Unabomber, technology and jews

After reading most of Kaczynski's writtings, i would like some input from you.
Is a technological society possible, in which humans aren't enslaved to their own inventions and are able to fulfill the power process while developing technology without interruption? How the jews disrupt this possibilities?

Kaczynski wants revolution against the industrial society, that is mostly, against the current western civilization, but he forgets to name his fellow tribesman and how much they contribute for the system to become unbearable for human beings.

Kaczinsky hates "leftists", since they distract people from the real fight, he doesnt mention anywhere though, that most of this leftists are jews, and he often names "futurists" and the kind who are mostly jews.

He points to the system supresing racism, homophobia, and so on, because it is beneficial to the existence of the system, but it goes beyond my imagination how
a third world multicultural society with all the problems it entails could bring stability to the system in the long run or help it achieve its technological goals faster. The technological system looks to be tailored to suit jews, because better alternatives are obvious but suppressed. The jews need not to be part
of a technological society and a technological society without usury, lies, massive control and other jewish neuroses, should be more stable and preferable.

Technology is enslaving humanity, but destroying technology is out of the question for us. He cant envision any future in which technology actually serves to lift humanity. That would have to be developed outside the current jewish paradigm.

There is also the possibility that Kaczynski is some sort of Psyop, here are some quotes from him:
"But, realistically, these are not the conditions that will prevail if and when the technoindustrial system collapses. There are a lot of mean people
out there: Nazis, Hell’s Angels, Ku Klux Klanners, the Mafia"
"For comparison, consider World War II. At that time the ambitions of ruthless dictators could be thwarted only by making war on a large scale, and,
given the conditions of modern warfare, millions of innocent civilians inevitably were killed or mutilated. Few people will deny that this constituted an
extreme and inexcusable injustice to the victims, yet fewer still will argue that Hitler, Mussolini, and the Japanese militarists should have been allowed to
dominate the world. "
He has a lot of insight on the system, but he seems to have drunk the whole ally propaganda and holohoax coolaid.
To find out if he is a Psyop we should analize his thesis and posible outcomes of his proposed revolution, does it benefit the jews? if it does then we should analize further. If the destruction of the technological system does not benefit the jews then we may conclude Kazcynski is genuine. We should also conside the feasibility of destroying the technological system, if the aims of the revolution are impossible, then we should analyze further
to see if fighting against technology is just another deviancy from the fight against the jewish power structure, which can actually be toppled.

Kaczynski is typical jewish, he is dogmatic, with good insight on the behaviour of others, biased, incapable of self criticism, psychopathic, delusional and radical, he loved nature though and his ideas are worthed a read, he actualizes the concerns of Plato or Lao Tse, who already warned against technology.

Other urls found in this thread:

cc.gatech.edu/computing/nano/documents/Joy - Why the Future Doesn't Need Us.pdf


There is also the possibility that he went insane after CIA LSD experiments.
It's interesting that he was jewish, I did not know that.
Fits with the terrorist/ blowing people up theme though, must be a semitic thing.
Embed related is quite interesting, it's a documentary on the subject.
Includes mention of frankfurt school and nwo themes.
Plus, watch the jews go "shut it down" when the interviewer asks questions they don't like.

Almost every perceived problem in civilization is directly or indirectly caused by kikes. Just look at Germany's history:
Most problems with governments, technology, whatever, wouldn't exist if everyone had just listened to George Washington.

Yes, but if he was or became insane that wouldnt invalidate any of his writtings, as his logic is solid.

As long as you remain in touch with the land and soil, and work it with your hands, we will not become slaves to technology. Look into permaculture, aquaculture, beekeeping, animal husbandry. Take up gardening. As long as we have old forest to live with we will be fine. Cities are a cancer that must be purged. Religions that do not venerate sun, earth, and ancestors must be purged. Every person must live in accordance with natural law or go insane. Ethnocentric tribalism is the only path to sanity.

Funny thing is I was thinking exactly what you wrote at the point that one of the jews being interviewed in that documentary made the comment:
"he is a murderer, a criminal, his opinion is of no consequence to me, I will not dignify his ideas with contemplation"
Or words to that effect
You know, typical "shut it down" talk
Never address the actual issues, just use name calling and shaming to avoid debate.

Any proof that he was a Jew?

I think you are not aware of the nature of the system. The current system doesnt allow you to go and live in the wild, maybe in the US you can now, but not for long.
In many european countries you cant just go and live in the forests, it is forbidden, you cant even light a fire in the forest to survive due to fire security laws. If you own a property you need to have cash to pay for the soil taxes, you cant just live from the land. Furthermore, nobody assures you that the system wont ban private property in the future and force you to integrate into "society". Chinese are planning to move 250 million farmers into their recently built "ghost cities", they will go from a self sustained way of life, to a city dwelling consumeristic one, and they cant refuse.

according to Holla Forums everyone with polish surname is a jew, which also makes me a jew.

Are you a kid, or just some dumbass 4cuck refugee?

You're reading way too much into this. It's ironic that you would call Kaczynsky dogmatic while viewing all of his actions and beliefs through a Jewish collective interest lens. First of all, why do you even think he's Jewish? Polish heritage and last name /=/ Jewish. Prove it.

Secondly, I don't think you realize this but very few people are aware of the JQ. Even if Kaczynsky was Jewish, he is not involved with any jews. Like A. Wyatt Mann remarked about his Jewish friend Anton LaVay, "he lived as if no religion even existed". It is possible for normal everyday Jews to not even be aware of their own elite's influence, power and lies, even as they may benefit from them at some point in their life or be "initiated". Remember the video when that whiny kike that started breaking down crying from the "Black Israelite" screaming at him that the Holocaust was a joke? Jews are not all automatically self-aware of every redpill and can buy into their own lies just like goyim can, which is why non-Orthodox Jewish fertility rates in western countries are even worse than white fertility rates for the same causes they wrought upon goyim.

I read it somewhere and took it for granted, since his surname is the same as that polish kike president, etc. Im checking and im not sure actually. He nevertheless possess many jewish traits, from dogmatism to revolutionary inclinations.

Oy vey!

That's what I figured.

Good, now what about the technological jewish problem.

Yes, and it is something to strive for, but there is only one way I know of: ban the use/benefit of technology for anyone who cannot demonstrate an aptitude suitable of making that technology. After being taught of course. i.e.:
No computer.
Good luck with your vegetable garden and hunting skills, hope the other plebs don't out-compete you for food.
Hope you can get what you need without a supermarket.
Enjoy living in a country without any missiles for defense.

Some obvious exceptions would need to be made, for example STEM-illiterate females married to STEM-capable males with a willingness to procreate.

Good OP, haven't seen one like this in a while.
You have to remember that this guy's thing was STEM. Some very smart people I know are extremely leftist and one is even a full on "communist", but they're all STEM majors. This is because they think very little about everything they don't care about and will take your word for things. If what you say conflicts with what they already believe, like most people they will become upset because they are too arrogant.

Plato remarks on this, and says that the reason for this phenomenon is one internalizing these beliefs (usually at a young age) and not holding them under the same scrutiny as other things. Also, they are smart in their respective field, yet know nothing of things like politics or society. Ask a mathematician about geometry, he will understand, but ask him about another topic and he will essentially default onto a previous belief instead of seeking truth. Which is something not everyone is interested in.

You can criticize them without naming them.
This can work very well, since they'll have to defend on merit instead of crying oy vey.
They still do that anyway, but that simply helps to wake (some) to wake up.

still reading the rest

Because it cannot, that simple. Technology destroys nature and nature is the only thing that can lift humanity.

get fucked.

Right off the bat, he nails the two things most to blame for making someone a lefty.

After doing some search i cannot say he is jewish. He fits into the polish immigrant background, math major, jewish psychological traits, even jewish voice, etc. But i cant imagine a jew living on his own in the forest, or his jewish brother turning him to the authorities.

My problem with Uncle Ted is that his arguments largely take things for granted. He has solid criticisms of technological society, and his concerns for its future are more relevant than ever, but I find his theory lacks proof. Maybe it's because he had to keep his manifesto brief but he leaves most examples as an exercise for the reader.

