Fathom the irony of this
Fathom the irony of this
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I can maybe understand covering the chest, but what the fuck is the point of covering the armpits and arms?
Jesus christ Nintendo
looks like a fucking burka now, ffs. Seriously this isn't even news anymore, like this shit is just ridiculous.
Is it irony or stupidity? Or just straight up fucking lazyness? Ya know, I think it's a combo of the 3.
For fucking who? You disrespected anyone who would care.
Not to mention I've seen wedding dresses with more skin in the west, and the modified dress looks like a hackjob, much like when they censored shit in Xenoblade Chronicles X.
Looks like they used the bucket tool on her skin
Burkas soon.
da fuck NOA? i was expecting better from them! preorder canceled, fuck those faggots!
Honestly, I wonder if that is why they are doing this. Those changes are very odd and some of the censorship is going overboard (such as the pelvis). I wonder if NoA is being pushed to shift their focus to "include" muslims.
I'm more in favor of the idea of Treehouse changing shit for the sake of changing shit just to justify their jobs/get more money out of NoJ, myself.
The fuck is this shit? They took a really nice looking dress and turned it into a fucking one piece pajama. It's fucking AWFUL. Like goddamn I can't fucking believe that they thought this looked good in anyway. This is a insult to women and fashion designers everywhere. If someone told me the Orlando shooting was a assisted mass suicide by people who eyes were scarred by this abomination I would believe them. They want to talk about not offending anyone? This fucking edit offended the very concept of love, a emotion they clearly don't understand.
I find it funny that all of this cenorship happens in weeb games.
S A V O R T H E F A N - S E R V I C E
Top fucking lol.
You know that is most likely exactly what they did.
If the weebs stop being the creepy japanese games, then eventually japan will stop sending them. This means that all of the west will be safe from video game developers who refuse to bend over for the big dick of feminism!
But why? It looks fucking horrible, like it's an unfinished model or something.
I mean it's not I care because the game itself turned me off after it was a Persona clone instead of whatever its original concept could've been, but why? I don't even remember animeshit from the 90s or 2000s doing shit like this. Who is this game for, and why are they censoring it just to get it a Teen rating?
This has ascended completely ridiculous status and has me seriously worried for P5's "localization". Even if it's just Nintendo forcing them to as they've claimed, I can't help but feel they're going to get ideas from this awful partnership. If I ever end up playing this, I'm definitely waiting on a proper uncensor or just stumbling my way through the JP version. Changing a fucking dungeon was the last straw for me, this is just a kick in the dick while you're down for any sadsack still wanting to play it localized.
Meme magic is making the burqa shit come true. I don't know whether to praise Kek or cry.
This was expected from NoA. The real question is how many niggers on Holla Forums will buy this anyway and make threads saying how disappointed they were.
At least we didn't get any E3 coverage on this so it shows that Nintendo and Atlus have no expectations on this game doing well.
There's like 5 million WiiUs in the world.
This can't possibly sell well either way.
Fanservice doesn't mean just T&A
That aside, this is still a steaming pile and I hope for rusty nails in Treehouse's fingertips.
i wish meteor user could actually summon meteors…
As Konami has shown there isn't enough money in the world to satisfy shareholders and executives anymore in videogames. But there is still expectations to make some kind of return and I doubt #FE will make even that much.
It's 12 million though
I hate to be that guy, but is this really the first problem you have with this game?
Honestly this game could use a little less fanservice, they just meddled in the wrong places
12 million is nothing. We're talking of a platform exclusive aimed at a niche of a niche on one of the worst selling consoles in nintendo history.
The fact that it's so niche means that past a certain point Wii U sales don't matter
What fanservice and stylish costumes? All I see are fucking curtains.
Maybe if it had merchandise in the west to make up for it, but on top of being the lowest selling of all SMT spinoffs so far, there's barely any hype for it. If it manages to bomb worse than Devil's Third or Fatal Frame 5 I'll be shocked
They are trying to accommodate the new European population.
I remember way back, maybe like 6 or 7 years ago, there was a thread on /a/ wondering about some of the confusing changes 4kids made to their anime. Not just stuff like removing blood and cigarettes, but they made some really weird edits like pic related. They would just completely erase signs in the background of pokemon episodes, even if there was no Japanese and featured just the picture of a pokeball; they would randomly change the color of character's clothing on One Piece, and on a few occasions, even painted over Luffy having an open mouth smile, to having a closed mouth smile. Then there was the fact that 4kids made the 2003 Ninja Turtles cartoon that contained violence and weapons that they would censor out of their anime.
