You can only have one

You can only have one.

i'll take any of them since they'll all have the same result when i put them against my head

I don't like Nerf guns.

Never know when I might come up against some heavy armor. Give me the GEP Gun.

Stick with the prod.

This feels like a thread straight outta halfchan

this agent knows whats up


ill ave yer mum m8

I'll take the Ryno II. Give Omar's high score a run back in his homeland.

I'll take the most silent way to eliminate Manderley, thank you.

RYNO 2 all the way




was the ryno II the tracking one or the rapid fire one?

Yeah right


Pick one:
Portal gun lets you create two portals on any flat surface large enough to accommodate a ~6 ft. portal.

Gravity gun lets you pick up incredibly heavy objects, the ability is limited by the size of the object it grabs.

Dimensional Glove lets you shift dimensions on-demand, while keeping yourself from shifting with the world around you. Dimensions include:
Everything is made light and fluffy.
Everything is heavy metal.
Time moves a lot more slowly.
Self explanatory, careful where you throw that furniture.
Dimension shifting takes a lot of juice, the shift is temporary and after a few minutes the glove needs to recharge for an hour. You may encounter a dimension gremlin named Ike, don't trust the little bugger.


portalgun is shit, because you have to shoot it on special walls coated with moon paint

Even in the game canon that's wrong though, moon paint was a good portal conductor, but not necessary for placing a portal on a wall. Even plain concrete walls were sufficient for portal creation.
Thinking back on it, it seems more like the logic behind what was a valid portal surface relied on how light reflected off the surface, since black surfaces reflect very little on the wavelength spectrum, no portal is created, whereas the whiter the surface is, the more wavelengths on the spectrum are reflected. Also would explain why portals couldn't be shot through the frosted glass, if the wavelengths are refracted then it cannot create the portal.

I'll take this instead.

good choice

As per 'moon paint' is not a hard requirement.

In fact, given how fiscally irresponsible Aparture
is under Cave Johnson's leadership, 'moon paint', made out of actual moon rocks, from the actual moon, being used in place of a plain one is probably just meant to serve as another example of that.

It was surprisingly fun for a game so little known.
A hidden gem I'd say.

It was a pretty unique puzzle game, I think one of the criticisms it got was the disembodied voice that seemed to mimic Cave Johnson.


I'll take Paul Denton.

It was the actor that played "Q" in TNG, John de Lancie.

The GEP Gun might be useful

Well fuck a dick, is every narrator Cave Johnson now? Professor Quadrangle is nothing like CJ other than being an entertaining disembodied male voice. Those internet people have some crazy opinions, for sure.

I loaded up the game just last week for the first time in 5 years to finish it off. Fun stuff, hindered somewhat by first-person precision jumping puzzles.

The music composer is actually Chris Ballew from the Presidents Of The United States Of America. He did a fun credits song in the style of the Presidents. Made it worth finishing the game for me. Your mileage may vary.

I think the choice is obvious!

I always liked the mp5/m203 from hl1. It's also real.