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"2000 dollarydoo lesson" Edition

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Is there any software for MD/Genesis game development? I want to try making some shit and run it on a ROM Cart.

Remaking the wig, the other one was just not good enough, sometimes less is better, it will be a nightmare to texture it but I think I can handle that.

So, here's an idea for a game.

It's a H game where you play as a political party whip. Your party has just taken office, and it's up to you to get bills through the house.

You could make it an RPG, or a cookie clicker.

House of Cum?

Here is mine:
XStory Player using Unreal Engine with massive mod support, or something.

Good news: I have a way for my designer to create and describe how rooms should spawn using a little arrow prefab, and I'm creating a basic scripting language for modding.

Bad news is that I can't think of a clean way to make sure shit doesn't randomly get blocked off

Kind of alleviating it by giving it a few clearance tiles

That is some cringe ass topology right there

Isn't your shit for PC? it's not like you really need to save on those polys fam.

Actually my commissioner said he wanted low poly counts, I am triangulating that wig but still.


pretty whack ass shit.

Maybe my commissioner will explain why the model looks so bad later, although the earlier thread he already responded to your very common reactions.

Was your commissioner the guy who got ploughed for two thou?

Your topology is way off on the face and wrists/forearms. Hands are too high-poly compared to everything else. You've also got some strange triangulation around the top of the chest and around the crotch/thighs.

Hair is always hard to do, good luck!


If you've got a poly-count budget the best thing to do is a high-poly model and then bake the normals for the low-poly.

It's skinned really well, too. Could tack that right on my wall…


Read above

I am very new to this, learning on the go, I am now going for unwrapping the wig.

Where can I get that one? wanna practice some stuff.

I think I am better at texturing than modeling right now, welp, what do you think? (sans the character model)

I'm learning 3d because 2d drawing is too hard

- games use triangular meshes and animation uses quadrilateral meshes. Why is that? Does it have to do with easier ways of animating?

-I want to make a game consisting of mostly scenes. Like something a VN hentai game would do with 3d models, what kind of polygons should I use?

Balls if I know, I found it by searching "female model basemesh". Polycount has some good basemeshes to try.

Good luck, if you need to make seams do it where the hair would naturally part. Give "3d model hair" a google as well, a lot of good references there for different ways to do hair.

It's a bit too bright/washed out/low res to tell. The legs look alright but bow out kinda weird. The pose in the reference looks like the knees are already turned in, so you'd wanna model it with the knees turned forward and then let the turn/pose be done through the animation. Hips look like they're too wide.

The animated pose doesn't look bad at that angle though, just again with the wide hips.

if you have some more time you could spare, learning traditional art is helpful.
You don't have to become some Lenardo Da Vinci painter, but just learn how to look at things and analyze and get to the copying pictures decently part.

I always work in quads and then tris if I need to. Most (all?) engines will convert the quads to tris anyways. The basemeshes I posted earlier all use quads for the main surface areas and then tris when those surfaces come together.

Basically, don't worry about it. Just nothing with more than 4 sides.

If you're trying to capture the 2D reference look then you're going to need more detail. Right now all you have is base colors and not much going on.

I've never heard that tris are better for modeling, only that quads should be used as much as possible over tris. Anything more than quads and the game won't recognize the plane. So in essence use quads.

Quads subdivide better, and are generally easier to sculpt a high poly character with.

If you're doing a VN with static images or prerendered animations, you should probably use quads.

I was going to say this but I've never made assets for anything but mods and personal projects so I wasn't sure if anything I said would be of value.

her legs facing inwards on the t pose looks really awkward, her underwear looks too big, especially in the crotch even just a texture would look nicer in this case so they look tight, her arms are slightly too long based on the pictures provided, the face in game looks way off, like the eyes look too low on the face the spacing between the eyes and the hair is noticeable but considering the lower angle it's probably just perspective. The images provided are too low res and I can't quite make out details. Did you get reference for her without clothes on?

I'll let you in on a secret
two triangles make a quad

No such thing as bad feedback. It's also really easy for anyone, even an amateur or hobbyist, to identify when things look "off". It's also really hard sometimes to take a step back from your work and be critical of yourself, which is why the more eyes you get on something the better.

also, that bubbly font is verifiably the worst thing to come about the last decade

How do I sell out and make money via the VR jew?

Work your way into USB sex toys. A few electric shocks never stopped anyone's heart.

In any case that model wasn't made by me, I am only in charge of the wig (for now), but I am looking for ways to make my own mango style characters.


Mango style?

Wait no, nevermind, I got it.

In order to sell out, you must first buy in.

We got an Oculus and a Vive in this week and I got to fuck with the Vive some. If don't think the headset is as good as the Oculus but everything else was great. A lot of people that say VR isn't going to work because of the tech, but to be honest the tech is pretty solid. Now it's only a matter of getting people to adopt it.

did you seriously spend $2000?

No, that was my client.

Do an VR Remake of CarnEvil.

Oh wow.

That actually sounds like something that would be awesome.

I've got some questions about animation blueprints in UE4. Animations are controlled through variables, which I have handled by setting variables inside the anim blueprint, as described in the "Anim" pic. I cast to the player character script, and I set all of my anim. blueprint variables with variables from that script.

My question is, is it more efficient to handle this by casting directly from the player character's script, without having so many variables in the anim. blueprint? It's how I do it in the "Anim blueprint" pic.

I've got another problem. In "ayy", I've tried to have a state machine feed animation through a "select" switch, however, this switch feeds no animations whatsoever: the pose remains default, a t-pose. How can I solve this?

