Antifa is organizing to prevent the merging of opposition forces

Furthermore they are attempting to attack the financial structure of these groups.

> [email protected]/* */

> [email protected]/* */

> [email protected]/* */ (CEO @ Stripe)



A conversation they had via reddit

Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking do it. Trespass and give reason to get fucking shot to death, you commie fucks!

Like they'll do anything on private ground in the deep south, pfft, I hope they do so we can an actual body count. Fuck communists.

Don't underestimate their willingness to shoot first

d Your Ground laws (see info in legal below.)**

These cucks think people are actually afraid of them.

How the fuck would stand your ground apply when they are trespassing. It's literally not their ground to stand on.

You mangy feral motherfuckers hate every white that ever lived, is living, and will live and yet you have the balls to call pristine white working class Appalachia "our people." I might go just to spite their commie narrative

Is Antifa really this stupid?

Fuck. I might consider going. I just bought a new rifle.

do these people even read over what they write before posting?

If they had their way Appalachia would be a cesspool of half breeds and trannies. Luckily the mountainous regions (as has always been the case historically speaking) have been resistant to change and domination.

They get their world view from Star Wars and Tarantino movies, fam. They're retards.

castle doctrine dictates that you can shoot people on site if they walk on your property, so the other user is wrong, even if they got shot at first that state has a law protecting the property owner from charges as its in his legal right to kill trespassers

They're literally going to get crucified. Like, actual factual wooden fucking cross with nails. Then they'll torch them. God I hope these fucking idiots go after these guys. They already all got stabbed with their own knives in San Fransisco, I can't even imagine what would happen to these skinny cum guzzling commies in the woods. It'd be a mini-Turner Diaries quarry scene.

We'll see. I have faith that the white residents have an ounce of pride in themselves and their people. Still, I'd like everyone to take a look at the posters. They "equality and american values" will win over some very simple minded Kentucky men and women. May still loathe the swastica and their family for fighting Germany way back in the day. They won't realize who they are fighting even as their organizer's start raising hammers and sickles. I have no idea how many klansman are in the town either. If this is going to work we or someone else has to tell the natives that these "american values" aren't in the slightest. I would love to be proven wrong, I'm a little prone to worry

It's all on whether the Natsoc's canvas enough. They should be making friends with the general store guys in town, spreading the word, being helpful around town, acting polite, the usual stuff. When the time comes for a rally they'll defend themselves fine but it's important to make the town know it's literally communists they're fighting against.

Every fucking time some jew anarchist group emerges, it isn't too long before you find out some jew bank is financing/supporting it. Every fucking time, every decade since the last century and a half, every country and commie government.

Getting flashbacks of Antony sutton right now.

divide and conquer.
at least they got that one right.

what better way to christen it user

Aye, that's what I'm after. If they come in like conquering heroes then they can't expect a warm welcome. I did read that the nationalists shifted most of it to private property. That means that the likelihood of a berkley like skirmish is lessened, but when the nationalists and antifa clash it will be in town. I except alot of car vandalism and hit-and-runs. If this is successful, it not only would be a miracle put it would end so much of the infighting in nationalist communities. Heimbach might even get to lead the whole thing if they unite for real. I just hope the NSM leave their larpy uniforms at home.

Antifa is getting way too big for its britches. Everybody thinks they have the high ground until they get punched in the mouth, and I get the feeling a lot of these snowflakes have never gone to bed hungry or shit in a bucket. They have no idea what we're prepared to unleash on them. gommunism isn't going to conquer this nation without a fight, a real fight, a fight in which millions or tens of millions perish on all sides.

i think antifa is way to big for their own leaders to control. in time, they will divide into factions and make it harder to eliminate them.

Eh, it's not like any of them have jobs or anything. If we start attacking the student loan bubble and the kike bankers who propagate it, when can hit the gommunist filth where it's weakest - it's actual contribution to society.

Not exactly, but you can use force to physically remove them. Now I don't about Kentucky, but here in Texas you can point a weapon at trespassers, that's legally known as force, but shooting at them is deadly force and is not authorized unless they are doing something to warrant deadly force. The obvious things being, trying to kill, rape, rob someone. Then you get the nighttime crimes. So criminal mischief during nighttime is grounds to use deadly force in Texas. I think what the retards here are confusing is if someone burglarizes your house. Yes you can shoot and kill someone if they break into your house, that is completely true, but you can't shoot and kill someone if they are in your front lawn just trespassing.

