Bannerlord 2 is Open Source
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I wonder what the license is. Would love to see the combat added to OpenMW.
Imagine all previous Mods from Warband and with the mechanics of Bannerlord. FUCK YEAH
Well that's cool of them. Guess since it'll be open source, we'll see more off-shoot games using the engine like that one Cairrbean thing using Warband's.
Hopefully it'll be something similar to the classic id license where you can't release a standalone version or charge money, but anything goes otherwise.
Yea, I guess they are gonna let us finish making the game instead.
I'm scared because Paradox is there current Publisher and I hope to God they stay the fuck away from Bannerlord
Feels good
What? TaleWorlds and Paradox parted ways long ago lad, they don't have to do anything with this game, unless something new happened which I missed
oh, I thought Paradox still Publish there games
Where were you when Talesworld saved PC gaming.
Rape and pillage mods when!?
Finally they did something good at all, last good thing they've done is Turkish Star Wars and the kek cake
mongol thread to celebrate.
Oh shit, i am already seeing it coming.
This better be one of the first things out.
Fucking radical.
Small bit of good news every once in awhile
How do I know this is real?
And you want this why?
I am not all that tech savy, but if you have the source code, can't you just compile it and have the game for free? Or are the libraries/compiler unknown?
The engine is open source, the assets are still proprietary.
Hot damn
Because it worked out pretty well for id communities, and it prevents the paid mod shit that Bethesda is trying to normalize.
Get ready for paid mods.
Oh wait nevermind it's okay when Tale Worlds does it.
can't wait for the goyim behind Blood and Gold to make that sequel
The developers clearly did not indicate a true open source release. You'll only get the source code if you buy (or pirate) the game. Under these circumstances, the restrictions on standalone releases and monetization are the least abusive licensing terms. If you want to release a standalone, ask Korneel for a true open source release.
Wew lad, I guess i'm staying alive just to play Butterlord and it's mods
Even in the worst of times there are still some good game developers out there.
I never claimed that the classic id license was equivalent to the GPL. I was simply hoping for the best conditions under a closed source license; see
This is important to me.
Are the Turks who made Mount and Blade Muslims?
This is the main thing holding me back from playing the series.
Hornyturks are the true master race
They have one of those prayer room at the office.
maybe :^)
Paid mod bullshit doesn't exist except with proprietary software, because otherwise how do you enforce it? It doesn't exist in the Quake modding scene, where the only option is GPL, indeed I don't know of a single example of it in open source communities.
As for the issue you have in mobile app stores, those shits rarely comply with licensing, SNES9x has unlawful forks with ads for example even though its terms are non-commercial.
Doom has two licenses available. So does Heretic and Hexen, indeed it was only recent that Raven relicensed them as GPL.
Who cares.
If this were a true open source release I wouldn't have made any comment about it other than commending the devs, but it is clearly only for people who purchase the game, which changes the context quite a bit.
Yes they are, now fuck off.
If they were Christian the government or Kurds would've already killed them.
A game company not giving out code to pirates
Sorry m8 but my hatred of kebab is second only to my hatred of Niggers and Jews.
I just can't let this go.
My hatred burns to deep.
DEATH TO TURKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DEUS VULT!!!!!!!
Y'know you can remove kebab in Mountain Blade, right?
Don't forget the Assyrians too.
Game is made by kebab but it is good this fag can just pirate it.
Do you know what open source means?
Those mods were from different time where selling games on line was not a thing, we already know that Tale Worlds sells mods to their games and depending on the licence modders could make a mod that gets big, cut support remove the assets from the mod and start selling it through Steam and it would be perfectly legal to do so and at best you could ask them for the games source code, not scripts or assets or story details/setting and lore.
I think what will end up happening is that Tale Worlds will publish overhauls made with their engine like Valve did mods of their engine, something that they have already done with Viking Conquest which I believe was a mod before it was an officially published overhaul.
Overall I'm actually fine with this because I don't mind paying $10 for a massive content overhaul and am looking forward to Blood and Gold 2 with proper sailing and sieges.
This is the true power of racism. even though I hate kebabs too.
Oh no I dun goofed.
read the article man, they never said open source, op just being a faggot.
