Memeing the return of traditional women

So I've been hearing the new slang among highschoolers and also ironically on here. Like "thot" (basically slang for hoe), "thicc" (i think you know what this means), etc.
I think this has unrealized meme magic potential, maybe for pushing the fetishization and then normalization of the traditional lifestyle. (much like the jews are fetishizing obesity with "thicc") Here's what I came up with, a "trad", or basically, a woman (usually white) who is submissive and loyal. Obviously, it's a shortening of "traditional".
I think we should flood urban dictionary and twitter to start pushing this.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking stupid idea.
Sounds like a Chad Tranny.

Kill yourself.


le women in field softcore porn for spics thread number 623411342

Social media is (((their))) main channels of control among the youth, we definitely need to utilize this more effectively. We need to combat newspeak with newspeak.

This is the current definition, you're just wrong.

I'd say whiteness is implied, traditional lifestyle is implicit whiteness.

Oh yeah



shut up (((you)))
This could actually be useful instead of the 90 "NIGGER JUST SHOT ANOTHER NIGGER" (i.e. water is wet) threads.


reported for mgtow


Holy shit, they're getting really desperate.

I think this is a good idea. Honestly we need to start mobilizing on the (((new))) generation.

Make that four times you fucking shill.

And there's literally nothing wrong with that

posting pictures of white girls in wheat fields isn't going to turn modern women into white girls in wheat fields.

does this fucking nigger realize that saging only prevents a thread from being bumped? it's not like a downvote from >>>/reddit/

Oy gevalt! Slide it!

You sound like a permavirgin. You obviously don't know shit about women. STFU unless you have kids or have a girl you are planning on having kids with.

Eat a bullet.

We need to meme women great again. I sadly lost my qt3.14 wheat field waifu folder, can you kind Anons post all your wheatfus please?

You forgot your sage.

so did i apparently, fuck

Kek wills this bump.

If you can stomach it try watching a few episodes of (((Lena Dunham's))) Girls. It's depressing garbage but fairly realistic vision of life for modern young women. They know it sucks. They desperately want an alternative. The bullshit of "being strong" and "not depending on no man" is weak as fuck. Women want to depend. They want families. It's so sellable that really you don't even need to sell it. Just make a believable offer and they're already sold.

Yes this depends on you being not being a dense fucker who cannot tell a slut from a good woman because of muh dick thinking gots you thinking pretty face = angelic

I honestly don't know what about this thread enrages you so much, shlomo. Anyway, I'm archiving it for my shill proof folder.

Hahaha, no.

That's fucking funny.
enjoy your sage

Why are these faggots replying negatively so quickly to my posts? It's almost like they have an (((alterior motive))).
I'm not going to give them the (you)s, though.

Because you suck. You're obviously on the autism spectrum, and are most likely a young fag. Lurk more and stop being a bitch.

Made a few memes like this a while ago, more about demeaning modern women rather then uplifting trad women. though I think I have a few like that.

I don't understand where all of this anger comes from?
I mean, whenever I see genuine hate for something on here, posters usually give an explaination, and they don't just fling insults. I don't see why what I posted was a bad idea, all I suggested was utilizing the biggest propaganda tool yet.
Also, for those reviwing this, notice how the general mannerisms of these posters is somehow… (((off))). You might see the (((differences.)))

Oh, well every time we start posting about memeing trad women back they always get shilled hard on every platform. they really are scared of using memes this way

I like them, but the last one sounds more communistic, maybe change "degenerate" to slut, and "it" to "she"

Third one is a bit long.

Honestly I think we need to make a few memes similar to the first one, always try to condense a complex idea in as simple of form as possible.

This is an excellent idea and the shills are coming out in force because they don't want us to use it. I've been thinking about something like this for a couple of years now. I'm going to start using this term often.


I know :( I'll fix them later

are those guaged ears? Is her hair dyed? Lips look drawn on like a spics.

Fucking disgusting

the background picture in the bottom right corner is actually a picture of hitler with him cropped out

Fuck this Autist

Continues Gods work. People will hate you for this thread. Not Just the shills. But ((our)) Group will hate this. Because MUH ANIME DONT MAKE WOMEN GOOD CUZ I CAN't COMPLAINZ ANYMOR. Litterally on the edge with this site. Its funny and informative at times. But as a community its quite pathetic.


Fug some of these images are designed for ants.


Thanks mate. It seems that it's shills and the blackpilled that bring that out, just rise above it and know that this is actually, surprisingly, important.

Want more traditional women?

Here's an idea: Let's become FATHERS and instill conservative values into them. Even have a wife who is willing to stay at home with the kids.

Have them shoot guns early on, go to church, homeschool for a bit with some sort of private schooling such that they avoid the awful culture children bring into public school.

Not only that but being a good parent as well as setting a good example for the kind of men they should date/marry.

thanks for the useful and original advice

definitely a worthy idea: you want to pair the following to this meme:
- happy, healthy families
- happy, healthy children
- romantic rural life
- good weather
- soft, small pets
- a strong, caring man at her side
- comfortable clothing; soft, patel colours. wide sweaters.
- caress that mother intuition

2 & 3 are a big step in the right direction.

just find another word for trad, because it too closely resembles tard. think in the direction of woman, mother,

And this thread isn't original either. Posting a bunch of pictures of women in dresses and holding firearms isn't going to accomplish anything other than making a bunch of nerds cum.

I suggest action rather than some forum circle jerk.


bottom left gave me an idea, fresh OC here

It's a bit more then that, but convincing(reminding?) women that being a traditional women is the most normal and natural thing they can be. Few larger ideas to be attacked are: men can no longer be trusted, women are victims by virtue of their sex, women should be selfish, sex is not reserved for love and marriage, and self-fulfillment lies in career success and not a husband and family. Destroy these ideas spread via feminism and we can get traditional women back.

Trad Trud? Everybody I know pronounces it truh-dish-uh-nulas slang for traditional girls is memeable. Make it happen you fucks.

Man buns are gay

That doesn't work, either a woman wants to be or she doesn't. Stop being a faggot pussy and accept that for society to get better we cannot like impotent beta faggots wish and hope for the chaff to become the wheat, it must be removed and crying about this fact won't help anything.

You've taken it too far, that's white knight faggotry.

