Vent your vidya frustration
Other anons guess the game
No making shit up like autists always do in these things
What Has Pissed You Off Recently?
Dota 2. That is all.
Fucking hell user I'd blanked that from my brain
Never lost respect for a company this fast before
I didn't even like the first Injustice but holy hell did this really fucking irritate me.
It's going to be Don't Starve: Space Edition. What more do you need to know? Instead of food, this time you're looking for oxygen.
VR is the new waggle
Seriously, at this fucking point why even advertise character creation and ask me to make a character?
What fucking game is this
Always pisses me off.
Destiny wasn't good
if it weren't for those plus a nude mod and being able to make and recruit more pawns it would have been one of my most favorite games of all time.
There's a save manager that solves that(besides the tutorial issue, but you could get around this by cloning a start-of-the-game save then changing your appearance".
Still a few though, but the biggest flaw of DD:DA is the lack of enemy variety.
White Knight Chronicles
if a single VR game manages to sell even half as much as Wii Sports I'd be surprised.
that this shit got canceled :_;
I don't really get pissed off over much anymore, I feel like I've become pretty apathetic to stuff.
I'm not one of those "WOW WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE WHAT'S THE FUCKING POINT?!?" edgelords but I've seen so much that I'm now never surprised and therefore angry when some off the wall dumb shit happens.
Why is that guy wearing a dress?
that might solve some of my problems.
now to wish I could make more than one pawn and use more than 2 plus my main.
because he is a fag
like this user
Also fuck the flying psychic enemy in that game, she's annoying as hell and totally breaks the flow of large fights.
I've been a huge 40k fag since the original DoW1, been playing the entire DoW series since though this probably makes me a fucking casual to the eyes of the tabletop 40k fags.
Everything was so much fun up until this point, it crushes my soul and hurts me to see the game pursuing dumbass shitty fads that never improve anything and only makes shit worse.
I was pretty hyped at the announcement, but watching it play just wrecked nearly any hope I had pls don't be shit, I've been waiting too long.
It better not be pushing the fucking esports meme, otherwise I'm going to turn into Not Important and murder people with my edge.
Tbh, what pissed me off will piss people off that I got pissed off at this
You know that game Bound? On the ps4?
Yeah, it's ONLY Digital.
Like what the fuck. I want a real physical copy.
Why even bother, Sega?
Who is thia sperm wyrm
Your mom
Check my dubs
Looks like I got dubs and milfwish didn't get his.
Give me the goods
get a job
I always tougth that would be cool if if they let you become the villain at some point.
I'm more disappointed knowing the fgc is probably going to support this stuff, kissing Ed Boon's ass.
Not like I had any respect for Boon after he made MKX a sleazy fighting game full of disc-locked content and microtransactions, but Injustice 2 is a whole new low for him.
The only positive reaction I really see is from the casuals that liked Injustice 1, although they often pull some damage control like "you can just play without the gear". The only reason the FGC will put up with this is because WB will be paying top dollar for it to appear at the big events (Boon even went on about how they still want the "eSports audience").
The fgc isn't going to lose it's only opportunity to make a living out of playing shitty video games, act like a shit head, and smoke weed for a living either. Despite SFV is a piece of shit, the fgc is still kissing Capcom's ass (KoF 14 is no exception because SNK was a terrible company in the past).
Finding out that
I hope you at least pirated the game user.
After Skyrim my eyes were opened and I vowed never to play a Bethesda developed game ever again.
there was literally nothing wrong with skyrim
i am so fucking sick of how many games have "walking and talking" as an excuse for fucking gameplay
Unfortuneatly no, I know I'd fuck it up to high hell and get my ass arrested. Even if you think it's not possible I know my luck. If a god damn meteorite of rare earth, filled with enough of it so me and my family never had to work a day for the rest of their life, and it would hit my property, I know it would happen right on top of me just to spite me.
If you are a retarded normalfag, then sure.
If you have any sorts of standard then everything is wrong with it
You sure you didn't mean to post this on reddit?
Meant to reply to.
Need to find a rare critter that runs away quickly to summon it.
It's first phase is pretty fast and you NEED an Inferno Potion to survive the exploding bubble attack.
In it's second phase it moves even faster, spews more bullshit bubbles, and it's tornado attacks are now twice as high.
I get the cunt down to a sliver of health and it STILL kills me.
Now I need to go to hell to fish up more materials for the Inferno Potion, and then go hunting for more bait.
I have the best gear right now so it just pisses me off more that I need to gitgud.
But I'll GitGud.
name one thing objectively wrong with skyrim that isnt just some privileged gamer cancer copypasta that you didnt even come up with on your own until you let your minds become poisoned by Holla Forums
[spoiler]protip, you cant[spoiler]
Is it just me or has the community gotten worse?