Protip: make one variable, a reference to the playercharacter, which you set when the ani blueprint is created. No need to cast all the time.
For your question, that depends. In your second pic, weapon type requires a get from an array every time. Saving that into a variable once per frame is useful if you have to access it more than once per frame. If you're just accessing SelectedItem there shouldn't be any difference between storing it as a variable and accessing it directly (I think), but storing it would take a little bit more memory.
For your problem, the select doesn't appear to be returning anything, my guess would be because index isn't 0, 1, or 2. I'm saying that purely because the line connecting the select and the blend is not "active." And since the blend is currently set to only use the result from the select it just results in a t-pose. If you set the blend weight to 0.5 you should see a mix between IdleRun and the t-pose.


Ah, I was thinking that casting to another script all the time would be expensive, I didn't know about that approach. However, I don't know which should be the type of variable that I should choose, since Actor doesn't work.

Regarding accessing such variables more than once per frame, I have no idea if that will be the case just yet. Weapon type will presumably only change when the selected item changes, so I don't think that will happen.

Regarding the problem, the Select node should work. The integer that controls the node is set to 0, and changing blend weights doesn't do anything. I do see a mix between IdleRun and the t-pose, however, that's because it isn't having in account the data from the Select node, just IdleRun.

You should be able to just right click it and select "Promote to variable".

Ah, now it works, but I need to cast to the player character at least once, to set its value.

Alright, I've fixed my problem. It turns out that the Select node is not supported for the animation blueprint, since it doesn't handle animation poses. Instead, the Blend Poses by Int node should be used.

Fucking unreal, in both meanings of that sentence.

Who spent $2,000?

My client commissioned a custom animu looking model to someone for around 2000 bucks and it looked creepy as hell, or maybe creepy as R'lyeh so to speak, since then he decided to just screw it and make the models, then he saw some of my clothes and decided to commission stuff for his model, needless to say, I am not charging him 2000 bucks.

This was 2000 bucks. Thanks to user for the gifs.

Decided to make my own model.

Decided to grab an off-the-shelf mesh. Still need to texture it. I guess the weird topology was trying to follow the concept designs too much. I'll just paint a doll and be done with it, the clothes are now more important than ever.

With my recent discovery of UV mapping and layers I may be able to provide you with a better quality costume, first I need to finish the wig, it only needs some texturing.

Thanks, I just emailed you the new base mesh. It doesn't need clothes to cover up its flaws like my own model. And at least it's cuter than the standard Mixamo doll. I can also go ahead with bath scenes similar to Ar no Surge

Bath Scenes? I think I am not familiar with that animu but I'll work on it.

Thanks. Going to sleep now.


I just wonder why none of us has gone and made a fake identity for the lone purpose of earning victim bucks.

Welp, easier than I thought, just needed to move some vertex, will revise the UV maps I guess.

because morality is valuable among the white supremacist meme-spouting weeaboo

also it makes you liable to fraud charges.

You sure? I mean, what about pretending to be retarded like McIntosh? who is to say you don't actually believe in their shit? is their word against yours.

Somehow, perfectly white women are very attractive.

And it's their money. They find out and it'll be a class action lawsuit for sure, and what defence could you possibly make against it?

Hey, the hide thread feature isn't working on my phone, I'm trying to hide the pedo one and the weebshit one which seem to be both sides of the same coin but they just won't go away.

The [-] button turns red but it doesn't hide anything.

theres your problem. Consider using a computer like an adult.

Just include a very small, offhanded "for entertainment purposes only" clause on one of the pages and that you were acting in-character the entire time.

Oh it's you shekelstein, I did not know I was in the presence of a master jew.

Just remember, a click is just a zero-length tap, and tapping it patent protected

I couldn't bring my computer on the plane to Hawaii.

Still, just letting you guys know the hide buttpn doesn't work on mobile firefox.

How is Godot for 3d?

because as shit as our collective lives are, we still have more dignity than that

I for one will make a KS/patreon when I have something worthwhile

I thought about it, but there are a couple of reasons why I won't.

What I mean with the last one, is that voluntarily interacting with those people is a very stupid idea.
Considering how fast they turn on their own, I'd rather not be the one to make contact and rather hope I can fly under the radar for as long as possible. Choosing to contact these people is like choosing to play Russian roulette for money, while having the option not to. Shit can hit the fan really fast, so I'd rather not risk it.
I've got better shit to do than dealing with their crap.

You could totally get away with it though as long as you don't overdo the fake identity thing. "Hiding" your true identity behind an alias and a company should work. "Hiding", because I don't think you can be completely anonymous forever, but you don't have to. Just bank on their tendency to listen & believe minorities; They won't look. After that, all you need to do is handle it like a politician (which requires you to sell your soul, unfortunately). You need to follow the two golden rules:

>A: Be about as transparent as a glass full of male tears

Suppose you make a story-driven action game. On your Patreon, you post all those fancy tumblr-special-snowflake-tier characters. Your game doesn't have a name "yet" (A). When asked about the genre, you say that it's a "story-driven experience that explores the struggles of a variety of characters from the position of the protagonist" (B, because let's be honest: this "description" fits basically every game with a plot ever made). If you want to, you can play the buzzword game for a bit longer, and maybe Polygon or Kotaku pick up on your game.
As far as those characters go, you make sure to never actually disclose what kind of roles those characters will have (A) and, if asked, dodge the questions by saying that you don't want to give any story spoilers or something along those lines (B).

