ITT: Bebop gambles all of his injun money at his injuns' casino

ITT: Bebop gambles all of his injun money at his injuns' casino

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The saddest part of that video is the pain you can hear in the guy's voice when he's screaming

that video is fucked

I heard somewhere that she survived but I refuse to believe it

You're the worst poster!

Hey Spoliers

it's supposed to be a birthday party, right? why dont you bring some friends to liven it up!

or tell them to fly me to US instead ahaha

hey spoilers


no drugs either baby
just mind and handfuls of muh optimism

tfw dnepetropavlovsk maniacs video is your trigger

nice, but i like depressing songs, they make me feel happier somehow, comfier


oh no

for my 16th and 18th all i wanted to do was be alone in the woods because im tired of people

I think the worst part is the 1 or 2 seconds after it happens where they have no clue how to react.

This one's pretty good then

dnsbls is being bwakas again.

bye bye

Real? She sounds pretty dead.

Yeah thats why I don't believe it, cus how the fuck can you survive that

hows it goin for you?

you are in taiwan now or are you proxying?

someone please motorcycle accident the skype servers

I don't envy you
I've som alcohol to accompany me tonight

you should find a friend you can trust too it will make things easier


worst part is them crying and everyone continuing to fucking drive

also reading about the situation doesn't make it any better


me too tbh
the crying makes me cry too

That girl is pretty adorable.

Pretty good, just doing things. How about yourself?

I don't think you do.

chrome data saver moves me around as they please

Manders how are you tonight darling

i know i'm just another people, but i'd really appreciate it if you give me a chance not to end up like other people

You know thats a large part of the reason I started posting her.

im doing good as well, finishing up some stuff before i relax entirely

that sounds irritating

A bit tired. Other than that, not sure. Slept a bit, worked a bit, ate a bit.

Yourself, sweetie?


You should give me the folder some time.

relaxing is the best x_x;;

But we can only have one me.

it really is, are you too busy right now to get some chill yourself?

I'm cold and I'll end up dying alone this way.
It's best not to get involved. Goodnight.

Went to work trashed
Gonna geta a lil drunk tonight and thats the last of my alcoohol
I bought a piano yesterday! It's at my best friends house but he's working til later tomorrow
Tomorrow while he works I will go pick up a piano tuning lever and mutes
so I can tune the piano :;p
Itp lays but its not pitch perfect


You bought a piano?? Can you play it? And Will you play it for me?

I like the new jojo opening

can you play Piano?
I would love to hear ya some day

And If I can find a way to record :p

I havent had any keyboard or whatever since I was near 7 yearas old

I've been studying music theory on guitar for about a year or so now and so Within 2 hours I was able to learn how to play any major or minor Triad chord, some embellished chords,, my scales, and construction of 7th and 6s chords I am working on now

Gonna learn to play piano man
or rocket man :p

please find yourself comfortable tonight my friend : {


I can't play, but I would love to hear either of those songs! You, my friend, are living the dream. I envy you.


Aw Gwee I don't really know about that :p
Anybody can take up any instrument
and once the basic knowledge in music theory is gained
The Piano is probably the easiest instrument
It's given me alot of knowledge in the 2 hours I spent on it so far that I never knew on guitarj ust because I could see things written out

If you come across a cheap piano

I want you to buy it :p if you have somewhere for it

I could teach you how to play easy :7

I mean he kinda is already though.

Ill be you when you're not here.

Somewhat, yeah/

Sadly I have no place for it. I have a spot for a pool table saved, but that's it. Anyway I'm going to try and sleep, dear one. Don't get too faded tonight. And make sure to rest.

Sweet dreams, brightlord.

Sweet dreams Mandy! :]
It's always glad to see you posting

They played the OP before last weeks episode too.

Why would you want that though?

Yeah I guess they did spoil some stuff.

I think there was an animal original part at the start of the first episode where they show one of kiras victims too. I guess that isn't really a big spoiler though.

Talk you into sharing.

JoJo is shit.

your penta?

well that blows hope you find some free time soon or something

I feel so Jamais vu tonight

I mean does it really count as a spolier if they have no idea who the people are?