And unlike you, I'm not bumping this shit thread. However, "just raise girls right" is even more cancerous than OP

I hate that normie meme but I like what you did with it.

If the target audience is the highschoolers peddling this same type of shit it works. Its a seed to erode the programming.

You should focus on the women, men still need a certain level of cynicism, they've always needed it. We're not even remotely close to being out of the woods in terms of how women use divorce as leverage to steal from men.

That's not a "noble sacrifice" if she can do that she can parentally alienate and indoctrinate the kid, and thus the cycle starts again. If women are of a particular mindset the like minded men will follow.

How can the child bearing portion of the pic be stressed toward women without feeling forced? "His hands look like this so mine can look like this" doesnt flow as well or convey the message of children.

How is striving to be a good parent more cancerous than posting conservative memes?

You want to shape the future and have influence over the next generation? You have offspring and you raise them a specific way. Just like the baby boomer's raised their children to be a bunch of cultural marxist spewing snowflakes.

attempt 2 and 3,

I vote #2

Attempt 2, first picture on this post

Or you could do something that'll actually work. Here's my constructive criticism: don't date sluts.
Once women realize men don't want to date women who act like the sluts on TV they will stop acting that way and change to what men want. Of course some feminist cunts will still stay "sexually liberated" but their genes belong in the dumpster anyways.

How about "wheaties"? Maybe an anonymous that's not a lazy fuck can shop a beautiful huwhite woman in a wheat field on a wheaties box. Might be too implicit though

We could start calling them fair maidens again or some other word that's fallen out of use but describes a desirable woman of good character.

You need to guilt women, honestly. Guilting women even if they know they're being guilted is the only truly effective way of getting at them. Granted there is a good way and a shitty way to do it, but the litmus test for a woman's receptivity to such memes is basically whether she has an induced response from having her sense of guilt stimulated.

Think about it, women who are SJWs are often emotional cadavers when it comes to empathy, trying to appeal to women like that on a female level is like trying to impregnate a dead woman. It just won't happen.

Women with ANY potential at all will respond to ideas that successfully induce a sense of guilt.

This is why Christianity was good.

Agreed, less of a manbun would be great. However, there is a clear, happy picture with a convincing message.

Excellent suggestion! I think the idea of one man with a family and all traditional values is instinctual in young woman. Memes should be aimed at them to generate those ideas so that they can blossom into women with a sense of purpose that fits the women of a strong society instead of the ego glorification we see today.
The propaganda machine of the NWO does so for their own retched purposes. We must do the same to counter theirs.

Your use of buzzwords is kinda of sad pepe meme to me, but you do say the most valuable thing: make yourself the best man you can be, so woman will chase after you instead of you chasing after them.

I agree but there's a problem. For every man who doesn't date/fuck some skank then there are five others who will. While we fancy ourselves better than women you must admit that there are a lot of us who are dogs. Your idea only goes so far.

Well I do have tfw no gf

How fucking new are you? We don't have multiple generations to do this in dribs and drabs, it doesn't benefit us, and no one here is advocating raising your children any differently.

You shouldn't 'date' sluts because you shouldn't be marrying sluts. Women already remaked themselves to hide their slutty past, so not sure how much that even matters.
The last 25 years haven't done that. We can use subversive memes like
to get some of them on our side or at least breeding, but only by white men with traditional values being strong and powerful, and ultimately through victory over outsiders, will women fall back in line. And when they have been propagandised since birth to be anti-male, anti-family, anti-white consumers, nothing less than putting them in place will work.


Here's my advice: don't let your life's happiness depend on having a girlfriend or not. In order to find happiness with another, you must first find happiness within yourself.

That could be a good aspect. Another idea I had that may have potential was a nuclear family with the question "Why do you hate this", but I feel like it might push SJW's further into the cult.

I think our main goal of this thread (and likely for a lot of our mainstream reclaiming) is middle to highschool girls who aren't yet SJW sluts, and still have the potential to be the traditional women of the next gen.

Like said, sluts will not have trouble finding people to screw them, its a harder group to target and those are the ones who may need guilting, but the younger girls need a subtler (but thorough) message.

Just realized the housewifing thead died.

Those men still need to be careful however. I know of many women who as they get older do chase men like that and their intentions are not honorable. That really is only half the equation.

Seems to me problem will sort it's self out
I know this is pretty hopeful

What you're describing is basically inducing guit. You really do have to (for their own good) kick them right in their evolutionary sensibilities. That DOES absolutely induce guilt in women, that's the smart way of doing it, you don't directly attack them in favor of men, because that just stinks of beta propaganda.

But you need to make women feel bad about selfish postmodern devastation based on how it will potentially affect them.

The best thing men can do is start showing disgust towards slutty women. Improve yourself, present yourself as a high quality individual and be discriminating with them women you allow near you. Men lead the dance, and women will eventually clue in to what is needed of them to get alphamales.

Leave the discussion of how they go about improving themselves to women. I only care about the end result, not how they do it.

It' a good start, but unfortunately it sets up a maladaptive selection mechanism whereby those sluts go dumpster diving for BBC. Combining the high libido of white sluts and black niggers, and the borderline retardation of both regarding birth control, effectively incentivizes the birth of a race of Morlocks. Look for the fat, ugly, stupid birth rate to rise above 3 per woman among this group.

We need to go further. Not only should we avoid sluts, we should make our preferences known and ignore the "I wouldn't date you anyway" sneers. After this line is drawn, we can move on to socially punishing these antisocials. Don't hire them, or they babies' daddies, on the off chance they're looking for work. Politely but firmly refuse to socialize with them on the grounds that you don't approve of their lifestyle. Don't let your kids play at their house, but let their kids play at yours to see what a real family looks like.

You have a right not to date or befriend people you disapprove of, and you also have a right to make it known why. You don't have a legal right to discriminate in jobs, housing, or whatever, but do it anyway. Quick blogpost on this subject:

Many years ago, I was on the point of starting a business. One of my coworkers, a spic who knew his job well enough, was going to rustle up some financing and partner with me. Late in our negotiations, I found out he was getting divorced. His wife had taken their two kids and moved because he was cheating on her. I broke off the business deal and explained why: I didn't feel I could trust him because he had broken faith with his wife.

That turned out to be the right decision, by the way, but that's not really the point. The look on his face when I told him I couldn't trust him was priceless.

