Losing control?
Looking forward to any games?
Losing control?
Looking forward to any games?
Other urls found in this thread:
Evenin' folks.
Come on over to the 4am cytube. Listen to music, post music, chat, or just simply lurk. Up to you. (Music from 4AM-6AM EST.)
We are watching Gundam F91 today.
CPU finally shit the bed. I could still play old games despite it acting up, but today it started crashing while just reading. At least I have my phone.
Video games are dead. All that remains is vidya porn.
Morning everyone~
I need to somehow stay up until 7pm tonight and I woke up yesterday at like 2pm.
Is gif related how you reacted to E3?
howdy 4am
Time flies when you're having fun.
You going to be able to get a replacement or anything soon?
Welcome back! Whats new with you?
How can you live without vidja?
Other than that, how ya doin Kanji?
Been feeling like a million bucks lately
Found out that Ciircuit is alive and well and he made me some new lewd stuff of Bloatfly-chan.
Not only this but I beat Nuclear Throne after over 100 hours of trying.
I'm already really tired so I'm out, spoiler is Ciircuit's new shit obviously. If there's anything you wanna say to me I'll have to read it in the morning.
I want to play vidya with Bloatfly-chan
You'll never make it.
Been well over a week since my last drink. Whiskey never tasted to good.
This is what broke me.
VR Future Live. I'm going to get a Nogamestation 4 and the spycamera for it, and VR Project Diva X too. Maybe next year.
What fer?
Feelin goods good enough!
My dad is awake, what the fuck is going on?
Is… is it really 4 AM now? :(
I've been playing Robobot all night. I'm sorry; I bought it full-price. S'okay though, since I have money in my wallet to deposit anyway.
Think I might call off tomorrow, since I sprained my toe. It's swelling, but I put ice on it and took some acetaminophen.
Sup motherfuckers
Me and Joey made a little plan to test some guy's trust because he hates me but is friends with Joey
I'm gonna fake a suicide, it'll be funny
Explain the Raiden pic. And are you going to keep adding to your list of avatars you use? Its at tomboys, mila, yakuza, your raiden pic and star trek at this point.
Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to find pics of your waifu. Or husbando in his case.
I got enough coffee to kill a horse and 3 packs of cigs. I'll be fine.
Ayy everyone
Suddenly invested in two mmos with friends. Dont know how to manage that and still be a functioning member of society.
I just wanted to play video games.
You'll be fine
Good to hear you're on the up and up muchacho.
To be fair, I didn't play much attention to it. Mostly play older games anyhow. Did used to pay attention to Nintendo's conferences in past years until NoA and Treehouse started to ruin everything of interest.
Hope you have your files backed up.I've got old stuff from '06/'07 halfchan I'd hate to lose.
So someone on here might have the answers I'm looking for; if you're not the one who does then go ahead and ignore this post
1. Is Skullface dead or alive?
2. What do I need to know about Old Ray?
3. If you're as good as they say, then what's something that clearly identifies me?
Even now I'm pressing on it and the true pain is hiding behind the Tylenol.
I had no expectations so they couldn't let me down. They still did.
Probably but with shipping time it could be a while
So I will get enough sleep to be able to come to 4am on saturday and still hang with yozanon.
Ask him?
What you gonna do tomorrow?
Look for a better job. Try to start my career in IT. Unfortunately, it looks like all the entry-level shit has been soaked up by needy teenagers fresh out of school.
I walk around with an always bleeding infected ingrown toenail
You'll be fine
Godspeed proto-cowboy.
I used to be able to stay up 30 hours, no problem at all. I'm getting old.
Ahh well thats not too bad at least. Could be worse.
You can still do that toe or no toe.
nothing much, same old, same old.
I have to move out by july or, im fucked.
I rarely look forward to any games anymore
I don't expect anything and I am still let down.
That's how it is nowadays.
In other moment.
Not a hard drive issue but I keep recent backups of the important stuff. Chkdsk came back ok so not worried. Just annoyed.
Not really. Got project mirai dx as an impulse buy. I had a gift card I'd never cashed out and bought a used copy. I hope I don't regret it, but so far it looks OK. Didn't know there was go and a puzzle fighter game. I'm also looking for killer 7, since I want to play it on a crt at 3 in the morning to get the unease feeling set to a maximum.
I got a shit ton of other games I still need to finish, but I'm going to focus on beating deus ex first.
I'm not you.
Super Robot Wars V is getting me excited for the new trend of Asia English releases. I hope they make a Gihren's Greed game for the vita
Got dumped but I'm fairly relieved, it means I didn't have to end it.
What were they doing to you?
Black churches have a weird idea of how angels work.
See this
I've been posting Raiden at the start since like forever. In fact, I used to be a straight up Raiden poster.
Good to move on ain't it. Only thing I'm looking forward to is the new Spidey game.
I got what I expected really, expected worse tbh.
Going to be weird since I'm usually on it in my spare time. I guess I could watch tv
I've been playing Dark Souls 2 with a friend since he felt ripped off by the lack of poise and wanted to play the Scholar edition. I'm impressed to see people still playing it, maybe they thought the exact same.
I guess I'm looking forward to Bannerlord, but nothing else really, it's been rather disappointing
Why you gotta move out? You live with your dad right?
Do you like mountain blade? Did you see the open source thing in the thread?
Time to get a waifu!
Unhappy relationship I assume?
Breath of the Wild looks great
I'm really pumped for it, looks actually fun
Welcome to the club.
A sad existence. Just work on your backlog and wait for the industry to crash.
Kitty has some real bad diarrhea, never seen it this bad before.
He's had some sporadic bouts here and there but they lasted like a few hours then he was fine for weeks/months, but today its real bad, its like he's shitting water.
No homo
Good point
But don't worry, it'll go down soon
I'm liking the hunting aspects, but I'm afraid of what the overall product will become.
I had fun at the Trump Rally in Dallas. even though it was great Ihad fun being part of something.
although I may have gotten a little to excited and power leveled a bit against the degenerate cross dresser.
I just didn't really feel anything for her.
It wasn't unhappy, just soulless. After the honeymoon period we just realised we didn't have anything in common. Was fun though.
Yeah, yeah. I heard in the discord. I hope you get better.
So you do just continually add avatars!
Its nice to mix it up some times. Go to a used book store and pick up something you think looks interesting.
I've done that! Twice! One was a fictional character!
I know who you are!
Sounds fun!
My record was 96. Now staying up for 14 is damn near impossible.
project mirai
Is it worth buying a 3DS for?
You taking anything for that depression user?