Girl you already know how this is gonna end.

A link on steam?

pentakill! on league!


I was thinking more of my absolute victory.

Well then its not really that bad.

is that like five straight kills in a short time?

yup, some friend of my friend took it, I was livid.

No, that's called being a virgin irl

no, i win


I allow you to win.

that sounds pretty hard to do, if its anything like getting that in other games sucks he took the last one from you

easy angle to take but chuckle worthy anyway







I just spent 20mins getting rekt by silver rath

**blame chii* :^)

send help

spoilers broke the spoiler, all is lost



she helped me cheese Yhorm the Giant so she gets a pass for now




downloaded 1,500 caps

Good luck on that.

Monster tits.



What you just said there reminded me of Fuji aa long time ago

We never talked too much but I remember she helped me beat a shit ton of borderlands 2 like it was nothing

she beat the game already

not that she is good or anything...

Weren't we gonna hunt today

She is adorable in the anime



made it home.
got myself some white mocha frappe

so did you take the caps or what


But Luka I can see them.

Girls are usually really good at vidja tbh

Because she seems so promiscuous but she's innocent and pure

i feel like the more i insult squash the more attracted he is to me

no u

she bought the strategy guide at gamestop

I figured you would message me sometime.
But it's late now.


i downloaded them.

doesn't matter! :D

Dem titties aren't pure doe grim

I have no sexual attraction to you.


They ARE so BIG!


It is said they feel like soft bread dough

woah, so someone took the caps and hosted them?



People come in all sorts of sizes you know~

Yes people who take caps of anime and upload them exist~

I've only seen dicks and man boobs.


Prepare to enter a world full of delicious snatch and soft breasts


But her size is on another level.

Bard showed me his boobs today.

I saw them too.
Would you suck on his nips?

dont throw cheese at your enemies

i get it now grim!
emo is to america, as gyaru is to japan... and i guess this third one is the korean version of their style thingy?

you are so hung up on that arent you?

cute *pat pat*

Not quite. Gyaru is more like barbie.


bard has boobs?

this is an interesting piece of information, i must be able to keep it

do you have more misaki

i used to main her as an avatarfaggot, so yes?

What kind of question is that?

I mean its realllly hard not to be.

yeah it was pretty cool

tfw you have two grand pianos in your living room and you never play them anymore

Is that a fact advena?

keep posting her

In your wildest dreams it's fucking advena

one that you should answer

i mean that its the major fashion trend name for each region.
i'm not saying they are the same.

I have a piano too : ]

You mean yours, cause you know, YOU WORSHIPED HIM.

it all varies by time period

Geee... you're soo young still. :|


why does bard have boobs?

i will, thank you very much




It's not advena
It's Lackadaisy


Am i? how old are you then?

because hes a girl

who dat

he''s new but he's nice
be nice grom


... okay?

yeah. 25... i think? :\

I didn't say anything.


You think?

I know you're a flaming homo already

no shame in it


it is me

age is terribly hard to tell over a screen

i'm not sure.

Chii probably shouts out memes while having sex

I'm like 106% sure she does

Why don't you know your own age?

they should know how old they are though.

I'm not gay tho





[nut button meme]

Now I know how it feels

And we're even more connected


I even kissed a girl

i suppose
they don't have to tell you though

i barely keep track of it... i can't be too sure.
i don't calculate it.

Goals :O 100 100



Holy fuck

When is your birthday

what year were you born

this is not fucking difficult

oh my fucking god

Maybe if I fuck her hard enough it'll fix her back problem

what is that test

Fucking chii would be like fucking a dead and bloated sperm whale

some shitty champion affinity calculator.

much better

Also give link

I say that not only because of physical qualities, but mental ones too

she is literally never in the mood because of her condition

Whats your birthday?


Luka is probably 28

uh... 1990 was lotsa years ago? umm sometime in september i guess? on the 24th.... how long ago was that...


im serious.

draven... lawl


sep 24, 1990.

so luka is 25

test link for anyone ADC

IT'S NOT WORKING FOR ME didn’t send any data.

