The absolute state of animation

You guys realize we're stuck with basically just these three major "art styles" in modern animation, right?
Dreamworks/Pixar for selling sex to children, slightly brown noodle arms for college hipsters, and default Fox animation for everyone else.
I hope Incredibles 2 will be good or Bruce Timm either redeems or offs himself

By the way whatever happened to Power Up?

the what now?

The comic in the second pic

It's not like you have to restrict yourself to the major trends.

No idea, I just used it as an example. Was either this or Adventure Time / Steven Unibrow.

how about you stop copying and pasting threads and images from cuckchan ya fucking idiot?

We already have an Incredibles thread faggot.

But I just came up with it during a walk, swer on me mum

there's already a thread up about niggers