I think his strongest points are on over-socialization, the leftist mentality, and denial of the power process. These are things that are only going to get worse if nothing is done about them. This is especially apparent in the rising automation crisis but rarely reflected on. Just like environmentalism, it's sidetracked by objectively false concerns from leftists about a lack of jobs and outright wealth redistribution as a "solution." Nobody focuses on the real concern of demoralization from the lack of power process. When people inevitably feel powerless en masse, they'll say the UBI stipend should be higher or they're not engaging themselves deeply enough in surrogate activities.

He does expand on his theories in Technological Slavery but I haven't read very far into it past his manifesto. Hopefully it addresses my concerns.

Not 100% true. Humanity is defined by intellect and technology is inseparable from Humanity. The issue is that sub-Humans (lower-IQ waste) are granted the same right to use technology as those who worked for it.

jesus fucking christ

capitalism needs to die soon

lebensreform when???

Technology doesn't have to destroy nature.
In fact, blacks in Africa are destroying the fauna today much faster than it was being destroyed during colonialism.
We can gather resources without permanent damage to the flora and fauna, and once we manage to exploit resources outside earth, we can preserve it as it is. Of course we cant achieve this within a materialistic frame, only worried about profit, control, maintaining power, etc. The fact that it hasnt been done yet, doesnt mean it is not possible, there must be radical change.

Technically, that's the fault of technology. Before the first world started helping out the third world there were millions of starving Africans destroying their environment. Now that they benefit from the exported industrialized agriculture through social programs to "help" them there are billions of starving Africans and they destroy their environment faster.
While colonialism didn't do near the same level of damage, it's because the people practicing colonialism were more suitable to that technology, not because the technology was itself good or bad. Technology is simply a force multiplier, if you give any aspect of it to something good that good will multiply, if you give any aspect of it to something bad that bad will multiply.


Not going to lie, his manifesto half redpilled me on leftists at the very time I was being indoctrinated at university.



What i meant there is that you dont need technology to turn the world into a desert. It is said that Australia was full of forest before the abos burned it to kill some giant lizards.
The main concern of some futurists and also of Kaczinsky is that technology is a force on its own and that humans will progressively enslave themselves to machines as they become more intelligent and start making decisions for us, until the problems to solve are so difficult that only machines can work on them. Will this be solved if technology is only used by a few? Probably not, and it is hard to avoid the spread of technology anyways.

Humanity is defined by sentience. It's why whites are considered human and niggers subhuman.
The issue is that those who worked for the technology are tricked into creating a society that benefits nobody.
Humans and nature are inseparable, not technology. Without nature we would not be here, without technology we would have a much high quality of living.

I also think the definitions of technology are skewed. By 'technology' he means civilization

Nature in the sense I speak of would be "natural order" - which technology directly goes against, every fucking time.

I don't think people are actually enslaved to their inventions. I think middle class whites are just mentally castrated by middle class white culture and then some people just blame their culture on technology.

Lower class whites, aristocrats, black people, and hispanics are not acting like they have no balls. They are not mentally castrated. They are not acting like slaves to technology. Blaming technology on the fact your culture neuters psychologically children is just a way of diverting responsibility away from the actual people who are responsible. The white middle classes are largely responsible for neutering themselves which makes them prey to be manipulated by foreign groups.

Uncle Ted isnt jewish

Sentience is a derivative of intellect. It is an analog spectrum, not a binary state. An animal can have a sense of self, be it an inferior sense of self lacking the same awareness a Human has. Similarly those of high intellect posses greater sentience, greater Humanity.
Technology is merely an extension of our ability to interact with nature. Hands are effectively technological - they evolved over time, are passed down through members of the same species, etc. Fire, electromagnets, etc are further extensions, only we give those one freely to those lacking the history to deserve them.
At the most basic level an organism needs the DNA and cellular machinery for a hand to have a hand, likewise a person should have the knowledge and aptitude for a technology before having that technology. The only defiance of nature involved with technology is when it is granted to those who don't deserve it through intellectual aptitude.

He discerns between technology and civilization as two separate things (and they are). He says you cant avoid humans forming social groups and developing into civilization, but you can destroy technology and it takes several centuries or more to rebuild it.

The natural state of human beings is susceptible to mass extinction just like dinosaurs. Today we can survive an asteroid impact that would have exterminated mankind 150 years ago. Technology offers survival odds and the main concern of most technophiles is how to avoid technology becoming a survival danger. My other concern is how to avoid technology becoming an enslaving mechanism in hands of groups like jews.

The problem with technology is it advances at an exponentially quicker rate than civilization/society. Society is still adjusting to 'x' breakthrough when x+4 is being implemented. For example, Society is fully focused on the newest virtual reality and 'smart phone' devices but the internet and computers in general arent being utilized anywhere close to their potential. Further more, these idiots 'comfy pseudo-tech' lives fully depend upon mining and swindling from the third world, but their comfy pseudo-tech lives have convinced them that they need to invite the whole third world to come live in their country, which will inevitably lead to their 'le future is like le watchdogs and le xDDDeus ex' reddit garbage lifestyles becoming becoming less affordable and obtainable, among all the other horrible consequences.

The only way for tech to not fuck everything up is with a merit based nationalist society that pushes people to do the best that they can in everything they do. Is that attainable? Not now. Maybe not ever… And a a fucking whole lot of people would need to die for it to be established.

No more hot chicks, and before posting, you should read Kaczynski's writtings or at least "why the future doesnt need us"
cc.gatech.edu/computing/nano/documents/Joy - Why the Future Doesn't Need Us.pdf

the two are one and the same, lad.

Then how do you explain the fact blacks, lower class whites, hispanics, and very upper class white aristocrats are not mentally castrated? They have all the same technology middle class whites have.

You're referring to the culture of being "respected" and "tough" - those are idiotic things in themselves. The middle class are basically poor who are smart enough to not be dirt poor. It's not "mentally castrated" to play the game of the world they live in when they have no option to change it available to them, it's smart. A very simple example of this is the contrast of a normal black person and a normal white person getting pulled over by a cop for speeding. The white person usually gets off with a warning and the black person usually gets a ticket, goes to jail or gets shot. This isn't an issue of race, it is an issue of culture. The white person knows they have no power in the situation and acting like an indignant cunt will only turn out badly for them, the black person believes they must always act "tough" and gain "respect" through that show.

Why are you here? They're not the highest things to strive for, but they're not "idiotic".

They are idiotic when the system they are exerted in is set so against them as to make them suicidal.
Every expression is a thing to achieve an ends, lacking that objective is just nonsensical.
If being "tough" or "respected" is going to result in failure whereas the opposite will not then being the opposite is what you need to be.
Reality is reality, if you lack the power to change it you either exist within the bounds defined by it or you fail.

your act is transparent as fuck. none of you belong here. go back to you discord and ask for your next assignment

Go away Reddit

I'm glad the autistic meme
Got someone to read it. You are fundamentally correct in most of your analysis. In reality, Ted is a leftist environmentalist that had an epiphany and realized what direction the world was heading in. Ted is by no means one of us at all, but I still think people should read him. Partly because people should understand other viewpoints out there, and partly because I think there is truth in what he says. Holla Forums has been growing intellectually lazy, and reading your report makes me happy.

Fundamentally, humanity has a tendency to search for meaning in life. Ted's view (ok, I'm inserting some of my own ideas here) is that industrial society presents "progress" as that meaning. Whereas in ancient times, utopias or "higher" powers were relegated to the heavens, or things in the after life, or things which resided in the Gods of nature. In the industrial world, however, utopia is a real thing which will exist in the future, once we develop the technology for it.
As utopian visions are often systems of control (and I don't mean this in a wholly negative way, society will be controlled one way or another), this creates a society in which people give up their powers not to religious orders, or to a code of laws, or to a natural order. Instead, we give ourselves up to machines, and those who control the machines. We are trading convenience and creature comforts and giving them away to people who are trying to use technology to ascend to the throne of godhood. Unlike the utopian visions of the past, this one is a much more real thread because to some degree it may actually be possible to acomplish, and doing so will essentially mark the beginning of the end for humanity. If we don't divert the course of industrial society, our technology will not simply enhance our lives, it will make us obsolete and control our behaviors.