Ohhhhh shhhhhhhiiiitt…
Lack of poise really seems like a killer to me since all I use is heavy weapons.
I can't say I haven't felt that before fam.
Time to go to the vet.
DnD night faglords
Does anyone ever just get these flashbacks of fucked up shit you either did or watched, and your brain just starts hurting and you can't help but just close your eyes and die internally?
Or is it just me?
Considering your current condition right now coffee probably isn't a good idea
Honestly, it doesn't sound like it was that bad.
You just didn't have much chemistry at all.
You should probably try again with someone better or did what Ritsu did and get a waifu
I've been trying to avoid just one for a while. Might just stick with one.
Whats holding you back from getting the job other than depression?
Might do you some good user.
You going to take him to a vet?
So you are about to be arrested then?
I'll try, just had to drop 130 on another cat's dental stuff.
I suppose you expected it, right user?
Have lots of books but trouble focusing on them. Might finish The Diamond Age. Concerned with how often my pc parts die in the last year or so.
Going to one today. Gonna try to flag down a reporter and try to pass off as a spic or a sandnigger, whichever I see less of. Here's hoping it works and I land in the paper.
which route is that?
I bet it's Hayes. Motherfucker's caffine addiction finally catching up on him.
some stupid spic who works 9am-5pm started shit with my dad.. WHO IS HIS BOSS WANTED HIS JOB. and my dads boss said some stupid shit. Pops blew up and fucking now were being punished. also my dad cooks for us, gets no sleep, in constant pain and gives 110% everyday and to pay him back i hub his feet. because somebody needs to spoil him
What kind of drugs were you on?
Mines only 50.
I started back on the coffee a few days ago. Can't keep avoiding stuff I like just waiting for it to happen. Gonna drink this weekend too.
Which one?
You mean like cringy shit?
How long have you been making these threads? I remember being in a few a year or two back but completely forgot about them because of school.
Holy fuck pets are expensive.
3DS has a pretty nice collection of games that I'd say it would be worth it to pick one up. Try to find a 3ds that you can softmod for that sweet vidya.
Local doctor legally said I cant work, other one is 5 hour drive a way. He hasnt given me my prescription yet either. Good old Canada.
Well, that's the only right way to play user
no, at most I'm on some faggots hitlist.
one of those young spics was looking at me pure hatred in his eyes as a race traitor praises lord trump with open carry.
shoutout to Urabe for drawing his rendition of the time I triggered a Tranny.
Sounds like its time to just get a 100% fresh build.
So you both are moving out together then?
Was worried something happened between you too. Good luck either way.
I woke up at 11:30pm last night. It's now 9:10am here so hopefully I can stay up to fix my sleep pattern.
Just the honeymoon period, as in the bit shortly after 2 people hook up. We aren't married.
I prefer 3D too much to waifus
But yeah no chemistry, just gotta move on and try and find that perfect grill for me.
Always user, been burnt 3 times this year so far by 3DPD.
Lewd is fun, even if it just feels like friends with benefits.
At least it ain't humid.
Well, the main thing has been that I have plenty of classics I never got to play when they were current, so there's stuff to keep me occupied there. But I'm not overly fond of the current industry, and the way that more and the current localization climate hasn't been helping things in a number of cases.
I have been considering perhaps picking up Nights of Azure since some other user brought up good things about it, but it would probably be another year or two before I actually get a PS4 to play it on (not much sense in buying a system before it has enough of interest to warrant doing so). Mainly wanting to avoid an issue where it's easy enough to find now, but a year or two later becomes a scalper item and a lot more expensive.
I hope you don't mean you grinded on them.
Yakuza, mostly because it didn't help stop gay shit. Now that that's over..
I'm so sorry to hear this user.
Similar but not the exactly the same. More regret than anything. I try my best to push through it.
thanks m8
I know that feeling. You're free now.
sorry about your dog. that's rough. try adding some sauce to your rice. you can pretend its curry!
Details, details, let's go!
Also, how early should houstonfags get there if they want to get in?
I come here on and off, used to be here way more back in October though, but shit went crazy here with people complaining about waifuposting and circlejerking etc.
Fuckin' jelly. Weather here is gonna be shy of yours by about 15 degrees, but the humidity will more than make up for it.
Remember to love your waifu, anons
So are you getting money from the gov then?
Definitely on a list now for being homophobic.
Good luck! I hate doing it so much.
I just think it'd be more fun if it wasn't soulless
I feel ya. I've just been playing old games from the PS2 and Xbox era. It's more fun than Ubisoft's shit.
You'll be good nigga. I hope so.
This, I want to be up close dammit.
Sorry to hear that user, my dog died a few months ago, still hurts. Hang in there lad.
Don't get me wrong, it would be way more fun if it was passionate.
I will forever miss the tomboys.
Every second of my laifu.
You stole my fucking trips faggot
I have yuri too
I give up on fixing this post fucked typing on phones>>9732433
Fuck it, just set your alarm early then chug down like 3 cups then
It helps if you have a spare energy drink in your house.
Pretty much
Or general regret for an action at some point.
I try, but it feels like its getting harder.
It used to last for like a second then back to normal but now its goes on for like 10 seconds and all I can do is just freeze and just close my eyes.
Where the fuck are you, Wolfspider, you goy
Why bother?
I'm not sayin they're gone forever.
I'll never forget
All the time.
He usually gets in here later.
Lost control of my life
Damn, keep these going though man the few i participated in were great.
He's always late.
I don't have one but if I did it would be Izanami or Margaret.
it takes alot to fucking upset me. i was homless.
I almost got into a brawl with some dude because he was shit talking my friends brother.
We have a fucking DnD game to do and he's our healslut.
You have my pity.
Might if I have to. Would rather be fully awake though.
How are you ok with posting such lewd stuff of your waifu here anyway? Are you an exhibitionist? Is she?
>Oh so you mean that holohoax?
Later we started chanting for Trump against a bunch of mexicans and nigs.
I blame his britfag bongtimezone bullshit.
And the 363636 guy, where are you. Goy.
Your time will eventually come user
Anyone else travel a lot? I miss the sensation of being on a plane. I want to go back to my home country and experience the stuff I missed when I was younger. I miss having my family apart from my parents and siblings around.
It's funny, from all the years I've been there, I've never once visited Machu Picchu.
Reminder that this is a Satan free thread. No devil worshiping, making contracts with demons, etc. are to take place in this thread. I saw some dark shit going on in here yesterday and it better not happen again.
I didn't even think there was one decent mmo to play current, what 2 are you playing.