But seriously, don't go around thinking you can killing trespassers, that's retarded and you're going to get your ass thrown in jail.

Well, they better make sure they have guns and are willing to use them. The smart thing to do would be to use this as a trap, and to simply set up snipers around the property for when ANTIFA's show up. Then, its fair game.

is anyone doxing the antifa leaders and organizers? after a few hundred replies about riot shields and stink bombs I get burned out.

Remember, actually killing Antifa is extremely easy. The question is about proportionality of force. If we actually started gunning down Antifa by the dozens, normalfags would turn us against us - for the moment. Correct escalation of force is vital to both normalizing violence and being able to claim the moral high ground credibly with a significant fraction of the population. You don't need to convince everyone it's right to kill pinkos, just enough and the right kind of people, who can then look the other way or provide logistical support.

Muh pr, they show up on private property to use force to stop nationalists from stopping white genocide, they get shot dead, legally. Were fighting genocide, normies will side with us when they realize what the war is over.


What you guys are saying is wrong under the laws you're trying to state, unless you guys find somewhere in Kentucky law that deadly force is justifiable for simple trespassing.


You could do that.

Why don't people start fake gatherings to throw off Antifa?

Make an outrageous claim of a gathering in bumsville nowhere and watch cucktifa waste money bussing people to that location.

Soro's pockets are very deep user.

>no redpilled friends to go with

I want to believe you're right but it's difficult for me after having that conversation, and it makes me wonder just how many more heavily bluepilled retards I might be surrounded by.
Truly conversatives are the goodest of goys.

I fail to see the problem

That trip-dub combo confirms. At least leftists are honest about their retardation. Cuckservatism is pure garbage and a cancer to the nation. After all, neocohens are literal commies, of the Trotsky variety.

Not saying it's a problem, I think it's a good idea, but it's not going to do much to the payroll.

the odds of getting shot for this is pretty low. copperheads and razor wire are an entirely different story however.

No, but for those outside of leftist hotspots its about the only way to find these people. Short of just targeting all commie professors



we should trick these antifa into going to the wrong place somehow

Rich kid, socialist, media studies, computer programming gender queers literally believe they are more working class than some white middle aged plumbers.

One guy can burn down multiple squats in one night. People being all cautious about jail time are dumb. All it takes is one guy.

We need more people to go to this to help out. We're are the stickman brigades?

It's "seated" you fucking mongoloids.

Any niggas with horses? We gonna need some Cavalry

Strange, I've heard this very same phrase used before about the USS Liberty. Was it popular at some point?

they don't understand the difference between being working class, and being a catastrophic failure at life

These fucktards have managed to make the word "Nazi" just as meaningless as "racist".

I spent my formative years in Appalachia. They have the problem most rural whites do: they don't live with muds or Jews. So their understanding of minorities is As Seen On TV.

Also they have the born-again-second-coming delusion. Their unlettered Christianity just sort of blends in with folk superstition. It's an essentially medieval worldview. All those ghost, goblin, and Nazi UFO documentaries on the History channel are aimed directly at these people. That's why they believe Hitler was some kind of satanic wizard.

Fortunately they DO have instinctual in-group preference and will recognize Antifa for exactly what they are: spoiled rich kids from Costal states. In person Antifa will have no ability to lead the white working class in Pikeville. Their numbers will come entirely from University of Pikeville students.

i encourage this behavior

I suspect it was an excuse written in a book some decades ago, probably sounded something like:
It's the sort of thing only boomer types would regurgitate.

This is 100% accurate.

cuckservatives will side with communists before le ebil naughtzees because modern conservatism is a crossbreed of trotskyism and jewish loberg economics.

Ulster Scots Appalachian master race confirmed.

I don't think ideology even enters into it. Nazis are the official bad guys their ancestors fought in a war.
That's all there is to it.

High trust and median IQ are a perfectly adequate foundation for a white society. Until Jews hijack the leadership's morality.

These states all vote blue tho

report this campaign
they are organizing and fundraising for violence
report this

like they won't miss anyway, let them, and then we'll retaliate so hard their misbegotten mothers would feel it on their wombs

I live in KY. Pikeville is a very rural area, these commie fags have no idea how things are in the country.