I thought we were beyond this, even with UEFI.
Everything about this game. I thought it was a fun action-focused spin-off and everyone was over exaggerating about the game being shit. They weren't lying, in fact, they were downplaying how horrible the game truly is. The level design is not only boring because it's on a handheld without a second analog stick, it also works against you since there's barely any space or barricades for you to avoid attacks. Then there are the enemies, which barely have variety. Then there's the story which isn't just a jumbled mess, but an insult to anyone who played Parasite Eve.
After playing this, I don't want SE to touch this series, at the most, I just want an HD remake by a fan or someone who won't fuck up.
It got worse a long time ago, and will continue to get worse until we officially become "Edgy 4chan"
And now we have the Summer debuff on top of everything else
That's the last DLC? Does that mean no more potential Boston Salt Parties?
This is multiple levels of bait
It's all in your minds, faggots.
Summer is a Holla Forums and Holla Forums meme.
Actually it's this thing that I picked up even though I fucking hate the show
Fucking Last Remnant, i really dont know if i have played ANY good jrpg that isnt sidescrollan indie(dunno if these can be called jRPG' though, more of japanese gams in general) or made with the fucking rpgmaker of all things.
why would you play this crap in public?
so how's the character creation anyway? I'm guessing it's basically choose a face sprite, body colour, clothes combination, and (with luck) voice?
I have a very early bus that basically only I take, and sometimes this old man who sleeps at the front.
I haven't really got too far but basically you change their hair and the colours, and their voice, and you can change their clothes after. Honestly I wouldn't be so anal pained if they didn't give me all these other characters to play and then lock events that give you shit behind the boring-ass MC that I hate.
Ha, at least your own character and their pokemon aren't the stu
At what level is "just beat it" forced into the game, are there annoying cutscenes, or is it basically just doing fetch quests playing as him
Don't know what you mean by this. Cutscenes are standard weebshit fare so if you know the sort you deal with it or don't (a little too frequent for my taste at this early stage though), there seems to be a bigger mystery plot of some sort forming but for now it's basically "How do we solve the mystery of how to beat X area so we can get to the next?" He's changed from annoying to just inoffensively boring which is at least tolerable compared to how he is in the show which made me hate it. Playing as him isn't unfun or anything, his style is quick and he has decent skills, and flying around with your faggot fairy wings is always fun too. It's just like I said, they give me 19 other interesting characters to play as and I basically can't or I will miss stuff which is what pisses me off.
Square did this stupid shit with FF3 DS as well.
It's not fun
Anticipated title releases so far apart
Lackluster collector's edition
Dodging spoilers until next year.
Little hope for dual-audio
Why would anyone think this is a good mechanic? It's a threat that can be completely negated through incredibly tedious actions.
I know it's dumb bait, but level scaling, repetitive dungeons and enemies, utterly uninspired magic, mods as DLC, etc.
You can't constantly search if a monster is chasing you down. You can also use it to find hidden doors. A ring of awareness will make it so you spot everything on sight which is especially good if you find a net or flame trap at a distance.
All Smash Bros. play is casual play.
If you're being chased, running where you haven't been yet is usually a death sentence anyway. That's roguelike 101.
My problem here is that I have two options (unless I am lucky enough to have said ring):
In short, optimal play for this aspect requires no real skill but just mashing a key every step.
They are really pulling that shit?
Yes. Yokai Watch Fleshy Spirits and Bony Souls are getting ported, and not the 3rd one with both games' content, Shin'uchi.
And by the time it comes out, Yokai Watch 3 will be out.
Honestly you deserved it.
Well at least we're likely to get more Injustice comics now.
Dawn of War 3.
Why must everything even slightly unique be reduced to the monotone mainstream sludge? Surely that can't be a good business model.
VR is coming, Vault Tec DLC is coming with story content and supposed experiments. Geese you Holla Forumstards need to keep up with news. How else are you going to reap suffering and sorrow amongst the normal faggots.
Hyrule Warriors is pissing me off right now, specifically the adventure mode battle to unlock agitha's level 3 umbrella
shes level 53 and still doesnt have the damage output to kill all those dinolfos in a-rank time while avoiding taking more than 10000 damage
what level is agitha expected to be to a-rank that mission?
Shit story
Bland writing
Flat one dimensional characters
Copy paste dungeons
Terrible quests
Simplified RPG
Look I put 150 into it but I'm done with these kind of Bethesda games. But if you enjoy them still- good for you.
Just Cause 2.
Jump off a building to get a better angle at another point around it, but then it decides that you should be skydiving, fucks with the camera, and fucks with the physics. Fuck any game that changes your control system or camera view based on some retarded design.
Every time someone brings that up they always seem to forget that SE
It's also not called Parasite Eve for fuck sake.
user what the fuck are you doing.
