Why don't you find out user? Whatever you do, make sure your windows are boarded up. Prepare for a wild ride.

Geralt always seemed like a guy I'd like to squat with.

I clicked it tonight and all it did was enlarge a pic of a Sony exec scoffing doughnuts.


Binary Domain
Depeche Mode
Holla Forums threads
Not tonight.
Pretty good. pic related

Some Dragon's Dogma. Capcom should have put more dungeons in the game because Bitterblack Isle is fantastic.
Porco Rosso. It's one of the few Ghibli movies I haven't seen.
Heavy Weather by Weather Report
Initiation into Hermetics, working on my wizardry.
Got some primo chex mix.
Raspberry tea.
Nope. On a week-long break, I've been fapping too much lately.
Alright, Been stressed lately, but tonight's been fun.

Porco Rosso was actually the first Ghibli movie I watched. It was really good, you enjoy yourself, bud.

I played some XCOM 2.

I was watching Beaglerush play a modded run, so I decided to jump in too.


Code tickets

Leftover pizza

Boulevard Beer

N/A. Girlfriend is coming over tomorrow.

pretty good.

Watchan my roommate play overwatch.
May start up some baludrs gate (either 2 or dark aliance 2)
Or maybe some Civ V or FTL.
GameCenter CX
Vid related
DnD 5e Core Books
Chocholate Milk
Not tonight
Pretty alright. Finally managed to get my computer fixed, so I am feeling pretty good all around.

patrician detected

MUGEN, Jojo 7th Stand User, Terraria, and Planetside 2
nothing just yet
Underwater March
Owari Seraph chapter 43~ - 46 released
waiting on Nanatsu no Taizai to fucking release quicker
the author killed off a protag and a rather important side character who shouldn't be able to die
now it's the aftermath waiting period of hell
tired and i have to go pee