What are they going to say, once they find out that their favorite pink-haired fatty has the role of "character who dies first"? If she gets herself killed 5 minutes in and is replaced by an attractive, sex-positive /fit/-tier grill? You never said that she will have an important role, just that she will be "a character in the game". If you actually did, you can just make her either completely unlikable or the villain. If you played the politician game correctly, you could be able to make tumblr fund a game that would make Holla Forums proud, without having to lie (technically).
Of course you made a good game in the first place, so you actually make a profit from the sales themselves. The salt will only increase the exposure of your game.

Exactly my plan, too.

use overchan m8
is foss and on f-droid
I almost wish it was available on desktop because how responsive it is

You only rip off SJWs


Sorry, but I can't.
For the same reason I won't use DRM. For the same reason that I have already planned how all my teasers/trailers/videos/screenshots will be made in-game without any pre-rendered bullshit and have a WYSIWYG watermark. For the same reason that I desire feature parity on all platforms and won't accept a shitty Linux version.

Collateral damage: I cannot guarantee that it doesn't accidentally hit the wrong people.

It was just an idea, in my opinion is too much of a hassle.

It's okay.
In my opinion it's not too much of a hassle. I mean, I'm working on a fucking video game. "Too much work" isn't really an argument for me.

For me it's just that I see all this shit going on in the video games industry and, if you ask me, a lack of transparency and honesty are two big factors. All those lies, all those deceptive "gameplay" trailers and all those promises. I despise those practices and won't stoop down to their level, not even to fuck over the other big tumor of the industry.
I want to be part of the solution, not the problem.

That being said, I hope somebody fucks over the SJWs in a way similar to what I mentioned earlier. The salt would be of biblical scale.

Finally, a non-shit Pico8 game

Polite bump

If you are getting paid to make this you need to improve your shit pronto.

Hey guys. I'm looking for an adventure game engine. I'd like it to support menus and mouse but menus are a bigger priority. I would like it to be FOSS but I can live if I can distribute my shitty game freely. It NEEDS to support FMV. I can program in C and Perl competently.

If you are talking about the model then for the love of god understand that the character wasn't made by me.

I dunno, is Adventure Game Studio a thing for you?

How does this look for ore distribution?

>Game area is 32x256 Might have to be 128 because limitations, fuck

Do those all have equal chances of spawning given a certain distance?



I don't know whether to laugh or pity you, user.
This is what I've done a few months back with zero experience with zBrush.
The artist you paid is fucking retarded.

Those are looking bretty gud, man.

In other news
I'm working on a silly little project that's a dungeon crawler/card game, where you build rooms and fight monsters and shit using a party of adventurers who each have two decks; rooms, and attacks.

Each turn when moving through the dungeon, you draw a card from each of your party's room decks, so you have four rooms to choose from.
Once you've built a room, it's time to fight in it. Each character now takes turns to whack baddies with their attack decks.
Leveling up allows you to add rooms and attacks to your decks.

Right now, I'm working on the infrastructure for the game states, and I'm about to test it, so wish me luck.

That can't possibly be real.

I'm calling bullshit on it. The modeler in question either doesn't exist, or has the absolute bare bones resume of just a name, no examples of work.


Saw someone use this website on a stream, it's some kind of pixel animation program that works in html5. The preview in top right is animated and automatically updates when you draw on any frame. You can export and import .gif animations.

Seemed pretty cool so I thought I'd share.

I am quite puzzled by that as well to be honest, although I have yet to make my own.

Here's a better version.

I haven't worked on the specifics yet, but each type also has a weight associated with it to make it more or less common.

For generation, I was going to do it in chunks, like 32x4 or something, and there would be a guaranteed number of ores per section, so 14-18 ores might show up in that chunk. If its the very first one, you'd obviously only find copper, but since its weighted, you could find some things less frequently than others.

Its 3D systems are very much in progress. I have been making a game in 3D in Godot and there are a fair amount of bugs to work around. I don't really recommend it if you want to make a 3D game right now.

Heh. It's actually a really simple system (like 50 lines code each) so I'd be very surprised

I've been thinking of making my own engine in C#.

Anyone have any experience doing it all from scratch? Any advice?


The client gave me a more generic model, I am basically done with UV mapping, I'll do the textures later and then the rigging and the PhysX.


Why would you want to make your own engine?
For the sake of it (it is a great way to learn after all)? If you actually to develop a game, I'd strongly recommend you to not go down this path as it increases the amount of work by significant amount. Don't forget that writing the engine is just one part you'll have to do. You'll have to write your own tools to work within the engine, too.

I also don't know why you'd want to write an engine in C#. The typical way to go about it is to use a mix of C, C++ and assembly, then add bindings to another language so you can script your gameplay in Lua/C#/whatever.

What kind of engine, and how "from scratch" do you want it to be?

I have some experience making a generic platformer/adventure engine in Java with libGDX. It was my first game programming experience and my first serious programming experience. I learned a lot from it, and what I learned is that it's an awful lot of work even if you use libraries to handle the dirty stuff, such as asset loading (you don't want to program an engine so much from scratch that you have to program your own texture parser), graphics handling (expect lots of maths if you want to do anything involving cameras from scratch; you are also pretty much reducing yourself to software rendering unless you want to use some library or are an absolute madman), physics handling (if it's simple enough, you can program it quite easily, but don't expect a fully featured efficient physics engine without an awful lot of work and maths) and other nice utilities. Just to point it out, I was using all of these as provided with libGDX even if I still only used the most basic stuff because I didn't like how their more advanced classes worked, and it still was a painful work. Add even more work if you want it to be networked.