InB4 "Serves you right for working with a spic!" This was long ago.

Daily reminder that beauty is what the forces of evil despise the most.

>We can use subversive memes like
Memes can only get us so far not that far we need real action. Besides women vote more conservatively then men anyways: Trump had more female than male votes, the NSDAP had more female than male votes, and I believe the AfD has more female members than male. Doesn't mean these women aren't whores though, just that the majority of women have conservative values. I know lots of conservative girls that will still occasionally have causal sex.

didn't mean to sage

Women are predisposed to breaking sexual taboo without proper conditioning. However, if sexual modesty is seen as a sexual taboo, you could use reverse psychology to have a woman turn to trad.

Fucking good shit right here. Women respond strongly to shame tactics.


Don't confuse conservative with what women really are: risk-averse. Just as they won't do the exploring or the dying, they won't vote for the radicals or the revolutionaries. They will, however, gurgle a quick cock if they think they can get away with it. Your job is to make sure they don't think that.


Yet you see these disgusting feminists going on to get married and even having kids. You're right: Leftists (aka sluts) have lower birthrates and the problem ought to solve itself, however we do have a culture that breeds more and more of them. We need to take control of the culture and while I believe posting conservative memes can be of limited help that actually having daughters and raising them to be upstanding humans would work better.

You must be the guy in that other thread who keeps calling me a leftist. What is your suggestion then to stop the influx of slutty women? Because I see no other way than being a good parent. The baby boomers let their daughters be sluts for example.

It won't just solve itself. You know why? Those "stable couples" are Tyrone ans Watermelondria shooting out 2 niglets a year.

Loving the meme of two attractive women mocking the target for her shit life choices. This leaves most men numb, but women react to the judgment of others. This is powerful imagery. First pic is my favorite.

Mediocre wording on the others though. Let's brainstorm:

>She's had how many abortions?!?!

Just what I have so far.



I fugged up: More white women voted for Trump than Shillary

Don't have too much experience with grills anti-social on purpose until I move, not going to blog-post but don't want to start anything before I move 7500km in a few months so I'm just going off stats

Of course we need to act, I'm not against that, I'm merely saying I doubt memes will help that much, rather getting rid of poisonous (((media)))

I wasn't really thinking about non-whites, though that is a different problem, curbing non-white birthrates won't make white women more traditional.

Eat a shoah and get lost, you spineless faggot.

Shame/guilt, same thing, and yes women much more so than men are receptive. Women that aren't is a huge red flag.

Remember that time when some faggot was sharing images of happy white families on normiebook and his female friends responded well to them?

Eeehh, I think they're a bit too vicious to garner anything but resentment from most women. They sound a bit too much like a Holla Forumsack talking. Holla Forums has a very distinct and aggressive style of speech that doesn't translate well into normalfagland. You may call it PR cucking, but that's exactly what we're doing here, trying to adapt our philosophies to influence the broader public.

The thing about pictures like that, is that they appeal to US, but not necessarily to women. Seeing some lone nordic beauty isn't likely to spur feelings of kinship and motherliness and wholesomeness in your average female. What does are soft and beautiful visions of motherhood. Shit like pics related, which is just some random stuff i've pulled off a friends social media account. These are the things it seems women really respond to.

did you come up with those words too?

Number two looks really nice. It sounds more "natural" and fraternal

That's when I made thee pics related.

Observe the hivemind.

Dubs confirm: Resistance is futile.

I agree. The culture that encourages slutty behavior needs to be eradicated.

Okay, I can live with that. Some outsiders were shilling that stuff, most with articles written by jewesses.

you must be sheltered, women are much more vicious amongst themselves and behind each other's backs, that's why that image works so well. Snarky evil cunts behind backs, and any fake-nice-but-obvious shit when face to face.

I can agree to that, it's the necessary condition for change. GTK

I don't think I like the way you're mocking Dicky there user.

ICBM detonated in upper atmosphere when?
I need to sleep, good night anons, we all going to make it

We can go softer, but using those pictures can still be useful in a testing situation, see which ones get a better response. Also the lone nordic women pictures where more fodder to be made into memes then just memes them selves.


Daily reminder that Gen Z is the most conservative generation since WW2.


Heres your daily white pill, Anons.

Shame and guilt can be effective against women, but it is most effective when it's used by other women.

FYI, there is a "trad" community on the AskAndyAboutClothing fora and related blogs, to denote a traditional American clothing style, basically the semi-formal style that preceded "preppy", with focus on durability. Note that the community has a strong preference for made-in USA goods, and talk to no end about how the quality of clothing brands has decreased since moving overseas.
Here a few of the latest pictures from their gf thread.

For normie women, the pictures that promote motherhood and family building are something that they eat up, and I'd recommend spreading those through Pinterest. Pictures of a mother and daughter that look alike with captions like "having a mini-me" will discourage miscegination. Play into their narcissism, get them to breed with white men so that their kids will look like them.

Young women are laughing at you.
Your propaganda does nothing whatsoever to change their beliefs.
The only purpose it serves is as mental masturbation for young right-wing men, who don't realize that once the photoshoot is over, the traditional dress or conservative "mommy" clothes come off and she slips back into the miniskirt or short black dress.
You are pushing a fantasy.

Sure, no problem.
Here, enjoy what we used to have to watch in primary school class back in the 1980s. Government films preparing us for nuclear war and instructing about what would be expected of us after the strikes had hit.

shoah to you, my hook-nosed nemesis.

If you don't understand the psychology of your target audience then you are defeated from the start.
Don't blame the messenger.

which is why the image of the two girls laughing is so strong


Pictures with fathers in it or hinted at are even better, because the mother/child ones don't help with the scourge of the single moms

keep very much in mind that Gen Z is also about 50% shitskin. If you controlled for race, you'd probably find the whites are just as liberal as millenials. Though hope springs eternal.

partly, but refer back to my post here this is stuff i took from young women's account, they DO respond to this stuff. No one is expecting to mass convert all white women into broodmares for our seed, we're just trying to counteract leftist propaganda.


This is a perennial truth.
The question is, how do you exploit it?
Tip: pictures which women find laughable in the framework of their current feminist indoctrination aren't the way to go about it.

You understand the point I was making already.


Traditional women don't base their goals and behavior on fads and peer pressure.