Though it is the closest thing we are likely to see
“Now with Bannerlord we’ve put mods at the front of our development since the start. We have made our own engine and will release our entire engine to the modders, along with the source code of the game. So they will be able to make whatever they want with the game.”
is a pretty damn cool thing in my opinion
Who the fuck cares?
You're greek aren't you? Just play the fucking game
Kill yourself
I did read the article. All my post in this thread so far were expressing hope for terms that the license would prevent monetization and prohibit standalone releases (this actually can be beneficial, as modders can use and reference base assets without any issues), and then attempting to clarify my position on a closed source release to people who apparently can't read.
I'm good here.
He obviously means something on the scale of an expansion pack or total conversion, those are acceptable. So is using an Open Source™ engine in a commercial game.
Cool, hopefully someone will add a button that switches between fps view mode and total war mode. And then mod it so its 200 v 200 soldier battles with lower poly models.
Embed related, it's a budget PS2 game doing what no game developer has even been able to approach in all the years since its release.
Unless it's Open SourceTM(c)(r) like CryEngine, i think Holla Forums would finally get to play kebab removal simulator + jew mod
No it's not. The least thing you can do is ask for donations as some modders do rather than putting a fucking paywall.
i honestly think that even if monetization god i hope not were allowed that the negative backlash would be enough to discourage it.
Warband had something like a Rance mod made for it, if I remember correctly. In any case, unless they go full Jew Steam Workshop® on everything, I can't really see much being done to stifle the game's users anyway.
Sure thing
Unless that's one stupidly-loose-fitting ammo bandolier which would fall off and hit the floor every 3 seconds, the artist fucked up big time, and my autism has awakened as a result.
That wasn't my point, You can just ask for donation rather than putting a paywall on that shit
Can anyone else not help getting hyped thinking that they're going to put in some crazy hidden feature like what guns were in the original?
Is this real? Please tell me this is real
It was neither hidden nor crazy, it was a feature mod community asked but the main game never expended.
Does that mean I can distribute the game for free and sales are just some sort of donation?
The on-screen numbers might be impressive, but that's really just an assload of recolored enemies with 3 animations total and simple AI to converge on and hurt the player character. Like a slightly better looking version of all those Xbox Live indie games that are top down swarmathon shooters.
Here's a question Holla Forums, on a scale of 1 to 10(10 being highest) how bullshit is that whole "vassals have their own traits and personalities and they fight according to those traits and personalities"?
I find it hard to believe they could actually pull off such a thing, I don't think I've seen it done before even with strategy games where generals have merits and traits(Total War)
What? No. That's retarded, user-chan.
I thought I removed that flag
you are a moron. open source doesn't mean it's free. if you remake all the assets and unrelated to the engine scripts then sure
i dont think that it would be hard to implement. it would be like expansion of already existing system. some lords are cool and honorary, some are dick ass faggotsetc. now make it so honorary ones led the charge and faggots are standing behind 9000 peasants on hill full of archers
0 because it already exists in M&B?
Yeah, just like Doom and Quake.
The absolute worst lords are programmed to get you into those horrible archer stalemates that you aren't allowed to withdraw from without losing troops.
the cutest froge
Does it? I've never really noticed any tactics used by anyone besides charge
that looks like shit
Oh if that's what you meant then i guess not, But they do have various personalities like Upstanding, Good natured, Calculating, etc. I never paid attention whether or not those personality types did anything significantly different in what they do though
Nah, it looks like an ammo belt he's carrying on him. Notice it doesn't connect to the plasma rifle
Forgot to add, Which means it wouldn't be that hard since the basic system already exists
She would be a qt if not for the problem glasses.
She's a fucking skeleton and a turk rapebaby. Shit taste tbqh
If I remember correctly the personality of a lord determines what missions he gives you (honorable lords will never give you the assasinate merchant mission), how often he raids villages on his own (more of a dick = more raiding), how likely he is to defect and how much he gets upset when you award a fief to someone who is from another culture.
So I don't think it would be hard to add different kinds of battle tactics on top of that.
What I'm really interested in is what happens when you execute many lords. Are new lords randomly generated or can you kill off everyone until no replacements are left?
who cares? It's a good game.
I'm literally Israeli and I don't care.
How the fuck could i forget that, Yeah those are some of what the current existing personality system does.