Now, as to Ted and the jews. Firstly I thought Ted was Polish but his radicalism wouldn't entirely surprise me if he were. His system would absolutely be detrimental of the Jewish goal of the materialist-transhumanist movement, and so in some ways Ted is a weapon against them. On the other, Ted could potentially be a weapon used to attack specific countries and stir up radicals within them.

This is a new level of shill.

Alright then.

I've never seen any first hand info on Ted being a Jew. However, there is a general rule that anyone with the surname "kay" is a jew since, in general, long "k" names were Jewish and abbreviated. I see no Jewish traits in him.

I've read all of his collective writings in Technological Slavery which includes his manifesto, so let me try to summarize

From a practical perspective, his ideal is a pipe dream realize-able only by an EMP and nuclear apocalypse. He argues that technological progress CAN be reversed, and cites for example, the loss of the knowledge for the building of aqueducts in the time following the Fall of Rome. What he doesn't realize though, is that technology leaves imprints even after the fall of civilization (Ancient Greek books being studied by later civilizations), and this loss of knowledge is short-lived. The scale of technological imprint in our world especially is so great too compared to simpler times that the only way we can go back to the stone age is to take out all the perpetrators of technology in the process (i.e kill all humans). Even if somehow he got his wish for an anti-technological local tribalist world, how long would it last? By virtue of societal darwinism, peoples who embrace technology will have an advantage over those who don't, like Patriarchal societies having advantage over Matriarchal ones. Thus, ludditism will be stamped out eventually through natural selection, leading over thousands of years to the same civilization shit.

From a logical perspective though, his arguments against civilization are valid, and more often than not verifiable by current facts and statistics. For example, he mocks conservatives just as he does liberals, branding them fools and hypocrites for supporting traditional values while at the same time promoting policies stimulating economic growth (increase of civilization), for he says that cultural permissiveness and breakdown of traditional values is simply how technological society compensates man so he remains productive in spite of the loss of autonomy and reduction of man into a cog of a machine, (i.e a systematic survival strategy).

Look no further than divorce rates in America from 1870 (the post Civil War Gilded Age when Industrialization really started kicking in) until today. Desertion of rural areas, mass crowding of cities and decline of arranged marriages characterize this period. My personal theory is that as people migrated to urban areas, people could not function with "arranged marriages". I will delve deeper into this so that my meaning becomes clear.

The larger than thou, impersonal, alienating characteristics of cities had to be supplemented by very close bonds to a spouse to maintain sanity, and thus productivity. This is why spouses are so much pickier and likely to be dissatistified with marriage, while before most would accept arranged marriage with little fuss. Women likewise did not rely on children for farmhands, so it was no longer a priority, especially given the crowded and wage-slaving environment. The man was "head" of the household and his own destiny no longer, as he relied on a boss for his very survival rather than his own sustainance. The man was reduced to a pathetic, domesticated beta bitch, and the woman surrounded by a dating sea of men, some much more endowed in wealth, genetics or compatibility than her spouse's own. The need to break away from the monotony and sensory deprivation of a crammed, unnatural space drove women out in the world to have affairs and partake in consumerism, especially after labor-saving machines started doing most of the house-keeping for them. Occasionally too, the woman participated in factory work to scrape by. Many women worked for a boss and not her own husband, and thus did not subconsciously recognize him as an Alpha male, leading to more dissatisfaction. The intensity of the bond required to sustain marriage increased substantially, while societal circumstances attacked it from all sides.

This is why even before Jewish escalation of the issue, increasing number of women became promiscuous and demanded equal rights. Even as whites moved away from dindus and the crowding of cities, they still dwell near them in soulless, lackluster, mass produced houses where they still slave themselves to internationalist plutocrats and engage in the same degeneracies. The world changed. It leaves the soul wandering whether nuclear apocalypse is more beautiful than the current world to begin with. You could have been happily married and lived a long, fulfilling and fertile life with a pure traditional qt. Instead, you stare with dead eyes at a glowing screen in a cubicle-resembling townhouse no different than other townhouse packed near you, explaining to strangers my passion with Kaczynsky's writings and how beautiful the world could have been.

Pics related

Jan Irvin / gnostic media claims he was attacking the people who used MKULTRA on him.

If humans cannot thrive without autonomously setting and achieving goals, and technological advances make people less capable of achieving this autonomy, then eventually human beings will be somehow modified to the whim of the market such that they no longer desire freedom or autonomy in any measure. It is a race to see whether that or the collapse of civilization comes first.

he was an MKULTRA experiment. that's on paper that he was given LSD in the name of "social experimentation"

Because Kaczynski isn't retarded, so he doesn't blame the Jews for the problems of society.

derailing argumentation is infact shilling

WEW. The shilling in this thread should be added to the how to spot a shill orientation powerpoint for newfags

user I've done thousands of hits of acid. The only thing I kill is pussy.

What you really need to try for that top kek kick is to float yourself in body temperature tank of water, with no light and no sound, zero physical perception available to you and then take some acid. That's more inline with a CIA trip.

He wasn't given LSD though. You're thinking of Ken Kesey or OMC victims. His MKULTRA trial went more along the lines of:

Only a retard wouldn't blame the jew. Ted just wasn't concerned with the specific race of the perpetrators because he viewed civilization as a whole as the enemy not any individual facet of it. He was very concerned with the proliferation of mind-control in a post-industrial society and didn't much care who was behind the control.
His logic is airtight, even if you are concerned with the race of the perpetrators(which you should be if you want to maintain any sort of civilization technocratic or not)
He just wanted to fuck off to the mountains and urged everyone else to do the same, when those conditions were met there would be nothing impeding natural in-group preference so the kikes would get ousted anyway(or the cycle would just reset and they'd pretend to be white or arab and then fuck those colonies up)

Depressing stuff, but good analysis. Capped.

this! MKULTRA wasn't just about LSD. It was a program about mind control. A portion of the program was about LSD to find out how it could be used and/or if it could be used.

Not all MKULTRA activities were drug based>>9742195

you really haven't given it much thought then.

everything, nearly everything now, is automated or reliant on GPS/satellite imagery from orange juice prices in the store to the basic supplychain of a multinational organization

you're enslaved so much that they're producing backdoors on BIOS now

I haven't read Ted, but from the thread I gather it's another misdirected attribution of causation.
It's the (((kikes)))
Technology is neither good nor evil, it's what the people and society do with the technologies.
The internet is bringing knowledge and communications to the world and connecting minds and ideas at rates undreamed of before.
Because the control of our money is in (((their))) hands our prosperity and our destiny itself is too.
No matter how creative we are, no matter how benevolent our intentions (((they))) have the means, methods and motives to keep us under control.

Does the information grant more or less objective power? I'd say the thrust is dis-empowerment, and completely ignores the leviathan in the room CIA/Jews. It's a psyop.

Now it's really a psyop. These people were CIA before there was CIA. Stupid goyim will never realize just how fucking stupid the history of these people is. Every remotely famous person's bio reads like an insult. Even Gandhi.


Uncle Ted is Polish and not a fucking kike you fucking idiot. The reason he doesn't mention the kikes is because he may have not even known that they are actually running things, which makes sense considering he basically lived as a wild hermit and is known to have been MKULTRA'd when he was at university.

His logic is bullshit and he wasn't insane, he's just an autistic retard.
He identified the problem, but failed to find the Jew underneath, then senselessly engaged in terrorism without any real results.

He's as smart as your average ISIS bomber.


Even if the jewish problem is solved, technology remains a problem in itself, that doesnt mean other people may not be able to solve it under different conditions.

this hits too close to home fam


This thread hasn't been anchored, what the hell is going on here? Keep spreading the word about Ted!

Back when Kaczynski was still out and about very few had seen past the usual lies on WWII.

His insight on the left was quite accurate, and his criticism of modern technology is worth considering.

He's worth reading for his devastating critique of liberalism alone.