Guess I'll never know my dream adc

That's really romantic

stop doing it all at once you fuckweeds

wait, werent you supposed to not be saying that stuff grim?



Not even you can fix thay

Saying what stuff?

I'm just pointing out the fact that fucking chii would be not fun

because of facts I know

if I wanted to shit talk it would be more like
"fucking chii would be like fucking a decomposing pig"

or something



My heart will go on

I like how it makes EZ your last choice

I am seriously actually mad holy shit Luka how can you not know how old you are PIOFJAPOIJOISDHFGL;ISGLIHJ

I'm comforted by the fact that you will likely never reproduce.



What part?

How many people here know my birthday?

No looking on fb to check

Well she's got a cute face and all vaginas are warm and squishy so iunno.

nov 1

It must be broken.

meh, at least i won't obsess over it like you are doign right now~


I took the test and my rest for best suited ADC was Malphite

Well I just checked my fb and I can't say that I'm pleased.

Grim you're walking on thin ice mister.

fuck outta here nigga

check skype too

You shouldn't have to obsess.


Im not as fat as you, grim
watch yourself fatass

idk it sounds kinda lame cause it's just a kiss
but Kissing is sooooo romantic
especially w/girls
That is otp

Your bmi is like 35 isn't it



what? no.

Speaking of being fat, my sister beat me in a footrace today

I used to be faster than her

being fat makes the start slower


oh i forgot my name

Also kinda pissed cait is my dream adc. It's lucian because fuck all other adc champs.

Can't, uninstalled and skype won't let me log in or recover or make new accounts. So I'm never using it again.

God damn it you are lovely.

Chii, Grim. You are both scrubs.
Learn to be lean lime me.

saying fucking her would not be fun and comparing her to a dead and bloated sperm whale during it are very different

The karate kid was just such a romantic movie we couldn't help our self.

♥ Caitlynn

lol, i dunno
i just assume.


well she's fat and she doesn't really get turned on at all





Auto correct.

Being fat is no excuse for not being Fit

DOTA is much better :^)


Why did you get the dame as me?

This test is just stupid.

u rite

Whatever happened to you lovebirds?
Was she your first ? :p

Do yo ever think of her?
how did you feel about her then?

s-sorry I dont mean to be weird

She liked me a lot and I broke up with her by text.

I was a real dick

the joke is that most mobas have terribly shit communities but are addicting to play because of how competitive and shit they are

let's play league

um just cause someone doesnt get turned on by a bunch of people online trying to get in their pants doesnt mean she doesnt get turned on at all, even if she said so though its not really something that makes someone unable to be a good fuck also you probably shouldnt talk about weight given the images of you and ketchup

aw man/
how long ago was that
Did ya'll ever reconcile?
did you and her end up alright after it
ever see each other in passing?

Oh yeah it was pretty funny how I woke up to the sound of my my onee-chan puking her guts out for like 30 mins

Ironic how I was helping Wish deal with her hangover a few days ago just to do the same thing today

It is also a shitty feeling when you make your sister some tortilla soup from scratch for her hangover just to see her throw it up 20 mins later

Chii has the biggest harem out of all the threads.



years ago

She never talked to me again after that.

I have no regrets about it though.

i only play dota like a true valvedrone


high horse

because we play the same? ;3
or that there are not many adcs and they work similar?

You should probably get to know her more. That's not the reason.



I was a real piece of shit when i was younger too

I have Friday off and I get paid that day let's do something

Oh darn

did you do the next areas

you guys are a bunch of normalfags reeeeeeeeee

weren't we all?

who is in chiis harem besides lenko????????????


Chii do you even like the attention I try to give you? I'll stop if you don't.


I mean it was at the point of I just wanted to play videogames and she was annoying me.

I was really bad

Boo it's nobody you or I know

Chii do you even like the attention I try to give you? I'll stop if you don't.
Chii do you even like the attention I try to give you? I'll stop if you don't.
Chii do you even like the attention I try to give you? I'll stop if you don't.
Chii do you even like the attention I try to give you? I'll stop if you don't.

i am convinced by this point girls don't technically exist- rather, they are just men, with vaginas, boobs, an extra x chromosome, and some other gay shit like estrogen





Gotta take care of my onee-chan

go back to /lewds/


I would like to think not

That's pretty heavy dude
are you and her on okay terms now?
Do you associate with your parents much?

