Not even once
100/100 thread my fam
This is a good thread, have a bump
Can someone name all of these?
you can press 3 buttons. all anarchists who believe such things will be completely eradicated to never return in any form. which button do you chose?
Most of these "anarchos" exist only to discredit anarchism.
Only anarcho-syndicalism, anarcho-communism, and mutualism should be taken seriously.
However, anarcho-transhumanism looks like it might be becoming an actual thing.
the bottom 3 tbh
Literally a reactionary.
I'd Choose Anarcho Capitalism, Anarcha feminism, and Anarcho-queer
Literally a reactionary.
well I'd chose anarcho-nihilism to get rid of you shitposting faggots who always feel like they need the last word, and get baited by the most tangential reference to your dumb contrarian belief system (but don't call it a belief system bro.)
Mutualism, syndicalism and communism are cool
The others are meme tier
Someone sounds upset :^)
ancraps, strirnerites, fags
Only true communists like leninists should be on this board
awwww muke is that you?
not as upset as Nihilists that have had 56 years and still can't refute Camus.
I'm starting to think all of these threads are one person who was severely butthurt one time like 4 or 5 months ago. It all seemed to start around then.
If I say capitalism, will ancaps disappear or will they remain as they are not anarchists?
What a pathetic, normie-tier position to take.
See what I said about nihilist-posters needing the last word in everything? also
Think you mixed up the blue ones
Nihilism, Capitalism, Primitivism/Green, Transhumanism,
Communism/Syndicalism, Mutualism, Egoism, Individualism
Feminism, Queer, Pacifism
how do you tell the blue ones apart?
this flag looks pretty dark blue.
Anarchists are such faggots that their colors combined make the gay flag
pure dark blue is Transhumanist I think
Egoist has a greenish hue
lightest blue is individualist
good one, faggoo
These all use the plain black flag, no need to make up shitty flags for them.
I doubt it. Individualist anarchists all used to be communist, these days those who claim to be individualists are crypto-capitalists at best.
haha benis
you forgot one
Ancaps, anarcho-queer and anarcho-pacifists.
t. anarchist.
ancap, anprim, an pacifist
Individualist anarchist is a name anachronistically given to people like Lysander Spooner and Josiah Warren, who combined natural rights liberalism with the labour theory of value. These people didn't call themselves anarchists at the time because they were separate from the anarchist movement that was developing in Europe.
Individualist anarchism also means anarchists who were influenced by Max Stirner, like Emma Goldman, Renzo Novatore and Emile Armand. Really as a term it's pretty stupid because it refers to two separate things.
Well ayncraps have now come along and made themselves out to be some great heirs of Lysander Spooner and Benjamin Tucker, even though these people were socialists. So when ayncraps call themselves individualist anarchists, they're making reference to these people who were never actually called individualist anarchists until maybe Tucker discovered Proudhon, Bakunin and Stirner.
If anarcho-monarchism is on there then delete that one as well, otherwise anpacifier
What's the point? If it's a truly anarchist society then I don't really have to follow any of them.
And Anfems
the fuck are you talking about?
Well no, I was specifically dealing with the argument structure in
these aren't compatible in any way
Ahhh vague platitudes. Reminds me of my days as a liberal
Those are clearly separate considerations
start arguing any time
good one? faggot?
An-Comms are cool.
Ancap, Anfem and Anqueer.
The mortar march is my favourite tbh matey.
do NOT sign me the FUCK up ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ bad shit ba ิ sHit ๐ thats โ some bad ๐๐shit right ๐๐ th ๐ ere ๐๐๐ right โ there โ โ if i doโฦฝaาฏ soโmy sel๏ฝ๐ซ i say so ๐ซ thats not what im talking about right there right there (chorus: สณแถฆแตสฐแต แตสฐแตสณแต) mMMMMแทะ ๐ซ ๐ ๐๐ะO0ะเฌ ๏ผฏOO๏ผฏOะเฌ เฌ Ooooแตแตแตแตแตแตแตแตแต ๐ ๐๐ ๐ ๐ซ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐๐Bad shit
Is this good enough for you?
the only ones who seem dangerous to me are the ancaps (the ones who regress to conservatives when you explain how they aren't actually anarchists.)
not familiar with individualist ideas that much
Do anfems and anqueers have any of there own separate ideas of how society should run, or do they just want anarchism to achieve there goals of ending oppression?
if its the latter then thats fine, if its the former, i don't really see how thats going to work.
How rude. Read Aragorn! and Monsieur Dupont.
I made you a spicy meme lads.
t. /britpol/
kek saved
It's perfect.
ancap, anprim, anfem, easy one tbh
All glory to Commissar Corbychev!
Anarcho-hyphenists are literal dog excrement
We need a Nazbol Ball meme
double not my comrade
No one cares what you think.
Anarchy is the true non-imaginary state of the universe. You like it or not.
Enjoy your spooky ghost stories.
Posting the alternatives I just made, in high quality
Who's the fourth one, anarcho-fascism?
nationalist anarchism.
this is anaretarded level
I've never been terribly against flags
pretty good flags fam.
Come on fam
So that our non-anarchist friends don't feel left out.
AnFem and AnQueer as ideologies don't make a lot of sense because they're just social positions within forms of anarchy, usually AnCom and AnSyn. Personally I guess I'm both because I think we need to get rid of gender roles because I think they're arbitrary and useless and restrict freedom but I'm mostly a mutualist.
taking flag requests
pls help, this is too much fun
please make a USA one and a Russian one and a UK one
Ancaps, anarcho-"transhumanists", anprims
Here's one.
That one wasn't easy
All but anprim, fuck your button rules.