But who will post tomboys if you don't?
wait until Monster Hunter G comes out then get a 3DS XL
The honeymoon period is the few months after you get married while you are on the honeymoon, Fam.
Be more careful for fucks sake
Used to as a kid when my dad would take me on his business trips during the summer. Tons of fun.
Yeah, one of my family members went to Texas some weeks back to visit some family and, aside from enjoying seeing people, did not like the humidity, nor the bugs that still found ways to bite them up even with long clothes on. I think they're still itching even now.
Only big issue is that there's not much demand for discussion of older stuff. Holla Forums's generally been for more current games/industry discussion, while /vr/ here's dead (and half/vr/ traditionally had a no sixth gen or newer rule, though the rules on /vr/ here are a bit better for that, being up through 2003). And in my case, what I play tends to just not be all that popular.
Hell, even stuff anons like they don't seem to want to talk about that much.
If I had the money I would be travelling all the time. After I finish university I'm going on a large journey, visiting Japan, Canada, Hong Kong etc.
Unless you plan to get other games alongside it, I'd say no. There is a nice amount of good games like KI:U and monhun, but if you don't really have any games that catch your eye I'd stay away.
You are making me even more sad that I haven't been to one of his rallies. I think the ones he did in my state wouldn't have been as crazy as the next one at least.
Whats stopping you from going reg?
No, I made a lot of fucking money from my previous job (crisis prevention center/call line/youth shit). Im good for a few years. If I make it that far.
Yeah, losing my dog was hard.
It's only going to get harder the more you think about it. You're going to keep thinking about it more.
How am I not surprised?
Texas is a special kind of Hell.
Peru? Why would you be staying there?
Sup guys. How are you guys? Getting enough exercise?
If you've got what I'm looking for let me know, I won't respond most likely but I'll get the info through the grapevine one way or another
Just one more lead would be nice, but I'm not expecting it, nor am I expecting to like the answers I may or may not get
I've got my suspicions of you lot, I wouldn't be surprised if there's at least one impostor hidden amongst you
is this over yet
The English-translated version of Monster Hunter X has been playable for a long time for pirates.
Nope. I need to get back on it. Eventually.
Shit man. You really are Kanji.
Nigga, that outfit isn't lewd in the least. Though she probably is an exhibitionist.
I'll post when I want to.
Yeah, I feel ya.
Well thats good at least. Sorry about the dog. I'm going to die a little inside whenever my cat goes. Shes the only physical thing that ever gives me comfort.
Exercise is for the week. You made it early for once sort of!
I'm trying, taking a day off to rest but I really need to start doing more cardio, I feel my heart getting worse.
Take a shower.
I've been swimming more. feels real good.
Not until you give up user. Go beat life at it's own game, but remember to take a shower first
The suffering from leaving the pills is hell for the first week, and sucks dick for the first month, but it gets easier after that.
I thought this was just an anime thing.
Well then that means you have to post lewder! It will make her happy.
I got interviewed a few times. I think I kept my power level on a low on those. hell I think my mom got some interviews and helped her fellow spics get on the right side.
I still kinda regret the holohoax thing, in my mind I was going to say something else but holohoax was the first thing to come out
How can you say you love her if you don't beat off to black men impregnation her
Is that you Ritsu?
Shit taste tbh fam.
My family on my mother side is Peruvian, I was born and raised there.
Same here. Lived a luxurious high-class life in India, Colombia, Switzerland, etc.
Yeah. I would do the same, given the chance. Maybe visit some of the poorer countries, do some missionary work.
Money and obligations.
WoW and Runescape
Pls no bully
Nothing wrong ntr etc
I've been told that. One thing i can't stand if a buddy is in trouble. weather fight, money, or some third thing i can't stand seeing people suffer.
sorry about yesterday i came off to strong would you like to talk about our lord and savior Satan.
Do you even love her?
Not the best move yeah.
So does that mean we can find vids of you now? I just gotta find a bearded mexican with a wizards hat right?
Alright, well you anons are always a pleasure to watch/lurk. Thanks for letting me post and vent. Im gonna go eat some rice and pass out.
I already do on a daily basis. Having no car means I bike everywhere I go, you can imagine the sweat produced by a neckbeard that sits on his ass all day
Swimming is awesome, good for you user
I am whoever you want me to be
At least I got my summers now, I never got to enjoy a summer vacation as a mere chillun because he'd always take me. It was fun, but I never got to enjoy a summer break for myself, you know?
Night user~
Cya next time you drop by!
Good luck user and goodnight.
Monster hunter generations but that's about it.
Still hoping the new digimon vita game gets an english release since cyber sleuth sold pretty well.
Just picked up Crashlands. Kinda like monster hunter for mobile once you get past the xD so randum
user… I think you're a faggot.
No problem faggot. Come back around just make sure you don't join the avatarfaggotry. We don't need anymore cancer on Holla Forums.
Can you wear fox ears and a tail then?
I do. Which is why I won't post.
Au revoir niggie.
You moved out? I understand you feeling homesick if you did. As someone who doesn't travel at all seeing the same things over and over again becomes kind of tiring. I guess variety is a basic need of life
Time speeds up in 4am I guess
I sure hope you guys watched this
Yep. Some memories will never go away…
Hopefully we can learn from our mistakes and get on with it. Living in the past is unhealthy.
Just booze and metal. When I was in a band it was easy to just drink and jam forever.
I don't want to brag or anything, but either I'm still in my honeymoon period or I didn't notice it end. it's been years since we started dating and our love still grows stronger every day!
heh, at least we can legally molest our pets! oh god wtf is wrong with this place
have a good meal user. night night ~
Too fucking hot here.
Kind of makes me wish for a neighborhood cat that would come around and say hi once in a while. Was a lot of fun with the neighbor's cat maybe three apartments back, as that one was really friendly and would come over for treats and to be pet.
The issue I've discovered is that, as far as vidya boards here go, it seems like there's a "Holla Forums or bust" mentality, and there's some games/genres anons here just aren't prone to discussing. While the ability to make boards for specific stuff helps some, I've noticed this sort of downward spiral into oblivion with some I've followed, where they might get popular for a bit, but as people leave back to the more broad boards for whatever reason, it just prompts more and more to do the same until that board is dead because there's not enough people to discuss shit with. Or people just don't know about the board anyhow since it's not omnipresent in the top bar.
How can you say you love her if you won't indulge her fetishes?
Are you black?
I just came back from canada. Holy fuck everything is so expensive god fucking damn.