Enginedevving is fun and really educational, but only if you can get to the fun bits relatively fast. If you abhor any kind of library, you will have to do some quite tedious things that don't really allow for much engineering creativity (namely, there is just that many ways of making a png file loader, and probably only one way to make it optimal). I found the fun in making a generic input handling dynamic pipe, discovering that you can just make the player a "regular" NPC with a player-controlled AI, making the game loop… but making the ugly parts, like loading sprite animation metainfo from an XML file, were just tedious and boring. I don't even want to imagine how boring would it be to program stuff such as the Tiled map loader, or even more from scratch, an XML parser.

is using zbrush easier than using sculpting on blender?
or is it a matter of practice?

As someone who has been using Maya a lot for characters, I can tell you that the transition to Zbrush is difficult. However, if you have equal skill in both, Zbrush would be the better choice to make high poly sculpts.

So does anybody here have any tips or examples of ECS in C++? I'm really not sure how I want to implement it, and I kinda want to see some examples from people here to get an idea of how others do it.

I got stuck on how to implement components and entities. C++ being OOP, I thought I would try using an Entity class that stored Component structs. I figured the easiest way to do that was to make all Components derive from an empty base class, so I could use polymorphism. About that time is when it snowballed into a useless piece of shit that didn't work. I'm probably just retarded, but when it comes to programming I have all the technical info down, I just can't seem to implement systems and algorithms effectively.

Virtual clay feels more or less the same in any program. The difference usually lies in the amount of vertices it can handle before choking on a fat dick.

Could you give us any info on why did it fail? Your implementation is kinda vague, but that's more or less how it works.

If you have ever done databases or spreadsheets, imagine the entity as a primary key/row and components as fields in that row. All you have to do is hold a collection (use a vector for iteration, then a map to associate their identifiers/keys with their pointers; essentially an ArrayMap) of all the Entities in play, then put inside each Entity an array holding a Map (mainly for flexibility, which I guess it's what you want or otherwise you would be using traditional OOP) that maps Entity type/column to its Component (the "physics" key relates to the physics body of the entity, the "model" key relates to the 3D model of the entity, etc).

Basically, you need to build a primitive database system, and you need:

That's the simplest ECS you can build. It's less than optimal so you could do something like building a separate vector of specific component derivative types just to let the associated functions iterate over them faster and then keep a reference to each member of this vector from their associated entities in the EntityHolder. You make directly accessing a component from a specific entity slower, but you will be doing that much less than iterating over each one each tick to update the component, so you can crank up time efficiency several magnitudes at the cost of some extra memory.

What's a good open source 3d engine.

Unreal 4

I said good. Also add free to distribute to that list.

Good and free as in freedom? Not gonna happen. Try godot maybe. Some anons in here are using it. Only other one I've read about lately is the tombstone engine but that doesn't look all that great.

What's the best engine to make a 2D action RPG? Apparently game maker sucks, is that true? Or will it suit my needs?

How would you use traditional OOP for the storage of components? Or do you mean an inheritance based hierarchy to define different types of entities?

The way I tried to implement it was like this:

So here's a webbum of my newest project.
It's pretty basic at the moment, but I think it's going to be pretty fun, eventually.

just curious, but does anyone know if real life fog has linear falloff, quadratic falloff or a mix of the two like real life light?

Real fog is volumetric, so I would assume quadratic.

Godot or Love2D.
GM can be ok, but it's dying for various reasons.

I assumed so too, but then again real life light is technically quadratic but scattering means that in practice it's a proportion of quadratic and linear.

Anyone know why its giving me this grainy texture?

holyshit its not even UVed or Textured..

Why the fuck would you spend 2K on that. KEK

Sounds reminiscent of Guild of Dungeoneering.

I am shitting these things out like I've eating NRA-sponsored prunes. Am loving this pace I'm hitting. I keep it up and I just might end up with a game at some point in the near (or far more likely) distant future.

Anyways, feeling like my guns have been lacking in some firepower, I made a lovely little handgrenade, painstakingly rendered in just short of 420 polys. Like always, I seek advice and criticisms when I make these, so any and all you have are greatly appreciated.

And at the suggestion of my friends, I made extra renders with alternate frame colors. These will by no means replace actual textures, but are purely for color reference purposes only. Feel free to suggest to me what color frame I should use.

It kind of is, yeah.
It's party-based, though, and you'll eventually be able to recruit any enemy you encounter. Plus there isn't just combat, there's going to be gambling and puzzle rooms, as well as regular combat stuff.

You can save save even more polys if you combine vertices that don't effect the gun's silhouette. For instance, some of them on the trigger guard can be combined.

Do I go with something like GameMaker for a 2D platformer or are there better starter alternatives

if you have to ask, go learn how to make pong, and while you're at it you might as well do it in C (or C++) with SDL, come back in two months (assuming you have a day job)

Look at the space engineers source code, it's available online.
You can see for yourself what it takes.

If you want low-level access to an engine, Unity offers that.
You can do native code plugins (C++), and get access to the nitty gritty of the engine to make extensions or anything else.
Such as getting direct access to the graphics pipeline, like openGL, or make you own extensions of Unity's C++ classes.
The unity decompiled source code is available online too, if you want to see that.

Depends, do you already know how to code?

If not, learn. I'd recommend python if it's your first language, but don't use this to make a game with. It's too high level, and is only really useful to get your feet wet for coding when it comes to game dev.
Then, decide which engine (some anons pointed out good 2D engines in the thread already), and hence which language you want to become well versed in.
After that decision has been made: learn, practice, experiment, rinse+repeat.

What's a good Godot tutorial that's not a video?(I've heard the gamesFromScratch ones are good but I hate video tutotrials, so I wanted an alternative)

I've read most of the documentation on the site already, but it's kinda badly written and some things are just poorly explaned, when I got to the Physics part I just felt like clawing my eyes out.