By the way, you might notice that the pictures you took from the woman's account don't have any text.
The moment she realizes she's been had by "racists", into the memory hole it goes.
And she will remember the text next time she sees mother-and-babe photograph.
Ideological inoculation is a real phenomenon and one which absolutely must be avoided as it can have a permanent effect.
The target must not know they are viewing propaganda, text completely gives the game away.

I do understand them. >95% of the woman who display this behaviour, will stop displaying this behaviour once the culture they live in demands this of them.

I don't disagree with that, but branding your propaganda with right-wing Hallmark slogans sort of gives the game away, imo.

They absolutely did.
Notice "did", because most contemporary "traditional women" are nothing of the sort, they are feminists who have come to the realization that they will never find a husband to fund their family project if they don't change appearances, example: "Wife with a Purpose."
This is why there seems to be no correlation between her background and social circle, and her new found "traditionalism." It's because the traditionalism is a phantom, a mask held up for "a purpose."
You might say "what does it matter so long as the woman marries and has the children?"
Well it matters because these individual cases don't indicate a societal shift, the problem is still there but hidden.


I agree 100%. Infusing idyllic pictures of a woman with a child in a wheatfield with 14/88 shit will do nothing but poison their minds. It really is thin ice we're treading on. Feminist indoctrination has preempted a lot of the stuff on this page, because it intersects strongly with anti-racist teachings, which tell white women that the biggest obstacle to their happiness historically has been white men trying to control their sexual behavior (i.e., not allowing them to fuck tyrone). Thus it's cleverly combined transgressive, tabboo behavior with moral authority; by being a repulsive nigger-fucking slut you can both stick it to the (white) man, AND conform to the new moral order.

Shit like that is hard to reverse with on-the-nose propaganda, so we're on the same page there.

absolutely bluepilled

Have you forgotten we are talking about women? Even many men will accept propaganda after it has been exposed as such. You can laugh at a woman to her face and say she is being programmed by a tv show every fucking day and explain how. And she won't stop if there isn't something else in it for her, or you force her to. Any who isn't like that is the female version of us, and rarer.

I repeat, "There’s nothing a woman won’t believe if she wants to."

Agreed. There must be a need for subversion. A more moderate right-wing message which has the same underlying message as the one we are discussing here.

On YY, I've noticed the occasional woman straight up asking whether she should sleep with some guy or break up with her boyfriend.

You repeat it but you still don't understand it.
The reason women ignore you when you tell them they are watching propaganda is that you have no moral authority compared to the TV.
If she knows that the message came from people with no moral authority, it will be ignored.
gets it.

Ok, so what we need to do then is infuse it with (what women see as) moral authority, but also subtle enough that it's not recognized as any form of propaganda too quickly, and I'm apparently not being subtle at all. I'll need to think on how to best do this before I make any more memes.

what's YY?

We need authority, not just moral authority, and I said so earlier.

You are the one being dense, they don't think the tv is any authority, it's just something that appeals to them and satisfies their emotions.
They sure as shit don't care about 'moral authority'

True, but our nets don't cast as wide as those of Hollywood kikes, advertising firms, female celebrities, news sites, tabloid sites (mother jones, jezebel et. al.), and college campuses, all of which tell white women the same thing; "you've been hoodwinked. White men want to oppress you and keep you in the home, and you don't want that, otherwise you're a submissive piece of shit perpetuating the cycle of oppression, and a rube to boot."

if we're serious about this, our messages have to be spread all over social media, and not have our signature on them. user here>>9735457 made an excellent point that text of any kind should be avoided, and that's just the start.

I actually want to see that

I think the best way to do things in the context of your personal life is to lead by example (become a strong, outgoing, happy masculine father figure, etc.) and influence women and other men from there. From that position you can easily influence young disillusioned men to follow in your footsteps and subsequently normalize the belief that masculinity/being a father/having large (homogeneous) families/valuing your history and culture is good in your immediate peer group.

Women will naturally follow after that assuming you managed to make the men not completely spineless. Key would probably be to build popularity and authority in the first place while subtly memeing traditional values and conflating it with your personal success to build the association in the minds of normalfags. Get enough people doing that and you'll have wider changes occurring across society pretty rapidly.

That's true. Most political groups and subcultures have fairly overt language/symbols that makes it very easy to spot them if you know what to look for (e.g. toxic, creepy, fee-fees, etc. = sjw), and if people can spot those in shit you put out it's very easy for them to ignore everything. Imagery which doesn't use any recurring explicit symbols/keywords and just appeals to base desires in women is best.

Which style did you make? Some are pretty good ideas, don't stop unless you want to.

Look at advertising targeting women, and try to find subtlety.

Yeah, that widespread jewish blanket covers everything.

I'm certainly not advocating sinead-tier shit, watermarks, etc., but I already responded to the other guy that no text is unnecessary. Even shitlord-y stuff can be done if you keep serious things in a different graphic style than something sneaking in the 14 words.


Women respond very strongly to social pressure in the form of things like Slut Shaming.

Ramp it the fuck up and start juxtaposing 'trashy thots' with 'traditional queens' and you will definitely get a reaction.



These are real obvious, but the main problem– they don't address the usual female strategy. Having their cake and eating it too. Most girls try to be sluts or have girls nights out, and still have the boyfriend at home. Aim higher, not for girls just not dating shitskins.

Don't push the racial aspect in this context or their anti-racist conditioning will trigger and cause them to disregard the image or not share it. Or at the very least, use a murderous nigger or a bloodstained mudslime and not some smiling mulatto cuck that will activate their white guilt/suicidal empathy.

This is a scenario when we could use women that understand the meme constructs their sex responds to. We just can't understand them on the level of women that have spent years lurking tumblr.

Maybe we can form an alliance with >>>/cuckquean/ on this front.

You're absolutely right. Just throwing ideas out there, gotta start somewhere.

It comes down to Marketing. The left is GREAT at marketing. The right is catching up, but are way, way behind. The reality is that like any movement or trend it has to be 'made cool' before it will take off & influence the culture.

