Am I a faggot for playing on easy mode? I've played hard games...

Am I a faggot for playing on easy mode? I've played hard games, but most of the time I find the extreme difficulty stressful. Sometimes I just want sit back, relax and breeze through a game without a whole lot resistance. Does that make me less of a man?

Depends on the game. I for one think your position is perfectly reasonable, sometimes you just want to unwind. As long as you don't demand games to be dumbed down like certain people I won't quote.

I have a friend that plays every game on the hardest difficulty.he thought everyone did this. he takes longer to finish his games but I am sure he is having more fun than I am.


Considering game mode means larger bullet spong enemies most of the time, no you should not feel ashamed. It's very rare that a game actually really changes the game because of difficulty setting. 90% it's enemies have more health, and you take more damage.

yes, you're a fucking pussy and BAD at videogames.

whats the point of a game if it doesn't provide a challenge and the most possible hours of entertainment?

thats like going to watch a movie which you pay 20 dollars for and thinking "oh man, 2 hours is TOO LONG, can't i get a 45 minute resume?"

kill yourself.

Nothing wrong with that. Some games are just fun to play without maxing out the difficulty.


If that's where you're most comfortable, then go for it. I'm personally bored by easier difficulties most times.


Yes that's fine. Cheat Engine was created for a reason. Don't listen to the fags here, they're NEET cucks. Video game is the only source of their feeling of honor.

Video games are all about interactivity, about being presented with mechanics, understanding them and mastering them. If you don't want a game to challenge you then it's really no different than watching a movie. If everything is easy and obvious then the interactivity has been trivialized, making gameplay pretty much pointless.

Why not just play on normal mode? Usually games are balanced around that mode to make it as fair as possible.

You might not be a faggot but you're definitely not a man.

Easy mode for most games is really dumbed down to the extremes and usually the hardest mode is just enemies getting bonus(more health,bulletsponge,etc.) or straight up cheating.

However this nigga is right:

Nothing wrong OP, easy mode is there for a reason, maybe you can get the hang of mechanics or learn a thing or two that you are lacking to success in the harder difficulties.

But you re still a pussy until you beat hard mode

its there for facebook-using babies who can't handle a challenge.

god forbid a normalfag or a woman try to play godhand in any difficulty level higher than 2, at least the game mocks them for it.

Some people get their validation from beating hard shit and overcoming hardship.
Other people get it when they are told that it's okay to play on easy mode,makes them feel likr they are part of a herd

Why would you care what anyone here thinks?

Is it singleplayer? No one cares.

Nobody else is that shit.

Most of the time hard mode just means health and damage multipliers so no. I only play whatever difficulty is marked as the intended difficulty, but that's just me.

Shouldn't you just play video games because it's fun?


You casual faggotrons is why video games are becoming easier and easier all the time.

Stop it.

Soulsfags, pls go

user, nothing personal but the unspoken rules of the board force me to post this image.


Yes because no one ever thought like that before Demon/Dark Souls came out

I make it a point to play and judge the game on its normal. If it is too easy, I don't have any delusions that hard mode would fix the game because of these guys said. >>9734438

The only time that I felt this assumption was wrong is with FO:NV where Hardcore mode definitely the way to play the game.

To answer your question, yes; you are a faggot; and yes, you are less of a man.

I guess that I'm going to post these to bully OP.

It depends on the game.
Sometimes the only difference between difficulties is bloated numbers or enemy counts, so going with Normal difficulty is usually the best experience since that's what the game is designed in mind with.

Other times you'll have more unique difficulty settings where different levels are actually challenging and better designed experiences than lower difficulties and not just added tedium to the game. By opting out on this, you are giving yourself a lesser experience just to avoid challenge, in which case you are a faggot.

This is why I like to play my initial playthrough of a game on normal/hard mode, so I can focus more at acclimating myself to the gameplay.

If there's a new game+ option I tend to replay the game on easy mode so I can pick up any upgrades I may have missed on my first run.

you need to step it up, if that game is what you relate the most with difficulty

I mean, whatever floats your goat, I just don't see the appeal in "easy mode"

When was the last time you failed at something in a game while playing at maximum difficulty anonymous? When was that game released?
Personally it was a few days ago when i played STALKER SoC for the last time, and it was released in 2007.

The guy in the first webm is retarded. New Vegas is railroaded, so you still get a natural difficulty curve by following the game's main questline and tackling the other areas when you're ready. It is a bit dickish to new players though, since your first instinct is to take the shortest path to Vegas, and you don't really realize it's the most dangerous path until you get gangraped by cazadores.

also forgot to add, fucking around doesn't count. it doesn't count if you failed a mission in GTA because you tried to run around blowing up police cars in the way, you have to be trying to win

If you are able to pay attention to what people were saying, everyone in Goodsprings will tell you that taking the northern path is DANGEROUS.
It's not a matter of dicking the player over, but rather dicking over the hasty and unprepared.

There were a shit ton of warnings.

This, however plenty of games nowadays give warnings for absolutely no reason. Recent example is dark souls 3 where there is a branch just before the first bonfire with a message to turn back. Turns out its a oversized crystal lizard that does fuck all.

What reason do the townsfolks have to lie to you? Also, Victor would save your ass again if you go there.

DS3 has a lot more messages like that than the other games, presumably during playtesting players were getting their asses kicked to that crystal lizard and complaining.

OP here. Even I'm not that shit!