Cunty Perry Banned from China

Cunty Perry Banned from China


just off her

Taiwan is the legitimate government of China though.


The redditpol fag forgot where he was

People's Republic is NatSoc and based though.



>>>Holla Forums


I just wished they'd banned her for being a whore.

ESL, get back to making movies for white men to laugh at.

Must feel like something, about the only time a kike feels something. The embitterment of the entirety of Hollywood toward you, and it shocking little girls and boys. The ones that were prime grooming material for you. Persuasion to the fact of the matter is much stronger than pedophile faggots and degenerates. A heart full of hope and known security, trumps any abuse for other gains.

Right when she pledged allegiance to China too


fuck off ching

Chinese are degenerate shitscum though

Ha ha great posts! Well meme'd my friend!

You're the worst poster on this board

no, thats the guy who posts the retarded frog


Looks pretty good except for those ultra mongo eyes. WTF?


The more of these I see, the more I believe that theory about all Hollywood "women" being trannies.

Her music is fucking degenerate as hell. 30 years ago she would've been tarred and feathered.

Ching Chong FTW

All female actors used to be played by men so I wouldnt be surprised