Well, forests are either private property most forests are, at least in France it's 75% private or property of the state. If you own a forest, I don't see how the government could prevent you from living in it.
No need to go full-on blackpill anyway, if anarchists in Europe can organize in communities and live off the land, nationalists can too. You still would have to pay for the soil taxes, but you get that money by selling your product to locals or tourists.
I bet you can even find hermits living all by themselves with a few goats and a garden in Europe. Society and the government don't care about them.

2 Maths PhD's, so obviously very smart. Starts writing about politics and society and claims that technology is the problem. Completely fails to mention Jews.

While he makes a strong argument about technology being dehumanizing, he fails to see how Jews are dehumanizing.

In Poland they all know about the Jews the famous polish saying is "the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you." He has Polish and probably Jewish ancestry, he would know this.

money is technology, and its not intrinsically evil but when used against you by the jew it clearly is. but it wasn't the money/technology dehumanizing you, it was the jew.

almost any other technology the same case applies.

he's either a psyop or a patsy.

Holy crap, is it PSYOP guy?

Because his theory is incomplete ? He makes a strong argument, but since he fails to see the Jews, somehow that invalidates it ?

Or maybe the Jew only used the money and technology. Maybe the Jew didn't create it. The Jew isn't necessarily at the center of everything. Take France, or even just Paris. French have been saying "Paris is no longer Paris" for 200 years now. And even though the Jew had a play in the Revolution, France's decay started in the heart of the Parisians. Even without the Jew, France would still no longer be France.

It seems like the kikes have only become completely brazen about things since the mid-2000s/Iraq invasion era. They weren't so in-your-face when Ted was in his formative years. That all came later.

hi, I would like to thank those who help me in my search for truth. I am confused though by some comments that appear to be aimed at some kind of diversion (class politics). If we are in the search for Historical truth regarding technology; is this not foiled from the start?. After all is not technology a mere chimera/ copy of nature? What I'm getting at is that maybe the real issue is religious. This very issue may thwart our search for emancipation because it posits hope (as technology does ) in mans ability to save himself; disregarding law.

History is full of instances where communes have grown too popular and have been bulldozed by the goverment for public health concerns or any other pretext, even on private soil.
In some countries you dont really "own" the land, the goverment allows you to use it and you have to pay them taxes for it, anytime they want they will expropiate you. Start any alternative to the system that gets enough attention and you will have them all over you.
Of course, few guys doing their thing with nobody noticing, nobody cares, most people doing it and the goverment is fucked, but everything in between is trouble.

He's not a Jew.

The kike president's name wasn't his original one, it was some -stein shit.

Im assuming someone read my last post! Ludwig Wittgenstein also voiced similar opinions to many here. he converted to Christianity. The Jew/Christian debate is irrelevant to history because it is outdated by Christ circa 2017years.

The deep sense of respect that we had for nature as a collective is gone and I can't see how it could ever come back. Civilizations all around the world used to build altars with animal bones to get closer to the Divine, but one day we noticed that fertilizer gave better results than praying. So we abandoned that tie and we abandoned personal moderation because we thought ourselves the masters of nature leaving behind the idea that we were as well part of Creation. At least we were allowed to choose what pact with the devil we wanted. Liberals fap to windmills and solar panels which are extremely inefficient but without giving a fuck about the natural habitats they're rampling through. Conservatives (modern conservatives) will side with an increase to production at the cost of anything so don't expect them to save the day either because they'll sell their own wife for muh markets. Part of the fundamental problem here is the jews, the rest is on us for letting ourselves be infected by their greed.

It will probably destroy anything that makes us human. Not everything is horrible, dishwashers may be more efficient than washing by hand, but when you let things to go unrestrained you get hell. Let transhumanists go wild on DNA for a couple of generations and I don't know how we can stop them. We'll get rid of diseases but also of traits that are considered dangerous, the future where trannies can change their chromosomes and your role in society is assigned not based on your own personal human passion but on what an autistic AI decides.

I've never managed to find proof of him being jewish, (father and mother surnames could go either way) but how many hours has he spent reading about WWII or the Holodomor? Maybe he's focused too hard on his angle and that's it, but sure, it sounds a bit fishy.

One of Uncle Ted's main points is that it is impossible to separate the good parts from the bad parts of a technology. If you want to have a technology, then you have to accept both sides.

It sounds like a reasonable argument, but there are some counterexamples (in the short decades of these technologies, but still):

1. Nukes: We were all supposed to be in nuclear winter by now, but somehow that never happened.

2. Biological warfare: Seems like it would be possible to make a plague in a laboratory and deliver it using a variety of methods. Has it happened yet? Not to our knowledge.

Now, those technological advancements lead to catastrophe. But there are other advances that lead to a kind of "soft catastrope", and once the genie leaves the bottle there's no going back in. For example, Jewgle and Faceberg. We went from a free, open internet where nobody used their real names to a locked down cancerous fiefdom full of censorship and where everyone uses their real names all over the place and tells Zuckfucker every single intimate detail of their lives. Google tracks you around with your GPS and listens to your every word under the guise of "Okay, Google!!"

Technology is a tricky subject. At the very least, it needs to be yanked out of the hands of (((bad players))).

My confusion about Ted's work (ASAIF & anti-tech rev ) is that he doesn't look into religious motivations of himself or those he investigates. Also, his leftist psychology appears at odds with his apparent Fideist bent

You forgot the first post. Yeah, I kinda fucked up the picture on the second post, so it looked like a big tl;dr wall of text.

Didn't Heidegger write about technology

No but you underestimate just how alien the values they are raised with are to the average westerner. There are so many implicit values that we are imbued with from a young age that jews aren't.

Besides, everyone knows jews don't have souls.

protestants talking about another protestant? I'm inclined to think so. We needed technology to maintain our lifestyle as a species. Mercantilism (the hand-maden of Enlightenment Christians) + our protestants seeking "space" has brought us to where we are. The real question for me is;

1. What is wild Nature (if assumed as good)
2. What is human liberty



If you read Kaczynski you get his answers to both questions. If you read "why the future doesnt need us" you get scenarios where humanity is replaced by machines, etc. its gradual, its logical, its a problem.

Uncle Ted is jewish and he may even be unaware of his own jewishness. But the fruit doesn't fall far away from the tree, I will show to you guys in a moment.

He may not profess his jewish side, but he is highly conflicted. That is common for people who have been jewish for many generations but suddenly one of their ancestors convert to another religion and doesn't reveal anything to his/her descendants.

That's why he acts jewish and goes against jewish interests, but can't help drinking the WWII koolaid.

He is deeply conflicted and incapable of solving that until he goes full jew or non-jew.

By not knowing what to do with his internal conflict he externalizes it and burns the world around him.

One mistake Uncle Ted did and you guys are doing, is to consider as if technology has a will of its own. Breaking news: technology is just a tool, it doesn't decide its own fate.

It is like people who consider "government" as an entity with its own free will to do whatever it wants. That couldn't be further from the truth. "Government" is simply a group of people that imposes its will on the collective.

Treating technology or government as entities above ourselves is what is causing our slavery. Slavery to serve those that control both things and use both things to hide themselves and their criminal objectives.

Why did Kaczynski target who he targeted? Why not go after vital infrastructure? Electricity, water supply, telecommunications? Did he think targeting influential people would cause some sort of social change?

Criticizing Uncle Ted for not naming the Jew seems retarded. If you think industrial society is inherently bad for humanity you're not going to care who happens to be in control of it–the goal is to tear it down, not take it back. This doesn't make him controlled opposition or disinfo or a kike, it just means he has different priorities.

Please show me evidence that he has any Jewish ancestry whatsoever. All I've seen are retards who don't know the difference between a Polish name and a Jewish name.

Whether technology has a "will of its own" is irrelevant. Technological development does not proceed according to human whims, but according to its own logic dependent on the physical properties of the universe. Human thought and effort are involved, but we can't generally choose what comes next. There doesn't need to be some being out there called "technology" actively trying to fuck us over for technology to be disastrous for us.

After reading through the thread it seems like many here have only read through the manifesto or have only read about Ted through secondary sources. He published a new text last year titled "Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How" in which he provides several things: first a well organized and easy to follow breakdown of his theory concerning why technological/industrial societies will always collapse, regardless of political or social influences. The rest of the text is mostly examples of previous political revolutions and an analysis of what makes them successful or unsuccessful.