I'm thinking they'd slowly generate a new one so the world won't become empty, They gotta do the "robing pigs in noble robe" now
I wonder if you'll get to create your own culture, Like creating your own army (the ranks, the armors they use, etc), Choosing specific clothing for the citizens, Choosing scenes for towns and castles, etc.
They said they were going to have a bloodlines system so there's probably reserves in that manner, I actually hope they make lords more valuable and more reactive so you think carefully about executing or exiling them, but I do want to kill all the lords in the land.
Yes please, didn't they say something about being able to equip and train your units your own way?
Man they needed to give us an extended gameplay for E3.
I hope it's a near impossible task to pull off, I'd image entire kingdoms would be wanting to capture user The Lordslayer and hiring bandits and whatnot but I doubt they'll do such a thing
That would be great, some actually reactivity. and hell yes I want to play as a bandit with a hideout and I want all the penalties that come with it.
You mean more repercussion, Like the faction being hostile to you and the king putting bounty up your ass, The lord's family offering you lodsamuni for his ass, Yeah that'd do
Yeah this is my dream feature, I REALLY hope it gets implemented, Or atleast someone will mod it if it doesn't. Let's not forget about increasing the troops' stats too (e.g training research)
Also, Since lords are no longer invincible, Can they die in battle so you have to use blunt weapons or you can only kill them by execution? I also wonder if you get various way of execution, Imagine…
If I can do executions by way of duels to the death with my character I'd pretty much always punch the lords to death for style points and humiliation.
i feel you братко
for my entire life i've been taught to hate turks
and now they're literally the only gamedevs i like
it hurts to betray my people like this
три морета never ever
I mean both, I fucking hate lords, they are useless as fuck and they bitch and moan about land while doing nothing and showing no fucking loyalty, on top of running from every fucking battle and spending their time being captured and eating the money I would normally be getting from the feifs I've given them. I play with expanded unit trees and don't accept lords into my realm. You can win battles against armies double your size by just fielding the most mid rank units, the higher ranks run neck and neck but when they start fielding lower rank units it's a slaughter.
I just want them to properly balance the game so lords feel like they are actually helping instead of being a stone around my neck.
I'd rather lords didn't die in battle, that would just further devalue them and make it hard to raise new lords to replace the ones of value who have died.
Now i wonder if they'll add torture features too, Imagine…
The reason why most lords are useless pieces of shit is that only useless traitorous pieces of shit generally defect in the first place.
If you REALLY wanna rub it in, you should kick them to death instead
The lords that I mainly went for were the lords from the Rhodok faction which was destroyed after I left, and a lot of them were the high and middle tier lords, not the shitters. except for one Khergit who's sister I wanted to marry.
user, that's just a waste of precious resources and tools. The only place for lords that won't bend the knee is beneath your boot. Or on the receiving end of it, in this case.
I'd rather go serfing on some of these ballbag lords.
I might actually buy the game on release, hot damn.
i'd buy it too, if i knew my toaster can run it
they say it might be more optimized than warband, but i'd definitely doubt such words
You should actually study the period. A lot of Turk bashing was just nationalistic propaganda from 19th century. Still hate Turks though.
t. Serbia
To the kebab removers, the mount blade guys didn't partake in any actions that fucked up your country, they are just working man making video games. If they were government funded or some shit like that I'd understand a bit of your rage.
Go pirate the game, don't waste an opportunity to have fun.
nah don't worry, i don't blame kebabs for the shitty state of my country, communism and bad politicians are at fault for that
i still don't like kebabs, but i won't go and blame them like a nigger blames wyatt people
Cool. Turks are still roaches though
Actually it's British
actually it's jewish
like the rest of the planet, you stupid goy, don't forget to pay your TV license!
yes because if it wasn't for that , everyone in the area would have the fondest memories of them ; rape ,pillage , taxes, slavery ,more taxes , supresion of religious and individual rights
Fun times all around
gid gud at history
One of the few times I'm extra proud of my countrymen.
a worthless piece of paper as it turns out
those are things that took place during WW2 and well after it until 1955
i suggest you take your own advice
every country does that
every army since the dawn of time did that and will continue doing that
nigger you could believe in what you wanted under the turks
pax ottomana isn't a piece of paper you dumb nigger, it's a historic term
the turks weren't really any worse than any conqueror that conquered anything, except they did allow religious freedom
Still doesn't make up for their conquest of Byzantium.
it's pretty based tho*
Nigger we were busy with Ataturks reforms during WW2,The army wasnt fielded and we didn't do shit.