How easy is it to trick antifacucks into assaulting random wal-mart-goers?

Doesn't have to be a wal mart but some other place that sells guns

Family is from Pikeville. Can confirm that this is a bad move for Antifa. They have never been to a place like Pikeville or met anyone like the people there.
My family is not associated with any of the groups, but all plan to attend the rally because there is literally nothing to do there. They are white nationalists but in the purest sense. They don't care for the politics nor do they understand them. All they know is that commies are scum and every time niggers and people from the city come to town, there is trouble.
They are all heavily armed and I could tell you stories about how ruthless my family is.

In fact, my grandmother was once jailed for bootlegging at the very courthouse this rally takes place at.
Antifa honestly has no idea what they're walking into.

A lot of people in the country usually don't care about politics, as long as they're left alone and there's no issue in the community, it's all good.

If ANTIFA thinks they can walk in to the lions den, they're going to get slaughtered. I mean, protesting on private land in the backwoods of Kentucky where NatSoc's are meeting? That's suicide. Liberals truly are insane.

I'm going to be in contact with my family, maybe I can get an exclusive livestream, but most of them don't even have Internet.
But yeah… this is the dumbest thing I've heard about antifa doing. This will not be at all like Berkeley or Chicago.

Having a chat with Kek and hoping this is actually the plan. "Hey guys lets get dem Nazis in the souf! They're at a 'sekrit' camp!" 100 sons of the south waiting…. good times.

Isn't Matt Heimbach from the Pikeville area? Hard to imagine that him and everyone that shows up with him will be armed.
Also, they ran a poll in the Pikeville paper not too long ago that showed something like 90% of the community was in support of this.
This just has "bad idea" carved into it for antifa.

There are white-only areas all through my state. Libertarians in KY are lumped in with Natsoc by the liberals. Liberal women get wet for evil racist nazi fascists even in the Jackson Purchase region. Getting away with murder in Kentucky is a past time.

Also, it's worth pointing out that southern baptist churches litter the eastern KY area. The ones I've attended in the area make Pastor Stevens look like a new age kike rabbi.
This will dispel the narrative that all the anti-nationalist forces are homegrown. They can't run

not sure, honestly, if anything I hope they keep good opsec and do what they do with great results – also, its only a matter of time until higher echelons use these events to false flag

No data or internet. Hardly any cell signal…. I've got some land in WV that would be great to hold a Nazi meeting at…

If antifa is slaughtered, nobody in Kentucky is going to feel sorry for a bunch of commies from god knows where who made a special trip to fuck with someone from Pikeville (Heimbach) on private property.
This would also make a horrible false flag. If you're going to do that, do it in a neutral state where people will feel sorry for the commie bastards.


What's the story with this "nationalist front" umbrella group? I watched a couple vids from the trad workers party guy, he's openly anti Jewish but smart enough not to say shit "gas the kikes" in front of a camera.
I think a unified group is a good thing so long as it does not get hijacked by controlled opp

Heimbach is the real deal. He's out of shape enough that he can't be a cop, of course there's feds in the movement but they're on the up and up legally so it doesn't matter.

Yeah I got the impression they're less neonazi more national socialist which I think is a good thing because it's hard to take someone serious who looks like a degenerate scumbag with swastika tattoos on their face and a stupid hitleresque mustache. Plus the more traction we can gain the more likely we can have a natsoc president and make some real changes in this country. Or if things keep getting more violent it's at least good to know who's side you're on and where you can turn to if SHTF

I'm pretty sure this is worth a short drive for anyone else in KY.

I know for a fact there are several /k/fags rolling around the area.

Share your stories user! Never know, might just learn something! Like how to send a message!

Definitely, sorry for confusion. I expect it in the near future. This specific event isn't likely, but future events could be prime.

HAHA.. get a load of this guy, he thinks democracy works and we aren't already past the demographic tipping point!

The chance for a German-style National Socialist election died with Rockwell. Even Pierce knew it was bullets and Mcveigh's from that point on.

My great grandpa once shot a man in the leg for running through his corn field. He shot him from his rocking chair on the porch while rolling a cigarette. This was in the early 1960s. My mom was about 8 years old and still remembers it.

