John Rhys-Davies BTFOs amazonkikes over LOTR tv series


Big guy

inb4 Damage Control belittles him as unimportant, a supremacist/racist or a has-been clinging to Gimli.

Rape allegation when

That guy and Christopher Lee were people who legitimately understood and appreciated LotR.

Watch (((them))) blackmail him into making a cameo, like with Cisbusters.

As did Viggo. They offered him a role in The Hobbit and he turned it down

one true king

So much that he turned Gimli into a comic relief.


how dumb are you

Are you completely retarded?

Christopher Lee hated the movies.


No he didn't

Why are movie fans so mad about the TV series anyway? It will have nothing to do with the movies.

Plus Lord of the Rings had multiple adaptations.

I don't like lord of the rings anyway.

Do you even remember what year you live in

good, now go back to reddit

So you guys are mad because they will cast kangz in some roles?


I just don't like kikes pozzing things. It will be full of black crippled gay trannies and it will try to subvert the message of the books.

Yes. Not only is it inherently European but it was also Tolkien's origin myth for Europe.
Don't you think Blacks would be upset if it Whites were cast in something that was depicting their origin myth? If we made half the characters in an African story white? What about Asians? The Jews straight up say they were the first people and only people on earth until the flood in their origin myth.
Yes. I'm fucking mad that they're going to destroy Tolkien's work because of kangz
I'm also mad because you know as well as I do that they're going to go for a GOT vibe which is NOT what LOTR is. It has theological and European cultural themes. It's literally epic literature. It has no business being adapted to any form, let alone being politicized for the purposes of multiculturalism.


Fellowship 10
Two Towers 8
Return 7

Fellowship 10
Two Towers 9
Return 8


Once again, Dwarves confirmed for based race.
Elves BTFO.

I’m legit butthurt over this.

I feel like the Extended of TTT is better

Unnecessary changes start to accumulate in Towers and Return

Because it's Current Year™ which means that it will likely be in the vein of Game of Thrones and assuredly be Diversified™ up the ass.

I watched the extended and theatrical of two towers recently and some little things cut like smeagol being beaten by faramirs guards before he interrogates him and then faramir talking to smeagol before they leave osgilith/ sam talking to smeagol as they leave osgilith alone really bulk up feelings which were already very good. Even merry and pippin have an extra scene and in general its paced a little better perhaps. Some say the theatrical version is slowly paced and a slog but it isnt really it builds fine, and the extended actually adds to the film i think and doesnt detract, like the fellowship extended version.

I agree in general with what you said but i dont think it was bad stuffing until the two towers.

sorry *bad stuffing until return of the king*

Would rather have any LOtR series than none tbh. It needs to be remembered, not forgotten.

Pretty much this. I couldn't care less if the main characters are PoC or white, it's just a damn good story that needs to be told so our ancestors remember it. I'll be purchasing my prime membership ASAP so I can support them.

Err, no. I would rather normalfags forget LOTR and never it know it existed, like it was before 2001

Because they're going to throw niggers into it.

Yeah, people just need to be reminded of things. They can't go read the books, no, they need to watch Lord of the Rings where the Hobbits are all black, the elves are Asian, and the Orcs have white skin. The meaning and themes wont be lost at all, it will totally work.

Glad you agree.

If everyone in Middle Earth isn't white, then Lord of the Rings literally has no meaning.

It's almost like you're retarded. Gimli became the joke character of the movies. There's no disputing this.

It's almost like you should kill yourself, you dumb nigger. John Rhys-Davies had nothing to do with it, he didn't write the script. Annihilate yourself. There's no disputing this.

Because of Cultural Marxist tickboxes such as strong women, non-whites. Plus the lore likely being broken for low effort "LOOK AT THE ORCS AND ELVES FIGHTING, BRO" stories. Don't forget they will likely do a prequel about young Aragorn or Legolas, which will detract from their characters and stories. All the shit with Legolas in the Hobbit is a good example.

Finally, they have eyes on it being their GoT. Netflix want the Witcher to be their GoT. What exactly does being "their GoT" mean? It means mature fantasy, but really is for teenagers who think they are mature. Lots of blood, violence, swears and sex isn't mature. LotR isn't about those things, sure violence is there, but it isn't particularly glorified. Its a necessary evil against true evil like Sauron. Sex isn't important and never is to stories. Is GoT or anything else for that matter elevated because about five percent of the total run time is sex and nudity? No, its cheap and lazy to get you thinking with your dick.

That's true about everything though.

It needs to be read, you fucking brainlet. Preserving a lesser version only makes it a thing not worth preserving. You dont water things down you want to preserve, that's retarded.

What saddens me is how they’re (inevitably) going to fuck up Beren and Luthien, which is a story so important to Tolkien it’s on his goddamn tombstone.

guess that explains why Rhapsody was his favorite band

I doubt they'll get to anything past the trilogy and even then all they want is the brand recognition of the world. They'll create their own pozzed characters and do occasional Legolas spin-off.


Stop using this shitty image of him. Fuck.

A low budget Amazon show is way below John Boyega's paygrade.

Don't understand why they're making more LotR stuff. I mean the Hobbit trilogy was OK, but the old trilogy was a boring slog.

If only people like him were making the decisions.

The movies/tv shows Boyega has been in that isn't star wars beg to differ

Sorry you're mad, but Boyega is an A lister.

go away namefaggot

John Boyega will be Faramir, sweetums.

Frodo - Donald Glover
Sam - Daniel Kaluuya
Merry - Ice Cube
Pippin - Kevin Hart
Gandalf - Djimon Hounsou
Bilbo - Martin Freeman
Legolas - Taye Diggs
Aragorn - Jamie Foxx
Boromir - Mahershala Ali
Gimli - Forest Whitaker
Arwen - Bella Thorne
Saruman - Christoph Waltz
Wormtongue - Trevante Rhodes
Theoden - Lawrence Fishbourne
Faramir - John Boyega
Eomer - Anython Mackie
Galadriel - Emma Watson
Haldir - Ewan Mcgreggor
Elrond - Tyler Perry
Eowyn - Keira Knightley
Lurtz - Idris Elba
Gollum - Maisie Williams
Mouth of Sauron - Daisy Ridley
Treebeard -Whoopi Goldberg
Denethor - Denzel Washington
Tom Bombadil - Chris Tucker
Cave Troll - Kirsten Dunst




Can't believe nobody has posted this yet.


John Rhys-Davies is a fun actor, I wish he got work more often.

Sliders was a gem.