Except Holla Forums and Holla Forums was actually amazing before the second exodus brought retards here.
Reddit used to be amazing as well but things change user.
They were thinking New York was doomed in the seventies and eighties. Now it's the economic and cultural hart of America again.
Young folk can't into history.
Played Doom 2 for the first time.
That was it? Should some rockets at a thing on the wall and the game just ends?
Name an online community that's gone to shit then gotten better.
Going off topic here
This is LEGITIMATELY why America is so ignorant to the rest of the world. You CANNOT find out whats happening even if you try to get involved.
FUCK region blocking
It's happened to YouTube as well
I just want to watch documentaries
I fucking despise the characters in Overwatch. Every one of them is so fucking infuriatingly bad. Not in terms of game-play, but in terms of voicing and design.
I remember getting this game for DS because I kept seeing ads for the collectibles and wondered what it's about.
This game is some shit, you make a character but that's not important because you have that fucking faggot dragon who is the only reason anyone gives half a shit about your character, then eventually it evolves and becomes the strongest of those Bakugan in the game with a base of power of 600 which can be leveled to a higher amount in the game (Final bosses is OC bakugan has a 550 based and the next one down is like 500 which is the animes main characters one with everything else being 100-400 so the power creep is real)
This bit is about both the real game and the video game.
Also the incentive to collect anything in the game is pretty low with there being obviously ones that are better then others so after each event in the game you just get new Bakugan in the store including the 550 power final boss and the 500 power main character so nothing is a issue because you can just have the best shit in the game which also translates into the online matches just being these 3 so all fun is out the window.
Then you get to the gameplay both the real game and the video game.
So the game is everyone playing a card down so it's 2*2 in some way and they act as the battle fields with special effects, obviously everyone is going to use a field to their advantage so there is no incentive to go on cards that aren't yours if you see their bakugans element isn't yours since they'll gain like like 50-150 power so if they've been good goys and bought the 400+ power ones you'll almost always lose on their fields (like look in the video a from 600 to 900 fucking up the other guy, that's pretty much how it works in the real game as well as the game) .
then right before the battle the final power level dick measuring contest is a card is using ability cards to offer a last second boost (which in the game your OC dragon gets a personal card that boosts him by 400 which is miles above any other ability card)
The video game on top of the main game adds something to rolling on the field, you can roll through the arena's and doing pretty much little monkey ball levels (which the player here isn't showing well but you can gain like 200 power doing it)
Game is also better then the actual game as to counter the power creep you play minigames to further increase and decrease the opponents power, it's a nice add on but 2 people who played enough to do the simple minigames perfectly the scores it'll still just be who had the higher power who'll win but the effort to fix the balance of the game with at least some form of skill based input is ok.
Bakugan is an ok concept that bursted due to lack of thought into it leading to less balanced collect able game then Yu gi oh, the game is better the plot and OC dragon ruin it by having such a game breaker given to you.
TLDR it's shit, fuck OC dragon
Summer, Troll, or just actually fucking retarded?
Nothing. I haven't played video games since April.
Leddit, believe it or not.
It's still cancer, just not-as-cancerous as it was about five years ago.
I hope whoever the nigger using a cd key generator never gets even a blue weapon.
You mean the same Reddit that went begun a purge of politically incorrect elements last year and is still going?
It has nothing to do with serious sam 4, they just really fucked up in not making that clear though.
Which JoJo part is that pic?
Overwatch is surprisingly innovative in that it's the first shooter I've ever seen where turning off voice chat won't save you from having to hear obnoxious twinks spouting retarded quips with an annoyingly high-pitched accent.
Nah, about a week ago there was a very noticable increase in shitposts. People who didnt know who zoe quinn was, people not knowing who chris chan was, unironic emoticon posting and a lot of posts in reddit format.
cheers luv, the cavalry's here
Been playing Fallout 3 a bit and I'm fucking shocked – no, disgusted – at how much was reused for Fallout 4. Sound effects, songs on the radio, even background music out in the wasteland. It's fucking amazing especially when you look at the gap between Oblivion and Skyrim. My guess is that with Fallout 4 they just got lazy (lazier than normal, that is).
When a interesting looking game turns out to be a Dark Souls clone
This. Is. Not. A. Thing. Holy fuck some of you are retarded witchunters for the sake of being retarded witchunters.
You don't belong here, friend.
Its definitely a thing, fucking hell. I hate these "totally not a summerfag" posts. Just admit you are new, shut the fuck up and lurk
Keep trying to fit in by calling everything reddit or summer, I'm sure someone will upvote you and give you gold eventually ;)
It is a thing and you're doing it right now.
Sage for off-topic.