Get conservative girls (or even bot a shit tonne of fake social media profiles posing as girls) and start sharing this shit, make it go viral and create a sub-culture of traditional girls, create a trend out of it. Just like instagram Fitness girls, or shitty Tumblr quotes. Create a trend of traditional girls running a giant PR campaign showing "how amazing their life is" (social media is basically all one big PR/Marketing campaign, build audiences & market/influence them.) Only plebs use 'social media' to socialise.


Nothing will know what motivates dogs like another dog or as at such a primal level, but if you aren't an expert yourself, you ask a cesar millan if he's any good, I heard his wife left him :^) and not your labrador.

I'm not saying don't fish for ideas from them though.

I haven't thought about it beyond astroturfing trad groups for girls, using fake profiles, and types to spread it to (girls into traditional activities or healthy causes). But holy shit, doing it like kikes and throwing money at this and you would have a movement started in months and common knowledge/fad territory in just a year or two.

>Maybe we can form an alliance with >>>/cuckquean/ on this front.

literally what is your plan here?

I wouldn't say the left is great at marketing. Their brainwashing works because it is conducted on a massive scale. When they tried to go ahead of schedule like they've done in the past few years, it backfires and wakes normalfags up to their insanity. Our marketing is far more effective with far more limited resources. We're literally a bunch of decentralized losers shitposting on the internet, and they fear us.

Your ideas are fine but too far down the pipeline. "Trad" jewtubers aren't going to take off until the trad woman is a self-sustainable meme that can be profited off of. What we really need are guerrilla tumblr girls that can use the same autism that they used to sustain obscure fandoms and fetishes to create a trad girl movement out of thin air. The ones that can use a poorly captioned gif and a wall of text to turn a girl into a fascist.

You may have the right to discriminate on the basis of political belief. In Australia you can (you can be brought before an Australian human rights tribunal for it but the specific legislation and regulations offers no legal remedies for the tribunal to do anything to stop it or punish it.). Check your local laws.

getting caught was part of it


the kikes wrote the fucking book on it

There is already a term for it. It is Healthy.

They understand submissive girls best, want to promote wholesome submission of a wife to her husband, have significant overlap with the female trad femininity base, and explicitly support Holla Forums. If we can find a way to align our agenda with theirs, they will use the power of female autism to meme the loyal housewife into existence.

Your psyop will NEVER work here NEVER. The only good elf is a DEAD ELF. GARATHOS DID NOTHING WRONG.

Looks like we've both been to that thread.
The racial component is a bonus where possible. What matter is rebasing women and children with pre-post-modern western ideals/features/comforts. Or related.

The most pressing point is avoiding substitution. Substitution like H-1B work visas for tech, where the unsatisfied demand for tech workers was not met with a small supply drought and a growth of tech workers, but substituted with and assuaged by pajeets.

In either case molyneux's interview with a feminist housewife brought up the salient point of marrying late, or having an early career for a woman that eventually wants children: Working against female obsolescence in your early thirties (read: fertility problems and complications), as well as the anemic market of quality partners, and abandoning/scuttling your ten or so years of building your career/curricula to raise children.

One can certainly re-enter industry, at reduced capacity, having to catch up with industry, and while having to juggle raising toddlers or young children for the first time. There may be an advantage in being patient, having children first, then having no obstacle in entering industry after it's all said and done.

When a woman throws her vagina at you, it is a great time to look a gift horse in the mouth.

What I meant was not "muh PR" but that if they see you listing a friendly negro as a negative, they will respond the opposite of the way that you want. Post a real pic of a nigger beating a white woman or something if you want to get the message through.


They are excellent at it

Everything they do comes from a marketing perspective. Their ideas have zero merit, they have zero benefits or positive features to sell people on. But the left know how to market, they appeal to emotions, target pain points, and promise magic pill solutions. That's marketing 101 and is what has won them so much ground.

Even at the most basic level, they label all of their ideas & proposals with 'nice' sounding names.

They understand the power of pressure tactics, suggestive persuasion, mere exposure, and so on. They understand how to hit all the right buttons in their prospective followers to sway them and turn them into cult fanatics.

It's the same process marketers use to create hype around products & cause a buying frenzy.

The only difference is the kikes are selling an ideology rather than a product.

This is why they have dominated Print, Broadcast and Digital Media because it allows them to infest every aspect of cultural thinking with their marketing spiel.

Well that was a weird rabbit hole

You've never dated a woman before you poor 18yr old gender studies major.

I'm pretty damn sure I said the racial component was a bonus. However, if it's such a large and unnoticed coincidence, and left as such, then there's your rebasing. If it comes with its own black pr, then I would not only laugh, but women are into that sort of thing. How do you think they still think that STEM is so misogynistic?

Because behavior is not indicative of action, nor is history.

It really gets the noggin joggin.

This is on the more effective side of things, you're stabbing straight to the nerve of the matter, not allowing things to get lost in relative valuation.

feminine women > masculine women
wife material > useless life partner
mother > genetic dead-end
tradition > trend
old fashioned values > fashionable nihilism

there is no such thing as a naturally right wing woman
you have to fuck the right wing into them

Vid related : my waifu.
She's 18
sage for slide thread

I'm no expert but I feel families is the better path. Show happy, traditional families. Beaming smiling children, at peace mothers and successful fathers. Everyone responds to it. Men will want to be that father, women want to be that mother.

Or certainly play up traditional lifestyles vs modern, liberal ones. Definitely compare a housewife loyal to her man and family against an overworked and unhappy career woman.

I'd bomb both those strippers with my seed and make baby Aryans for the race war.

She looks autistic and not very feminine.


blacks aren't a problem demographicly tbh. There birthrates are only slightly higher than whitesand in line with whites in the south where most blacks live. It's spics that are the problem

while we're at it, maybe we can make some memes that will raise the IQ of blacks and make them less violent

these are bad, you presume the reader thinks like you. This does not speak to the [CURRENT YEAR] youth.

Think of something different.

Mudslimes as well.

Goddamn this is awesome.

Quit your defeatism.
If women can be indoctrinated away from their biological inclinations, they can sure as hell be indoctrinated back towards them. You don't accomplish massive cultural change by thinking small.

But user, what you're witnessing ARE their biological inclinations unbridled. This is what you get when you remove all the constraints and let their hypergamous nature run free

Maximum Gross Takeiff Weight, ie. how fat you can get before you're thrown out of a plane.

dam op posting wifey material they even exist nowadays I want one ..

have white babies omg to hot

white girls really rock and should know it

never settle for a shitskin you know better

That last one always gets me

all niggers should abort they some ugly fucks anyway White babies are beautiful not like a shit skin welfare roach

Can't wait to see this go all the way to 750

You realize that "tradwives" was already a TRS meme about traps, right?


