After reading most of Kaczynski's writtings, i would like some input from you.
Is a technological society possible, in which humans aren't enslaved to their own inventions and are able to fulfill the power process while developing technology without interruption? How the jews disrupt this possibilities?
Kaczynski wants revolution against the industrial society, that is mostly, against the current western civilization, but he forgets to name his fellow tribesman and how much they contribute for the system to become unbearable for human beings.
Kaczinsky hates "leftists", since they distract people from the real fight, he doesnt mention anywhere though, that most of this leftists are jews, and he often names "futurists" and the kind who are mostly jews.
He points to the system supresing racism, homophobia, and so on, because it is beneficial to the existence of the system, but it goes beyond my imagination how
a third world multicultural society with all the problems it entails could bring stability to the system in the long run or help it achieve its technological goals faster. The technological system looks to be tailored to suit jews, because better alternatives are obvious but suppressed. The jews need not to be part
of a technological society and a technological society without usury, lies, massive control and other jewish neuroses, should be more stable and preferable.
Technology is enslaving humanity, but destroying technology is out of the question for us. He cant envision any future in which technology actually serves to lift humanity. That would have to be developed outside the current jewish paradigm.
There is also the possibility that Kaczynski is some sort of Psyop, here are some quotes from him:
"But, realistically, these are not the conditions that will prevail if and when the technoindustrial system collapses. There are a lot of mean people
out there: Nazis, Hell’s Angels, Ku Klux Klanners, the Mafia"
"For comparison, consider World War II. At that time the ambitions of ruthless dictators could be thwarted only by making war on a large scale, and,
given the conditions of modern warfare, millions of innocent civilians inevitably were killed or mutilated. Few people will deny that this constituted an
extreme and inexcusable injustice to the victims, yet fewer still will argue that Hitler, Mussolini, and the Japanese militarists should have been allowed to
dominate the world. "
He has a lot of insight on the system, but he seems to have drunk the whole ally propaganda and holohoax coolaid.
To find out if he is a Psyop we should analize his thesis and posible outcomes of his proposed revolution, does it benefit the jews? if it does then we should analize further. If the destruction of the technological system does not benefit the jews then we may conclude Kazcynski is genuine. We should also conside the feasibility of destroying the technological system, if the aims of the revolution are impossible, then we should analyze further
to see if fighting against technology is just another deviancy from the fight against the jewish power structure, which can actually be toppled.
Kaczynski is typical jewish, he is dogmatic, with good insight on the behaviour of others, biased, incapable of self criticism, psychopathic, delusional and radical, he loved nature though and his ideas are worthed a read, he actualizes the concerns of Plato or Lao Tse, who already warned against technology.