I did watch it, it was fucking great
Yeah, friends are stalling on watching trigun. I don't think the chill office job is going to go through. My cousin couldn't talk to her boss and he's flying out to some mudslime place for a couple weeks. I always have bad luck when it comes to stuff like this. Oh well, I'm going to call a volunteer place tomorrow I guess.
maybe yeah.
also another story
it's hard to believe that a few people there called me charismatic.
its simple give your soul to a demon and gain the thing you most wanted in this world.
you can finally touch your waifu
Would explain the ridiculously high post rate compared to the rest of the board
Just so you know this is me going soft.
Nah, just never really did it as a kid. I can float and do just enough to not drown which is good enough for me.
Happy to hear that user, it's always great to hear a healthy relationship.
That's because the middle east is outbidding them on the only resource they have, along with that wild fire and some shitty political moves Canada's dollar is basically toilet paper at this point
I could if that's the only things I wear
Oh well I cheated in comparison then.
Cats are the fucking best. Mines outdoor/indoor and acts like a pure animal hunting and all that outdoors then comes inside and lays around all cute and shit when shes in.
Your luck is the worst! You'll get one eventually though.
190 replies in 30 minutes is fucking impressive
Time just speeds up
What's your usual workout routine?
You're preaching to the wrong person.
No, this is after conversion. Everything is still almost twice as expensive as it is in America.
Am I being rused? Is there really an unironic Satanist here?
I kind of understand that feel. My summers were always pretty rad though, especially the ones in India.
Nah, I live with my parents still. But we moved to Canada around 10 years ago. It's a family tradition for us to move out at 27.
Admittedly I play for the enjoyment in spending time with friends more so than the actual content.
Ahh shit you are going to end up a high ranking officer in Trump's deportation army.
Which demon?
Sick I don't want to hear about the current state of your penis.
Yes, its not fun running during winter.
Hacking the 3DS is too much effort for me so I haven't bothered with it.
Listen to me and post tomboys instead.
Pretty funny triggering the retard though.
Its no use trying to convince them with logic so keep triggering them instead, not like the pansies leftest have guns.
>WoW and Runescape
You need to be bullied till you get some good taste, you faggot.
Asking for lewds of another mans waifu.
What a terrible person you are.
Well that's not fun at all
Are you at least a qt 2d animu gril?
It's like you're not a complete degenerate or something.
That's what I did for ASSFAGGOTS 2 but then later discovered how fun it was to ruin the game for everyone.
It's very sporadic, but when I do I break it into days. Chest which is usually bench presses or press-ups. Usually aim for about 50-60 on each. Then another day I'll do arms which is just curls. Another I'll do sit-ups then finally end with prisoner squats.
I'm probably not the best to talk about it though since I'm a skeleton.
ever heard of a pool user? the kind that you can stand in with your feet reaching the bottom?
I'll never understand people who let their cat outdoor. Mine's fatter than garfield, so I know he can't run for long, but I couldn't stand to lose him
Mine were aight, but there was shit for vidja other than fucking atari 2600's and internet cafe's with horrifyingly slow connection. Plus I never got to play with my friends during the summer back in the states, which sucked.
I swam for years on end as a kid but haven't in about a decade. I really miss it. You should go to a pool or lake some time and practice.
She will find her way to you one day, don't worry.
I didn't. I mean that that shit's light compared to other shit.
i need to lift weights more. need that upper body. Can't skip leg day because. i'm always moving when i wake up.
Chie is best waifu
Whenever I did go swimming I really enjoyed it but I couldn't do anything fast, which was fine for me. I did nearly drown one time when a wave machine dragged me under though.
Hes the one that said she likes it! I'm doing him a favor.
She was an outdoor cat before I got her and was stray for at least a year or two. She would go crazy inside. Although I am forcing her inside more and more lately.
What the hell is the context for that outfit?
The neighbor's cat could recognize me right from the car, and would generally wait up on the patio walls for me to pull up. He'd jump on the hood before I'd even stopped the engine and start pawing at the windshield.
Really well behaved and cute cat. Shame his owners moved after some domestic abuse that got a forensic unit called in to investigate their place.
What part of canada did you go to anyways?
Good job
I hope so. Probably have to lie on my resume or some shit. It would have been so cool to have that office job though.
Thunder Bay. Nice place.
No idea.
Nice taste.
Who is this nice chick?
a cool one like Orobas of course.
Kind of strange to be honest, I wonder what's behind that. If I remember correctly, Peru doesn't have a very good life standard, so maybe it was the right choice after all. Just visit and don't get very involved I'd say
Ahh well at least you won't drown probably if you end up in the water.
Why don't you get one? Cats are super easy to handle. As long as you are ok with bagging cat liter.
I would love an office job if I got to sit at a computer all day. I'd finish my work super fast and just laze about pretending to work.
Googled it, looks like a nice slightly rural place
Yeah, just really fucking expensive.
Feels good fam. I don't believe I'm that good looking though.
You're a guy aren't you?
Nah, I can float and move extremely slowly. I'm good.
So how does this work? And the waifu thing is guaranteed right?
I know that feeling, I get compliments but there are times I look in the mirror and hate myself.
Looks kind of raw, satan
Hail satan
Anywhere in Canada is pretty comfy, especially small rural/suburban towns. My home is right next to a fleuve, I'm living the life just like my vietnamese motion pictures
It's dlc they add for some shit. They add a lot of shit. For example, Senran Kagura.
I'm allergic to cats, so I just have to make do with hanging out with neighborhood ones that aren't skittish and then washing my hands really good afterward.
Same happened to me the last time I trimmed my beard and got a haircut. Feels nice
What the hell is a fleuve?
I was surprised, for the "murder capital of canada" it was real nice and quiet.
every day
just as planned!
hopefully he's dead
Sounds like Holla Forumsposting irl! SOUNDS LIKE FUN! I SHOULDA GONE TO TRUMP IN MICHIGAN! I think I will when he campaigns there for the general! Glad you weren't attacked by those barbarians!
That's what I was afraid of. Guess I'll just wait on the nogamestation 4 to get more affordable and to get some games
He'll campaign for the general election. Now would be a good time to see him. He'll be back.
Raw sex is best sex
No you are being a terrible friend fam.
Just an original drawing by an artist.
I shaved recently then got asked for ID from the Bottle store I go too.
Feels bad I look too young now.
Gotta head off early today so I can make it to that rally ahead of schedule. Will try to update you guys on how it went tomorrow, everybody take care.
Yeah that would be great. Oh well plan B is that security guard shit I guess. Do you ever get nervous calling someone on the phone? I hate talking on the phone for some reason. Reason I ask is because I have to call that volunteer place tomorrow. I want to keep myself busy over the summer.