(((Edward Bernays))) is considered the father of public relations/propaganda.

The left/Jews are excellent at propaganda and have been making great use of it for years in order to make money and shift public opinion in ways that favour them.

You can even see elements of it in use today. For example, Trump was heavily criticised in the MSM outside of America. Why? Because there is less focus on being unbiased in foreign media outlets. Thus, you can create large groups of opposition who then go on to influence actual voters via social media.

Propaganda is he most well known work (also quite short), some of his other books are decent as well. Tried to upload them but apparently you can't upload pdfs on this shithole anymore.

Ladies, especially the only kind we would ever want–NORMAL WOMEN–like beauty. We have pro-white ladies that know this and put out propaganda specifically for them. I have always supported and encouraged it, too.



I know.

I did that. Still no gf.

nah mate focus on making waifus real instead. You can't fix retarted animals

Nice work.




Kill all atheists, install islamic or christsian shria laws. Remove jews and their degenrate tools like porn and muh equality, aoc laws. Problem solved.

Ones I made where the ones in and and first one in , I'm not exactly going to stop but take a day to think about how to make them less obvious, getting mixed opinions so I'll see about re-doing them rather then trashing them.

I'm actually going over the psy-ops thread in /cuckquean/ for ideas and common ground.

No they don't. They just seek to act on their impulses more discreetly. That's why Tinder is popular; it allows women to slut around with virtual anonymity

Only problem is islams inherent arab supremacy, which we cannot overcome because it is built into all the texts.
Oh, and also the fact that it is a shitty religion made by a shitty person to dominate shitty people that as a bonus says race is not important.
I think you are on the right track that we need an old style religion, but islam is not the one you want.


O.P., they're participating in the sex strike against White Genocide. Being white themselves, they cannot stand to date and marry white men, who are overrepresented in the anti-white population. They're on a sex strike and so they'd rather spend time with non-whites who aren't as anti-white as the self-hating white men (and other white men who aren't anti-white but still resemble them)…

White women are participating in a sex strike against White Genocide, and that means they've stereotyped white men as being anti-white which disqualified most white men for them. For this reason, white marriage and white fertility are failing.


Wife agrees. Happy families are better.

What about the carrot/stick approach? Happy families vs bitter cat ladies. Scare them into a choice.




Pretty much this, remove Islam though, it's been a traditional enemy of Christian Europe since it dominated the middle east 1500 years ago.

Atheists are spiritual/traditional/cultural dead ends who are strong supporters of Marxism, they vote Democrats the most.
Europe needs a return of traditional morals and lifestyles, European cultures need to be reinforced, the history taught and languages practiced, all these things need to be brought back and heavily supported by the remaining traditionalists.

I suggest starting youth groups for both church and politics, in these two groups you will find many people interested in the nationalist identity and are willing to devote time to organizing events and talks for the community, which in turn brings more people to our side.

I've seen it in action even in my own community, it really does work if you're willing to put the time, effort, and skills into helping the cause. Start small and slowly build up, if you can try to network with other Holla Forumsacks if you're close enough.

Just as Hitler said, such movements take time to build up.

Notice how quickly the kikes descend upon this thread like maggots.

Memetic subversion of women back to Traditional roles was always a goal, we need to make this happen, be creative.

No darling, you want to protect your children.

That is the opposite of what we are trying to meme

She wants to learn self-discipline. Not always something a man can give to a women without high maintenance relationships. If she learns to stand her mental ground by larping war for a few months, let her. Better than falling for a suggar daddy trap and certain (((ideas))).

Seriously, it's easy as pie, talk about how much free time you have to read and create when you are stay at home taking care of the house.

Talk about how wonderful it is to see your kid grow up.

"Just mother things"
"Just married things"

Talk about how empowering it is to provide for the husband at home as he provides for you.

Once women get a taste of traditionalism, many wont want to come back to ((()))

As an aside, use yandex for image searches if you're having a hard time finding photos of white families. Don't use the word white or anything, just search for what you want and most of the results will be white.



You really have to be subtle, start a faceberg group and sloooooooowly redpill

Use female draft scares as an example after it picks up steam

Don't go all "my people" yet

This is the kike subversion version, it may feel good to post but it further divides the issue.

Ignore feminazis, ignore MGTOW


Look into memes the young girls like and base a group on it, start posting subtle redpilling images when it picks up steam and the women will subconsciously accept the traditionalist ideas even if they reject it from the start.

Just because you're a hedonist degenerate doesn't mean potential pure waifus have to be.

I don't even mean to be a blackpiller, but I've damn near given up on finding a suitable woman, and by suitable I mean fits a very small list of standards:
Apparently this is way too fucking hard for women to achieve these days, and the few I have found are all lesbians. I'm fucking tired of it.

Blow your fucking brains out, yid.

Yes, it is, you dumbass

In 2017, we can't make that big of a demand yet if we don't outstretch the olive branch we'll have another generation of fucked up mothers and the kids will be even worse.

Not saying that you personally need to marry a whore or anything, but now is not the stage for nonvirginity shaming, that's an end goal.

This guy gets it, Disney princesses are a good way to go just avoid (((Mulan))) or (((Ariel))) look for Aurora or Snow White

Here they come, like clockwork

Reported, then.


Stop derailing the thread.

The only time that'll be worth it is when there is only a single man and a single woman left on earth. And, even then, after having the kid I would work my ass off to see if I could do some genetics shit to maintain my true lineage.

Spotted the roastie.

Go suck a circumcised cock, moishe.

Humans aren’t fruit flies, dipshit.

Fuck off Satan, you can keep your AIDS ridden used goods, nobody is interested.

I don't know if you're just not in touch with reality or if you really are a kike.

All posting #nohymennodiamond accomplishes is distance, division from 90% of women from nationalism and traditionalism.

If you PERSONALLY want to follow that rule then do so, but don't spam it at people, it hurts the cause.

nice try.


I'll accept being wrong if I am wrong, however, I believe some user out there in the void can link the study tha shows engaging in unprotected sex such that the woman is inseminated leads to an alternation of genetic information.

