Point out contradictions in Holla Forums ideology

point out contradictions in Holla Forums ideology

They have no theory .
What to point out ?


Because Marxist """"""""""theory"""""""""" is just excuse after excuse for why Marx's bullshit predictions haven't happened yet.


This tbh. The reason they seem like they show a lot of solidarity is not because of a common theory but rather that they lack one to adequately look at with any critical concerns. Contrary to this, we perhaps have way too much theory and have to disagree all the time because of it.

Marx was correct about the falling rate of profit, capital accumulation for investment and growth cycles, the industrial reserve army, and the banks and state measures failures to deal with monetary and commercial crises. These are not "predictions" but analyses and exposition.

what was Marx wrong about in all honesty? It seems virtually non-existent outside of LTV, which is still subject to debate today.

And to what conclusion did those analyses and exposition lead? I'm pretty sure Capital doesn't end with "Well, that's how things are, I don't know what we should do about it, 2bh"




I think while he was right about how and when a revolution might happen as the result of increasing contradictions in the system, he was wrong about where some of these would take place; indeed, he was quite convinced it would happen in the richest countries firstโ€”Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, United Kingdom. Historically we know this is not true, as is the case with the USSR, Mao's China, et c.

Marx never finished the manuscripts before they were published by Engels so it's correct to say that Capital doesn't truly end. What it does give us at the denouement however is a culmination of the same historical dialectic that led to the emergence of capitalism from prior forms (ie determination in the last instance, the essential move to admit that the economic structure actually does develop the productive, dynamic forces of society).

P. S. this is why Vol. III of Capital is subtitled The Process of Capitalist Production as a Whole

Hitler was the best centrist.

I feel like the contradictions are heightened in the poorer countries.
That might be why.

Stop making me smile everytime you post goddamnit

He was pretty much right about LTV. What he was wrong about, however, was that socialism could come about through despotism, that the current industrial capacity of his time was enough to create a state of general abundance, and that centrally planning an economy would be a relatively simple matter.


the point was to change the system so that empathy and general ethic and moral superiority would be the motivation to 'get to the top' and not greed like in capitalism.
technically what they managed to do was economy similar to today's social democracies.

"Fascist Theory."

You, sir, are my comrade.

"Traditionalists" just want a return to ideals that were modern in the 18th and 19th centuries

"Everything is Jews' fault" is a perfectly self-consistent position.

You don't need to contradict yourself to be dumb.

Stop, my penis can only get so hard.

Jews control a great portion of western civilization, in the sense that they have control over many congressmen and politicians (many of them are jewish themselves, others are plain bought by them, see AIPAC for example).

They want to destroy europeans because they, the chosen people, see them as a threat to themselves. As europeans have expelled them time and time again, ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€they๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€ are wary about it.

Also, do you think that jews don't want to destroy white civilization? Or you are just not "racial aware" (i.e.: do not recognize significant differences between races)?

Jews also are strangely correlated with lynching and expulsions from many countries. It could be "pure coincidence" but maybe they are really greedy and conspiracists. I don't know, it is at least suspicious.

I don't believe jews are the root of all problems, but they were and are behind many of them. Pic related and many more examples.

Also, it seems ironic that you hate the proletariat, yet fail to recognize that jews have the 90% of all wealth in the world or even more. Maybe you think they are the same as you, and so fail to distinguish them from yourselves or distinguish jews from other races?

To my understanding, at the very least jews should be a common enemy for both Holla Forums and you lefties.

Tell me my friend, how do you feel about the fact that the Jews reaching success is explicitly stated in your holy text, and that, assuming God does exist, their success is due to the will of God? Book of Joshua 1:7-9



Christianity is a Norse religion. The Romans were really jews, and the persecuted jews were actually Aryan.


I bet you don't even go to church.

I don't care about religion. I'm not even 100% Holla Forums tier ideologically speaking.

Jews have their own religious book (Talmud) with interesting quotes about goyim. That should raise some alarms too, but actions are more important than quotes from religious books.

Can you stay on topic? What do you think about jews particularly?

Because according to your ideology, they are the worst burgeose there could be. Also they bring feminism and open borders (idk if you are for or against them), they are maybe the biggest threat to white civilization (again, i don't know if you care about races or not)

Most of us think jews are parasites of current civilization. They are bankers, they buy politicians, they want to import less intelligent people into higher-overall-iq countries (Europe). Most of Holla Forums think they should be gassed.

So given that you are joking here about it, what do you think about this particular topic?


And yet somehow the Jews are special? Please off yourself.

Funny that you mention that, considering Jesus stated that he was the Messiah, as prophesied in the Book of Daniel.


How telling is it that when a Holla Forumsack finds a post declaring that he has no theory his only response is a weak NO U that points out someone who actually wrote theory?

Holla Forums, where is your throry?


Also this.

Yes because culture is a static magical "thing" to be preserved and not simply a constantly changing and evolving result of human interaction. It's such a painfully childish and simplistic understanding of culture. Give me a break, son.

And how far have all your Ivory Tower theories actually advanced the cause of communism now, user?

The surviving groups following explicitly Marxist tenets now are what, North Korea, Cuba, and some Kurdish/Latin American guerillas?

Oh well, you've still got some humanities departments! Maybe they can help organise the masses for the inevitable revolution (when they aren't bewailing the lack of transgender access to toilets, or fat-shaming in the media)

How is this a contradiction? Some of the others in this thread about the Jews are much better.

but user peer reviewed studies by german scientists proved white nordics are superior!
and they did it in 1937 so it should be well known by now!