Seattle and Portland have a stranglehold on WA and OR, and they continue to import more dems at a rate faster than true residents can breed. The rest of the populace is conservative, and OR in particular had racist laws on the books until very recently.
If we can just bomb those two cities, the PNW would be white Paradise.
Also, it's the most homogeneous place left in the US. NWF advocates moving here and redpilling the lemmings to build our ethnostate already.
Sage for off topic.

This. I don't mean to shill NWF anymore, but they plan on fighting a guerrilla war like the Irish until they get their ethnostate, soon as they get enough redpills flowing through the PNW.

Speaking as someone from Appalachia most here would want nothing to do with national socialists or with communists. On another note I'm pretty fucking pissed that a bunch of communists are using a picture of my direct ancestor in their propaganda.

Think we should all start moving up there?

Let's see how Auburn, Pikeville, and Gainsville play out. No reason we can't have both the Northwest and Southeast.


I've done some research on Heimbach, and even in the most paranoid corners of the internet, I haven't found anything on him other than "lol christcuck jewonnastick".

He was the guy who commanded our forces at the Battle of Sacramento, in case any of you were unaware.

Whoops, was namefagging for some reason.

This. If we can have two corners of the US as ethnostates, we could help each other and divide the federal forces.
There's a lot of Dixiefags up here in the PNW already, as well as other organic white unredpilled migrants. It's about time to get things started across the board, what with the recent riots and possible normalization of violence. The rest of the US and most of Canada is compromised already, so it's about time to choose your coast if you're American.
Dixie has the greater history, but is surrounded on all sides by subhumans and traitors (is a guerrilla war even possible there?). PNW's only real history is being a promised land for whites and it's constant attempts at secession, even as far back as it's foundation.
Hope to see you on the front lines, Brother.


If these fucks stopped sucking their own dicks for two seconds they would realize they don't have a monopoly on caring about people.

They have a romanticized view of workers but would stab them in the fucking back with forced immigration that would displace them and exploit their labor like has been done to them for their entire existence. Leftists love the idea of being a struggling working class person, but when you're white you're only useful to take advantage of otherwise you're just a redneck hillbilly piece of white trash.

Started seeing hat stripe shit showing up on a few bad goy websites over the last few days. I had an imaginary bet with myself that most of them were going to be gone by Wednesday at the latest. Looks like I'm gonna win.



has Heimbach been notified about antifa's plans?

These fucking idiots won't show up in force. They're going to try and organize some sort of local protest of useful idiots. I see a bunch of baby boomers holding up signs and yelling and maybe a handful a high school larpers.

Expanding on that, I think it's just going to be some sort of PR stunt. They'll have a bunch of citizens from the area out there shouting dumb shit and the local news will interview some single mom with unwashed hair, "we can't have these Nazis on our street".

Then when they go back to their campgrounds Antifa will claim a victory saying that the "Nazis" were scared and hiding behind police lines and then chased out of the streets because the locals don't want them there.

This is the equivalent of going up against a tank battalion with a tricycle with a water gun taped onto it.

I definitely don't think democracy works, its retarded and an elected natsoc president is wishful thinking at best, the deep state would never allow it. I'd prefer to live in a traditional constitutional monarchy, fuck democracy.

I'd imagine he's well aware. You could always send him an email though just to be sure. He's encouraging people to open carry and there's reportedly 200 people attending. Antifa probably won't even show up or if they do it will be in the town square where no one will even be in the first place. The rally is on private property if Antifa or anyone tries to harm the people at this event they will be shot and killed, and there will be no remorse or recourse. This isn't a (((college))) campus this is Appalachia.

Forgot about this, looks great though.

If antifa thought they got a hard time in Berkeley on the 15th then this is something entirely different. I think we all remember how much they got fucked up by the TWP in Sacramento last year, this is going to be the same times ten given the numbers and other groups.

No moderates here and great potential for an antifa bloodbath.

I surely don't think they're going to come into Pikeville and kick down some weak ass barriers and start punching people. I hope they try, though.

The older generation grew up eating a steady diet of jewish propaganda as their only source of information. There was no internet and very few of them had access to any sort of research or scholarship that was not fully jewish. It's not fair to blame them, they are actually quite good people and hold many correct beliefs, they are victims of the jew.

If your fence is painted with purple it amounts to a warning "trespassers will be killed" and it is 100% backed by law.

I agree with you on this, and it is something I need to be reminded of from time to time. I don't think they're bad people at all but it is very difficult to convince some of them that the wrong side won WWII, especially when they think they're the experts on the subject. It is a bitter pill to swallow.