Damn that really really sucks. Sorry user!
Get a hairless one!
Maybe. My state is in the bag though.
I live on a bike path in a small town. It's nice but they are building lots of McMansions because rich people like it here
It's nice to dress nicely every once in a while, especially if you have people that will notice. I might not be good looking, but I can at least look pretty damn decent
Goodnight lad.
One day I'll visit Canada, always wanted to as a teenager but plane tickets are like £400-500 here.
But hes posting lewder and lewder stuff of his own free will now. Look!
Later smoke! Good luck!
If I ever have to take a phone call I go smoke a cigarette and pace around in circles to calm myself. I hate that shit.
you must create a way to connect to their dimension to ours, speak in the ancient tongues and give them a offering.
this user gets it.
mon nègre
I don't know the word for it. Big river stream that pours into the ocean
night, smokey
I told ya so.
Watching drunk-as-fuck Mike play Mario.
I know your pain friend. I am also a spooky skeleton. I only run, i should do strength training but I'm not quite sure where to start.
Sounds like a lot of work. I'll just get a tulpa at that rate.
Ahhh gotcha!
Well I'm sure you two get a lot of quality alone time together if you know what I mean.
I don't believe you.
I look like I am still in high school. Probably could get a gf from one if I wanted to get arrested for pedophilia.
I wear whatever I have lying around and don't usually tend to my look all that much. Mostly out of laziness.
Yesterday I looked at photos of me as a kid and it's terrifying how skinny I was. I still am a skeleton but it was eye opening, I've gained a little weight but I'm still only 130lbs at 6ft
Eh, a friend of mine at least has a really fluffy Russian Blue or something that's always happy to be around people and will even greet people at the door, so I can see that one when I got over there. Which is admittedly pretty rare since he's busy with work.
not a big fan of breakfast tbh
Welp, i'm going to bed. But before I do, might as well end cap something that happened last time I was here.
About a week ago I was the user talking about playing battle network with his sister, I tried calling her throughout the week but she kept ducking me because apparently she thinks i'm trying to borrow money or something. But thanks anyways for convincing me to try, since I got my own place I don't really talk to anyone anymore and reaching out felt kinda nice.
Good Night Anons.
There is no lewd going on, get your mind out of the gutter.
She a cutie though, you still have that tomboy manga to read I linked you.
Or if you wanted to smash your head through a wall from dealing with the pointless drama and stupidity of a teenager
Hey, Woolie.
I'm a NEET weeaboo shut in loser by choice. Not forced into it.
Nice! Those things are adorable.
Have you stared to loyalty test yet?
just draw this and start offering.
Sorry about the sis. Night user! Cya next time~
Hello Holla Forums, I was out drinking alone and honestly considering to end it all and had a moment of what I honestly consider to have been divine clarity and it has driven me here to deliver you all a message.
I want you all to know that despite being awake at 4AM, and some of you possibly feeling that your life is possibly going down the toilet and being wasted, that you are loved.
No matter where you go or what you do or don't do, someone loves you whether you are aware of it or not. You are loved by someone, and no matter what. Even if you are a filthy degenerate with no family or friends, God also loves you. And for all of you who feel you have no one I want you to know that I love you, and I hope you find your happiness and do what you want with your life, you deserve to be happy anons, and I know that you will be someday.
night user!
That too. If I ever wanted to be driven away from 3d as quickly as possible that would be the way to do it. It's already too late though fam.
You should try to not be one then, faggot.
It depends on the situation. I normally just wear whatever's first in the basket when I have no plans. If I'm going out to do something I normally use some clothing I consider to be decent, and I either get my hair on a ponytail or just use hairgel. If I'm going somewhere that demands proper clothing I have my suit ready
Do you mean the food itself or eating in the morning?
And britbong breakfast looks horrible anyway.
Scroll up!
I can't draw though.
Thanks user, glad you didn't go. Hope you can cheer up soon.
I do plenty. For her.
If you stopped comparing yourself to other people you could cut your woes in half. Disconnect from social media and worry about the AC and your hemmerrhoids and your ruined shirt.
Spend as much time with her as you can and make as many memories as you can. Take it from a guy who's lost many pets but still feels the burn of losing every one of them.
Yeah. Nice Naoto though.
Thanks, fam.
Skip straight to lunch, that's how I roll
These were huge back in my hometown. I used to be notoriously known as that one kid that destroyed everyone in starcraft. For my 18th birthday I checked a few of the places out and demolished all the "pros" in Sc2 as well. People in developing countries are godawful at RTS games
My early childhood was also defined by bootleg consoles. It wasn't until we moved to Canada that I even began on my PS1/2 craze
I can attest to that. But my grandparent's place is wonderful, my family name is respected and well known, and I'm a fluent English speaker from Canada with an actual education.
>announce that I'm going to pull an
Why? NEET life is the best life.
I do. Shes with me every time I smoke!
And you were calling us crazy the other day when we were talking about it. We are rubbing off on you.
do you want to touch your waifu or not, isn't there a draw thread or something you can go to?
Isn't that Makoto from idolmaster
I'm too energetic to go to sleep and too bored to be awake.
what do?
I still don't have a daki, so no.
Thanks nigga.
sell your soul of course.
Music nigger
do you accept pay pal?
Those are always the worst feelings. At least next time you get a chance like that you will remember the pain and have the balls to pull through.
I'd probably forget and just ask for a pic of Ritsu.
Neither do I
Just finished Castle Storm
Thanks user. I was expecting you to finish your post with "Just remember you're not Anthony Burch."
That's usually my line of logic as well but in most cases I don't really need to put much thought into what I wear. I have absolutely no fashion sense tbh.
kek. Sounds like a very unfulfilling life.
Play Quake.
You lyin piece of shit.
I'm really glad I didn't close my laptop or my tabs when going to brush my teeth.
Thanks user, this really hit home for me. I hope you find your own happiness aswell.
G'night, 4 srs this time
Stare at your screen for a few more hours until you're tired enough to sleep. That's always how it ends up going with me.
Think of the bright side, you spoke to a woman without dropping your spaghetti. Next time you'll ask for her number user I know it.
You should've asked user, but that would have been pretty hard, I know I would have hesitated too. Still, you learned the lesson if somehow you get a similar chance
I get to spend all day with my waifu, playing games, and doing anything else I want. Pretty fulfilling if you ask me.
I've complained on here tons about needing to get a custom daki and not being able to afford it.
maybe saying the word sell causes a lot of confusion, let me rephrase.
