Valve offers VR developers funding to avoid platform-exclusive deals
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fuck off reddit
It means you won't get cucked by Sony exclusivity, retard.
Isn't the Vive locked to Steam though?
No. Any program can access the Vive, but at the moment the only interactive menu happens to be the one built into steam.
What a jewtastic display of virtue signaling.
This is actually pretty decent. I still doubt we'll get an actual good game in VR unless Valve steps up themselves and make one, but it's nice to see the whole platfrom won't be in the hand of Jewenberg.
Also I'm pretty sure Valve knows their approval ratings are at an all time low and are trying in any way possible to get people to like them again, which is at least good for the consumer.
I looked it up & it appears the HTC Vive will only work with Steam + SteamVR.
Therefore, this news being construed as "Valve is trying to prevent exclusivity" is just a shill narrative since Valve has VR that is exclusive to Steam.
Unless you have some reputable source confirming HTC Vive can be used without installing Valve's software?
The more-logical assumption is this is being done to lure developers into being Steam-exclusive with the Vive.
Fuck off, shill
Why am I a shill?
Where the fug are my shekels
Good to see Gaben using his kike abilities for something other than plain 24/7 ass fuck.
Even if VR is lame as fuck and barely makes the costs worth the investment, there wont be a Sony exclusivity at least.
Will ZukerJew, Samsung and Jewgleget back into the VR game ?
Thats actually, the most obvious one. Like teaching how to make vidya, but using your engine as a reference trough the course, later the students might have a higher chance to develop with your engine or arse themselves to learn another one.
The thing is that the runtime it uses right now is called SteamVR, and while it is Valve software, it is not Steam.
Here is a Git of their OpenVR API which does not need to be run in Steam.
vr will be on pc
I really don't see the appeal of VR porn to be completely honest
GF experiences? Sure.
But porn? Nah
Good joke.
I still have some hope left
Exclusives are not bad in terms of tech due to a project being heavily focused on a single machine, those projects being badly done are another thing
I don't know a lot about VR other than being a possible future cancer like motion controllers were, but if all the hardware options are heavily standarized then this is not that bad
But if that's not the case then funding can go wrong exponentially and also time plans
It helps them, if the systems start closing it could affect steam in the long run.
because a lot on people on Holla Forums are paranoid fuckers/
VR onaholes
top kek
Don't get it twisted useful idiots. This isn't to keep away from platform exclusives, this is to keep away from having competition.
What a genius. They are pretending to be good, but actually getting at least time exclusives for Steam.
This isn't a video game specific tactic, by the way. In the universities Java has taken over and as such now everything is fucking programmed in java and that's why most every fucking thing is a bloated piece of shit.
Likewise, when you become an employee of IBM you are routinely put into certification courses for all their different technologies (they have a whole lot of shit). The end result being that when you leave the company to another business (which they assume you will always do) you are like a virus because you will automatically recommend IBM solutions to those other business problems.
So while Oracle might be cheaper or there might be a FOSS solution, you'll push IBM and your new company may even agree because hey, they don't have to get someone new for it, you're there with all your pretty certs.
Oh no. Stop the presses.
Jesus fuck. At that point just suicide.
I was l going to scold you for this, but then I though about it and realized that technically you could mean "the niche (of girlfriend simulators) belongs to them" and the sentence still works.
Nice save.
in this case what valve is pushing for isn't focus on a single machine, it's focus on a specific distribution system. which is better, but still pretty awful.
i don't know if the drm on steamvr is any harder to bypass than steam's current drm though, so i might just pirate any steam exclusive games.
I suppose more properly I should have said "niche industry" or something like that.
Listen idiot, most of us will agree Steam is a piece of shit DRM that ninjas its way into alot of peoples machines because "so easy" and "summer sale", but Valve backing an open VR policy is for the better of everyone interested in VR, PC gaming, and the gaming industry as a whole.
If VR can kick off properly and there is a heavy consumer-based incentive for developers to allow any HMD to use whatever VR content they create, the better for all of us, even people who don't give a shit about VR.