Skitter back to your hole, you will never convince anyone turkroaches aren't a blight
No they suppressed religious freedom, you dipshit.
Religious freedom was suppresed in the army because they were going on fucking jihads.
Non-Muslims did pay extra tax tho
So, that's why Balkans are have been a Loltodohox hellhole uninterrupted before and after their time under Ottoman Empire?
Turkroaches are blight upon the land, but at least know your history.
you literally know nothing, nigger
this nigga knows whats up
Except the places that got pozzed and/or stolen like Kosovo, Bosnia and Albania
During WW2, Turkey imposed Jizya, an increased property tax on all Christians and Jews in the country (Greeks and Armenians). The Jizya was even imposed on the Dnmeh (converts to Islam). Those who did not pay were condemned to forced labour in the quarries of Askale, near Erzurum. They did this to turkify the economy.
Note:no additonal taxes to muslims turks
Even it's own citizens ?
On September 6 and 7, 1955, a pogrom directed primarily at Istanbuls 100 000 strong Greek minority takes place. Jews and Armenians living in the city and their businesses were also targeted in the pogrom. A Turkish mob, most of which was trucked into the city in advance, assaulted Istanbuls Greek community for nine hours. Shovels, pickaxes, crowbars, ramming rods and petrol was used. 4000 private taxis were requisitioned to transport the perpetrators. Dozens of Greeks (two Orthodox priests) and at least one Armenian died during the pogrom as a result of beatings and arsons. Thirty-two Greeks were severely wounded. Many Greek women were raped, a number of men were forcibly circumcised by the mob. 4348 Greek-owned businesses, 110 hotels, 27 pharmacies, 23 schools, 21 factories, 73 churches and over a thousand Greek-owned homes were badly damaged or destroyed.
Yeah because that's what a country with an overwelming islamic population was and still is best known about , it's tolerance over other religions especially christianity
They also executed priests and forcefully converted people. If you wanted to build a church you had to pay 5 times more just to get the rights to build one. And when you started building one you had restriction on how big you could build it etc.
Pretty much.
Epic response, lad.
Ottomans you nigger, the Ottoman empire, not Turkey in the fucking 20th century
Pay debts.
You should listen to your own word
Yeah, I also wonder why an Empire that ruled these lands would have overwhelming Islamic population, it's really confusing
as a modified serbian saying goes
a cockroach may change it's shell
but never it's nature
Why do you have that mushmouth of a follower mod installed? I've never deleted a mod so fast in my life.
Even if they fuck it up, the mods will be good.
I just hope it's not like Fallout 4 where the game is so bad nobody bothers.
Is this real life?
I don't want to wake up if its not
It's Kebab quality my friend.Enjoy
The difference is Ottoman empire was ruled by "anyone but Turks" starting with its founder marrying Byzantine Princess and never having any Turks in government ever again after fucking over every other Turkish squatter in Anatolia.
It is literally Islamic Balkans playing Rome to butt-fuck Christian Balkans but sure you can just take it whichever way lets you sleep at night.
It doesn't seem all too different from Warband and "Warband but better" is a good reason to move modding effort to the new game. I doubt the setting being even crazier anachronism fest stops modders, who either replace everything for the total conversion anyway or make it even bigger inconsistent mess for the sake of variety.
what's the last above average game to go open source ?
How can you know it's shit yet?
the game is the fastest growing Beth game in terms of available mod content with major mods like F4UI and Sexlab Fo4 edition already on their way.
I don't think Taleworlds is going to fuck up that bad, what we've seen of verifiable features through gameplay demos has already completely eclpsed any and all Mount and Blade titles and mods.
i wanna give her many qt frog babies
What a time to be alive.
Spot on.
But not confusing enough. Add Uyghurs being pushed to borders with Slavs and the later "we can make a legit nation from fuck knows how many people are there by calling all of them Turks" for even more confusion.