Literally nothing.
I've had to cobble together my knowledge from fucking around.
There are some example projects on the site, though. They might be able to help you.

Ah, this is what I was fearing and half-expecting.Last time I had to do this was with RPG Maker over 13 years ago.

Also, I'll ask you something if you don't mind.
Any tips?

Fucking hell. Is there any way to tell it to not lose its shit over a blocking collider being inside another collider? I've thought of using other ways to determine a weapon hitting something but multiple collision shapes seems to be the best solution (an axe would have one for the head and one for the shaft, for example).

Am I hardcore yet

does UE have not collision layers?

Yeah, ask away.

It does, however the problem is I do need it to collide with (almost) everything (it will be used to stop the animation when it hits something, spawn any VFX if you whack a tree, etc. not just damage calculations).

I am quite sure the problem stems from the animation forcing the blocking shape into another blocking shape. I think it has something to do with it being a physics enabled actor, which has its simulation disabled when I pick it up (since if I don't have it simulating physics when on the ground, this crash disappears). What is probably happening is that somewhere in the code UE4 is still seeing it as a physics actor, attempts to apply a depenetration velocity on it, but since the physics are disabled that results in a crash.

I'll check my code for disabling the physics when I get home, might have missed something else I need to flip so that UE4 won't treat the penetration as a physics thing.

Picking through unpacked assets is really fun.

What's this? Looks cute.

How the fuck do I handle spritesheets?
I didn't manage to finish the tileset tutorial because I couldn't manage to make the sprite begin from anywhere but the beggining.


In the editor, there's a "Region" thing, that controls where the sprite is cut from the sheet.

Yeah I knew about that mang, my problem is that I'm having trouble setting the region thing to not start the sprite from the leftmost part of it.
For example, in pic related the top sprite includes 2 squares, and it's region is set to 100, 50.
In the bottom sprite it shows only the first square, and it's set to 50, 50.
How would I set the region to show the second square from the upper sprite only?

Region(50, 0, 50, 50)

I even figured out how to unpack all the sound effects.

Oh yeah fuck, there were the X and Y coords.
I'm the hugest retard that ever lived.

I thought pointing it out would be rude.

don't blame yourself too hard
it took me the longest time to figure the upmost text when you click on texture was actually an option a very important option that you will use a lot if you plan of having any sort of animation that isn't tweening

I can now kill enemies, however at the moment they just disappear instead of playing a death animation or something (however the way I have it set up when I need to implement a death animation it will be easy to do so).

I can recommend Godot for 2D as well (uses Python-like script as well as C++). It's frontend makes it pretty easy to get into but the Node/Tree structure for game data might throw people off. It's easy when you understand the concept though.

Also look into Monogame if you know C#, I've heard very good things about it. Love2D obviously uses Lua and unsurprisingly is limited to 2D rendering.

Avoid GameMaker- it's easy for newbies but is a complete mess under the hood, and the you use it the more apparent that becomes.

/k/ just wanted to see your sexy raifu ;_;

GamesFromScratch also has text versions of all its video tutorials

So now that I actually have internet at my house I can upload some videos of my progress.

Dialogue trees are working 100%, and there's even a call on each dialogue node's activation to the NPC (so it could play an animation or remember what you said in a variable, etc.).

Some animations like jumping and climbing are missing, but I have animation blending for four-way walking working perfectly. Sometimes Godot will fuck it up and desynch the animations but I don't think it's my fault.

Climbing is still very bare bones (didn't bother including it in the video) as I'd like to add more features to it, such as shimmying sideways along an edge, using ladders, and climbing in two axiis for a climbing wall. Basically a lot of the stuff that was in the PS2 Tomb Raider games for climbing along surfaces, but done dynamically to the shape of the terrain rather than having level defined "edges".

The base script for my container/item system works great, though I'll need to extend it to allow item stacks, item limits, and a fleshed out actor inventory that supports equipment slots.

Also remodelled the faces of the main character from the placeholder lowpoly stuff to decent looking PS2 quality. Still not perfect but does the job for now.

Warp/Rewind. A fighting/platformer game with time-space manipulation mechanics (essentially rewinding time and teleporting until I come up with more cool stuff). Shit's coded, including full online multiplayer support that isn't jank af, though it is kinda buggy atm. My main break is lack of art/animation. I even got a pretty good composer on board (at least, better than me, and more than good enough for free). I don't have money to invest in good animation up front; instead I'm hoping to find someone to do a half-decent animations for the one character, and MAYBE level art if I'm lucky, and then go to crowdfunding and shill the shit out of this everywhere in hopes of enough money to art the rest of the game.

how would I implement things like clothing and weapons when modelling a character?

Do you want me to be shooting something else while I work on the AI and before I work on the final models?

My sides.

Totally depends on what you need. If you're modelling a character that always looks the same (ie: RTS unit) you can just model the weapons right into the character model.

Unless you strictly NEED changeable clothes you generally want to model the clothes right into the character model as well, not modelling the geometry of the body underneath. This is what almost all games do.

For lots of modern RPGs, customizable outfits/characters are pretty common, so in this case you want to model the character as naked/underwear and model clothing over top.

Then you are in for a wild ride of chopping up your nude character model to Head/Torso/Hands/Legs/Feet pieces and swapping them out with clothed pieces… or going through the equally enjoyable task of making sure the clothing is rigged just perfectly so it doesn't intersect the nude body when deforming. The second is probably a 'cleaner' way that doesn't require welding pieces of the mesh together at runtime by the engine, but it's probably more of a pain in the ass coincidentally, exactly what I'm doing.

maybe i can give you a hand user

Well email's in the email slot on this post so contact me whenever man.


