Ay yo niggers anyone here play age of wonders...

ay yo niggers anyone here play age of wonders? I started playing as a warlord sometime ago and its been fun as fuck going around purging shit and generally being pure good.

also why ain't there no porn of the nymphs and the dwarves?

nobody likes age of wonders?

I didn't like it very much. The multiplayer can be fun, but it hard to get work. Age of wonders and Age of wonders 2 are both better overall.

lol fucked that negro goblin good.

yeah i like it

I can't believe I bought this shitty game, fucking Totalbiscuit.

Endless Legend and Civ are some much fucking better

I tried to get into it, I really did.

Just got pissed off how I need to have all my heroes stay back or they get murdered by enemy npcs and considering how much they cost it really wasn't worth it. Fucking pushovers is what they were and with enemies scouring the map it was kind of slow to get shit done and explore.

Heard AoW 2: Shadow Magic is the best

And more balanced than vanilla 2, after your hero gains a few levels in it he can roflstomp entire armies by himself.

and I still haven't played it for some reason, only played 1 and 3, mostly 3.

once im done with the current campaign ill probably try it.

AoW3 was okay.

I only remember wrecking shit as a mage summoning monstrosities and battle-wide spells though. Wasn't much of a challenge.

Haven't tried Endless Legend yet though, but I'm a little burnt out on fantasy 4X games at the moment.
TotalWarhammer is alright though.

Best AoW was Shadow Magic.

aow 3 had the best combat, which is what the game is about anyways.


I liked the old ones

Why is endless legend better? I really didn't like that one.

me neither, having to spend resources to go to war is just fucking stupid.

besides that the game might have been cool.



Fucking illiterates.

You're not one to talk. It's used properly.

Fielty indicates that the service is owed.
Fealty is similar but it is done out of loyalty.

EL is a sci-fi + fantasy liek a M&M.

Do you expect me to believe you? A dictionary link please, or shut your trap.

didn't know that was 2 different words even.

I'm not going to spoonfeed someone who is proud of being ignorant.

I do but the AI is so braindead!

Does anyone here know how to make the AI not complete garbage?
A mod maybe? a game setup?

Its realy comfy to play in hotseat with a friend but the shit tier AI ruins it everytime.