I didn't call you anything, I implied that you're new here – and it's obvious by your typing and so on that you are.
There. is. literally. nothing. wrong. with. being. jewish.
Dubs of deception.
I verified it
Shoo shoo lasagna stealing pinnokio!
Bully this nerd.
Go hop in an oven.
Anyway on the subject of summer, I believe it's a thing. Can't say for sure, but it makes sense.
Oh and to contribute to the thread
this is not the image i uploaded what the fuck
I've been into 40k since the 90s. DoW3 is outright heresy, It is neither grim nor dark.
If I wanted a anime rave with giant robots I'd play fucking Tau.
I'm on to you snek
Look at this imperial assassin, it is a fucking cyborg death machine.
It is a cross between freddy krueger, a femme fatale and the terminator.
Not a fucking dayglow cartoon for downy spergs.
Fucking kek
Look at this cult of Slaanesh, its a debaucherous drug feulled psychopathic sex dungeon filled with mutated bdsm hookers.
These leprous horny skeezbeast are the result of an entire race genocidally murderfucking themselves into a new dimension.
It is not a casual childsafe playpen for mainstream retarded infants.
Not to sparkle this debate again, but even if it's not a GG reference, the whole trailer was even worse than what I expected.
I never intended to buy this game but it makes me both incredibly angry and sad to see what has become of this franchise. It's essentially a chinese bootleg of it's former self.
Can't argue with your there. I should honestly play more RL games besides Brogue too. It's really fun but I need to branch out.
What is even the point of adding that in?
Ive given up all hope on modern video games. The most joy i have with them is going out to garage sales and finding interesting old games ive never heard of and just playing them.
pretty much why I've given up on Nintendo until they stop bastardizing games under the phrase "localization".
I simply struggle to comprehend how they could even mistake this for the same universe.
The eldar have sparkles, the world is made of plastic and the space marines fart rainbows
It looks like a fan mod for disney infinity
It looks looks like lego covered in glitter.
much worse
Reminds me when they based the proportions on the models when they made the movie. This is most apparent with the tank since the windows looks like stickers and it has the same highlights on it's edges that the GW has on the models they showcase on their site.
even if it looked good it will more than likely play like shit because anyone who knows how to make a rts either dead or gay or both.
This board.
WHO THE FUCK THOUGH THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA. Button mashing was shit in mgs1, why would they bring that back? It doesn't help that I am probably the worst button masher on this board.
It's easy user, you just gotta get a seizure while holding the button.
Just use the pencil trick.
Surprise surprise, it's the board kike, who's come for his daily dose of attention.
Also, acquire some better fucking taste in anime already by watching this:
They tried making up for their garbage netcode by mimicking a certain input buffer Tekken games used for their netplay because they were too fucking retarded to just license GGPO and had to develop their own botched version of it instead. The fucking turd that is called SFV is probably my biggest buyer's remorse in years.
Do not trust Capcom, Dragon's Dogma PC was a fluke.
if you can't vibrate your entire body because you are a little bitch, just use the pen trick
This video pissed me off more than anything thats happened in the last 2 years.
Sorry about the tinfoil hat and non-vidya , but this legitimately scares me.
You mean the leddit which banned /r/coontown and used that asian cunt as their scapegoat? The one who was "married" to a literal niggerfaggot for tax benefits, and tried to sue some tech firm for her soggy knees?
Yeah, no. If you browse any board there, you can stay there.
That is quite literally the only reason I could ever fathom visiting that website anymore, but I still don't personally do it.
All it had to do was be Space Marine but with more races and bigger battles, but Space Marine multiplayer is still more fun than this shit.
This game is going to be so dead that if they don't add bots in multiplayer, people will be physically unable to start matches.
LEL, its like poetry
Games aren't optimized for trackballs. Why not? It's not like they're uncommon.
Just the other I've seen my physician using one when he checked my bladder via ultrasound.
makes me wonder how well a fps would work with one. shmups are fantastic with them but I can count the number of them that are compatible on one hand.
Time to go back to reddit "user".
b-but I only tripfagged once
also I plan to watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes after I'm done with EVA
Use a VPN & go here:
BBC Channels
Channel 4 OD (on demand)
ITV catch up
These are all pre-recorded TV the VPN will allow you to bypass the cock-block region lock.
There are lots of free VPN's that don't choke your bandwidth I use them to stream all the time.
This is kind of sad, but totally expected. The whole thing reeked of idea guys and ignorant big promises from the start.
Trackballs like the mx720 have been in use for decades.
They really help in twitch shooters
Fucking this. This shit just straight up pisses me off. I wanted SS4, dammit. At least they confirmed SS4 and SSVR are separate things.
It sucks.
I'm not really holding my hopes up for this either but something fun(ny) surely came out of it
ttyd fags' tears