They are 3DPD for a reason, 2D is love
Never, no lewds happening at all.
Breast binds are pretty nice since you get the fun of taking the bindings off.
You are a weak faggot for playing the worst mmo WoW currently.
No Makoto is different.
he is wrong.
Kind of hard to have fashion sense when it's constantly changing. It's nice to be simple with what you wear, it saves you a lot of trouble. And at the end of the day, what matters the most is that you feel comfortable with what you wear
Do you have fast metabolism or something? I have a barbell at my house, I heard that's the most effective way to get strength. Maybe I should use it.
Yeah. I gotta force myself to take the phone call tomorrow. I'm also having sleep problems, I keep waking up at 3 pm everyday. Sleeping just feels too good.
You should drink some booze
I wake up at 3pm every day too.
But I go to sleep at like 11am
But where will you get the money to buy merchandise of your waifu?
Oh, really. I always thought you had one, but whatever.
Yep. Spats are great too.
I'll take your word for it.
Whatever you did, it was probably the right thing to do at the time. In this case, atl east it was lulzy.
Hanging around, showing support even though you didn't get in, that kind of devotion is what will win this election against crooked Hillary.
I'm willing to sell my soul for 150 bucks
it's just enough to cover basic shit till I get a job.
How long is that going to last? What will you do when the funbux stop flowing? And again that doesn't sound very fulfilling at all.
I should watch NHK again but I think I've seen it too much.
But what will happen when me wifi becomes 3d catbra-user?
I suppose so.
I'd love to blame my metabolism even if it is very fast, I only have myself to blame for not eating more. But those times have ended and I'm slowly building up. You should start lifting user, better now than later. Get some dumbbells too.
The government probably.
I worked my legs on Tuesday. Air Squats get my thighs sore for days, and I've been doing them for a couple weeks now. I finished doing chest today.
I'm a lightweight, and I'd like to put on more muscle.
have any of you anons ever experienced sleep paralysis, would you like to share your story ?
Well I just stocked up on a few more figures.
I'll get a shitty job for a month or so then quit before I kill myself like always.
You are confusing me for name.
Just adderal.
Going to bed. To dream of the lovin waifu. Night friends!
Well, you always pressured me. Shit.
Maybe the father didn't give it to her, because he didn't like how you looked?
Forgot to post other pic.
I can last a long while for next to nothing. If I work a crappy min wage job for a month I can last at least 6 before working again. I only worked for like 3 weeks this year and have been fine.
Night yakuza~
This user gets it. Blessings on your road to recovery. You got the big G on your side but the battle isn't over yet.
WoW isn't the worst and its actively trying to kill itself.
A few times, the first was something at the end of the bed staring at me. The second it felt like I was stood up and a masked figure was violently patting me down. The third I was lying on my chest and it felt like something was humping me. Haven't had any more though.
Goodnight mate.
I am, gonna run out of vodka.
You should of done so in the first place.
Have a lewd version of her then.
Am I too drunk or does that not make any sense at all?
That was supposed to be in italics. I'm tired. It's time to sleep.
Goodnight everyone. Jesus loves you and all that, remember to expel the demons.
Sleep tight
Always good to stock up on them, I wish mine had more figures I could buy
Kill yourself? That's kind of extreme now is it. I mean, it's a small and probably part-time job.
Sweet dreams.
How many nights does a bottle last you anyway?
Night reg~
Good seeing you in a thread!
I meant my waifu homes. Fug, I still need to hop on IRC at some point.
That's a small dick.
i always thought sleep paralysis had to do with terror not pleasure ?
I don't handle stress well.
Whos your waifu? Luckily Ritsu has a billion figures. Its hard for me to pick which one I want next.
I'd love to, but where do I start exactly?
Dang you don't get much sleep then.
you're a small dick
Depends. For a while it was 2-3 hours a day but I'm falling back into oversleeping again I think. I'd probably sleep closer to 12 lately if construction wasn't being done my house.
It is the one MMO that killed the genre and made all mmo's made after it shittttttt.
I normally drink half of a bottle in one night then ration the rest over the rest of the week.
So When my waifu becomes 3D?
When that happens you go out, buy cat lingerie for her and put her in it.
Oh I was thoroughly spooked.
I do mine at home, far too insecure to go to a gym right now. I bought some nice weights on amazon then went on /fit/ for advice on proper technique etc. Diet is one of the most important parts too. I believe I'm making progress on my own at home although I'm terrified I'll have some accident.
no u
this image is a scene from an xbox one arcade game that made me cry
That will be fairly low on the priority list fam and besides. According to Ritsu I don't have a waifu fam.
Listen to this man. He is your friend.
That's actually quiet cheap, in the states that surgery would have cost me 500$+ easily but here in PR costs are generally less, one of the very few advantages.
How do you ration half a bottle?
Next time you get that impulse, DO IT! If she rejects you, consider how you're already rejected by not making that advance, and think of it as nothing lost.
Keep making those memories. Make special memories by treating her real nice sometimes.
Shitpost. Or play vidya. Or get in the IRC
Stop impersonating me, fam. I love ya, but come on.
I know that feeling, I work really bad under stress myself. Thing is, sometimes stress is the only thing that motivates me to actually do shit.
Well, the only thing that binds you to that responsibility is cash, so I don't think you should feel bad about screwing up. When you have the freedom to quit jobs at your leisure, there shouldn't be that much stress if you fuck up sometimes.
I've been having conflicting feelings about my waifu situation recently, so I rather not say until I sort my feelings out
Yeah I have a gym membership to use treadmills, but I don't go anywhere near the barbell stuff. I suppose I'll try lifting at home since I have some barbell shit, it's better than nothing. I gotta do some research on lifting then.
I'm always especially nice to her. She used to be really skittish around people from being stray but I train her to be better with people every day. Right now I'm working on making her like being picked up and held.
Ahhh I've been there user. Ritsu wasn't the first girl I thought might be my waifu but once I found her I knew.
I think I'm the least stressed person on the face of this planet
I genuinely don't even know what it feels like, I think the closest thing I feel is sometimes when I'm scared I feel a bit nervous
Oh and about the job. The whole trying to keep a sleep routine and deal with the stress and the social anxiety and everything else just wears me down. After a while I start to lose it.
Just fug me up fam.
Stress and financial pressure is the best motivation. It's the only motivation I have to do anything.
I've decided to learn how to use oracle virtual machine so Ican play the old games I played as a kid. and by games I mean Living books.
