It's a "leftypol thinks that socialism is about co-ops and communes" episode



a commune is just any group of people so socialism is about communes



Oh wait, that's what the entire series is based on now…really went downhill since the last season.

why is this fella trying so hard to eat this pink marshmallow piece?

He's starving from all the lack of content being posted so something else has to sustain him…

Communes will totally work in modern urban metropolises, sinner


there is no minorities, they deserve to be lynched from their false identities that they keep bowing to




I don't think you get what I'm saying here.








But that surplus is benefiting the central planning is for the greater good of whole collective comrade, where as in capitalism it only benefits the capitalists.

t. someone who doesn't understand how a state works

10/10 top kek

central planing is revisionism at its purist form

No. We(ML`s who support central planning) are the only orthodox ones. You are the revisionists and traitors playing into the hands of capitalists.

there are some errors there, for instances, in communism the means of production would be of public access, also the labour voucher based economy will prevent capitalists to accumulate capital.


Also someone who doesn't understand how the division of labor works.

if there is a labour voucher based economy, then it's impossible for someone to make more money for working less, that's like the basics.

Of course there is, they could easily become a bureaucrat or a white collar worker where it is difficult to determine who's putting in effort towards a certain enterprise. Similarly, people can play off state incentives and rules to do less work or produce things of lower quality, as happens all the time in government and in the Soviet Union.

Also, you've yet to explain why the MOP should be available for public access when certainly not everyone would be qualified to use every kind of equipment that is the MOP.

of course only a few people could have the abilities to execute the job of ,for example, a doctor, but everybody should have the right to educate themselves to become a doctor (universities are the means of production in this case, i think).

if the effort of effort of paying them(the doctors) more money than they deserve for their work is bigger than the effort of studying seven years to become a doctor, then you have many facilities to start studying for yourself.

also if the labour vouchers were paid exclusively for the work time, that would mean that people would become white collar workers by necesity more than to benefit themselves.

I think it would be rather wasteful that the productive organization do not have some form of education program on their own, where the retired workers, people who can no longer work, or that perhaps have worked for a previously determined time teach the trades to the newcomers

I am sure most of us can decide what kind of work we wanted to do when growing up, I remember reading how capitalism stops such thing from happening, since you need to sell your labour to the capitalist

…that's by definition not public access tho


why not? studying to become a doctor it's nothing but an extension of the job itself.

because it wouldn't matter if you're a doctor or a peasant, your hour of work will be valued equally, that would mean that everybody will choose to execute "easy" jobs, but that will mean that doctors wouldn't become doctors because they want to make more money, but because the society need doctors.

the easiest way to avoid the creation of some form of hierarchy, let's say inside an hospital is the periodic change in roles within the company itself, every knows about medicine, that way you can distribute the workload on everyone inside the company

people will take turns be the ones doing the cleaning, receiving patients, inventory, surgery, paramedic and so on

you have to stop thinking about labour using the existing division of labour within the capitalist society, that eventualy ends it alienation and nee dto start thinking of controlling the MoP's in a common way

an equal deistribution of the value created by the hospital requires an equal desitribution of responsabilities

so, i won?