I want leftcom's opinion on these

I want leftcom's opinion on these

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fuck off muke





plz stop ruining this board by trying to identity flag everything

fuck off leninist

implying you arent muke

I am already somewhat familiar with Jameson's Dual Power idea, and I very much like this proposal. In combining many very instrumental characterics into its programme, it manages to provide good solutions to prior failures through sufficient dosages of proletarian self-actualization and autonomy, both centralization and decentralization, a solid means of proletarian self-defense with the universal army and a very limited, organic party form to avoid personality cult and the internal means for sabotage or opportunism.


It's not his, it's Lenin's (as he alludes to it).

top kek, tbh

yes! read lenin, btw

None of the mirrors on libgen for that PDF are working.

works for me

anyway: mega.nz/#F!2ZsnCRDR!2ls3h1673n0uNIBE6mquPg

You mean like this:

I'm not saying that leftcoms in general don't read Lenin (tho this was a kek: ).

Thanks for the article. Gonna read it as soon as I can.

Fair enough, it did seem a bit strange that the other leftcom didn't attribute dual power to lenin, though he may have been implying that Jameson has his own variation or something (i wouldn't as I'm not really familiar with Jameson lol).

*wouldn't know

maybe so



Thanks, I'll take a look at these when I get the time.

this is enemy propaganda, mind you

Zizek named Jameson's "Hegel Variations" as one of his favorite Hegel books, btw.

Kek, I think I see a pattern there.