I think it really comes down to what and said, many don't seem to be too concerned about politics as long as everything is running smoothly and there's no trouble. But the lack of vigilance is a big part of why we're in this mess in the first place.

I hope both Nazicucks and Antifa maggots kill each other.

Both are anti-White. Both showed up in Berkeley to hurt White positions. You assholes who showed up with frogs and nazi salutes need to fucking die already.

Why are young White men always serving the Jews?

Looks like kentucky isn't that bad after all



I live in the region (grew up going to Pikeville pretty often) and all my local buddies on normiebook think that it's terrible that there's a "neo-nazi KKK rally" in "our hometown." Sentiment is also that it's "a shame that they're confirming stereotypes about eastern Kentucky." The locals aren't as redpilled as you hope they are, but I've been trying to tell people they should be more afraid of ANTIFA.

One thing about the area is that a lot of people are good goys because muh Jews are friends of Christians.

Here we go guys.

Sean Liter is the guy in charge of the Louisville ARA. Which was most of the antifa that showed up in Pikeville.

Have fun.

can confirm. commie filth will never gain a foothold in these hills.

mfw they're walking into a trap they set for themselves

Welp, that was disappointing.


>luckily the mountainous regions (as has always been the case historically speaking) have been resistant to change and domination the setting for a metric fuckton of "stupid liberal college kids go camping and meet their bloody destiny" movies.

FTFY. My nipples are so hard, right now.

Holly is Sean's wife by the way. There is plenty more of this, but this will do for now.

Most white people deserve to be killed.(KIKE WAS GASSED, HANGED, EVISCERATED, AND SHOT FOR THIS POST)



Even if true, I'd rather get rid of our enemies first. Even if the notion is "get rid of traitors first", I don't want to accidentally get rid of useful idiots. The time will come to cleanse our own, but only after our impending destruction has been averted.

Good luck KY, I hope the commies scum that try and ruin your fun are hauled off in cop cars and ambulances.

All kike-kuns deserve to be killed! Ku-ku-ku~



The fuck is this post?


Are they actually for real "Nazis"? Or are they just a bunch of folks that are tired of political correctness?


Jesus Christ these people.
They're willing to suck the dicks of those who openly oppose everything they claim to be about, but only if they aren't White.

A Jew.

Why do these people look like such incredible cuckolds?
rhetorical question btw

This is incorrect. You can not legally kill somebody for trespassing.
Castle doctrine applies to someone entering or attempting to enter your residence(and sometimes vehicle) while you are inside. It doesn't apply to someone walking into your yard.
Standard self defense laws still apply, such as fearing loss of life or great bodily harm. Castle doctrine covers this because it is reasonable to believe someone entering your home means you harm.

We're south, but not deep south.

t. Kentuckyfag

Fuck. Ing. A. We don't stand for this shit, where I come from.

Can confirm. Despite my very conservative family, they always cuck-out for Israel at church and believe all the CIA propaganda about Syria. I've tried redpilling them, but they believe Jesus was a Jew, so to condemn the (((chosen))) is to condemn the faith that gives them their sense of community. It's saddening, tbh, but at least they aren't degenerate.

Louisvillefags and Lexingtonfags would care, but pretty much all Trump voters chose him because "muh shillary" or they were sick of all the anti-white propaganda


It's gonna be a fucking shit-show. Some of my Louisvillefag, liberal friends have been on Facebook concern shilling about how afraid they are of WN in Pikeville, and trying to recruit people to counter-protest. I looked into it. They're not shilling for antifa, they're just regular bleeding-heart faggots.

Take a wild fucking guess.



They're fucking never real Nazis, absolutely never.

That doesn't go against anything I said. That is just saying that a land owner isn't responsible for a trespasser getting injured on their property.

That doesn't mean the property owner can inflict those injuries without repercussion. as was stated here:

That means if the retard trespasser falls into a cesspit or something, that the landowner can't be blamed for it. It doesn't mean he can just wander over and shoot the guy.

Random dox publicly obtained information on most recent large donor:
Adam Blust
President at Bluegrass Building Blocks

Business info:
3116 Pamela Way
Louisville, KY 40220-2245
(502) 709-4202

Couldn't find anything about it other than a few generic Kentucky business registrations.