitfest but I expected more from the hard nazi posters here..

It's a single newfriend OP, it isn't half the thread. Christ, dial it back a bit. It still serves as an acceptable notice/reminder to the lurkers who, you know, are supposed to shut the fuck up for two years.

No, what you said just sounds like standard politicking/game theory stuff.

What im talking about is far more serious. These people do not actually accept or believe in the concept of an objective truth that exists outside of the mind. They are literally trying to warp the reality that is comprised of our shared human perception into their favor and out of yours, and when theyre done the record will show it was all for a good cause and that everything bad that happened along the way was your fault, and that they tried to show you mercy even when they actually mercilessly annihilated you whether you deserved it or not. If enough people buy into what theyre selling, that might then indeed become "reality" because a majority would believe it to be so and everyone else would be too scared to say they remember the truth.

You are fighting an enemy who would not only defeat you utterly, without mercy and with maximum pain to yourself, they would 'erase you from the timeline' too, as it were, so that everything that you were, your hopes and dreams for yourself and society, the good that you did before they came along, never existed at all. Theyll leave a monstrous caricature in its place.

Those are the stakes.

You expected anything else from these (((zog))) controlled media cucks. Pol knew this was going to happen even as we were reveling in her being showed what true equality really is. The only way to fix this nation is to burn out the overgrown, dead-weight underbrush that is modern society, and build a thriving nationalist country in it's ashes.


To be fair lad, in hindsight it might be but in the clip you hear everyone shouting, fighting and fucking drums being played. I'd have clocked her if I saw her carrying that bottle with intent to use it against someone.


They are.
You are just confused about what their job is.
They are narrative shills and paid actors, that is all.
They have been selected and advanced based on their obedience and willingness to do and say whatever their masters want them to do or say.

Just now I was at a conference at my uni (I study journalism) and the teacher was showing pic related and asking about the ethics of showing the pictures of dead minors. Then I stood up and said that the pic was staged, that they had originally found the kid in some rocks and that they moved his body to create a more dramatic image to emotionally manipulate us into accepting "refugees". People were fucking skeptic, looking at me like I'm Alex Jones. Thankfully we live in an era where everyone has the internet on their fingers so I said "google syrian boy found on rocks" and a couple a girls did it and "oohhh…" "aaaahhhh…" and started sharing it around and shit. Like, these kids were surprised as fuck!! (I'm older than them, back to uni at 29…) Then some guy said:

"That's actually his older brother. You fell for fake news."

And gave me this link:

So apparently it's not just the left toying with the fabrics of reality and the concept of Truth. We all have our own pair of "They live" glasses on. I feel humiliated right now.

did her dad ever respond?

how exactly is it a sucker punch when you have to be blind to not see it

There's a reason they're called "The Lying Press", user. They're pushing this, along with the new agenda of "Trump's just like all the other neocon presidents, that's why we have to impeach him!". Remember: Always believe the opposite of what the Lügenpresse says.

I remember this. There were several threads on here and many did indeed conclude that the boys were different, only because the soles of their shoes were different colors. What was bogus about that story was WHY they were "fleeing". They were not fleeing from Syria to Germany, they were migrating from Turkey to Germany, because the father wanted better dental care.

The MSM lies period, it doesn't matter if it's left or right. It doesn't make much difference who the kid really is, does it? It doesn't take away from the fact that's it's completely staged. You proved your point, so it doesn't matter.

Post links to her porn with cliclbaity titles. For example:

Antifa girl who got assaulted by Trump supporter did a video! Read more here:

The story would have been more effective for the mainstream narrative if the writers highlighted her previous activity in pornography.
Which title sounds like more effective clickbait:
"Woman punched by white supremacist"
"Amateur porn star punched by white supremacist"?
The porn star angle is better, it sounds seedier, and the new title entices the average porn consumer to click it, if only to see if any of their "preferred" porn stars are involved.
PLUS, the tumblr crowd would gravitate to the story, because it transforms the victim from "some lady" to a "brave, sexually liberated womyn that celebrates her body, fighting for her right to display her body and being physically slutshamed by a patriarchal misogynist.
Goddamn amateur night in the Mainstream blogosphere.

Staged in what sense?


His last name sounds Spanish. Can we meme Nathan into another White Hispanic?

They don't give shit one about us (a mistake) but rather the normals that still treat their statements as the gospel truth.

Yeah I too always imagine mowing down a swat team Matrix style but knowing from real life that I cant hit the side of a barn keeps me quite.

The stonk cunts will too shut up when they get a dose of rality if not the first the second time will cure them.

(BTW moldy locks will will def show up at the next sperging to secure her 80k begging, how she get tackeled by a very big guy broken ribs and colarbones atleast justify 80k hospital bills)

Which one was this?

Get over yourself.

Tim Pool interviewed her.


Holla Forums was there for you

will you speak of loyalty and Nation and not be there for Holla Forums in its weakest hour?







SAVE Holla Forums!

FUCK thats a really annoying chant it gets on my nerves to the point that when the bomb goes off I feel a near sexual kind of satisfaction.

Holla Forums is essentially the same everywhere. clueless

Sockpuppet is the best way to do it for max results.

exactly what I suspected as you seen how fast that little cunts gofundme page went up. lol

Just a fairytale, I'm afraid.

(((Google))) is just making an echo now. It was well known they changed search results to favor Hillary during the election.

People still use it because they are lazy, not because they think it gives accurate results.

you have to go back. and how the fuck do you rationalize this?

She she is really saying is that she wants some BWC inside of her.

Unfortunately Trump will have laws pass making it illegal to name the jew. Sadly sites like this will be blocked in the US while Trump plays 1488D chess.