An user spoke up that claimed to have worked for 4kids in the department that did those edits. He said that they had a list of items that they would have to keep an eye out for and edit out and then the episodes would be sent off and reviewed to make sure all "objectionable" content was removed. He said that back in the Pokemon days, the team came up with a scam. They would edit out all the things that they were required to edit out, and then start making discrete changes throughout episodes as an easy way to get some overtime pay. They really kicked this up during One Piece, as 4kids was well aware that it was a show with a lot of episodes, and a lot of violent content that would need to be edited out. For all the people higher up knew, the guys in the digital painting department were racking up so much overtime because editing One Piece was such a daunting task.
I have to wonder if the people in the Treehouse are pulling a similar scam. Making all kinds of inconsistent and confusing edits in order to get some overtime pay.
I'm still upset what Nintendo did to this series. I'm worried if it'll even get another game.
Its funny, back then people lost their shit at 4kids edits. Now everyone is just so passive.
Wasn't it shit and didn't it bomb in Japan
Man that looks like a tasty ass jelly donut
Unless TK gets the rights back to only do PS only entries, don't count on it.
I dont know why Nintendo even has those rights when they've done nothing with them for years until one spinoff on 3DS and a Wii U entry they didn't give a fuck about.
Can we just resurrect duwang and get the to do localisations?
In Japan it sold better than the Wii games.
I want to find a more recent source than 2014, though. One that includes all regions.
Welcome to the Muslim States of Amerisrael, leave your privilige and hopes by the door.
There are people on Holla Forums that will defend this.
thats hardly fan service to begin with
whats so wrong with showing a little skin?
The long and the short of it is that we need to tell companies to stop publishing anything niche or the least bit "mature" on Nintendo consoles. Or at least not publish exclusively.
Fucking with Fatal Frame is the straw that broke my back with Nintendo. Well that and Bravely Default, but I'm not sure how much of that was NoA and how much was just typical Square incompetence.
We need more foreign people with poor english to do translations. Where can we get them?
I refuse to believe that what they did to that game
wasn't done on purpose
Almost forgot
The original, uncensored version is more modest than most actual fucking modern wedding dresses. NoA has always been a little censor happy but this is monumental, catastrophic horseshit.
But how can they be so ashamed of a horror game? More over, its not like the series never had a fanbase in the west. You'd think they'd put some effort into even giving it a physical release.
People who play #FE in any form are deluded and blind (emphasis on both) to the shit they are receiving from Nintendo and Atlus from the get go. This is the frosting dot's on top of the cake or the sprinkles that make the flowers or someshit.
They probably would have lost money doing a physical release considering how bad it sold in Japan
They literally titled the trailer spoopy,Then removed it and reuploded it with the new title "Extremely Spoopy trailer"
Yes I have heard about this as well
They 'make up' things that are objectionable so they can request more work and pay.
Translate a game it would go over so quickly, you wouldn't nee d alot of employees or money
Localize a game and you get to add a bit more work hours and up your paycheque and employee count
Censor a game and suddenly you need a lot more time, money and employees to change things in the game
what a great scam that drains Nintendo Crop of money and lines the pockets of cancerous faggots
I bet half of them don't even believe their own shitty rhetoric, but they'll spout non-sense about tits being covered up if their paycheque has an added bonus
NoA loathes this series. 3rd game was on PS2, then it went to Nintendo.
4 and 2 Wii never hit NA, but don't worry. They used Fatal Frame to show off their shitty 3DS camera gimick.
Europe got a physical release.
I am so glad that I never got started with the FE series. Hopefully, between the Idol Emblem thing and NoA's Ministry of Truth bullshit, it will send it to pasture.
Don't forget
>game is still rated M for Mature
Oh yeah,Almost forgot that they were too busy censoring to fix bugs.
Y'know the thing that prevented the 4th one getting released here in the west
Now that's just retarded
I could see them censoring Xenoblade X and SMTxFE because they want the T rating
But if Fatal Frame is going to M anyways what's the point
Series peaked with the GBA ones tbh
Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn don't have those awesome sprites
Then Tecmo needs to get it back from Nintendo and never let them touch it again. Fuck modern Nintendo.
But in America it can easily sell because horror fans are loyal to the fucking core.
Don't remind me. That was a horrible idea.