His arguments in the beginning of the book are logically sound and based on natural selection and systems. Reading the manifesto before this book, I found Anti-Tech Revolution to be more well-written and organized, and I think it's important to read in order to better grasp what uncle Teddy was all about.

The practical bottom line of his whole theory is that modern industrial society is doomed to collapse, likely in the near future, in any number of possible ways. His main goal was and is to ensure that it collapses sooner rather than later, as the more dependent humans and their well-being become on industrial society, the more devastating its inevitable collapse will be.

There is a pdf of Anti-Tech available on Library Genesis (libgen . io) for those who haven't read it and would like a better understanding of Ted's theories, I would recommend reading at least the first part.

Technology might not have a will of its own in the sense of conscious drive, but thinking of it as just a big tool is foolish. It's more appropriate to call it a system with its primary feature being the feedback loop with humans. Humans create technology, then use that technology to shape their environment, then that environment has impacts on their perceptions of the world which steer the development of new technologies. Sure, when you're inventing plowshares and domesticating dogs that loop is virtually non-existent and humans are in control of their new tools. But when technology starts to take off - ie industrial revolution - that's when it develops "a will of its own". You get cities in which several generations of humans are born and die without ever leaving, that's an entire lifetime surrounded by the technological system, and while genetics play a stronger role in human behavior, it can be altered by the environment, especially in extreme cases like cities.

If you read Anti-Tech, Ted does a much better job of explaining and justifying this theory.

That's what I've always wondered. What do Uncle Ted's targets all have in common? Throw whatever the media claimed in the garbage, they can't be trusted. Has anyone ever taken a deeper look at the people he singled out? Can't help but think 'deep state' now that they are operating out in the open.

The documentary in the first post actually interviews one of the victims and sheds some light on his reasons. Many of the people targeted were graduate students and researchers working with computers and were featured in articles in the paper he read. Some of his targets were people involved with the timber industry - the last straw which made him decide to carry out the bombings was the development of a patch of land near his cabin which he was very fond of.

Uncle Ted is a fucking boomer, I'm 100% positive that there was no way to share information on nearly as big of a scale and as quickly as it is possible today. It's basically like saying that he's a JIDF shill because he obviously hasn't browsed Holla Forums in the 60's. Additionally he's a STEM guy, he describes ideologies on an abstract level and when it comes to the right-wing ideologies of interwar Europe up until the end of WWII he can only describe it with using the (mis)information that he was exposed to as a reference point.

Didn't actually know about that, thanks.

Ted got MKUltra'd (which shows) so who knows why he went after those people specifically, it might even be some sort of revenge, I really should look into it when I find the time.

Hey OP, let me move you along the path a bit, if you're up for it.
Kaczynski was one of us but he is mostly a footnote in history today. The Unibomber Manifesto was the red pill of the 90s, for those of us woke back then. Study him if you think it will be productive, but I'm not sure what you think to find there. The overarching storyline has been known for a while.
You should be weary of technology as it takes a very small amount of reflection to see what it is: the Jewish magicians of old are finally perfecting their craft. They want to own and rule over the physical realm, this planet and ultimately this universe. They want to enslave any other race or being they find in the process. Total authoritarianism, the goyim serve the Jew (the few goyim allowed to live, that is).
They want to have all the information, and thus smart phones, internet, NSA, etc. Omniscience.
They want to have all the power, and thus extreme engineering, futurism, robotics, AI, etc. Omnipotency.
They want to have all the world, and thus the war-making and subversion. Omnipresence.
Eventually they seek to completely understand and manipulate the physical universe by willpower alone, or as most of us would think of it, godhood. Demi-godhood, perhaps,
but that's splitting hairs. (remember, any future technology seems like magic to those in the past)
Technology is a tool, and it serves its master.

You take so much offense in Uncle Ted being called a jew that it let me only conclude three things:
1 - You keep on your tribe behavior of considering and good guy a jew and any bad guy a non-jew.
2 - So you want very hard for Uncle Ted to be non-jewish.
3 - Uncle Ted is so non-jewish that it is real in your mind.

Poor poles being blamed again for the actions of retards like Uncle Ted. Like I said, an ancestor of him might have simply abandoned his jewish ghetto and never told anybody about it. How do you prove something like that, it is not my problem.

White revolutionaries don't act like Uncle Ted. Look at guys like Spartacus, Caesar, Luther, Columbus, … None of them came even near to being assholes like Uncle Ted.

It is tremendously relevant, Chaim. Your tribe is trying to control what is done with technology, you are stealing white people's heritage. And you like the fact so many of them aren't able to grasp what is at stake. Through deception you guys are using other people's technology to destroy them.

You are accelerating your stealing project while it is falling apart, which is kind of funny.

You are trying to convince guys like me, about things whose memetic relevancy are long past their useful point.

This is complete bullshit. Your assertions play in the game of trying to make goyim consider themselves below technology so you keep using it to enslave goyim.

I won't drink your koolaid, sorry. Please, go where you can find gullible people like rebbit or something.

Columbus was a Jew.

FBI thread, we had these on fucking cuckchan years ago.

Ted was raised Catholic, with pre-Vatican II Catholic views. You're projecting your own kikeness onto him. Any animosity towards the Third Reich was because of his Polish heritage.

Being anti-tech and being here is kind of stupid, unless you are not really anti-tech, but you want to drive people away from tech.

Which is kind of the jewish point I've been hammering about. "Do what I say, not what I'm doing, goyim. You are not special like me, remember that."

Evidence, please?

One mistake youare doing is posting without having red Kaczyski.
It is very possible that in a not so distant future technology will have its own will and needs that will conflict with human needs, it is possible to be replaced by intelligent machines or engineered "humans".

Contemptible as his actions were, he was spot on in his predictions of modern leftism and his mathematical work was brilliant even if mathematicians won't say that out loud.

You sound like someone who doesn't know what they're talking about. You've just made a bunch of statements without backing them up and then called everyone a Jew. Not saying you're wrong about Jewish manipulation of technology, but Jews aren't special beings or gods - they're at the mercy of industrial society like the rest of us, and are over-dependent on modern technologies for survival. I'm not hardcore anti-tech, but if you aren't able to even feed yourself without grocery stores or build shelter without prefab parts and power tools then you're fucked if the sun decides to send a nice fat solar flare in our direction, to name one of many possible cataclysmic events.

What are you on about? With technology it's easier than ever before to learn how to grow your own shit and be self reliant. Not even a 100 years have passed when these things were taught in schools everywhere. Kikes are at the mercy of society over all, because they are parasites. They don't produce anything ever and they never did. They manipulate technology to be their tool of goy enslavement. The huge fight Internet had to endure to become what it became and what it is right now is the ultimate proof what whites do with their ideas and how hard they are willing to fight so that they get implemented in real life.

When you put it like that, it seems like there's a bit of overlap between Uncle Ted's ideology and Oswald Spengler's.

Not that much when you think that a lot of the people in this malaysian sketch sharing community hold fascistic views even if there's some noise about free speech in the background.

It's a theory, I remember it starting becoming popular around 2000. It's amazing what you can find on dead people, like how Hitler had one testicle and was secretly gay. There are some letters but the big evidence seems to be his signature that resembles signs seen on jewish tombs in Spain and which jewish scholars have deciphered was a secret way to affirm his faith. It smells of rabbi tricks, they get to claim the importance of judeochrisitanity through someone who was relatively benign while crying about being expelled once again and cleaning their hands of anyone who complains about genocide. It fits too well too late, we can't decide if he was born in Italy, Spain or Portugal, but this we can tell.

There were talks about Uncle Ted doing an interview like a year ago. Any user know anything about it ? Are we going to have an interview, is there any progress ?

I think it's pretty clear what I'm on about - the average person is dependent on technological society and if that society goes away suddenly millions will die. It is easier than ever to learn how to be self reliant - you're right - but how many people take the time to learn? Certainly not the majority, especially city dwellers. Just because information is available thanks to the internet doesn't mean it gets put to good use. How much of the internet is dedicated to resources like that, and how much of it is pointless entertainment and false information?

