what is the best game Holla Forums's ever played ?
What is the best game Holla Forums's ever played ?
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battlefield 3 and 4
Red Dead Redemption is my favourite.
Also spongebob platformers are underrated.
I didn't touch 4 until very recently because the floaty disgusting movement in 3 put me off
Deus ex baby. It's so godamned detailed. And you can really self insert your personal beliefs into how you play jc denton.
New Vegas
Planescape Torment
Super Smash Bros Melee
Fire Emblem before the DS games
It is the game that inspired me to write and draw fantasy
then draw some soviet qts fag
Oooo is that yours?
C&C Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge
Twilight Struggle
LSD then fallout games then watch dogs are the most leftypol games
Metalgear games are anti-nationalist & pro-invididual self consciousness so those are also good.
Too bad the "good guys" fight the wrong fight. Maybe not in V. V was pretty good.
why is she dressed like a scot?
Skyrim. Loved to be a vamp and succ~
Loved that game.
It's a toss up between Fallout: New Vegas or Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.
succ me tbh vamp posting socialist flag~
it's the sixties nobody really knows why anybody did anything
ask anyone that lived in the 60s
First Deus Ex. Really #woke politically as well, although there's some silly libertarian shit here and there.
Mount and Blade Warband
Fallout 1+2+3
Warcraft 3
Civ 4
Final Fantasy 7
I shiggy
My nigga. They really should release it on PC. At least I can watch Westworld in 1080p for now. Also, Westworld is ultra-late-stage capitalism.
RDR has fantastic writing for a video game. Perfectly bleak, and it captures the destructiveness of industrialization surprisingly well.
All these.
What the hell leftypol?
The game is literally about an anarchist society corrupted by capitalism and the main villain's name is Porky.
Real talk, DotA 2 is about as communistic as a game gets
Been meaning to say this for a while but I think fallout 4 demonstrates a good model of mutualism. Network of interconnected towns and settlements providing for each other with a decentralised military keeping everything in check
Baldur's Gate I, II, and the two expansions constitute the best game that I have ever played. The customization of the experience is utterly phenominal, besting even games made fifteen years later. You are forced to make choices that you will either be proud of or regret (that sword and shield skill looked so good early on!) The characters are fun and memorable, particularly in the second game. The action is both intense and strategic. Set piece battles, like Sarevok at the end of the first game, Jierdan Firkraag in the second, and Melisan in the Throne of Bhaal expansion are impossible without forethought, imagination, and perfect execution. The graphics in the first are decidedly lacking, but the fantastic landscapes found in Throne of Bhaal in particular have a cool aesthetic. The only bad thing about Baldur's Gate is that it will devour literally months of your life with extreme prejudice.
tho i made that a few years ago
halo 1 was better
Meh, Forge mode and the Halo 3 online was sick. And the campaign was pretty cool too.
Recently picked this up. Had a bit of a training game with my housemate, but we haven't had a proper play through yet. It seems really good.
My favourite video games are:
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge
Ocarina of Time
Guilty Gear Xrd
Civilization 2
A man of taste, I see.
Blowing holes in walls and slapping remote controlled charges on guards that scream like little girls makes the revolution that much sweeter.
I don't jack off to the imagery, or think it's how history should have gone; its just a really good RTS game.
I was not just referring to Red Alert 2. Civ 2 remains the best of the Civs, even if it does provide a completely silly view of history. Sonic 3 with the expansion was fairly solid as well.
probably Grim Fandango
have you tried alpha centuari and alien crossfire? if you liked civ 2 it's a solid bet you'll like them
Kind of surprised Holla Forums has such appalling taste in games. Very disappointing.
Have you even played a real Guilty Gear game, you fucking shit eater?
What games are good then o lord of good taste
how cute! wanted to try.
Portal 2
original KotOR
vanilla WoW
Civ series
I still regret giving my copy away… such a fun game. I just saw there's a PC version now though!
do you mean kotor 1 and 2 or just 1 ?
I did like 2 better, but sometimes if I don't say "original" people think I'm talking about that garbage MMO.
i didn't know todd posted on Holla Forums
The age group and class standing of leftypol never had the chance to play earthbound.
fucking hell that's cute
also do
Sadly I was introduced to the series with xrd. I've played all others now, but my experiences and enjoyment of the game have come from xrd, and it's also the one I can play my friends with, and get good at.
Is xrd really that bad? It certainly changes things, but I like it enough to get obsessed with.
Dota killed the WC3 community 2bh
Fucking autistic dotafags
Chrono Trigger
Majora's Mask
Final Fantasy 6 (7 is faggot territory)
blizzard killed wc3 by not blocking empty bots that flood the custom games list since 2008. now its just a bunch of advertisements to websites.
th-thanks bro
My old favorites are Chrono Trigger and Total Annihilation, but overall I'd say Team Fortress 2 wins out.
For there only Fallout games & Final Fantasy 7 have Holla Forums themes.
Civ 4 is whatever you make out of it. There is no story, it's basically a deep board game.
this games atmosphere is only matched by dark souls 1 (2 was trash and 3 is good but not on the same level as 1)
This shit tbqh.
The progression of most stars feels like a movement out of The Carnival of the Animals or something. Very few games have this sort of expression or form.
One of the few games I look at and think that if people in the industry actually had passion what videos games could be.
I'm out of the loop with game creator personalities and such.
By god the nostalgia is hitting me hard now.
Also: Rome: Total War.
Not only that, but it will keep going for years, always expanding and never completed, until they start CK3… and then EU5 … Stellaris 2 … HOI5… Vicky4… … FOR EVER AND EVER…
I seem to be the only person who liked the first one.
I do recall spending a ridiculous amount of time playing Counterstrike and Counterstrike Source while yelling
I like the idea of it…
Even a worldwide BC grand strategy would be great IMO.
Oh fuck yes, that game was goddamn brilliant.
brb reinstalling
Fuck yeah my niggas. Check this out though, if you have a HOTAS joystick you can play Mercs with it without that much fiddling. It's pretty sick. Like playing Steel Battalion but not as expensive/only used for one game, you know.
The BGT with SCS and Ascension is defintely a fantastic experience. Suffers a lot with classes and items being so unbalanced and most mod kits and items fucking it up even more, but PoE was fucking boring so it's not like there is much else to play for those type of games.
Did a BWP install and will start a FMT playthrough tonight.
I love that games but Im fucking trash at it.
It is really authentic though, I actually get scared of bullets when I play.
Anyone play EU: Rome?
I do. Or played, rather.
BTW are you going to play rising storm 2?
Its about the vietnam.
I was mainly asking because I have an inkling to make a post-apocalyptic mod for a Paradox game that has some subtle satire, and I thought EU:R might be a good idea. (I could go with CK2 but there's already a post-apoc mod so it just kinda feels weird)
I suppose it's a matter of which title's mechanics are better suited to your ideas.
In all honesty it's probably just another idea I'll spend maybe a couple of hours working on (if at all) then just leave it to rot.
It was going to be based in America after a catastrophic nuclear war started by the 45th President, with a rump American Empire based around Washington, with the outer areas falling to the control of corporations, police forces, universities, etc. America would follow the religion of "Constitutionalism" essentially worshiping the Founding Fathers as Gods.
Some other ideas were an Amish theocratic republic based around Lancaster.
I feel ashamed. There are better ways to spend my free time, even just with other vidya but I keep playing csgo instead.