But why? More over, why the fuck did Nintendo pay for the series if they didn't want to do anything with it? And if they didn't want to bring this over, why did they even bring Bayonetta 2, which is still lewd enough that even Platinum was shocked they let them do it?
Literally don't understand why games can't be censored and give an E rating, and then have an uncensored part on the disk with a T rating.
Consoles have parental controls for a reason so why can't both versions be included on the disk to lock kids and faggots out of seeing boobs and blood and more sensible audiences can unlock and play their way if they want
games have this freedom unlike movies and television shows, and then everyone could be fucking happy
Makes too much sense I suppose
You fight a ghost that repeatedly slashes its throat with accompanying blood spurts,so yeah
As a lifelong Nintendo fag and someone who is so incredibly hyped for the new Zelda. I'd sacrifice that game and all of Nintendo's future games just for them to die right fucking now. This shit is disgusting and they should be purged for it.
Pedo-Rapp did it and was very proud of it if you looked at her twitter at the time
Got any links? As much of a scumbag as that woman is censoring video games goes against all the shit she spews from her mouth.
What the fuck is there to be proud of?
I know the feeling brother!
I doubt there is too much the game bombed pretty big in Japan.
I'm talking about the trailer bullshit.Even thenI remember her bitching about the outfits when the game originally came out in japan.It was on her old deactivated account though,
I don't think there even is any, because absolutely nobody cared for the game in Japan. I don't even think theres much fan art.
Because Hot Coffee, probably.
Also, I don't get who this game is aimed at.
I can understand this being on the PSP, even the 3DS, but as a Wii U release? You're looking at a smaller niche than Bayonetta, and censorship is literally going to do nothing but limit your market.
Ah that I could absolutely see happening. A shitty SJW thinking old as shit reddit memes being hilarious fits god damn perfectly.
Thank you nintendo, I think this change is great.
Whats there to even complain about for old outfits?
What is there that anyone at Nintendo could have problems with this entire series that they let go with Hyrule Warriors designs or Bayo 1 or 2?
I doubt it not being allowed this actually does happen in Japan sometimes. Evil Within for instance was rated CeroD in japan however you could download DLC for it that uncensored it and pushed the rating up to Cero Z. I think the problem with it is the ESRB honestly. They'd have to submit the 2 different versions to the ESRB to be rated doubling the cost. Maybe people should start complaining to the ESRB and the ESA.
Thank you 8ch
Noe it works, oh come the fuck on
cmon even arabic brides in wedding show more skin than this (but only for the groom eyes, he be jelous if other men saw his future wife major boobage)
I'll do you one better.
Those games were under Iwata and not the new President though he may just have different mandates or give NOA more freedom. Bayonetta and Hyrule Warriors also come from devs who either really care about their designs in Bayo's case or have a reputation of being all about fan service in Bandai-Namco's case.
sure thing friendly arab man
I hope she was the core memester
I wonder how many jews, muslims, and SJWs will buy this game?
So according to Rapp
Actual babyfuck.
Being a prostitute while being married.
Pimping out your husband to other men.
Video game characters wearing skimpy outfits.
Fuck. I thought the post I responded to was talking about the censorship not the trailer bullshit though. see
Well, the first Fatal Frame had an T rating ironicamly enough.
They fucked up four games in a row for this series
3ds was going to be an actual game but iwata wanted to show off handheld gimmics
By all accounts the ESRB is actually pretty lenient when it comes to sexual content. They care a lot more about violent content, which is the complete opposite of the USA's usual moral stances. Probably because the ESRB was founded to combat the politician's complaining about games like Mortal Kombat and Doom.
Thanks Iwata…
No, in America violence is fine but sex is not and considered weird/taboo
In Japan it's the opposite
Then my team immediately drew up a project proposal. But unfortunately, the first proposal didn’t go through. It was because Iwata-san, you said that horror was more suited to home consoles and our proposal just wasn’t convincing as to why it should be for a handheld.
That’s right.
Then we went back to the drawing board. We had Izuno-san and Makino-san participate in planning sessions and discussed it over and over again.
The first proposal was pretty much a regular home console Project Zero game ported onto Nintendo 3DS. What’s more, there was something I had to do based on my experience as producer of Zero: Tsukihami no Kamen.
What exactly was that?
This may be taken the wrong way, but I felt that an approach that concentrates only on saying, “This is a terrifying horror game,” would narrow the number of people who will pick it up.