And what the fuck are you talking about "the huge fight the internet had to endure" ? The internet has grown faster than any other information system and has crushed everything from television to newsprint in terms of influence, easily. If you think its currently some bastion of free speech then you haven't considered how easy it is to manipulate communities online and alter opinion through disinformation.

I take offense to people being retards and asserting things without evidence. If you had evidence that he was a kike you would have posted it instead of this stupid Bulverism.

College ruins another life

Focus on distributed technologies. Currently, technology is mostly used to maximize efficiency in hub-spoke organizational models. However this is an artifact of our society's financial structure as a giant pyramid scheme supported by usury.

Instead I propose that we found multiple non profit communes on the model of the (((Kibbutz))), or if you prefer as outlined by Hoppe in his book "Democracy: the God that failed." Technological advances have made small self sufficient communities possible in a way never before possible. Combined with the tax loopholes for religious non profits (Praise Kek, anyone?) you can drop out of the financial system completely, at least in the USA. Since members of these small self sufficient communities are involved in all the daily activity involved, and the decision making is made at a local level, the type of alienation discussed by Kaczynski will fail to occur. However, there would still need to be regional organizations for protection of environmental resources and collective self defense. Perhaps a return to what the USA was originally founded as; a federal system.

Send him a letter. He spends 23 hours a day alone in a cell, he has all the time in the world to answer to them.

No really, Holla Forums should write him a letter. Why not ?

We should red pill him on jews.

not sure if this documentary is kiked in and of itself, or just exposing the likely


College was just when he snapped, fam. His whole life in society was a pained, isolated existence. The real tragedy is that in a National Socialist society, most of his torment would have been prevented and he would have been happily married and celebrated & appreciated as a genius.

He wasn't always a revolutionary yearning for blood. He started out as a very shy, friendless and sensitive autistic kid.

His torment started in the fifth grade when he scored 167 on an IQ test, at from which point his parents ruthlessly exploited him as a model child they can brag about for social points. He was pressured by his parents to be perfect in school and skipped a grade with their say and was put in with new, older classmates. Already a shy, weird autistic child, he was now torn apart from the classmates he knew and was surrounded by older and bigger children he didn't know, who just bullied him (do keep in mind Kaczynsky is short-average to average stature : 5'9). His parents frequently yelled and treated him badly as well, only caring about his grades and giving no shits about his lack of social skills and isolation. Later, his parents got him, forced him to skip another grade, the 11th, which was even more traumatic.

HARVARD 1958-1962
It was during this time that Ted started radicalizing and dreaming of retreating himself from society. Going out into the woods as a hermit back then was the equivalent of NEET/hiki today.One would think Ted would fit in much better here in Harvard, with students of his intelligence and autism. Instead, he found himself in just as great of a calamity. The Harvard of this time period was a very snobby, high-class school that working-class Ted, already very awkward and shy from his social experiences, was ostracized due to his lack of wealth, and non-eloquent mannerisms, speech and dress. It was also during this time that he was tortured in a MKULTRA experiment

He came as Ted Kaczynsky. He left as the Unabomber. "The fact that I not only passed my courses (except one physics course) but got quite a few A's, shows how wretchedly low the standards were at Michigan," he wrote.

He later describes how professors often showed up to class unprepared and how they could not complete some of the proofs they assigned.

"The atmosphere to me felt extremely sordid - most instructors and most students did only what they had to do - there was no interest or enthusiasm or even any sense of responsibility about doing a good job," he wrote.

At night, he was tormented by the sounds of a couple having sex through the thin walls. Kaczynski, who was in his mid-20s at the time, had begun to suffer from sexual repression.

In a fit of naivete, he reported the sounds to the University, which, of course, took no action. At the time, he also grew convinced his landlord had turned others against him. He had trouble fitting in at the University. He was anti social, disdained others and showed little willingness to communicate with peers.

He began to have nightmares. In them, he was constantly hounded by organized society, which he usually manifested as psychologists. The psychologists tried to control his mind with tricks, causing him to grow angrier and angrier. Eventually, this man who did not bend - not even in the world of dreams - would break. He would kill the psychologists as well as their allies, and afterward, feel relief and liberation. Then, though, his victims would spring back up. As time went by, he grew more successful in keeping them dead by concentrating hard enough.

According to a detailed psychological profile done of him by psychiatrist Sally Johnson, Kaczynski experienced a period of a few weeks in the summer of 1966 during which he was constantly sexually aroused.

In a severe twist of logic that is telling of his jumbled thought processes during his time at the University, he reasoned that the only way he would ever be able to touch a woman was to become one himself. Kaczynski began to fantasize about being female.

When he returned to Ann Arbor in the fall, he went as far as to make an appointment at the University Health Center to see a psychiatrist to discuss whether a sex change would be a good choice for him. Kaczynski's plan was to trick the doctor into believing that the operation wasn't merely for erotic purposes, but was rather intended to make him into the more feminine person he was destined to be.

As he was sitting in the waiting room, he experienced a sudden change of heart, and instead he lied to the psychiatrist, telling him he had come because he was depressed about the possibility of being drafted into military service.

As I walked away from the building afterwards, I felt disgusted about what my uncontrolled sexual cravings had almost led me to do and I felt - humiliated, and I violently hated the psychiatrist. Just then there came a major turning point in my life. Like a Phoenix, I burst from the ashes of my despair to a glorious new hope. I thought I wanted to kill that psychiatrist because the future looked utterly empty to me. I felt I wouldn't care if I died. And so I said to myself why not really kill the psychiatrist and anyone else whom I hate. What is important is not the words that ran through my mind but the way I felt about them. What was entirely new was the fact that I really felt I could kill someone. My very hopelessness had liberated me because I no longer cared about death. I no longer cared about consequences and I said to myself that I really could break out of my rut in life and do things that were daring, irresponsible or criminal. He describes his first thought was to kill someone he hated and then kill himself, but decided he could not relinquish his rights so easily. At that point he decided: I will kill but I will make at least some effort to avoid detection so that I can kill again.,, He decided that he would do what he always wanted to do, to go to Canada to take off in the woods with a rifle and try to live off the country. "If it doesn't work and if I can get back to civilization before I starve then I will come back here and kill someone I hate. In his writings he emphasized what he knew was the fact that he now felt he had the courage to behave irresponsibly.

Kaczynsky became the youngest ever assistant professor at Berkeley, at the age of 26. It is perhaps very incriminating or a very big coincidence that the Zodiac started killing around the San Francisco area around this time period. The circumstantial evidence online linking Ted to the Zodiac killings is far stronger than that of any other suspect I've read about.

Kaczynski struggled at Berkeley, having a hard time delivering his lectures and often avoiding contact with his students. He resigned his assistant professorship in 1969, and by the early 1970s had given up his old life and settled in Montana. He built himself a small cabin near Lincoln, where he lived in near-total isolation, hunting rabbits, growing vegetables, and spending much of his time reading. While living this remote, survivalist lifestyle, Kaczynski developed his own anti-government and anti-technology philosophy.

Kaczynsky was constantly irritated by how technology was encroaching upon him, even from his cabin away from society. Overhead planes maddened him, so he attempted to bomb an airliner in his early terrorist campaign. Here is a quote relevant to this topic

Prosecutors say Kaczynski's physical terrorism began in 1978. In May of that year he left Montana and returned to Chicago, where he lived and worked for about a year. He wrote in his journal that his primary reason for returning to civilization was to "more safely attempt to murder a scientist, businessman, or the like."

Ted returned to work at his brother's factory in 1978, where a female co-worker took an interest in him. His brother, David recalls Ted being the happiest he ever saw him. This took place a few months after mailing his first bomb. >A 1978 journal entry described how he made bombs to murder "snowmobilists, motorcyclists, outboard motor users or the like in between tender thoughts about a woman whom he dated briefly at a foam-cutting plant in Chicago

"As mentioned in some of my notes, I did make an attempt with a bomb - whether successful or not I don't know," the journal read. "During the last few weeks I was too busy thinking about (name deleted) . . . But this affair with (deleted) has done strange things to me. In the first place, it aroused in me hope - a hope for something worthwhile. Perhaps foolishly, I did hope that I might win, if not her love, then at least a reasonable amount of affection - physical sex too, of course, but it would have been more important to me to have her care for me than to have physical sex with her. I could get by with just holding her hand if necessary, if I thought she'd really cared for me."