Fair enough, but I hope women in Poland army is nowhere near women in US army.

Anons reading this, I want you to take not of the tactics used to slide the idea of gentle female subversion.

Look at the thread now, it speaks for itself. Fight the good fight.

You're gonna have a rude awakening when your sex is considered obsolete after sex bots become commercially acceptable by the public.

They respond strongly to social pressure. The idea of having their reputation ruined amongst their social circle is far more potent than shame. Women don't respond strongly to the idea of feeling ashamed of themselves as much as they respond to the idea of what others might think or say about them.

Feminism gained a strong foothold through this behavioral quirk by making women feel like they'd lose reputation and standing with their social circles if they didn't start spouting the talking points and "liberating" themselves. This further evolved, as aimless social movements do, into sexual liberation and outright shameless, degenerate behavior. Instead of feeling worried that others might think of them as a disgusting whore, women now worry that others might think of them as too weak or meek if they don't brazenly boast about their sexual conquests (thanks (((Sex and the City)))! Your gaggle of degenerate sluts helped encourage women to be crass, alcoholic, trainwrecks.)

For all of the above reasons, I'd say a stronger tactic, more than shame, would be to promote the idea that it is socially advantageous to be a loyal, more modest woman who approaches sex and relationships with responsibility. After their youth has been filled with "thots" and "rachet" women who have ruined their lives by being vapid whores who use and abuse everyone around, the natural need to course-correct could push the swinging pendulum towards traditionalism and self-respect.

attempt 2 is great ("so ours…")
it plays on a woman's herd mentality ("ours" means "us girls", right?)
while implying/suggesting the possibility it could refer to the mother-child bond (and implication is good because motherhood is scary)
this is the sort of corny meme girls send to each other without even realising it contains a psychological charge

number 3 is way too blatant, and requires the woman saying it to be a mom to not be a dealbreaker for the random slut too busy to be a mom right now
similar to number1, it requires a man saying it, and degenerates are conditionned never to imagine themselves in someone else's place

This man understands. The social reputation is what drives women in their everyday decision making, even down to who they'll decide to spend their life with.

he was right with the fruit flies thing but wrong about women with several sexual partner being proper marriage material.

This being said, there are no permanent changes due to insemination by several sexual partners, but, there are significant changes in hormonal structure occuring due to sex with different partners which decreases the chance of having a monogamous relationship, because said hormonal changes are more or less training the body to ride the carousell while avoiding having a single partner. This and the relentless social pressure, virtue signalling are the nails in the coffin.

Also a very important aspect, which is why spreading subtle memes and pages will help put it into their mind that their friends expect proper womanly traits and children.

"You can tell if he's got a good wife by how the children behave" etc

Reported for hoaxes. We deal in fact here, kike.


Nowhere did I say that, bitch.

You might not be a kike, but man you are all fucking dumb.

Please, live your life looking for a virgin, spread the news on Holla Forums how important it is to find one.

But for the love of god, let the more subversive anons among us control the propoganda wing of the operation.


We're obviously not going to force that shit down anyone's throats, but it NEEDS to at least be subtly introduced to women. Chastity is a very, very important virtue for women to have, it elevates their value and status.

Well, my gf is was a virgin. We're engaged. Stay mad you dense cuck who will eternally stay mad about picture related.



Ok, but, please look into the paper: Male Microchiemrism in the Human Female Brain by William F.N. Chan et al. (on Plos One).

Don't have the time to read it. How old is this study? Any other studies backing it up? Just give me the tl;dr please.

Much more productive conversation.

I do believe that virginity should be valued, and could be supplemented into easier to swallow pills like "I love having children" "I love cooking for my husband" etc

Rather than saying "no hymen no diamond" try "Married to my first love" or linking it with Disney love and stuff.

I'll copy paste the abstract (note, the who file is 7 pages, freely available online). It was received April 30th, 2012, Accepted August 23rd of the same year, and published on September 26th of the same year.
"In humans, naturally acquired microchimerism has been observed in many tissues and organs. Fetal microchimerism,
however, has not been investigated in the human brain. Microchimerism of fetal as well as maternal origin has recently
been reported in the mouse brain. In this study, we quantified male DNA in the human female brain as a marker for
microchimerism of fetal origin (i.e. acquisition of male DNA by a woman while bearing a male fetus). Targeting the Ychromosome-
specific DYS14 gene, we performed real-time quantitative PCR in autopsied brain from women without clinical
or pathologic evidence of neurologic disease (n = 26), or women who had Alzheimer’s disease (n = 33). We report that 63%
of the females (37 of 59) tested harbored male microchimerism in the brain. Male microchimerism was present in multiple
brain regions. Results also suggested lower prevalence (p = 0.03) and concentration (p = 0.06) of male microchimerism in the
brains of women with Alzheimer’s disease than the brains of women without neurologic disease. In conclusion, male
microchimerism is frequent and widely distributed in the human female brain."
So, although this male DNA would invade the woman, it would not affect the resulting child, or would it?


Love, at its maximum, lasts a generation. One's bloodline lasts at least almost an eternity.

Weigh the options, would she be a good mother?

Also, those pics are bad propoganda, still slutwear.

Blow your brains out.

We have IDs you know, you're being too obvious (((user)))

I feel pitty.


Eye/hair color isn't everything, user. Besides, they'll be carriers for the aryan phenotype.

Don't throw away your good genes on an inferior bitch.

I'm conflicted. So does microchimerism only occur during pregnancy or also by having been pumped full of semen of various sex partners? This is the crucial question.

It doesn’t occur in humans at all.

Nigger, the thot meme is actually slut shaming.

It DOES occur but apparently not simply by having been pumped with sperm by different men. If I understand the studies correctly, microchimerism mostly occurs during pregnancy where the fetus cells 'invade' the female, predominantly the brain.

Throughout the woman's lifetime.