I usually sleep around 4 am. This sucks. I need to gain control of my life again. I only really have control when I take morning classes at college.
Be careful user, don't brain yourself or asphyxiate because the bar falls on your neck. You can do it though, get /fit/.
I'm carefree as can be when I'm not working. If anyone remembers how bad I got back in Feb when working they'd know how badly I change while working.
I forgot to attach le ebin avatarfag cancer image
Ritsu is wrong about lots of things though.
By drinking 1/4 of it each night so it lasts two more days.
forgot to ask what are you listening to tonight user ?
It's not an uncommon problem to have here is it? Such is the world of waifu. Still, I feel the time I'll make my decision is coming soon
Well, have you ever studied or had a job? Do you come from a well-off family? There's a lot of reasons you could feel that way.
oh right, i dont have a job lol so maybe thats why
September can't come quick enough.
Discovered a new band a few hours ago, The Parlor Mob.
Is Elder Scrolls Online free any good? is it free?
Don't mess around with that stuff. It's not worth the life time of worrying about an eternity in Hell.
Yeah. I was like awake and asleep at the same time. And it was like, damn, I can't move. Shit. This sucks. Then I went back to REM sleep and dreamed about the waifu.
Make sure to buy essentials like a daki, figs, games, consoles, new computer, etc, before quitting. If you have motivation like that you can suffer for another day!
Oh…thought you were cool and did real drugs….nm….
RIP in piece vodka-chan
I'll miss you when you do, but I know you can do it.
The waifu problems thing? Probably not too uncommon. I don't think many people acknowledge it happening to them though. Although I know it happened to another guy in 4am at some point.
Try working!
This is true fam. I'll tell you but not Ritsu, kek.
why did you steal my image
give it back NOW
Yeah, the sleeping habit kills me as well. As I mentioned, stress hinders my performance. At least I managed to fight my social anxiety and now it's just an uncomfortable feeling that is more of an annoyance than anything else.
Well, you'll be ok as long as you survive to keep loving your waifu
you make it sound not very fun
the wierd thing is that i didnt remember her face
didnt even cared about her looks
it was nice talking to her
she wanted to meet me to know more about me
if i build enough trust we may play vidya and stuff togheter
Meh, I don't think I'm going anywhere. I still showed up to these threads even when I had school. And since I live in commiefornia these threads show up at 1 A.M so it's not too bad.
Do you even feel it at that point?
My computer is fine for what I want. Daki and figs though are a must.
What if shes waiting on the other side though fam?
Nah nah I'm joking its fun do it!
are you trying to make me unhappy
Sounds cute if it's true.
Well, it shows that me and him really care about this. I consider it a reason to live after all.
Oh well thats not horrible. My sleep schedule is always a mess cause its really 4am here when it starts. I'm on 4am extreme mode. Eurofags and others got it easy.
At least your mum will make you feel better if I do.
Not really, but drinking some alcohol is better then none.
push f to pass the whiskey to me.
Please push f
If she is, she'd be very upset that you took the easy way out
Whats the specific problem anyway?
I guess so. I'd do it on an empty stomach and slam those two or so shots you got for a little buzz at least.
well i'm gonna be heading off to sleep now i hope i have spread the message of satan to all of you.
Important Notice:
The Ritsu poster is officially no longer allowed to reply to me.
that was bootyfull
Who's your waifu then?
If you wanna talk about waifu's, me and Ritsu are the ones to trust. At least I think you can trust Ritsu…
That sounds real nice. The ones that demand the most effort are often the ones you develope the strongest bonds with. Yeah. Cherish her.
and got some sweet digits before i leave.
It is as you implied, indecisiveness. After considering my situation I found myself between 2 wonderful girls. Since I'm not a faggot I have to choose between the two, and I won't choose lightly.
I guess… I'll keep that in mind
I don't have one fam. Maybe I did but since I have been told I don't I no longer have one.
Can I reply to you?
Can I have some too fam?
Consider me your rival.
fam, social anxiety, though it causes you great duress, its harmless. Do you really want the dregs you work with to be your friends? No! So why are you anxious! make them your enemies instead! There's a way to flip it, and i know it's easier said than done, but really, they're losers you don't like anyways, so why care if they don't like you?
That's my view on social anxiety anyway.
yeah, next time im going to trust her mom now.
Goodnight lads.
Cut him some slack son
Night and checked user
I've worked hard on her for years to make her the best cat. Shes even trained to came at the backdoor at exactly 7pm.
As much as I like being an asshole to people I don't like, I don't think going around making enemies will be good for his career
Congratulations on getting rid of your delusional love for a fictional character. Have this lewd image of an anime girl to celebrate.
Which one makes your heart go doki doki?
Which one do you find yourself turning to when you need her most?
Which one do you dream about at night?
These are the questions you have to ask yourself.
Easier said than done. Although I might be better at it after socializing so much here.
that's a cute mage.
I just want to teach her spells and shit while having comfy advnetures
thank you took ages to make
yes and you have to reply to EVERY one of my posts and give me lots of (yous)
youll be on my list too if you EVER post karen again without my consent
She is pretty cute.
Or she'd be happy that I couldn't wait another second without her!
plz no lewd the Megu
Here you go.
Night user~
Thanks for the great pics!
I want to explode her happiness gland.
She's pure.
Dammit user, get a grip!
I'll keep that in mind user, thanks for your help. I'll try my best to search my own heart for answers
Pure combustion
this is terrifying
No problem, I'd be lost without Ritsu so I know its gotta suck to be in your position. Hope you find your answer soon!
But fam, I am a push over that listens to follows what everyone says. Obviously I am not joking.
This tbh fam.
Don't you wish to walk the path of exprosions with her?
You would have been summoned, you'd have felt her calling. She wants you to try your best user, and when your time comes you can proudly tell her that you are worthy of her.
Roger that boss
Stand up for yourself user! Listen and follow what I'm saying!
Unfortunately those are all the Megumin 9/11 edits I've seen. Maybe there will be more in the future. Have this weebshit video instead.
That means it's probably more than lust and you're starting to fall in love with this girl. How long have you two been talking?
I'll do my best for her.
Is this show any good?
Does it have any guy characters so I don't have to skip it?
It has a male lead that isn't a faggot like most over male protags.
apart from that it has cute grills
user, control your lewd
Those numbers are a good start m8
I don't watch it. It's probably shit like 99% of jap cartoons. I just think Megumin is cute.
It's a really fun comedy.
The main character. He's basically a NEET like most of us here.
Oh well.
I know how that goes.
make me
Yes, they are.
Who says?