There is that problem of the entry point. Lots of people enjoy horror movies, but I feel like not that many people are checking out horror video games. You wanted to solve that somehow, correct?
The Nintendo 3DS system is a handheld, so I thought we should take advantage of the benefits of being able to easily play it and carry it around. I also thought that we should approach customers with a game that would have AR at the core and be scary, but would also have a new kind of entertainment experience only possible with the Nintendo 3DS system.
To be honest, we just thought of the AR in the first proposal as a single element in the game. It was just an extension of the previous Project Zero games. Then, based on Izuno-san’s suggestions and in-house ideas, we hit on the possibility of presenting it as an adventure game under the rubric of AR horror.
Looking back, that had a big influence over this project.
Yes. As we worked on the new project, the game design completely switched to something that could only be experienced on Nintendo 3DS. All the parts locked together and we saw it through without simply transplanting the existing Project Zero series.
The reason I didn’t give the first proposal an okay was because in my mind horror games should have fairly rich graphics and good sound, and you make the room dark and concentrate on them alone. I felt like if you made a game for the Nintendo 3DS system based on that home console concept, no matter how many new features you pack in, it would be a watered down version of the console version. I said that because, like Izuno-san said earlier, I thought adopting a different approach held the possibility of getting through to a broader base of people.
Then the developers became even more motivated, thinking, “We’ve got to get this past the president!” Because of that the game came together and today we can talk about it. (laughs)
You sure about that? Cousin married a mudslime two months back, and the dress she wore covered 95% of everything. Doesn't look like this shit though >>9743879
How did development of Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir start?
The beginning was quite simple. When Nintendo first presented the Nintendo 3DS system to us, I fell in love at first sight. (laughs) With the stereoscopic 3D, camera and gyro sensor, I thought it was the perfect hardware for the Project Zero series.
Like you could hear Nintendo 3DS saying, “Make a Project Zero game for me!”
Right! (laughs)
Like Kikuchi-san, a lot of people at Nintendo also felt like Nintendo 3DS was suited to horror. I thought so, too, and I was certain that when it came to horror, Tecmo Koei Games was the only option.
You were sure because of your experience working together on Zero: Tsukihami no Kamen.
Yes. I went to my department head and said, “I’ll come up with a good horror idea, so let me do it!”
Then my team immediately drew up a project proposal. But unfortunately, the first proposal didn’t go through. It was because Iwata-san, you said that horror was more suited to home consoles and our proposal just wasn’t convincing as to why it should be for a handheld.
That’s right.
Then we went back to the drawing board. We had Izuno-san and Makino-san participate in planning sessions and discussed it over and over again.
The first proposal was pretty much a regular home console Project Zero game ported onto Nintendo 3DS. What’s more, there was something I had to do based on my experience as producer of Zero: Tsukihami no Kamen.
What exactly was that?
This may be taken the wrong way, but I felt that an approach that concentrates only on saying, “This is a terrifying horror game,” would narrow the number of people who will pick it up.
There is that problem of the entry point. Lots of people enjoy horror movies, but I feel like not that many people are checking out horror video games. You wanted to solve that somehow, correct?
The Nintendo 3DS system is a handheld, so I thought we should take advantage of the benefits of being able to easily play it and carry it around. I also thought that we should approach customers with a game that would have AR at the core and be scary, but would also have a new kind of entertainment experience only possible with the Nintendo 3DS system.
Iwata Asks
To be honest, we just thought of the AR in the first proposal as a single element in the game. It was just an extension of the previous Project Zero games. Then, based on Izuno-san’s suggestions and in-house ideas, we hit on the possibility of presenting it as an adventure game under the rubric of AR horror.
Looking back, that had a big influence over this project.
Yes. As we worked on the new project, the game design completely switched to something that could only be experienced on Nintendo 3DS. All the parts locked together and we saw it through without simply transplanting the existing Project Zero series.
The reason I didn’t give the first proposal an okay was because in my mind horror games should have fairly rich graphics and good sound, and you make the room dark and concentrate on them alone. I felt like if you made a game for the Nintendo 3DS system based on that home console concept, no matter how many new features you pack in, it would be a watered down version of the console version. I said that because, like Izuno-san said earlier, I thought adopting a different approach held the possibility of getting through to a broader base of people.
Then the developers became even more motivated, thinking, “We’ve got to get this past the president!” Because of that the game came together and today we can talk about it. (laughs)
I could have gone my whole life without knowing this.