Yep, it seems that's the case.
"The most likely source of male Mc in female brain is acquisition of fetal Mc from pregnancy with a male fetus. In women without sons, male DNA can also be acquired from an abortion or a miscarriage [22,23,38–40]. The pregnancy history was unknown for all but a few subjects in the current studies, thus male Mc in female brain could not be evaluated according to specific prior pregnancy history. In addition to prior pregnancies, male Mc could be acquired by a female from a recognized or vanished male twin [41–43], an older male sibling, or through non-irradiated blood transfusion [44]".
Also, not sure if relevant to anything, but, it seems 1/2 of there tested sample have male MC in their amygdala.
Anyways, so, should they just have sex with multiple individuals, based off of empirical evidence they wont have long lasting relationships. Should they, in addition, be impregnated (and abort or morning after pill it), there will be a DNA transfer. The question then becomes what impact this will have on the subsequent fetuses she would harbor.


I'm on NoFap

Close this thread then, you virtue signalling faggot.

Alright, I found the study. It comes down to the age old question of epigenetical changes being hereditary or not. Honestly, it doesn't matter whether we have biological proof that women carry the dna of all the faggots they've slept with or not. Fact is, that the resulting hormonal and psychological changes doe to different sexual partners are sufficient to not consider a promiscuous woman.

The possibility of Mc in women is just the tip of the iceberg.


get rekt, faggot.

You sure you posted the right pic user?

just to harvest (you)'s.

that old literal dindu killed in cleveland? Just walking down the sidewalk? He had 9 kids, 14 grandkids, and his son didn't even know how many great-grandkids. As long as we are being taxed to the point we don't tend to breed so they can raise niglets on gibs, they're a problem.

>>>/pdfs/ and it's probably already there. Propaganda itself isn't particularly enlightening.

just b urself

These are good, I like the 2/3 attempt (first pic on this) the most. Showing women other women being happy with babies is a really good way to open up instincts

It ruins the military and it ruins the women, she'll come out a cumbucket if she wasn't already
t. fmr zogbot
jesus christ


WEW, guess we had better not purity spiral

Fuck the olive branch, nothing less than subjugation will save us, this thread is just about how to make the femishit less monolithic and get the white birthrate up some.

Greatest post in the thread.

What the fuck is a fmr?

Fomorians are giants who come from the sea to fuck up your livestock and women. We should kill them.

Means former user, come on.

Yes, much better coming from other women. There's a high probability that a man trying to guilt a woman will result in her just resenting him and learning nothing in the end

ow shit that hit hard

Obviously most women won't be this easy to break the conditioning but some of you act like there's no hope at all. lel

trap get out

D&C shill leave. Don't you have an MGTOW board to be jerking off with other dudes on?

lmao what

ALL 3 girls are sluts
what's the point?

show us your tits

No, you just made that up. You act like it's such a horrible thing to call a woman a whore when she whores around and has non-marital sex with men she barely knows. And like others have said, non-virgin whores are not worthy mothers anyway, and it's helping to cut their whore-genes out of the genepool.

Guaranteed that you're either a pathetic cuck who fucks loose women, or you are a loose woman yourself. "We need to have a complete cultural shift before we're allowed to uphold and celebrate virginity, responsibility and prudence. It's jumping the gun to call whores what they are!" This is bullshit. Women need to know that being a whore is not acceptable by high-quality men. Only low-quality, beta cucks (like the guy I'm replying to definitely is) will accept used goods.

It'd be better in the long-run if we try to cut out all these whore-genes. Not to mention that whores who sleep around before getting married are not responsible enough for raising kids, which might be a more persuasive argument if you're a heritability-denier.

Good, then the 10% that are left will have many more traditional women who show restraint and don't whore around. It's a good selective process. And actually I think you're full of shit, and this kind of thing appeals to more women than you think.

Shaming nonvirgin sluts works on two fronts:
-It will flatter the responsible virgin women out there that we celebrate and uphold their restraint so much, and will attract them to white nationalism. I've seen several femanon posters who were uncertain and insecure about being virgins, because they were brainwashed by kike propaganda to think it's a bad thing. And those women were very happy to find that guys on Holla Forums love virgin women, and greatly covet them.

-The huge whores will get enraged and leave. Good, because we don't want huge whores to be the mothers of our children (unless you're a cuck like the guy I'm replying to).

-For the women who are on the fence about the issue of virginity and sluttiness, this shaming will succeed in pressuring many of them to behave in a way that will make them attractive to handsome, masculine white nationalist men. You might not believe this, if you're completely oblivious, but there are a lot of women getting into white nationalism and Holla Forums. Just as many women flooded into videogames in pursuit of more male attention, there are tons of women trying to cash in on the male attention for being anti-feminist, traditionalist, and/or white nationalist. Wherever male attention exists, there will be women out there who seek it.

So, this strategy will both attract the kind of women we want, and filter out the kinds of women we don't want. I speculate that very few women that we *actually want* will be turned away by our slut-shaming. And the difference between my speculation and yours, is that your speculation is an entirely baseless slippery-slope claim that everything will go wrong if we slut-shame, with nothing to back this claim up.

No, I think anyone who has a pair of testicles, including myself, will continue to shame whores and cucked white-knights like you who defend them, and say we shouldn't slut shame or it'll hurt the whore's feelings.
>"muh cause"
I don't think there is any greater shill phrase than "you're hurting the cause!". You think you're the arbiter of what is or isn't right for any of us to say? You think we shouldn't slut shame because it'll make your "cause" look bad? You and I don't fight for the same cause, you faggot kike. I don't like you speaking as though someone died and made you king of Holla Forums.

Also, your idiotic white knighting and arguing that we shouldn't slut shame really reminds me of another poster around here who does the same. Are you that guy whose jewish dad molested him and calls himself a "mischling", and goes around white knighting because he's clearly insecure about his girlfriend being a used-up whore? If you're not, my mistake, you just seem so similar. I guess all cucks think alike.

A high-quality man will never settle for used goods. And a quality man will never compromise or walk on eggshells, just to avoid hurting someone's feelings. A good man doesn't place some nebulous "cause" above his principles. And that's another important reason that we should slut-shame, because women will recognize the strength and masculinity in a man that does not compromise or settle for whores, and who lives by a strong set of principles.


women will recognize the strength in a man that has at lest 6 zeroes in his bank account, if not 7

You fucked-up the last one, user. Should be LIBERATING.

Third one is entirely fucked-up. INT isn't a word, the grammar that eat dick lacks punctuation and is entirely too long for reasons that are unclear you should shorten it also mentioning 'brown' people will alienate normies just sayin


implying good traditional women wear low-cut tops.