Why is this game so charming despite being objectively the worst in its series?
Why is this game so charming despite being objectively the worst in its series?
Because you wanted another Doom, but not like this
Because you'd think ID would learn from it's mistakes.
Well, I was going to shitpost but those quads don't lie.
Guess there'll be no shitposting in this thread
I honestly liked the whole pda system, specifically finding the videos for weapons or that one lab, I thought they were neat.
It's filled with TECHNOLOGY because it's idtech 4 and looks really fucking good.
It's objectively better than Nu Doom
It was nearly good bar for the can't see shit captain syndrome, just not in any way shape or form a deserving sequel to it's predecessors.
nuDoom is part of it's own series that's why it ain't Doom 4, Bethesda is going to make a shitton of baby nuDooms. Next one announced next E3
I can't name an actual Doom game that I think are bad. They're all good titles. It's just that the Doom series suffers from the Deus Ex curse in which it peaked with it's first entry and everything else can't recapture its quality.
Let's not let our distaste for nuDoom cloud our judgement. It's at least more fast paced, more combat focused and has more open areas than Doom 3, even if it's not Doom 1 quality.
It's a pretty bad Doom game, but idtech 4 is an amazing engine that runs on a toaster.
I thought one major complaint when it came out was not many people could play it without a recent Nvidia card?
By the time it finally came out it had lower requirements than other games in the same genre. My piece of shit potato machine can run every game made with the engine at 60 frames with no issues.
It's also moddable as shit because of the clean data format and source code being available even before it went open source.
I'm still disappointed the only project made with the open source has been The Dark Mod, I was hoping more people would take interest in idtech4 and make shit with it
There's a Hexen fan sequel in the works. It looks pretty cool.
I actually found out just now that id Tech 4 is open source. As a bit of a hobbyist dev, can you make games in third person?
Yep. Here's a test of a hybrid engine fork that combines all the features of every other fork.
And one more thing: does it have a visual editor or is it strictly code? I don't really have much programming knowledge.
GtkRadiant is the official toolchain, and it offers a pretty good degree of customization through DEF files and whatnot. If you really want to tear the game apart, though, you'll need to make a custom gamex86.dll.
Indeed, those interactive screens were sweet. Moreso in the expansion where they have silly mini-games to play.
Music to my ears. Thanks anons.
wew lad
You have a point though, because doom 2 was basically just an expansion for the original
shit is still shit.
With that game's messy level design? Don't really agree.
I agree. I just don't think nuDoom is really worse than Doom 3.
No Ultimate Doom map is as bad as Downtown, Tennements, The Chasm, Nirvana or Icon of Sin.
not anymore user.
It wasn't at release either, dumbnut.
Even if shitty ports don't count, Doom 64 did exist at that point.
It was a good game, just not a good doom game.
It's an atmospheric mix between Doom and System Shock.
Nostalgia? I thought the way you use computers in the game was neat.
Did make it to the half mark point got bored and never finished it.
tfw you're an autistic coward and your little brother comes into your room, suddenly grabing you from behind while you play
If you ask me just about everything past refueling base just lowers in quality and enjoyability, probably a few exceptions
love Doom 3, yeah it is not as fast as the first two, but the atmosphere was all right
Get out.
I like The Chasm. I can't tell you why, but I like it.
All the others you listed are indeed shit, though.
Was the chasm the second to last? I thought that one was fun, especially after all the awful shit before it.
Wasn't that demon grey?
There are many words I can use to describe Doom 3, but charming isn't one of them. The game was a soul-less albeit impressive tech demo.
Doom 3 honestly wasn't nearly as bad as everybody makes it out to be. It's basically just Quake 2 with Doom enemies.
It was a good benchmark. And a pretty mediocre game, worth a playthrough and nothing more.
Doom 2016 is way better
It's actually worse than Quake 2. Which is pretty bad since Quake 2 was very average
That isn't Nu-Doom tho.
only a retard can prefer Doom 3 to Doom 2016
I wonder if the people saying Doom 3 wasn't so bad played it after they let you use the flashlight with a gun.
Then i must be retarded, big guy.
3 and Nu are both fucking shit, fuck off.
i pre oredered DooM collectors edition and its fun try and stop me
I think Aliens: Colonial Marines would have turned out better if they had taken cues from this game. The monsters seem stronger than you and when you're fighting them in the dark you get a sense of helplessness.
Everything just looks so bulky in this game. It's so red and slimy when it's not supposed to be slimy. It's good.
now that's really fucking cool
As least Quake 2 has level design beyond badly fucking lit linear corridors.
DooM came out recently user.