But then again I doubt any comic can tell how fucked up the arbitrarily put-together or seperated people in Ottoman borders are.
Best girl
I hope it'll be true Open Source, like Freespace became. I'm still modding for that top tier space game.
Freespace is non-commercial licensed isn't it?
Wow faggot I can't believe how much fun you've left out just because of your retardation
They showcased it in E3 tho
I guess I will have to finally try out this game.
Holy shit are you mister (57)? The one that kept sperging that in medieval rape was common?
B-but he's not wrong!
Pillage is already in the game thou
And our desire is granted with Butterlord: Executing Lords/People
I'd have to look into it but for me personally the key is that there's no restrictions on the technical side of modding.
Didn't Firaxis say the same thing about Xcom 2? And look how that turned out.
Is there anywhere a crack for the newest version of Warband?
I meant Freespace in this regard but I hope Butterlord will be much more similar to it than to what happened with XCOM 2's promises.
how tall*, not how big
you could have a church bigger than mosques if it was dug into the ground
This seems to work and not have a virus
If anyone else wants to pirate, get the Viking Conquest edition from then from the Mount and Blade site download the latest patches for the base game and Viking and then apply the crack.
viking conquest was shit tbh
i much preferred the lance system from 1257, or the regular recruiting
no, hopefully it will be an actual open source license that gives you all your freedoms
no, that license scheme is largely no longer used.
most mods are not stand alone, the license of the Doom assets or other assets prevents paid mods.
heres hoping its an actual open source license
And for those who dont know Taleworlds will make the game Steam and GOG free if you buy directly from their website which also gives them all the money.
Except unfortunately for the most used source port for modding, ZDoom. That said there is a GZDoom fork to fix that.
u wot
You need to stop memeing user. Is getting unhealthy
should be on KAT
It is not, though, but I already installed it.
uh, okay. thanks, I guess.
inb4 stupidity from retards thinking open source means le freedumb
pretty sure it's a new engine
The second one is 100% valid for multiplayer only titles.
im sick of seeing this retarded ass argument. you give them money to play said game in most scenarios. you are essentially handing over permission to fuck you with political ideology and whatever other shit went into the game.
pirating is a different story but you should always specify. pretending that modern vidya isn't a business doesn't make this argument valid.
Yes, exactly. If you think like this then you actually don't give a shit about video games.
If it really triggers you that much then you can just fucking pirate the game.
I thought "play" was specific enough for pirating, I pirate everything before I choose to buy it or not. The person I was replying to said that they avoided a game without any other information besides the country it came from, which is pure autism.
But if EA, Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian, Phil Fish, Osama Bin Laden's ghost, and Satan teamed up to make the greatest game ever made then I would still pay money for it. You have to vote with your wallet for gameplay to encourage similar gameplay, if you only care about "good" developers or "bad" developers then you are just falling for the "good" developers' PR.
Whoa there, what's he doing there, he was a decent lvl. 30 Sarracen who fought against 2 1000+ armies for 1800+ days
Is this the real life
So when is it coming out Holla Forums?
So like everything else shown at E3? far off and only shown and talked about so that shareholders can sleep at night?
great, fuck this
But is it good?
Didn't you read the read? It's shit because it's made by steppesandniggers and reminder of their existance triggers me.
TW bought their freedom like over a year ago.
Slaves to NordCucks no more.
So much for the Twenty Sixteen release, turkroaches
Personally, I just hope someone makes an 1866 for Bannerlord.
Apparently it was going to be August 2016 but that doesn't seem too likely.
"In the player's hand in 2016" is what the ginger cunt said about Bannerlord. So maybe November or December for a beta or early access.
It's tough for the heart but i think i remember Warband or the Vanilla being in a "public" testing phase
When the black knights were roaming and a rebel town existed in which those Tournament rats were actually your pals
Nice, I like this trend. I hope Skyrim 2 is open-source too!
well that's nice of them
Bethesda =/= TaleWorlds Entertainment
Know the difference.
Unlikely, the only thing theyll give out will be 3.1GB RAM uncapped due to 64bit and console mods.
Thats it.
They get to live when we retake constantinople.
I can't tell if you're continuing the joke or if you're actually that dumb.
What am I looking at?
I swear, I would learn Turkish if it meant I could steal his job.