Like I said in my post I know this is the case generally however the ESRB is kind of the opposite. I mean just look at God Eater those games are known for having fan service galore. However the one thing they had to cut to get the games down to a T rating here was tone down the blood splatter.
Well, that's certainly true. I suppose the series could've been even worse off and shifted to handheld.
The game we got is a tech demo that requires the sun to be out for the gimmic camera to work
Alisson Rapp is so fucking hot. I dont even care if she is an SJW or not. I swear if i had the chance to hire her as an escort i would.
Surprised no one has edited the shirt yet.
It shouldn't have happened at all. Look at Valkyria Chronicles to see what happens when a game goes from home console to handheld. Everything shrinks in size and quality.
Im serious, i wonder if she is still an escort and how much she charges.
I'm worried about the series quality regardless.Number 5 was literally just a bunch of ideas,gameolay gimmics and plotpoints slammed together from other failed sequel ideas as admitted by the series creator in the official guide
all of my sisters dressed like that in their weddings, its mostly places like Qatar, Dubai, and even oman that share the same wedding dress style
Got a link to that?
Interesting. The wedding outfit that my cousin wore looked similar to pic related.
one of my sisters wore that for their engagement party while other wore something similar to pic related
can this thread turn into cute wedding dresses in video games?
ops double pics
here you go
You really start to notice when you can remove the other two playable characters and the story will still work
It's Atlus translating it though.
Atlus following NoA's standards.
this is going to flop so fucking hard
Mind as well, but if it not, here's some to balance out the other images.
ftfy, don't worry fam we all make mistakes
I find it even funnier every western developer is making you play as niggers, faggots and mudshits. At least some weeb publishers are going out of their way to release uncut games. Western gamers are waiting for slav developers to bail them out of their muliculti hellhole.
if the niggers and mudshit are fun to play. like lee or that fahad the double agent that you get to play for a little while in black ops 2 is super fine. i dont want them to be shoved down my throat about how black/muslims they are or make the evil bad guys racists toward them to give me a reason to hate the bad guy
I laughed my ass off the entire time I played that game, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't a comedy.
black ops (1 and 2, never played 3) are guilty pleasure of mine. I dont know if i feel bad or good for it
Black Ops 1, 2 I don't really remember at all, was pretty fun.
Mostly liked it for that 'vietnam' crap, though.
A rather sadly empty area.
Story was shit, and gameplay was pretty shoddy, but it was fun now and again.
Couldn't stand the AK in it. Don't know what they did, but it was just horrible feeling. Sight was weird, too.
It's just cleavage. They butchered that dress and turned it into a jumpsuit with flowers on it.
i really liked the stories of black ops 1 and 2, specially 1 because never encountered the YOUR BEST BUDDY WAS IN YOUR MIND THE WHOLE TIME, IT WAS MIND CONTROL twist before….well maybe beside manhunt 2 and i like it so much too
Isn't Atlus 100% handling the localization?
How are they going above and beyond even Treehouse?
No, they're following NoA's standard.
At this point, it's far beyond NoA's standard. Not even NOA goes this far with censorship
Overall that dress is overcomplicated and not too appealing, however, the thigh window is one of the greatest things I have ever seen.
Going as far as to have the VAs rerecord dialogue to match the changed ages is straight up disgusting
Holy shit, what the fuck are they thinking
Nintendo is. Nintendo is very controlling when it comes to games they've put money into.
In a tweet that was later deleted, somebody from Atlus said that most of this censorship stuff was because of Nintendo
3dpd can't hope to pull off the thigh window
Completely missing the point.
With all this shilling going on at Holla Forums i know i'm sure going to preorder it.
That shit looks downright retarded.
Does anyone even care about this shit game at all?
Only hardcore weebs and hardcore neo Fire Emblem fans.
I've heard that the reason so many pointless things like this get changed is for budget reasons. The "Localization Office" in NoA needs to justify itself existing (and getting money) so they change a bunch of stuff for no real reason, and say to Japan "This game will be x months late in NA because of all the changes we're doing." When instead they just modify a few lines of text or textures, and still get full pay for those x months.
This shit is just fucking unacceptable. Fuck Atlus, who is localizing this game.
This shit flopped in japan and everywhere else right?
Nobody cares about this shitpile of a game.
just watch as it ends up best selling game in the west and japan gains another reason to not have anything to do with us gaijins
Nero a shit and a slut.
Saber of Red >>>>> Red Saber
Even FE-Persona-Idoltrash lovers hate it.