
Jacobin: Anticapitalist Utopias that exist right now: Coops, libraries and Wikipedia.

Worker cooperatives are a real utopia that emerged alongside the development of capitalism. Three important emancipatory ideals are equality, democracy, and solidarity. All of these are obstructed in capitalist firms, where power is concentrated in the hands of owners and their surrogates, internal resources and opportunities are distributed in a grossly unequal manner, and competition continually undermines solidarity.

In a worker-owned cooperative, all of the assets of the firms are jointly owned by the employees themselves, who also govern the firm in a one-person-one-vote, democratic manner. In a small cooperative, this democratic governance can be organized in the form of general assemblies of all members; in larger cooperatives the workers elect boards of directors to oversee the firm.

Worker cooperatives may also embody more capitalistic features: they may, for example, hire temporary workers or be inhospitable to potential members of particular ethnic or racial groups. Cooperatives, therefore, often embody quite contradictory values.

Nevertheless, they have the potential to contribute to eroding the dominance of capitalism when they expand the economic space within which anticapitalist emancipatory ideals can operate. Clusters of worker cooperatives could form networks; with appropriate forms of public support, those networks could extend and deepen to constitute a cooperative market sector; that sector could — under possible circumstances — expand to rival the dominance of capitalism.

Public libraries are another kind of real utopia. This might at first glance seem like an odd example. Libraries are, after all, a durable institution found in all capitalist societies. In the United States, the vast public library system was to a significant extent founded by Andrew Carnegie, one of the ruthless robber barons of the Gilded Age. He was certainly no anticapitalist and, if anything, saw his philanthropic support of libraries as a way of strengthening capitalism as a system. Nevertheless, libraries embody principles of access and distribution which are profoundly anticapitalist. Consider the sharp difference between the ways a person acquires access to a book in a bookstore and in a library.

A final example of an actually existing real utopia is the new forms of peer-to-peer collaborative production that have emerged in the digital era. Perhaps the most familiar example is Wikipedia. Within a decade of its founding, Wikipedia destroyed a three-hundred-year-old market in encyclopedias; it is now impossible to produce a commercially viable, general purpose encyclopedia.

UBI directly tames one of the harms of capitalism — poverty in the midst of plenty. But it also expands the potential for a long-term erosion of the dominance of capitalism by channeling resources towards noncapitalist forms of economic activity. Consider the effects of a basic income on worker cooperatives. One of the reasons worker cooperatives are often fragile is that they have to generate sufficient income not merely to cover the material costs of production but also to provide a basic income for their members. If a basic income were guaranteed independently of the market success of the cooperative, worker cooperatives would become much more robust. This would also mean that they would be less risky for loans from banks.

Other urls found in this thread: Bordiga- Lessons of the Counterrevolutions.pdf.

Now there's a laugh: Wikipedia as "utopia," presumably because it is now "impossible to produce a commercially viable, general purpose encyclopedia." This part obviously isn't a market utopia, nor a utopia for anyone who prefers decent encyclopedias.

Ah, but here's the kicker: they have to beg for donations at all times just to continue running (of which the greater majority goes to enriching the REAL socialists behind Wikipedia: – holy shit those anti-capitalist tools!).


Holla Forums told me wikipedia is controlled by marxist kikes

I wish.

Isn't pirating basically e-communism?

Communistic in nature, certainly.

Now somebody should e-mail the author of that article :^)

To be fair, although I love to shit on the latest trend in idealist 'ethical capitalism', I don't think the part on libraries is necessarily wrong. The free distribution of books is inherently non-capitalist.

Bordiga famously said that fire-fighting is an example of communism, because the fire-fighters are compensated (that is, are given access to the means of subsistence) regardless of whether they are putting out fires or not (working).

I'm unironically considering sending Jacobin an email now that you've said it.

Communism is the sole critique of consumerism eroding culture?


Theodor Adorno is not implied to be synonymous with communism (nor even linked to it, necessarily), nor is it implied that he is the sole arbiter.

Do you understand the meme, Adorno and both of those things in context of fascists and their Jewish cultural Marxist bogeyman?

I made the implication about you though. Fascists and rampant consumerism aren't very compatible are they?

Are they really? Practice versus rhetoric, friend.

Your culture of make believe pdf is just the cover btw

Yes, yes they are


My bad. Downloaded a poor scan from Xunlei.

This book is at a library nearby here. I can go there tomorrow and scan it and then upload it here if you'd like.

It's interesting because it contains several sourced citations and summaries related to Hitler's corporate economic agenda with private enteprise. But not just Hitler and in fact many leaders who had a strong populist personality cult to quell public unrest and serve the market (Mussolini, Churchill, Nasser, etc.).

Can you give the exact quote?

Ethical capitalist just in time with the meme.

Also, don't you like RDW's dick and base your entire meme praxis on his coop advocacy? He's a self-described Marxist economist, famalam.

Gotchu: Bordiga- Lessons of the Counterrevolutions.pdf.

Jacobin was always shit tbh

and we namefagging now?

I quite like Jacobin when it comes to primarily social issues ('Let Them Eat Diversity' and 'Stay Classy' were quite solid), but they're generally awful for everything else.

Only namefagging for the sake of the thread, actually. Doubt there's enough left communists on this board to warrant namefagging.

wikipedia is a shitshow.

Top kek leftcoms

This is why no one takes you serious

So much for the "Herrenrasse".