Poes Law and summer and E3 havent been kind to this board.
Bethesda announced Skyrim remaster aka Skyrim 2 and "big news" for modders which unsurprisingly to no one was absolutely nothing.
Thats why I though you were seriously hopeful.
I kinda like him tbh.
Make one for this dreamjob cunt
You are the problem.
Just oil spots, goy, just oil spots in old furniture
Actually its french
t. Holla Forums falseflag
Should I even bother playing Warband at this point? I've had it in my backlog for years now. Sounds like Bannerlord will shit all over it and I'll bet the mods will too.
Since there is no information on when will Butterlord be released i would suggest you play it.
Then I'm afraid he is behind help. We can only pray and hope
Just finished reading the thread, guesses are 2017. Thanks
Viking Conquest wasn't originally a free mod, you're thinking of Brytenwalda. Tale Worlds apparently really liked that mod because they commissioned the devs to make a proper expansion. It was a paid expansion from the onset.
a very shit one at that, until it was patched up and rereleased
Yeah, it's already in Warband for the overworld map (maybe in battle)
If it will actually be well done is another question.
Why the fuck would you want that? Guns in M&B are fucking awful. They already learned their lesson with Fire & Sword; which is why they made the setting for Bannerlord even further back in history.
I wish they had stated a release date. I need something to look forward to.
That's your opinion. I like them.
It's a fact tbh fam. Guns do not work in the M&B engine. It goes against everything the game is about, and they just feel like shit.
How difficult would it be to make the new engine simulate a bullet the same way it does an arrow?
Yeah, no.
No the point is that they travel extremely fast and there really isn't much you can do if you are on the recieving end, whereas with arrows you can block them, they do less damage and won't usualy OHKO you, and they travel slow enough to where you can often dodge them if you put in the effort.
Guns lower the skill ceiling.
No shit nigger, that's why they got so popular. They also make it a really, really bad idea to ride around on horseback.
I'd love to see a mod do 19th century warfare justice.
What kind of out-skilled cripple are you? Being mounted is ridiculously overpowered in, for example, Napoleonic Warfare.
I bet you think SJWs play video games too.
Taleworlds has always been an amazing dev team. I always thought it was so weird that M&B took all the way until the Steam release of Warband for it to catch on at Holla Forums. The beta for the original was like 3 or 4 years before that, I guess Holla Forums has always been a bunch of casuals though.
Not in the 19th century, where guns actually are accurate.
I've even got vintage M&B memes from the early days on the TW forums.
Now that I think about it, the cover guy looks shockingly close to the Winter Soldier.
Star Wars is entirely 100% about the lightsabers.
And it's why they are bad for M&B.
It's very obvious you didn't play that mod.
There's shitloads of historical periods that don't make guns OP.
Anything before the introduction of rimmed cartridges is good.
Who is that guy anyway? i never see him in the fucking game
Guns are literally just anti-fun sticks in M&B. It has nothing to do with the time period.
Habibi turkshits. How is the kurd dick up ye arse today ?
He's just some render that the guy who did the cover created. They basically just asked some dude "we're making a medieval game, make us a cover with a medieval guy". I don't think they even showed the guy the game or any of the in game art at the time lol
I dunno, I rather liked guns in Gekokujo. But in that mod, everyone goes down in like, 2 hits.
Heh i guess, but to be honest the guy doesn't look very medieval to me, rather it has a more dark fantasy feel into it
why don't you cry somewhere else like Holla Forums
It's ok. I pirate games like this if I play them at all.
Did anyone else ever buy the physical copy of the original M&B? The manual is awesome, it's like 50 pages
was that even released in Australia?
I didnt even know that was a thing.
I'm a mudshit hating Holla Forumslack, but even I acknowledge talent and passion when I see it.
TaleWorlds deserve my shekels.
Is this what M&B topics will be now?
Raging about the developers nationality instead of talking about how many feasts you've gone to, which lords you made your bitch, and how many skulls you drank from?
To be fair the game isn't out yet, so it's not like we have much else to talk about, and the devs have been pretty stingy with information on the game.
Personally I just hope someone makes 1914 for Bannerlord. Just imagine.
A man can shit on something and still like it. But that is only if it is good and if he isn't on an official forum/reddit.