The woman, his supervisor at Foam Cutting Engineers, later broke off the relationship. He reacted by posting dirty limericks about her in the plant. He was fired by his own brother, David Kaczynski, who years later would turn him in to authorities.

His beta-cuck brother, being friendzoned until his 40s decides to give up his life in the desert wilderness of Texas to marry that roastie
When Dave and longtime girlfriend Linda Patrik started living together in New York state in 1989, Ted wrote Dave, saying he was a fool to throw away his freedom and life in the desert for a woman:

"At that time he decided to end his relationship with me, end communicating with me," David said. "It was an extremely angry, total surprise to me. He tended to view me as someone who was easily manipulated by others and for some reason he had gotten the notion that Linda was a manipulating female who was using me." The accusation seemed particularly bizarre, David said, because "he has never met her to my knowledge."

One interpretation of his brother's letter, he said, might be that Ted was disappointed that he would give up the lifestyle they had shared. "It may have just been terrible for him to think I would rejoin society," David said. "I think it goes deeper than that."

David said the letter had contained "a long litany" of his presumed faults but it added that "he did care about me" and said that "I was throwing away my life."

By marrying? he was asked.


Seeing Linda as manipulative, though he had never met her, was typical, David said. "He would remember something that my father said or my mother said, and it would be great weight, and he would attach some significance to it. He would build out of a few facts a picture that was unrecognizable." From then on, Ted told David, he would not open a letter from his brother unless it had a line drawn under the stamp to indicate a family emergency. David had been cut off.

Linda would eventually be the one successfully pressuring him to turn in his own brother to the FBI.

To clarify;
I did not mean to put that there. That gives off the impression that the cunt that broke up with Kaczynsky in 1978 is David's wife. This is not the case. His wife is a roastie that friend-zoned David since high-school and only suddenly "became" romantically interested in him in her 40's. David is a cuck because he betrayed his own blood to the FBI due to the pressuring of a worn-out roastie that wanted to feast on his beta bucks.

I have read him. AI will get out of control if we let it go out of control. Someone will do it, it won't get out of control on its own.


My backing is in Uncle Ted's ideas and behavior as stated. I haven't called everyone a jew, yours generalization is stupid.

Well, that is my point indeed.

Not only that, jews are dependant on a civilization built by others, they are social parasites. Without us suckers, the jews die.

I know where are obsidian stones around here and I know how to make obsidian knives. Does that count? I think I may survive the worst possible situations, not so much those that I love. So, keeping civilization going and taking back control of it are higher priorities to me than making obsidian knives. Getting back civilization would be an act of love from my part, resorting to living inawoods alone would be selfish in the extreme.

Fascists love technology, they built some of the most amazing technology that we use today, high speed trains, rockets, bunkers, submarines, jet engines, etc.

I remember jews doing teamwork at that time to dig the past of relevant goyim to try to claim any jewish evidence as membership to their tribe. At that time I remember of learning about their historical efforts to include "good" goyim within their ranks and try to unjew their bad ones.

Same tired old jewish game I told about Uncle Ted here.

Jews are fakers and deceivers, I don't take their word for anything, sorry.

Ok, Chaim.

You got to find something beyond jewish ideas and authors to sway a single one of us, Jacob. If it is all that you got, please move ass to Israel and leave us alone.

In the sixth minute there is a kike talking about playing an instrument while being filmed by someone unknown and then boom! He becomes an important executive overnight by virtue of an invitation from the mysterious cameraman.

I can't stand kikes bragging like that, I don't wish to lose two hours of my life to see this drivel.

Could you make a tl;dr for us, please?

Thank you for the interesting article.

People have been complaining that computers are not developing anymore. You could:
- Navigate the Internet;
- Buy things using your credit card;
- Access your bank account;
- Write a printable document;
- Make a spreadsheet;
- See a video;
- Hear a song;
- Send an e-mail;
- Play a 3D game;
- Share files;
By using Windows 3.11 in 1994. Which outside voice calls is the same activity that is done today with computers, more than 20 years later.

People are wondering what could they do with the supercomputers they have in their pockets now, that once cost several million dollars in downpayment and yearly maintenance by 1994. Well, they are frustrated by the unfulfilled promises.

As a software developer I can explain to you why things are grinding to a halt. And why we have to stay in the system instead of becoming luddites.

In 1999 I had the opportunity to work with implantable chips. I made Linux drivers to interface with them from antennas held a block away. The project required certain software tricks that I did and they worked, but I deleted it and told my boss that what he wanted was unfeasible.

I don't know how much I managed to push back that tech, but when I made it to work knowing that it was to be used by animals roaming pastures, it chilled my spine. I was not redpilled, I was just a shabbos goy trying to get by. But … if someone demands me to wear one of those chips?

And now I'm here, shitposting.

Many things that held promise of great development are grinding to a halt, gigahertz cpus, p2p networks, big data. People work on things for some time, then they realize like the article you posted such things will not be used for good and so they stop.

Unless the developers are jews, which of course are highly motivated to make such horrors come true. Jews are seriously handicapped when it comes to long term thinking and creativity, but Tel Aviv is becoming a tech hub for the simple reason that if the jews want certain things, they have to sweat and do it themselves, we won't be doing their toys anymore. No wonder jews are now considering Whites useless and expendable.

Let's do a brief article analisys:
1 - A jewish author only citing jews or shabbos goyim;
2 - Purposely leaves out that the jews have worked tirelessly towards the atom bomb, not to make a silly demonstration, but to drop it in Germany. Many jews in the project took offense of it not being used against Germany, but against Japan;
3 - "If they are humane they may use propaganda or other psychological or biological techniques to reduce the birth rate until the mass of humanity becomes extinct, leaving the world to the elite." - this is precisely what the jewish elite is aiming at and they call it "humane". Humane for whom, paleface? Oh, because only jews are human, I understood.
4 - "I believe that we all wish our course could be determined by our collective values, ethics, and morals." - see item 3, I believe we do not share such values, the author's collective values idea is much narrower in scope than what he wants the readers to think;
5 - "The clear conclusion was that we would create additional threats to ourselves by pursuing these weapons, and that we would be more secure if we did not pursue them." - in the typical lack of long-term planning, the jews helped unleash an uncontainable monster in the atom bomb. Now they are using it to blackmail anyone who don't do their bidding. What a bunch of nice guys;

I could go on about the many passages which hide a meaning to jewish insiders, while rusing unsuspecting people into thinking the author includes the naive reader as his peer. But let's make such pursuit an exercise to the neophite Holla Forumslacks.

And here we are back on why it is very important that we keep up to date with the latest technology. Because the only way to fight and win an enemy is to know the enemy and its capabilities. Withdrawing from this pursuit will only lead us to further slavery, which is exactly what Uncle Ted promoted.

And so we whitey are barely developing or contributing anything anymore to the jewish pursuits, because we have pocket supercomputers and yet they are being used to dog-collar us instead of expanding our minds. This is not right and any intelligent persons can sense it within their gut.

Our good ideas won't enrich our kike enslavers anymore, they die with us. What matters is the latent potential which is passed down through our genes, so our children my pursue such objectives under a better condition at better times.

what the fuck, the unabomber was probably the zodiac killer as well

Sure will be fun when the chinks come with pinpoint orbital bombardment and million man armies against your little shacks in the woods. Technology is a bit like a weapon - like it or not, but if your enemies have it you better do too.

this bothers me about pol. Polish names are not jewish names.

I'm still pretty adamant that society as a whole would be better without the transistor. I think there are some benefits that the transistor has given us that are quite useful (analytics for improved medicine wasted on niggers, safer designs of vehicles of transport, metrics allowing improved energy efficiency to name a few). But it's not worth it… I think the technology around us today consumes the individual man and allows distractions.