You don't want to live in a world where Facebook owns VR, even if you don't use VR at all.
You don't want to live in a world with facebook, even if you don't use it, but at least you have it better when they don't keep cornering markets and cropping up absolutely everywhere.
I applaud Steam for doing this, but recommend no-one ever install a service that comes with built in DRM that basically means, when the service dies, your games are gone.
Go GoG, just don't install that PoS bloatware they recently launched.(Even if it let's you DL SS2 or whatever, just don't do it bruh)
So because it seems very little people seem to actually have an idea what's going on, allow me to give you all a summary.
Oculus/Facebook have been moneyhatting as many VR titles as they can so they can get timed or complete exclusivity to Oculus Home, and by extension the Rift/Touch. Their storefront implements DRM checks to make sure you're using an Oculus Rift, so you cannot play anything on Oculus Home with anything else unless you use software hacks like ReVive (which Oculus/Facebook are actively trying to break.)
This is basically a counter-offer with less strings attached, so devs are less likely to be tempted by Facebook dosh, and in turn not release their games on a shitty store that's trying to create a monopoly on the VR market before it even fucking has a chance to start.
Lastly, as points out, the Vive is based on OpenVR, which isn't tied to Steam. It's just that SteamVR is currently the biggest active implementation of it as a platform and the one marketed the hardest.
All male porn stars are jews or niggers, so you'll be put in the body of a jew or a nigger in that VR "experience".
Better wait for glorious nippon to make their waifu simulators.
"Summer Lesson" will probably not hit the western market thanks to SJWs, that's from a statement from the developer. He wants to avoid the heat that he will get because faggots, dykes, niggers etcetra are not represented.
I think the future of waifu simulators is in the open platfom of something like OSVR that can grow under the radar so these fucking cancerous people can't sniff it out and have it shut down.
Clearly you didn't read steams' TOS.
If the servers are ever to be brought down, they give you a version that doesn't require steam's DRM.
Aw for fucks sake, why do I have to spell it out to morons like you who don't understand the concept of humor.
Thank you for bringing real information to the table an explaining it so plainly.
Is this explicitly written in the TOS ?
I remember they promised it in the past, but i wouldn’t expect them to keep their promise at this point.
I am aware of this, and I am very grateful to Valve for deciding on this policy, as I have quite a few games on Steam. The problem arises when and IF the company shuts down, and everyone downloads everything in their libraries en-masse, how long will they keep their services up, etc.
Don't get me wrong, Valve is one of the better companies when it comes to intruding on peoples rights to the games they've paid for, but the danger of tying yourself and everything you rightfully own to one company is so large, that even if it seems they ARE the good guy, you are setting yourself up for a massive disappointment and financial loss.
But like I said, steam are better than most, and I have quite the library with them.
Just backup your games and make sure you have cracks for it all
oh. Whoops.
>something that demonstrably makes 3D games better 3D displays was forgotten
Fuck this gay fucking planet
VR is also 3D.
I thought this was common knowledge?
I guess the paranoid and hipster contrarian fucks on Holla Forums are just that.
3D displays were a gimmick. Always have been and always will be.
The only good thing to come from it was it required monitors to have a higher refresh rate.
With that said, I can only hope that trend continues.
I'm using 3 monitors with 144Hz refresh rate each.
Yeah but a 3D flat panel monitor is objectively better than strapping a display to your head and leads to less eyestrain in general, and fucking bonus you don't need borderline unnecessary hardware.
I agree that VR is a stupid gimmick and always has been. It's not conducive to any real video games that don't place you in a driver's seat or cockpit. I'll get one as soon as there is a real, good, full mech game for it though.
As someone who has actually used a VR headset I can tell you the experience with 3D on flat displays is absolutely uncomparable to it. There's a difference between shit popping out of a screen like a picture book (and giving you a fucking headache from the Active Shutter technology) and feeling like you're actually in the goddamn place you're seeing.
user this isn't a place for facts and real experiences. This is a place for people to complain about something that "normalfags" seem to really like at the moment.