See every fanbase ever for reference.
Beats me. I'm in the US. Here's the box
You get the manual for free with the game on steam.
It's quite nice indeed.
Thomas Sowell is proof that there is some good in the veritable genetic cesspit that is the negro race.
TaleWorlds are proof that not all kebab are bad, and that some of them are even great. They're certainly better developers, with more passion and love for their product, that 90% of Western cucked ones.
That doesn't mean you suddenly have to like all turks.
Or it would be the equivalent of watching a movie and suddenly feeling deeply for whatever is shown in it.
That is the behavior of an emotional woman towards entertainment.
I'm a big believer in separating the art from the artist.
Taleworlds being from Turkey has nothing to do with the game itself. You wanna shit on bad animations, re-used assets from M&B1, or lack of depth in content; go for it.
I'm a believer in the exact opposite.
By looking at the creator I can usually see what I am getting.
And what do you see when you look at the M&B developer?
Damn son, did Turk stole your German girlfriend or something?
My country was ruled by Turks for 500 years and I'm not that butthurt about them. Sure I hate them and would join the fight to liberate Constanitinople but damn that wont stop me to enjoy things made by turksmells.
Burek is the best thing ever. Mountain Blade too.
The star wars mod has easily the worst world map and faction set up I've ever seen in a mod.
A bunch of turkshits that are pandering to the west.
They seem to not be inserting much propoganda or turk historic views into their game so far.
That said I will be very careful around them and their products.
Turks persecuted my family and owe me land. Lots of land. On top of all the historical shit.
Eat banica. Fag.
I m pretty casual myself, but back then you could completely miss out on games just because you never heard of them, much more so than now. Fuck it came out in 2008, felt older than that
Fuck you. They always put too many onions in that shit, and even if they don't it makes me sleepy after I eat it.
So what, every fucking ethnicity has oppressed another ethnicity since the beginning of time.
You are just pissed because its more recent.
You gonna stop buying Caucasian games due to the British Empire? Or Japanese Games because they attacked China and America?
Fucking idiots.
Beats pic related any day of the week.
If could ship all of Naughty Dog to Turkey and all of TaleWorlds to the West I'd do it in a heartbeat.
They've managed to resist the urge of shoveling KEBAB STRONK into their game, and gave all factions a fair shake.
Serb-kun, you need to let it go already. Everyone is tired of your Nacertanija shit.
He seems to be Bulgarian, Serbs aren't that butthurt about Turks, mainly because we removed them 100% and too much time passed. But that islamicized slavic scum that remained on other hand, fuck them.
You'll never get rid of us.
That is what a cuck would say.
If you had half a brain you'd realize that the bigger portion of the world has such conflicts that dictate the attitude of one group to another group.
Shove your desire to mitigate all conflict really far up yer arse.
Maybe next time we fight the turks you wouldn't stab us in the back while at it.
But do play your meme games, your neighbors, all of them are well aware of what low tier humans you are.
I wish you dumbfucks would stop tripping each other up and leaving us perfectly positioned for the follow up buttfuck.
They've already held a few "unofficial" pride parades in Sarajevo, and the place is getting worryingly full of Arabs. I want off Goldstein's wild ride.
You think you are relevant or something?
Just go on wikipedia and read who started that shit first. But that is irrelevant since it happened a hundred years ago. We are both equally shit now, no need to shit talk about each other now.
You are even more fucked up than rest of us combined. Almost all your population outside of big cities are going allahu akbar mode and urban population is leaving country en masse. Poverty and corruption is Africa level and not the mention the ever looming threat of another war.
You think you are?
Nah, mate, we're all fucked. In case you hadn't noticed birthrates are way, way in the negative in Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia.
Funny thing I didn't notice considering I actually live here. Then again, I don't get my information from Dodik, so what do I know?
Who is going to start another war? Serbia hasn't got it in them, and if you believe Dodik's populist shilling then I feel sorry for you, considering he's in cahoots with the rest of the establishment to keep the nimrods going BOSNIA/CROATIA/SERBIA STRONK.