The push towards a computer controlled society of easily manipulated drones has come about as a result of military experiments with LSD and behavioral studies, combined with the development and spread of the internet.
Basically nwo, computerised slavery of the goyim, 1984/ BNW stuff, but factually documented, no brushing it off as "conspiracy theory"
All stuff we mostly know, but the doc is a few years old.
The Unabomber saw this future developing first hand, and was not impressed, so tried to take out some of those he saw as involved, whilst bringing attention to his ideas/ manifesto.

I lived in Washington when he forced WAPO to publish his manifesto. I was both impressed with his success, and with the manifesto itself. I was pretty young, but I remember reading that day's paper and thinking "holy shit he thinks like I do." But only about technology. I was a liberal shithead and didn't like his assessment of my psychology.

Now I disagree with him about technology, but totally agree with him about Liberals.

Holla Forums also makes that mistake about a lot of German names. I have an old-order Amish name and was called a kike for posting it.

eventually you come to realize the Holla Forums majority is intellectually suited for duty as RAHOWA cannon fodder and not much else


the huge push for urbanisation is insanely Jewish
Cities are fucking shit

eventually you come to realize the Holla Forums majority is American intellectually suited for duty as RAHOWA cannon fodder and not much else

There is a unproportional number of Australians tbh

It sounds plausible. If Ted was the zodiac killer than the cypher is probably extremely complex, possibly related to his field of study or to his CIA brainwashing.

Actually, anti-civilization rhetoric is a product of Jews.


He probably just could walk up to most girls in bars and get dates / sex with them.


Handwriting style is very similar too.

Zodiac 408 code: DANGEROUE
Unabomber code: YESTERDAE

Kaczynski had a unique pathology - a specific hatred of technology, business leaders and politicians (which shows up in his Unabomber crimes from 1978 to 1996 and also may have played in a role in the selection of the Percy and Bricca homes as a target), but also the general rage expressed in 1966, in which he wanted to kill "college students" and women. So Kaczynski may well be in the minority of distance killers who also kill up close and personal.

Second, there is evidence Kaczynski actually thought about and even did kill up close and personal.

The FBI states he actually did shoot and wound a miner with a rifle. In his journal that recorded in detail all of his bombing crimes, he also wrote of unspecified other crimes whose evidence he had destroyed and accounts of had burned or buried, because their revelation (in light of his growing reputation as a political terrorist and anti-technology activist) could prove "dangerous, embarassing or just very bad public relations." Certainly the brutal murder of a young college girl like Valerie Percy or the lovers lane killings of young couples by the Zodiac would not be something he would want publicly known, when some on the fringes of the radical environmental and anarchist movements now touted him as a hero of sorts.

He recorded a desire to kill people by "bomb or other means". He wrote fantasies about mutilating a women's face with a knife and raping a woman in front of her husband. He spent a year and made a one shot .22 pistol from wood and junk parts that he wrote he intended to use as a "homicide weapon". As a one shot untraceable weapon, it would best be used in situations were the victim was immobile, such as being bound or asleep.


One very interesting fact: Zodiac said on 9/27/69 to Bryan Hartnell that he had escaped from "Deer Lodge, Montana", an obscure but beautiful small town that has a state prison. How many people in California would have heard of that town, and why would it be on their minds that they would mention it? I think the number would be very small. But Ted had just driven through or by this tiny town in the middle of nowhere with his brother weeks earlier, and he remarked how beautiful an area it was. It made such an impression that it was within an hour of where Ted would buy the cabin he would live in the rest of his life.


The Unabombings may have very well been the tip of the iceberg.

You try being autistic then

I guess that if Jews didn't steal European names we wouldn't have that problem.

No wonder he became as fucked up and misanthropic as he did. Great read.

Seems to be a common theme with MKULTRA victims.

During the past ages, many native European families had to change surnames in order to not be confused with jews which adopted their native surnames on purpose just to try fit in.

I have a friend whose original family surname centuries ago was Stein, it got to a point nobody wanted even to talk to them because of the bad vibe the surname gave to them. They had to request the local government for a collective surname change. They were lucky to get a new one, other governments did not permit that.

You see, some guys miss the fact that their fathers don't have balls enough to pay a ho to take the boy's virginity and make him understand that sex is not a big deal and is overrated.

Maybe Uncle Ted's incompetent father could have spared much grief if he was just a bit less stupid.

This is why I decided to never read much into Uncle Ted. Technologically advanced societies will conquer those which are less advanced. It's happened time and time again. I like his writings on leftists but the technology stuff suffers from a lack of a more complete understanding of history and human nature.

They've had him in custody for almost 30 years now. He writes letters all the time. You'd think they'd have enough forensic handwriting data to time him to Zodiac by now.

Also, it would kind of suck if our serial-killer talent pool was this small.

He, and other prominent goy scientists talk about the dangers of technology becoming a force on its own and destroying humanity, some jew futurists welcome this.

Also, it looks like they have DNA on the EAR/ONS. They'd have Ted on trial if were him. There are institutional motives to spread rumors making Kazynski seem perverted and more sadistic than he is.

He was a smart fellow how got his head spun around by MKULTRA. He decided to go live innawoods. He got in touch with nature. Then civilization started encroaching on his woods.

Pretty /k/ if you think about it.


Fuck hippies

No, tech and other human creations are not the cause of why good portion of population are inherent degenerates which are unable to perceive the world around in a way that is not made from suggestions of others. It's the nature of the human mass to be self destructive in favor of self made "needs" and impulses. It has been like since written history, when they got an opportunity they acted like degenerates; indulgent mass, fucking everything that had a hole… Cities provided a safe environment, where people could harbour their degenerate tendencies continuously, and that of course takes a toll on a human and generations to come. In primitive life, such behavior is hardly possible and it requires a vigorous body in order to survive.
Just because tech is used for wrong ends, that does not mean it is the cause of it… it is after all still a tool.

Yes, tech itself it not degenerate, it's just the way it's being used currently en-masse that is degenerate. Similar to how a low-tech medium like books can either enslave or free the mind.

Lots of incels out there, relatively few trannies. That isn't it. Unless you're saying that MKULTRA and similar programs tend to target incels, which would make sense.

See about his only gf for 3 days in 1978. He didn't care about sex so much as affection.

"As mentioned in some of my notes, I did make an attempt with a bomb - whether successful or not I don't know," the journal read. "During the last few weeks I was too busy thinking about (girl) . . . But this affair with (girl) has done strange things to me. In the first place, it aroused in me hope - a hope for something worthwhile. Perhaps foolishly, I did hope that I might win, if not her love, then at least a reasonable amount of affection - physical sex too, of course, but it would have been more important to me to have her care for me than to have physical sex with her. I could get by with just holding her hand if necessary, if I thought she'd really cared for me."

Also, there was a point in the 1990s where he sought support for dating and some unrelated stuff, and even thought he might have potential to date one of the doctors.

Most of Europe has rather strict planning laws etc, for example in the UK there is no way you can live on your forested land for more than a few days at a time camping, you can't build any structures and you can't remain there for any length of time.

For a country whose government doesn't give a shit to its native white subjects (because in practice you are a subject not a citizen in the UK), you are giving too much credit to stupid laws about construction.

Find a public forest, find a steep incline in the forest near a sizable river above the flood zone and which people don't walk by. Find a place that the ground is naturally covered in clay.

Plan a walking route to the river that goes under trees or bushes, no beaten path should be seen from above.

Carve a small hole in the mountainside, expand it to a room. Reinforce the ceiling with timber or steel reinforced concrete as you go in. The clay above will give you protection against water infiltration and will hide your place from ground penetrating radar.

The dirt, you throw into the river, spread it so it is carried out more easily. Carve at night if you are paranoid.

You got yourself a hermit home which you can stock as you want, or at least a place to relax away from the rest of the world and which will stay the same temperature all year round.

You can go fancy and use the river to power one of these:


Initial installation is complicated, but looks like the effort is worth relative to the comfort it provides. So your mancave can have led lights and maybe a battery to power other things like a stove.

A mancave like that can also be fitted with a simple charcoal filter and air pump which would come in handy to survive biological, radioactive and chemical terrorism.

This is what faggots actually believe, while using technology to shitpost online instead of running away to their technologically empty woods and uninhabited lands.