
Its not a MOBA guys, its a CRAPCUNTS.
We're going to advance and evolve the genre by copying everybody else.

Other urls found in this thread:


But Holla Forums will sperg about the characters and the problem hair

Whats the point of being exclusive if its shit?
Im not a Sonygger

ok. that's exactly how everything works

What a dumb name.

Why does everything I like get ruined?
So, who here wants to help me bomb Beth's HQ?
Meet me in the parking lot of Beall's Grant on Beall's Avenue, Rockville MD at 2:00AM tomorrow. Bring gloves and a mask. Don't wear clothes you're planning to use again.

I really fucking hate Overwatch for ruining FPS for the foreseeable future. At this rate I can even see valve turning CS into class based cancer.

So the new Quake is Team Fortress? If it plays like TFC and FF then it could be fun.

Between every currently played Arena Shooter there are like MAYBE around 3,000 active players. I doubt many of them are on Holla Forums. So where are all you faggots coming from? Do you just find shit to get pissed about?


Pretty much. People like to shitpost.

I want to play it first and judge it by its own merits assuming it's f2p, because if it isn't I'm not even going to reconsider, which makes me angry because there isn't gameplay of it yet.

Why are their arms so long

Depends, can we take the time to level up during it?

where in the article did it mention fixed loadouts or classes?

Nowhere. They talk about Strafe Jumping, Rocket Jumping, Air Control, and adding characters to spice things up. I don't see the problem here.

Found some leaked gameplay

some free arena shooters to play instead of this crap, don't expect many players though

Xonotic: great arena FPS. almost every weapon has an alt fire,vehicles and/or turrets on some maps, the rocket launcher has manually directed rockets by holding down mouse1, lots of modes, high configurability, XonStat for player statistics, mutators like the grappling hook and the jetpack, mods, etc. its loads of fun. its a fork of the original Nexuiz and its successor essentially. xonotic.org/
Warsow: cel shaded arena FPS thats similiar to Quake 3's CPMA, has a context sensitive key, when its pressed you will either dash forward, dash up a flight of stairs, walljump, etc. also has a mode inspired by Counter Strike called bomb warsow.gg/
OpenArena: its Quake 3 with assets replaced so it could can be given away for free legally. openarena.ws
nQuake: easy to use Quake/Quakeworld, comes with shareware/free assets and uses the ezquake engine. can replace them with the Quake assets if you want. nquake.com/
Sauerbraten: potato arena shooter that has in-game map editing. has one of the best instagib modes around. sauerbraten.org/
Red Eclipse: the devs call it an arena shooter, does have sort of "modern" game design that not everyone would like. has stuff like parkour, impulse boosts, dashing, weapons with alt fire, etc it has in-game map editing too. redeclipse.net/
Marathon series: the original Marathon games, Marathon Infinity is probably the way to go for online/LAN games. alephone.lhowon.org/

not true, quack: chumpions is a class based FPS.

i guess they're old fans of Quake and Doom or people who used to play arena shooters? i like to play Xonotic myself.

its in the description of this video released by Bethesda: youtube.com/watch?v=sa-6fQyNkZo

That entire depends on what you're planning to do.
If it's kidnapping some bitch then absolutely not, but if you're talking about quickly shooting some lone whore (preferably with sub-sonic ammo while using a suppressor) then running, then maybe.

Well folks, say hello to the new fad of 2016, I predict it'll fade away by 218 and replaced by something else by that point.

>tfw no Quake 5

How does this tell us that it is "class based" in the sense of how TF2/Overwatch is? "Abilities" are not loadouts. Not saying it will not be like TF2, but at the same time I wouldn't go all out and assume it will be like that. We don't have enough info to determine what kind of game it will be.

What does CRAPCUNTS stand for, anyway?

Also reminder that we have a Xonotic thread along with french Holla Forums server right here

>satisfy old-timer Quakers while simultaneously attracting a new audience
Now, where have I heard this before? No wait that's gonna backfire, no sireeeeeeeee

That's not their arms, they're hugging their buddy Kenwood, the Living Amp.

something something team fortress with waifus

pretty much that

user, that's not how Quake works.

The thing is, they already ruined Doom in SP and somehow managed to ruin it even more in MP. It happened to Wolfenstein aswell. There's just no way they're going to not fuck this up with already having announced that it's Quake plus a bunch of MOBA elements that pretty much means it's not Quake.
Them launching a new IP and fucking it up is fine but don't call this shit Quake. Quake Live/Arena not having loadouts/characters was a part of what made it Quake.
But at least Blackroom might be a classic ID-style shooter.

This is what an user with 2 brain cells to rub together can clearly see be a red flag


Its already shit


Into the trash it goes.

And bethesda will probably make the real thing worse then this.

way to overreact

I haven't been paying attention to the Overwatch garbage, can someone provide sauce on "CRAPCUNTS" meaning?

Obviously in the same vein as ASSFAGGOTS but I'd like to know exactly what I'm looking at.



Why do so many faggots on Holla Forums just spout bullshit?

for fuck sakes, if you're going to bomb anything make it something that actually fucking matters

Do you not understand loadout mechanics?

I do. The new quake will probably be shit but that is no excuse to post bullshit without evidence to back it up.


Bethesda has a tendency to lie about a lot of things and I'm waiting on actual gameplay footage to see what they are going to give. If anything it might just be mediocre like NuDoom.

There, fixed the game.

I personally seriously enjoyed nudoom, and was honestly willing to give them the benefit of the doubt if they managed to reboot Quake but it seems to me they want to make a game that completely rips off a game I could play for free right now or overwatch if I want to be retarded

wena weon

I hate Bethseda more than Ubisoft, EA and Activision combined.

Guess this will be 365 days of constant fuckery isnt it ?
With nuDoom and Quack taking turns.
At least they gave it a subtitle to distinguish it from the old one.

Fuck this retard consoletard logic, just give a good game.

Because Quake Live got loadouts because Bethesda said so, as a late update despite being a arena shooter since day-1 that never needed this kind of shit.
The chances of Quack getting this right out of the bat is high as fuck, since they need to appease to a new audience.


There's no real difference between having characters with different abilities in Quake and having loadouts in Quake. Neither fits the game very well. Players starting on an even ground is part of what made it so good. There were loadouts in Doom 4 so I get them mixed up. Either way it's something that has absolutely no place in a classic-style arena shooter. This is the entire point, yet spergs will constantly get stuck on the wording.