Jokes aside. I really dig that style. It looks cute.

first female walk animation ive done with a stolen model
Any tips on how to make it less awkward-looking?


Movement, from walking, to sitting, to swinging, is done with the entire body.

Whilst plenty of games try to separate lower body and upper body movement for blending purposes, this is wrong and is not how any living being actually moves.


Needs more balancing.

I do love classic Western mechs but I always disliked how they never seemed to balance properly when walking.

That is also the main reason why nobody is making them in real life.

you mean i should emphasise the arm rotation a bit more or change arm position to a more dynamic one?
upped the body rotation and hips movement a bit more now, thanks

The upper and lower body movement isn't split, i know absolutly nothing about ingame animation so i wouldn't have the firsthand clue on how to split to blend better

What do you mean by balancing? Making the body feel 'weightier'?

Starts on Page 102, goes though to page 173.

When you walk you balance your whole body, not just the legs and arms.

I feel stupid for not remembering to look answers in that book, thanks, user, for posting it!

Thanks for the feedback! i'll do a bit more research on walk cycles and correct it

I fucked up my topology
can I save this one?

You can always fix a model. Slide those edge loops down from the top of the head to even out their distribution down to the ear.

Haha, thanks. You're not far off though.

does your project have a name?

torso is completely still. are you sure this isn't just your first animation, period? make the sides of the collar bone bend up and down slightly with each step and animate the torso properly. the upper part of the body doesn't get suspended in time when you walk. the boob jiggle doesn't even make sense in this animation until you work on the torso. legs seem half decent. for some reason she slows down when the left leg gets in front.

For now it's just "Godot 3D ARPG". I'm not too worried about giving it much more of a title until I get more lore/plot done; I have a lot of ideas written down but not a lot decided on.

Maybe these orthographics will help with the proportions. I've been working on my garbage for a long time and basically have to layer my efforts, relying on my old work as references. If I had to rebuild it from scratch, I would be in a lot of trouble. It's not perfect topology or anything, but I find it's what's workable in my projects.

My girls are based on Tony Taka's art. Also it's worth analyzing pic of anime figurines on google.

How do you make good and functional anime eyes?

Easiest way to do it is with textures- have separate materials for each eye and swap out textures to animate the eyes. Fairly certain Senran Kagura does this, but also for mouth movement. If you're going for an anime look that's not very hi poly (for reference, even twilight princess does a somewhat fancier version of this method for eyes, and I can't imagine an AGDG game pushing past that), then it's best to stick with using textures.

3D is certainly possible but can be harder to get looking right, especially with animation.

For further reading:

Anyone learning Godot, just go for this:
First thing.
Don't be a retard like me and spend a week reading the documents, it killed pretty much all the will I had to learn due to how fucking shitty that was, every time I just wanted to claw my eyes out.

Isn't that universally a shit way to learn? In every single case of using anything, I've found the documentation is best for reference once you're already somewhat familiar with just what the fuck you're doing.

I can second that link you posted, for even the current documentation is mindnumbingly dry for a nodev like me starting out.

The documentation says that it is a tutorial + documentation, except that all the tutorials are shit and they manage to make a fucking pong tutorial needlesly complicated and outdated.

I already knew programming myself and even I struggled fucking hard with the docs.

There was an influx of autists mourning bomberman a few days back. Gave me the idea of an enemy type that places those bombs and then ducks into a safe spot.

Might not be fun as it sounds (to me) in a first person dungeon crawler, though.

Fuck, this is silly but the thought of being chased and cornered by a pack of unyielding metal cylinders is very unsettling.

I have a license for gamemaker but I've never really gotten to using it. I think making chess would be a good warm up.

I can't into 3d at all so anything I'd make would be pixels. Also since I have no experience, anything I'd make would turn out a mess. It hurts.

She still needs high heels, gloves, and a french maid headpiece.

After we fix the collisions and most of the clipping, do you think she'll be fuckable, anons?

I want to do cartoon shading, the problem is I've looked at the Guilty Gear method of smart normals and is impossible at my skill level. The alternative, just putting a global post process would make it look harsh and nasty. This is the semi-realistic base model I ended up with after so many problems and criticisms with my previous models, so I suppose a more realistic shading is needed. However, I like the film-like effect I've seen in some UE4 gamejams where it's basically a diffuse with emissive even though there are no toon outlines or harsh fall-off.

If anyone has advice I'll be appreciative, this will affect the environments as well, which will have handpainted textures.

I swear I'll find a way to fix it, good thing I am learning a lot and working faster as time goes, BTW, the model is horribly asymmetrical and has too many sharp faces, you said it was off the shelf?

Ah, I decimated it. The original was way too highpoly. I didn't want to bake a normal map either, not necessary.

An easy way to do the normal direction is the way they did with street fighter. Just transfer the normals from a smoother model with no or minimal facial features.


Correction, it wasn't done by Capcom, that was a random dude working with the model.


I have to agree; the simplification of the shading just looks strange, especially on the nose.

Well, the cleanup was messy, if you can send me the hi-poly version to work with I may be able to improve some stuff, I am still working on low poly counts (or at least I think I am), Mixamo did kind of a weird job rigging some parts, like the feet which are bent sideways when they are set "straight"

Will email u in a bit

BTW, the model is slightly turned, displaced or tilted, nothing gets right on the X coordinate (zero), I think you should send me the original model, otherwise this will be a pain to work with.