Sounds like a cutie!
You don't quite understand, and
Easier said than done. Although I might be better at it after socializing so much here.
you kind of get it here.
Making enemies is one thing, standing up for yourself in a job environment is another. In a job environment, you are forced together with people you'd never normally associate with. You gotta be tough. You gotta be able to dish it out. And you gotta be able to take it. Yeah, it can be exhausting, but treat it like shitposting and you can prevail. Those guys wanna be there as much as you do. So handle the bants or gtfo fgt.
I just can't into this type of protagonist. It pisses me off.
How dare you post such things in a christian imageboard
Totally fucked up the format here, but I hope you guys figure it out
Ristu because he's a big ol' bully.
His entire shtick is that he's the only competent member of the party.
He's not a neet, he's a shut in.
stop getting it mixed up.
Doesn't the princess bitch call him a NEET? She says it at least 20 times throughout the show.
Its just so draining and wears away at my sanity.
I only bully the ones I love!
Sure, you have to stand firm and never let them trample you. Still, one doesn't need to be an asshole to achieve that. If you are a bastard with your co-workers chances are they'll fuck you over in the long run. It's better to just be civil with them, and if they try anything funny show your teeth. Make them look at you as someone who's chill and nice, but that you don't want to anger.
You're barking at the wrong tree mate
texting for a week and we got togheter today.
kind of funny how similar our situations are
fuck, a few more dates and we could get togheter and play vidya
maybe everythig will go horrible wrong, i hope not
im scared and excited
yeah because she's a bitch. the guy is just a shut in. if anything I assume he died while on summer break or soemthing.
A really good one with a bazillion tetrabytes.
It's not, you better go buy a Vita right now if you want to play it
Overwatch is shit and you shouldn't play it.
I'm your waifu then? This is kind of awkward.
I seriously recommend the show fam. I didn't think the premise was that interesting but the party chemistry's really great.
It can be draining, but its how your co-workers pass the time. And you know what, you can always ignore it if you're not in the mood. Like, really, fuck them, who are they. And some times if you are in the mood, you can shit on them. It's not ever personal, hopefully anyway. It's just dudes shitting on each other, as they do.
I'm no fan of the workplace politics, but damn, I loved shitting on my coworkers, especially when we all ganged up on the guy everyone hated.
I don't normally watch fantasy anime, and I kind of get put off with things like NGNL and the like. Still, I could give it a try and see what's up, but I fear I may be overly critical while watching it. But who knows, it might surprise me.
Also, when an user calls you his waifu, you better take the chance right away. Do it
Dude, you got this. She seems cool, most chicks are flaky and don't give a shit. Go get it, don't waste your chance.
I guess your area of expertise isn't about teamwork? Because that sounds like an awfully toxic environment to me.
Well, as long as you play it smart I guess you can get away with being an asshole, but you're gonna have to be pretty good at what you do
Mobile Suit Gundam F91 is about to start. Get in here.
Fuck off. It's an environment where people from different backgrounds are forced together. Conflict is inevitable. You either toughen up and deal with it or you don't and get fired.
Again, what kind of work do you do? Of course conflict is inevitable, but you'd be more likely to get fired by starting fights than by staying out of trouble
the comfiest fantasy Anime is Lodoss War, the Wizardy OVA, Beserk and Vinland saga.
I never saw the dragon Quest OVAs so Ican't judge.
Escaflowne looks pretty neat so I'm starting to watch that.
not anime but for like action, Yoshihiko is the tits.
Just try it out. That's all I ask of you since I wouldn't want someone to miss it like I almost did.
But this is a dirty, degenerate, in-closet gay NEET we are talking about.
user… you think you're gonna get anything better here?
I'll keep that in mind, thanks user
Iforgot to mention Slayers, don't forget the slayers
Or maybe he's here to shitpost and dump foxgirls, not to pick up fags from the internet.
I've had many different kinds of jobs, and unless you've had a job, you will misunderstand the root and the nature of this conflict.
What kind of work do YOU do?
user… I already have 2d.
This tbh fam. I want to share my love of foxgrils to all and to be a cancerous faggot.
I'm a college student, so I'm basing what I say on common sense and what I've learnt. And I find that such behavior would hinder everyone's performance, at least in my area of work. Of course, I have no fucking clue which kind of job you're talking about, so unless you tell me I can't fully understand where you're coming from.
You are no fun user
Can't argue with that, still, being loved and/or worshiped doesn't sound bad
Since thread's dead I'm posting lewds.
I used to have someone who pretty much worshiped the ground I walked upon. It wasn't that good for me other than stroking my ego.
how to remove ninja maids
step one, get closer to them
the jobs i've held weren't college graduate jobs, so I've worked with the dregs of society. Blame, accusation, scapegoating, whatever it took to pass their personal failures on to someone else, i'm, used to
Common sense is one thing, but the average low-iq citizen concerned about getting laid doesn't care about any higher civilizational ideals.
I'm drunk. I hope this was what we were talking about.
I appreciate your foxgirl dumps user, you have my thanks.
And I would love to hear the details. It was here I presume?
I see. That makes a lot more sense. In those cases you'd be better off trying to step over everyone else on your way to victory. I was looking at it in a more performance oriented perspective.
I appreciate your time user, and I know that if Ritsu was still here he'd have picked up something valuable from this conversation.
No it wasn't here but it was certainly somewhere in the world-wide ocean of the web.
I see. But how would that be bad for you?
Obsession I suppose. I'm pretty sure the guy had a massive crush on me or some gay shit like that. Yeah it certainly strokes my ego when I have someone who's basically my bottom bitch but I don't see it as something healthy to have.
You felt bad for him or something? Because he's the one that wanted to look up to you. You never had any responsibility whatsoever, you could have told him to gas himself and it wouldn't be of your concern. Still, I can understand not wanting to get attached or letting him get too attached. Was he boring to have around? No merits outside of his raging boner for you?
oh my~
I fucked up.
Good job, faggot.
says the user posting reaction images of a trap
You got me, I confess, I'm a huge faggot for you.
And I'm a huge shitposter for you
the thread has dissolved into two fags boning for each other again right?
well, you certainly aren't invited!
I'll just invite my self it's fine
Hey, at least we usually wait until the thread is dead to get all PDA on each other.
No spiders allowed.
u kno it
how can the thread be over if it's still getting posts?
yes spiders allowed!
this thread's gay af
Shut it down Mark.
that's because you suck dicks
Calm your tits, we went to bed anyway.
sleep tight fags.
I don't see you in my bed you fag
for those who missed it