Do you reveal your powerlevel in public?

Do you reveal your powerlevel in public?

not really

though i show it off and flaunt it when i play shadowrun

Primary officer of my uni's Socialist Club so sorta have to.

If you disguise the fact that you're a leftist just so you can get along with others you're probably not deserving of the label, tbh. I'm not saying to be a broken record with a one-track mind, but don't be afraid to put it out there when appropriate. Where else are people supposed to learn, otherwise?

Why should we hide our ideological leaning? I mean I could understand it if we were some polacks defending Hitler, but at least majority of people seem to like communism as a theory.

Actually, overheard someone say this about me at work today. At least I'm not deprived of work anymore.

I do a really good job of spreading my ideology without using any scary words

No, never.
My close friends know what I am, but I don't advertise it.

Rarely. Job involves dealing with richer folk who would sperg out if I said "communism", most of the grills I meet are liberals who I don't want to talk to after fucking, and I don't have any close friends at the moment.

The vast majority of people have no fucking idea what communist theory is.

Why haven't you stepped down from your position for a woman or PoC yet?

Not obviously enough where normalfags would recognize it, though a fellow traveler or well learned ideological opponent might, I never name-drop authors or ideologies.

Also, I don't discuss politics unless someone else starts the conversation, and I never disagree with people IRL unless, instead attempting to subtly manipulate them through half-agreement.

I kinda' wonder about this. Can someone really be part of a formal socialist org and go full super Saiyan in >current year without causing ovaryactions?

I am a PoC, and currently we only have one woman who's attended a meeting this year.

I need to learn more so I don't get BTFO tbqh

Of course not. I am a slick entryist.

I told my history professor that I'm interested in Marx's views on history. I cited Engels in one of my papers for her. She's cool with it.

I was just caught listening to Soviet army songs in public…

I am going to court today for interrupting a NATO conference, so yes.

Your theory ain't shit if you don't put it to practice.

damn, what an absolute madman

Sve za partiju!

sretno obitelj

to an extend
most think i am just a regular lefty, but don't know how deep the rabbit hole goes.

This, I'll only show my true powerlevel when I feel I'm intellectually ready to refute my ideological opponents.

Until then I'm just a regular socdem.

I don't dress as some retard Stalinist in military garb or something, but I do talk about communism when applicable. I've never had anyone tell me that I'm a broken record on the subject.

The key is to not mention communism until you have them agreeing with you.

I never even describe communism at all, I just point out all the problems under the capitalist mode of production. Describe the problems well enough and the solution should become obvious without even having to be named.

Even with practise, your theory specifically is shit.

Read up on Communism and Indiviaual Terrorism.

are you in the news?

"We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror. But the royal terrorists, the terrorists by the grace of God and the law, are in practice brutal, disdainful, and mean, in theory cowardly, secretive, and deceitful, and in both respects disreputable." - Karl Marx

We do not hide, fuckers. We are not Nazis, we have History and progress on our side and our mission is the liberation of Humanity. Why should you hide your noble intentions?

It's still tru tho. Hiding your powerlevel is stupid. I talk about communism with anyone I think it won't be wasted on.

All the time in my philosophy classes. My teacher's a complete reactionary, but at the same time encourages healthy debate so we tend do butt heads a lot. Can't help but respect him a lot actually, it's just a shame that he isn't less spooked.

just fucking end yourself, you should be ashamed to call yourself a communist.

last year I was, only now did the charges get processed.
We made news all over Europe.

i express my real opinions when i talk with friends about politics

My roommate is a socialist because of me my lovers have all become socialists because of me and my boss at uhaul has become a socialist because of me so no I would be doing a bad thing if I kept my mouth shut.

No. If I did I'd loose my job.

Yes but not without feeding them thoughts about their parasitic employers, landlords, intellectual property, money as a human abstraction, the illusion of choice and dangers of authoritarianism.

I've learnt you can't just say that you're a socialist or communist, the labels are so tainted that they don't even assume you're a Stalinist, they'll assume you're a dumb vegan hippie SJW who wants free weed and welfare money (even if you're in a well paid job and are educated otherwise).

Depends on the situation, but as most of my friends are leftists anyway I rarely have to hide it.

who is this semen demon?

No. I am insecure as fuck and terrible at rhetoric. I still gotta read more, but even then I am too shy and quiet to ever voice my opinion without shooting myself in the foot and coming across as a tard.

No, but some of my friends are suspicious of me being a communist.

I'm not very articulate when I have to explain myself to strangers.
I stutter like a moron.

And how many POC's came?

Don't use that fucking reddit terminology

I never deny it, but I don't want to be autistic about it. tho being a skinhead makes it kind of a mute point

I did however felt forced to comment when my lecturer went into the "socialism is state ownership" meme thing.

I try not too, but sometimes I slip a bit. Even today I tried to explain why isn't social democracy socialism to some grilles because we were talking about JCP