Alright, finally sent you the email. I was pretty sure I entered strict coordinates in Blender so I dunno why it's turned. Anyways, the base mesh has the full Maya files. Feel free to make your own waifus if you want, but if you manage to fix the awful symmetrical UV map please do send me.

So it's essentially a reverse of baking the high poly normal onto low poly: it's baking the low poly normal onto the high poly.

Interesting approach.

how do i make hands easier to animate?

Does your 3D package not have inverse kinematics + handles?

yeah it does that (see that yellow bone)
do i just bind a bunch of IKs and handles to the fingers?

Seems like that would be the right thing to do. You should be able to set up one ik over several joints right? Like one tendon per finger.

I don't know much else in the practical implementation since I've been spoiled by HumanIK and haven't stressed over bipedal bones for 4 years.

You could get Rigify, which has a convenient set of finger bones for the hand.

The tool is more 'elaborate'(?) than you might need though.

You could rig some IK controlls of your own, there should be tutorials around for that.

Finally, the best way to do it is to man up and painstakingly do everything manually.
If you enter 'local' orientation for rotation in pose mode, you should be able to make certain gestures quicker.

It just werks

how do you do level design in Godot? Like are they .bsp files or are they just big models.

Thanks, I'll see what I can do, for starters I will need to correctly post it because its base pose is atrocious.

In Godot, how do you make a script display a sprite?

Thanks. (Asking for my nodev friend)

You use ResourceLoader.load("res://path/to/sprite.png") then use .instance() of that resource, then attach it to the scene tree using get_tree().get_root().add_child(newNode).

Hey these Unity tutorials are pretty fun

I guess I could try UE4 later too



This kills the cow.

And I have something ready to show off.

user you made a fucking demon

ayy lmao

anyway, that's not how anime 3d models are made nowadays, you shouldn't make eyes so detailed - let the textures and shaders do their work. more realistic actual jaw won't hurt there either

You might want to put some kind of indicator that the order is right→left on the turns,the animation makes one focus on the left side.
It took me 2 loops to notice the one in the right was the current character.I am ashamed of myself

Sure, I can do that.

Try a FOSS idtech engine

Interesting fact: as soon as the cow is shot in the brain it is dead, even though they will often twitch quite violently with eyes wide open. I have seen a steer try to get up again after it was shot beaindead and had its throat cut, spraying blood in circles as it stumbled, gurgling as it tried to breathe. But it was 100% dead. No lights on upstairs. Their lower primitive brain controls more than you'd think.

I fucking know, right?

He could have made a cute simplified semi realistic girl like pics, but instead he chose to submit to weebshit proportions. How sad.

oh it's you again

What can I say? My hatred knows no bounds.

Besides, I'm right.

lol yeah this is the 2015 version, I'm overhauling everything and moving towards Guilty Gear XRD style though. Ultimately this is why I'll never finish the game, hahaha.


im sorry but this looks like IMVU levels of trash. not that the modeling is bad, just the design of it makes me think of purely awful free social gaymes. not trying to dis this, but i think this is what a lot of people will think of it.

It looks very unsettling.

I think the head does not fit the body. The skin also looks a bit too detailed and gives off an uncanny vibe.

I guess now I know why so many animu games have such bright skin textures.

In short, it's a very unsettling mix of various detail levels.

Fuck, no idea why that video was attached.

sure you are

Now go and apply your wisdom instead of begging for someone to pander to you.

Yep that's why I'm going GG:XRD style and overhauling everything so it will be even more animu for my target market.

Sounds fun. Make sure it's cute and add some cheesecake for people like me too.

Good luck with that

I'm not begging for anything, I'm just pointing out how shit taste hinder the creative process.

My client says this is too many polys, I agree to an extent but reducing them seems a little hard (in Maya at least), I know since it will be animu style the face can get some major overhaul but I would be modeling it myself then, what do you think anons? is this really too many polys? how many is low enough?

Forgot pic


Precisely, that's too much, right?

at this point you might as well start all over again

Can't you lower the polycount somehow?

It doesn't look like that many that's what confuses me.

The model looks too detailed. A lot of those can be removed without it suffering from too much loss of detail.

It is the one I will use for reference, I just wanted to know if I could reduce it, IMO I think it is minimalist enough, if anything I guess I could do it manually.

What's the target platform?

I find fully armored/clothed
Mobile: Under 3-6k.
PC, maybe 15-20k is all that's necessary, and even then you may want to create at least one more LOD version as well.

You should look into retopology, that's basically redoing models so that they have a lower tricount, it's usually done when a high poly model is needed for normal map baking. I have no idea how that is done in Maya, though.

How is it done in other programs?

No idea.



How do you design levels in Godot?


Wait for it…
hahaha. I made a funny Wladimir


Any tutorials, resources, or links? I've looked everywhere, but I can't find anything.

I think you just make a huge plane then just add a bunch of models and call it a level because no one knows the difference anyways

Well that doesn't make a great game.

There's a plugin for level making dude.
Check /agdg/'s godot bread

I meant level designing in 3D

Uhn, but it's kinda under developed for 3D, I think your best bet is making a level-maker plugin

I haven't done much yet… but for 3D you just model the scene in Blender or whatever nonfree program you're using and import the scene into Godot. That's it.

Having never done anything with materials in material editors, how do you get into learning this stuff? I can do programming but I have no idea what I'm doing with materials.

It's nice to see other weeb devs. We can help each other to not create unintentionally horrific designs.

I think that texturing style, like the other user said, is best for semi-realistic proportions. See this instead

Is this model still too much trouble. I'm willing to go anything. Even just grab the standard Mixamo model (Since its polycount is fine and the proportions and topology are alright.), fix the tits, chop off its head and stick an anime head on it.

