Connection speed thread

Connection speed thread

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Feel like I should mention I just upgraded from Cocks and this is so much faster


I only pay 70 dollary doos a month

I will murder you and take your spot.

5 Mb/s Down 1 Mb/s Up, $80 a month.

10 down, 1.3 up. American telecoms collude with the government, so we’ll never get anything faster.

I'm 12 and what is this

Shilling the superior speedtest


god am I glad I changed ISPs.

What kind of job do you have user? What would allow you to support such speed and still give you plenty of time to enjoy it?


Use It's hosted by Netflix, so ISP's can't give the speed test extra bandwidth without giving netflix's streaming more bandwidth, which they'd absolutely NEVER do.

Also my internet is shit.

using dsl. there's been outages in my area lately and now the download speed has jumped up a ton, so that's cool

upload is still garbage though

shitty rural American DSL reporting in

it's really cheap though, only 30$ for half a year

get on my level


That's bullshit, but OK.

I got 110 first time, 120 second time, that's either 14 or 4 worse than the other test so I'm inclined to believe you.

I'm ok with this.


I think my service is supposed to be 50 or 100 mb/s. What the fuck