You know what they call that? An unsubstantiated claim.
I haven't actually used anything 3D gaming related yet, (unless the 3DS counts,) but I don't see how actual depth perception alone could be anything but an improvement to any 3D game. Why would it be any better if you're supposed to be in a vehicle than if you're supposed to be walking around on your own two feet?
Ah yes, valve will give out money for free. Sure thing Gaben, you seem totally trustworthy
While I'm hoping VR takes off you obviously don't give a shit about it.
But like you already implied, VR HMDs will push technology allowing extreme refresh rates for ultra-high definition screens, and when this forces a new standard, it will lower costs for everyone looking to buy for example 144hz screens.
It's a win-win for all
Fucking finally screens look like they will take another leap, fuck me, what a wait
Holy shit, that fucking nose.
the nose knows
Just like your claim that Active Shutter 3D is objectively better than VR?
It's something that hasn't really been thoroughly tested yet, so it sounds like you're making an assumption that VR headsets are worse by virtue of the fact that it involves a screen on your face.
It won't be for a while until there's any conclusive evidence on it, so your claim can be considered just as unsubstantiated as mine. I also never actually stated it was better health-wise, simply that the sensation of you really being in the virtual world can't be replicated with any 2D or '3D' displays.
I didn't say that active shutter 3d was better, you implied that is what I was talking about.
That would be correct. While the technology is being pushed and seems exciting it feels a little bit too much like the PS2 "eye toy" or the motion controls for the Wii.
Or actually, more apt, the Google Glass. Something that should have so much fucking promise and everyone is excited about but might ultimately prove to go nowhere.
I'm tired of backing dead-end technologies with my dollarydoos.
Sorry, I was making the distinction because ASD was the most widespread implementation of 3D when it was being pushed. Other methods weren't really as prevalent so I was evaluating it on that standpoint.
I do still stand by my opinion in terms of experiences though, from the time I've spent using the DK2. I don't know if you've actually given it a go, but I'd urge you to try it out sometime, if you can find a place that's demoing the Vive or something.
Like the guy below says
I've actually used the DK2 for long periods of time, and while I will be choosing the Vive over the Oculus, even the DK2 was amazing WHEN IT DID THINGS RIGHT.
Making Warcraft2 VR compatible might sound like a good idea, the base game has to be something that translates into full 3D well.
I played all the demoes, the rollercoasters, the haunted house simulators and the mazes. I also played quake1 and doom1. Doom1 was fun for a little while, with the cardboard cutouts placed in the 3d environment, but quake was amazing.
the horror mazes, when paired with noise-cancelling headphones were incredibly intended, some of the roller coasters were fun as all hell.
Just put a joystick and recognition for the hands in there and any, ANY simulator you can think of will be better, this is anything from the lame truck simulators to the awesome Mech sims that are bound to show up.
In the end, I just want to play original Unreal with a HMD and experience that one moment when you exit the Vortex Rikers and see the huge open 3d environments with the birds, waterfalls and lush environments while this song reaches its initial apex just as you come to the top of the chasm for the first time.
I want to BE there
Fucking warmwheels, fix this shit, why can't I post video
I meant incredibly intense
It still doesn't work grammatically, regardless of what was meant.
Because you are pretending to be walking around someplace while sitting on your ass. Breaks the immersion. It also really forces a first person perspective.
are you joking
there are people on Holla Forums who unironically think you lose access to installed games when your internet goes out
If steam ever goes down you're at the mercy of gaben if he lets you play them offline or not.
Valve wastes their money on stupid shit, every time I see a Steam update they're updating some stupid shit that nobody uses.
It is to his long term benefit to give scraps so that the VR-compatible games on steam increases, even if it is full of indie shit
"Diversifying the portfolio"
Whatever they keep pissing money into, it's pocket change for Valve, and if one, just one of these things become huge, it can be another Steam/TF2/CS/Cashcow. At least that's probably their thinking.