Also I'm already content with model, it's just that it's giving you trouble with collisions, so maybe just make a very rough collisions-only approximation skeletal model.

Thanks for your help as always.

Is this for UE4? Try adding a Constant variable input into Specular and into Roughness, set it in between 0 and 1, and you will learn how to adjust the shininess of most objects, which is basically the majority of material adjustments I make. You can also use grayscale texture masks so you can have for example, flat skin texture and shiny boots.

If you want to combine a texture mask and a variable input you use Multiply and merge the pin nodes.

For vehicles there's also Metallic which works with the other variables.

Emissive is when you want the texture to glow without lighting. I have often used that to make vehicles with fancy taillights.

Yeah for UE4. I know how to do that basic stuff with specular, emissive, etc, but for example, a post process that changes colour based on input stencil I don't know. If it was c++ I could easily do a if / switch case but those do not work the same way with materials.

Hmmm. What I usually do is hunt for the particular effects I need and hope to god there's a sample Blueprint of it somewhere. Sorry I'm not much help there.

Yeah I've found some that are useful and give me partially what I want but not entirely. That's why I wanted to know if there are some good resources to learning it all instead of stumbling around in the dark.


You better add a soccer minigame or something.

This looks amazing! What is it?

I was actually considering it

It's the love child of Morrowind, Diablo, Zelda, and a few other games. Basically steal as much as I can and throw it all into a single game and see how it works. is my blog.

You mean football :^)

I will go, user.
I wonder if you have an estimate…?

Estimate of _what_?

When I can get my filthy plebian hands on it

The model is fine, I am just trying to find a way to refine it, in retrospective it is really still high-poly so I asked around, I am in the process of sending it for rigging, I am done adjusting its bind pose.

Oh ok thanks. Suggestion: put her bra top on before sending for rigging, then we won't need to worry about physics for that one, and if we wanted off we can just use transparent texture. Or at least for the version of the model intended for my character. Hope this time you can put the hair, skirts, and addons really snugly.

Obvious pixelshit aside, how's this look?

this looks sweet, mind if i ask what its coded in?

I'll work on it, NP.

wouldn't even pirate tbh

That's okay, I'll just make a few pixelshit games in this, then ask for Patreon money

Can someone drop a download link for Pico-8? I can't find an up to date one anywhere.


Will this tactic be used to fund bigger projects, or just to live?

I have a job, so it's just a hobby. At worst, some extra spending money, at best, maybe a finished project something that isn't a meme engine

Sometimes around when it's done :)

well okay then

In all honesty I dunno. Maybe like a year?

I can wait.

What would be the best engine if I were to make a game like the original fallouts?

I'll answer for him: Monogame.

MonoGame, or maybe Godot.

how do I avoid errors like this in the future

The Sonic Retro wiki might have some info related to that, albeit biased towards sanic hax.

It's okay, you can fix that.
Let me draw up a fixer for you.

Wait, no I can't.
You've fucked it.

either smooth shit or get good

Hello again, MoM user here; Its been awhile. Nearly Two Months, In Fact!

I am working my way towards my first actual trailer, but just to show that I am still working on this project (which I have been for the last 2 months, very hard, in fact; I want to have a few surprises for my trailer however!) I am going to be showcasing some of the maps I have created. This is actually my first ever DOOM map I have ever created outside of the empty boxes I used for the showcase trailers.

I will be showcasing more screenshots in the next post!


Looks comfy.

What does MoM stand for? Is it something I can fuck?

Anybody developing for VR?

Memoirs of Magic!

I been posting it here for awhile!

Sorry, I thought this thread died and forgot to reply.

With fields. Yeah, it's shit and very non-flexible, and the only advantage is speed, which is why ECS were invented. You can improve this with some clever inheritance architecture or object composition, but it's still not as flexible as an ECS.

For simple games these might do the trick, but for anything big you want ECS as they are more flexible and scalable.

That's more or less what I wrote, so I don't get why it doesn't work. I can only think of pointer fuckery or forgetting to cast ComponentBases on retrieval, but I don't really know. Where or how does your system fail?

By the way, have you considered EntityX?

please give me a (you) comfort

I just realized I could of made chunks of the body and not fuck up

I feel bad because I wasted my precious days

Nice cozy tavern

So this is in DOOM right? Would you mind posting one of your character's textures/animations? I've wondered how they looked for that game … it's all billboarded and frame by frame, right?

question /agdg/? has anyone been able to download any of the free courses from coursera?

they are going to remove hundreds of them at the end of the month and i haven't had much luck with the coursera-dl python script to grab them.

So, I juiced the shit out of my game.

Here is your (you).
Also have a Meduka to help you cheer up.

Everything will be gud, user. What's important is that you learn from your mistake.

What is the way to do blending of a sprite in SFML? Take this pseudocode:

glColorMask(true, true, true, false);
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);

How would you actually use this? I was told to import SFML/OpenGL.hpp and use window.setActive(). The compiler says the reference is undefined. I would guess this is an import error, but it's there. What do?

Same thing happens with the example that comes with the code. There's probably something wrong with the way I'm importing the library. Investigating.

It shouldn't be this fucking hard to make animated, scrolling backgrounds in Game Maker.

Why doesn't Game Maker support animated backgrounds?


Because GameMaker is garbage

google the compiler error, which hopefully you did before posting here or anywhere. It sounds like you're missing the library or not linking it correctly. I always get errors the first time I compile a new opengl/sdl/glew/glfw/etc project because you need to link all this shit and in a certain order…