Fuck. You just reminded me of how much they love cherrypicking and deliberately misinterpreting research, and then resorting to outright pseudoscience when even that doesn't work. For people who claim to love Science and Reason and shit it seems they've never bothered to learn about research methods.

The worldwide collapse of Marxist states and movements seems like pretty good proof that theory isn't everything

Oh wait, I forget, every country organised on Marxist principles didn't know jack squat about Marxism because they failed-I mean, because [tl ;dr]

Where is your theory, Holla Forums? At long last, do you not have any?

So you have none. Is that right? You have no plan for how things should work. You just operate based on feelings.

even if some user label them as socdem reformist garbage, marx theories have created many times more than whatever theory (lack of in this case) Holla Forumsyps could come up with

lmao @ USSR & DDR banning books


post more tits or fuck off

Again, how far have all your Ivory Tower ramblings advanced the revolution? For theories that you insist are based on science and rationality they don't really seem to apply much to the real world, do they?

That's literally 90% of this boards stance on those issues. You're as bad as the lolbtertarians that want to claim everything good with America is because of its embrace of free market principles, and everything wrong with it is the result of BIG GUMMINT

good thing I don't have the same opinions as 90% of this board

as opposed to?

top fucking kek, stormnigger

If you have no reason to ban a book then there is something gravely wrong with your society for there would be no one who wants to read one.

Radical workers' movements are the whole reason your ungrateful ass has time to post on the internet about how you want to go back to the 19th century and work for 14 hours to buy a pair of shoes.

Where is your theory?

Also, if you're going to say Marxism/Communism/Socialism fails because of their failure, you should also say that republics and democracy fail as well. Improper application of theory (and in this case, your complete misunderstanding of his theory) is poor evidence against the theory. Rather, the fact that revolutions happened and have been successful only supports Marx's analyses of capital.

Ah yes, that's why the government of my country was overthrown by violent socialist revolution sometime in the '40s.

Oh wait, it wasn't. Isn't it interesting that once those demands were achieved, desire for further reform withered away - almost as if the majority of people behind those movements weren't interested in violent upheaval

You have no theory, which means you have no analysis of reality past or present. You do not know the nature of the problems that you wish to change. Of course, that also means that you can present no prescription to improve anything. That does not even qualify as an ideology. It is nothing but a vague, irrational notion.

Funny. That's exactly what happened.

except those demands were not achieved, go read gramsci, focault and althusser, cuckboi

These movements didn't wither away so much as they were beaten down and shot at. And yes, most people who have their bellies full and families taken care of generally won't risk it all when there seems to be no need to.

When the system becomes unable to feed people is when you'll see the revolutions.

It's telling, too how you have to deflect and talk about predicted revolutions because you've got literally nothing on Marx's analysis of capital (although let's not kid ourselves - you've clearly never read Marx, or probably anything for that matter.)

Again, the fact that power can shift in a predictable direction theorized, in revolutions that occur because of contradictions pointed out by Marx, again and again, indicates that his theories have merit. The Black Panthers did a number despite all the efforts to fuck them. We can only speculate what would've been possible had they not undergone things like active government sabotage. But the fact that they were successful in their aims, even briefly, indicates merit to Marxist theory.

You'll just handwave this away though. Not going for the bait next time.

I don't think this is true in the slightest. The most you could argue for is that there is a larger than average percentage of Jews who are well off compared to other ethnicities.

Holla Forums's ideology is nationalism, which is against the universality of the left.


If there are aliens out there, they're probably communist. Production for profit would make absolutely no sense for an advanced spacefaring species. Hopefully they will someday come and liberate us.

Like the borg, or like the Zerg?


Like Cthulhu.

No, more like the Culture.

The Culture are liberals though.

We must have hierarchy because it's natural.

Niggers are inferior because of their bestial behavior.

Thank you for correcting the record

What makes you say that? Are you talking in terms of production or in terms of being OK with gay marriage and multiculturalism?

What the fuck is wrong with this list? Belgium didn't even exist as a country until 1830.

By the way, do you really trust a 13th-century monarch to make sound and fair political decisions? Because that might be your problem right there.

Pretty much every sacred text ever written contains an insane amount of abominable cruelties imposed on innocents. This is hardly exclusive to the Talmud; the Bible and the Quran are full to the brim with such senseless violence as well.

By the way, you should also know that the majority of Jews worldwide don't even believe in Judaic religion. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's one of the most irreligious ethnicities around.

Came here to post this. What ideology? "Born in le wrong generation"? "The Jews are why I don't have a gf"? "I don't like the hairstyles youngsters wear these days"?

Does this guy seriously think the dictatorship of the proletariat means dictatorship in the despotic sense?

This, they rahter share the common ideaology of nationalism

Kike on stick is not European religion.

Until the question of the Holy land comes up, and that is not negotiable. All Jews now worship the Holocaust narrative.

Tbh I stopped by halfchan Holla Forums the other day and in all honesty it makes this place look like fucking Harvard. The level of discourse there was so low it was 95% just calling people niggers and cucks and 5% talking about how great Trump is and accusing anybody who disagrees of being CTR shills. Even the lolberts and ancraps who hang out there (who themselves have plenty of theory they could draw on) talk like fucking kindergarteners who just learned that "ass" was a bad word.

This board actually encourages people to read and learn, and arguments rarely devolve entirely into name calling contests.

Tbh I love you comrades.


love you too tovarish


Yeah I'm good fam. I was that way once, never again. Fuck was I huge tool.

kek this exactly