Dude I'm also from Bosnia. Go to any Muslim village in RS and you will find shitload of Salafists. Arabs are paying them and poor people are taking the offer. Arabs aside from building hundreds of mosques are now buying the land all over Bosnia. I have a friend that traffics guns and he says that majority of weapons that remain from war are being bought by Muslims. You do realise that war is not over that Dayton is only a truce to end the war and not political basis for a country. As soon as West turn its gaze away from BiH and stops sending money (which they did) shit is going to go down. And if those hurka durkas from middle east come here you are fucked as much as we are.
pick both
No shit you'll find them. They're the only ones insane enough to go back. I'm pretty deep in the province (FBiH btw), in a rather conservative town and you don't see those fucks around much. They have their little enclave and keep themselves to themselves mostly.
Yup. Thing is, it's debatable how many of them are the genuine thing and how many are just in it for the shekels.
They do the same shit in Serbia though, and the UK, and the rest of the West. They're diversifying their assets because oil is going to shit since the Cold War with Iran started.
Bosniaks, at least, remember how unprepared they were when the last war came and promised themselves not to be fooled again. I've got a pistol myself, but only for home defense. And let's not forget they caught one of your asshole hiding a fucking tank in a shed.
There isn't going to be any war. I'm not trying to be a Jew here but people are simply tired. There is no spark, everyone just wants to make their paycheck and forget the shithole they're stuck in. The only people that are trying to stir shit up are the imbeciles that buy into Dodik's nationalist rhetoric.
The war is over, it was over before it ended even. Dodik might rile up Serbs with talks about referendums, but he's never going to go through with it, let alone rock the boat, he's in it for the money.
Oh, I'm well aware they don't like us. Here's the thing, I have a murderous hatred for brown people, and especially Arabs, too.
And just for an anecdote about how things are going. I have no clue how old you are, but back when I was in high school, about 12 years back, give or take, a girl sleeping around was the talk of the town. Nowadays nobody even mentions it. I sometimes hang out with my young cousins and it's like a completely other world they live, they're so pozzed with Western "values" and "ideals" they might as well join tumblr. I don't see the durka durkas gaining too much of a foothold here, they've never managed it for the past 500 years anyway. Hell, one of my coworkers kept insisting that an albino nigger was white because he had white skin.
Send help.
I wasn't talking about the war. I was talking about our proud, shared tradition of us Slavs fucking each other over first chance we get instead of banding together. It's why we always end up as the world's punching bag.
The first part is exactly why the second part is much more likely now.
Nah, there's no white guilt to cuck them with, and once they get spoiled with degeneracy they never go back.
I know plenty of co-workers that will drone on endlessly about them fasting during Ramadan (while cussing, discussing how they're cheating on their wives/girlfriends, etc.) and then, the minute that shit is over, they're gonna go and get so drunk they can't get home unassisted.
Or you have a girl that is all about religion, but she's fucking a new guy every other month and dressing up like a cheap harlot.
That's how Islam works in Bosnia.
Vanilla M&B really wasn't anything special when it first came out.
It became worth playing after Warband came out.
1866 guns worked really well. Plus the mod was designed with small amount of units per army in mind, so it's not like you're getting raped by one-shot repeaters.
You forgot the part where the crusaders sacked Byzantium and so depleted it of strength that it was ripe for the picking by the Turks. You lot always forget to mention that part for some reason.
But yeah, the Crusades were were really great otherwise!
No you aren't, get the fuck out.
>>>Holla Forums
Does anyone have good free vidya recording software?
OBS is the go-to for the most part.
Wait, what? I couldn't find it anywhere.
I can like commie music while hating the rats.
…Not all of those guys are Turkish, are they?
That's literally the exact opposite of how M&B is meant to be played. Mods should increase the amount of units by a shitload like Brytenwalda did, not reduce it.
Irrelevant. Any gun at all is anti-fun.
Do you have an actual counter point to give or are you just gonna spreg out and throw ad hominems?
You do realize that Turkey isn't made up of just Turks, right? You do understand that there are significant minority ethnicities there as well, right?
Or are you trying to prove the stereotype of the ignorant Semite worshiper right?
I love weeb music, but the only anime I ever watched were Serial experiments: Lain, Animatrix and the first few episodes of Nichijou and Gate.
Go back to Overshilled or whatever shitty game you play faggot.
Sorry Serbs, we had to ruin it for you.
When is the release Taleworlds? I need it now