I have been lucky enough to have a good relationship with my parents
Live with my mom still though sadlly tryig to move out X:

My dad raised me but he lives in the big city
but we still talk every now and then ::p
He likes my politics memes and my quality memes like wednesday my dude


its getting out of control

So what you're telling me.

Is you're high.

daisy's actually a good poster guy

So you just want me to tone it down, is what you're saying?

You are a good nii-chan.

Nah, waiting till later.


Test stop, I know where this is going. You're the prey not the predator.

Damn nigga

Do you even have anything off?

Coming from you,

my harem is out on control.

or i'm being sarcastic, though that's hard to convey through text

lenko and grim fighting over chii


My harem is like a secret club

I think you have a warped image of me. I don't take advantage of people, but I can't say I've ever been so taken advantage of to call myself prey.


she has no likable traits other than a vagina

What else is new?


Girl knows how to fight a giant.

I hope you mean "out of control". Lmao

Don't get mad cause I'm right. TURN DOWN FOR WHAT

By warped you mean an opinion that is a meme and seperate from my actual opinion of you, right?

Chii bought me a Remi poster irl

Get fucked nerds

I try to be

Nigga I work 48 - 56 hrs a week
I NEED money

Nigga do you know how stupid you sound rn?

ayo bby gurl wnt sum fuk?

in a dry desert, the smallest amount of water can seem like a flourishing oasis

i'm not sure anyone here can brag about sexual exploits anyways

I mean


Well I mean that's good for your wallet but god damn

How long can you sustain that?

yes, sorry, watching anime so im not putting a fuck ton of effort into replies, but i never do so eh

Shh. Shh. You can finally admit it.
Where did the bad man touch you?

That's not how sarcasm works.

I'm just the best, it's not easy being the best but I do it.

I should get an award for that.

s-so can I keep f-flirting with you?

you are delusional

dont cheat on your future wife

but obnoxious sarcasm!

I want to be able to brag about my sexual exploits with you

You would pop up out of nowhere unannounced when Test says such things.

I do not care.

holy shit the cringe

God I hate URF.

And you put yourself back on my "BAD PEOPLE" list.

Hmm, hmm, k bye. this won't end anytime soon so I hope you're prepared

smooth as fuck fam, 10/10 pickup line


Until I pay off the DUI fines
aka 3 years

My spic body is durable

Wow so hostile




So basically we can't have fun for years


You deleted me from multiple platforms and never bothered telling me or even adding me back for that matter. I was left to find out on my own and then you just start being weird again. What the hell do you want me to do?

It's cause I'm your friend, BITCH.

5 years of Holla Forums later


I did tell you.

We had a talk about this.

Were you drunk?

grim is bullying me since i poked a little bantz at him

learn to take ur bantz with a grain of salt grim

Do you think so?
What's my reward for something like that?

There are worse things to have come out of driving under the influence.

I don't feel happiness unless Boo is picking on me.


You didn't tell me that you removed me from fb or all the other places. So, are you drunk?

alright whatever you say

i think it needs a competent coding staff and not weird hotwheels drama stuff

this picture cost me an arm and a leg to post

I forgot how good the music (op/ed/etc) is for K-On

I'm just trying to get Test to overcome his abuse.


give it time

I don't feel happiness, period


Yooooooo is that actually you?
Youre a cutie
Thats more than a good enough award for me

My oh my. Since when did you two start a bromance? 7 years ago?

used to

one day if i decide to go the whole manly man route

good squash
i want you to suffer for the things youve done


Start lifting again.

Daisy has biggger biceps than me

We still can
I just can't drive lol

Can I cuck you by sending you pics of me and chii hanging out at some nerd con?
I'll be sure to do the same to Grim too

I did.

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Well yeah but I didn't get the DUI

Test is just my back up.
The person I was teasing with, well she fell asleep.
So now I'm just taking my frustrations out on Test.
