Leftists can't refute this


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There are white people in Africa and Asia.

Fuck off Holla Forums and lurk more you filthy son of a bitch

U saying wat u son of basterd bich

cumskins should all die

wish more people felt this way tbqhwu

fuck off polyp



SA and Zimbabwe white farmers being driven off their land, minimal coverage.

Asia: 'white piggu go home'.

Where's the equivalent outrage?

Stop replying to the bait threads, you idiots.

le post-ironic deeply triggering and problematic racism



jesus fuck the word filters are tyrannical af

You mispelled "fun".

Daily reminder

Not even ironically.


What is "deeply triggering" and so on filter for?

btw kill whitey

fuck off Dubya



Attack a man for caring too much. Sad!

Obsession is always a good thing, right?


Why can't Holla Forums detect irony? Autism?


Asia and Africa are not countries

It wasn't even me.

The greentext still applies. How can you call it irony anyway if you're not the poster, lacking the knowledge as to their intent?

There was a Dutch Party mate, you accept counter-revolutionaries do you?

The Dutch were pro-Nazi, they were complicit all the way, some good Goys back in the day.

The post in question was written like a very stereotypical Trump tweet, even including the famous "Sad!", which implies the post was not fully serious.

And when there they abide by african and asian cultural norms.

There are people in Holla Forums right now that unironically mimic Trump in this way.

So do Africans in America.

We are not on Holla Forums though. which means you should give more benefit of doubt by default.

Okay, maybe. Sorry..


Muzzie in Europe don't. So why should we take a single one of them?

Muslim isn't a country.

Muslim is their country, that's why when Neo-cons attacked Iraq muslims from all over attacked everyone.

But I don't give a shit either way.
White people can live in Africa or Asia.
Or not.
Why do you give a fuck where a stranger lives?

I thought it was just Yurip. Apparently it's everyone now.

I'm Australian and I approve of this message

Most attacks are outside Europe dim dim.

Good point. Best just block migrants and fugees from any countries with sizable muzzie communities, just to be sure.

That's not hard to do when Europe is only 6.8 percent of the world's total land area.

What we should do is block cumskins from moving anywhere, castrate and enslave their men, while their women serve nothing but big black cock.

You couldn't block a toilet ya fag.

That's typically what you want to happen. A blocked toilet isn't very useful.

Yes it is, it causes havoc.

I'm happy to stay in my civilized white hellhole if we can kick all the fucking wogs out.


K, have fun.

We're trying. But shitlibs and internationalists are covering for the global elite.


Workers have no country.


Trump just said last night Russia and Iran are actually fighting ISIS, he got maimed in the liberal press for it because it 'wasn't true' for some reason.

Nice non sequitur.

That was not very American of him now was it.

So what's your point?

What's not "American" about Trump is him offshoring jobs to Bangladesh in order that he can pay plant workers there 30 cents an hour.


Internationalists aren't winning, and globalism =/= internationalism.

Semantics. In lefty lexicon globalist = internationalist capitalist while internationalist = internationalist socialist. On the ground the effects of their actions are the same.

The thing that disgusts me the most about these two is the fucking minions.


In righty lexicon, an argument means you can make up whatever bullshit claim you like and not expect to have to substantiate it with evidence because muh fee fees.


Your imagining of leftist 'internationalism' is irrelevant as it has never been tried and the stage is already set. To try lefty internationalism we'd first have to roll back neo-liberalism. ie. exactly what the 'alt-right' wants to do.

If something "not happening" constitutes it's viability then by the very same token the "alt"right shall fail as no one has rolled back neoliberalism. Lovely bias and circular logic you've got.

In righty lexicon neoliberalism = mean brown people and nationalism = reformed neoliberalism with a white face.

Are you suggesting that the global elite who control international institutions and production will just hand it over to the left? Or is this dependent on revolution?

Either way, relevant is here.

Another non sequitur. I suggest you take some literacy classes next to increase your reading comprehension.

Clarify your position. Do you support globalisation AS IT IS CURRENTLY HAPPENING? If not, do you want to subvert it or rip it down? These are the only options on the table.


how dare trump not want imperialist nuclear war

god i hate trump but i swear those liberals are sometimes worse

nice meme

"Let me explain. Let me explain.
Somebody hits us within ISIS — you wouldn't fight back with a nuke?"

Different shit, same warlord.

The alt-right is a broad church. Some NatZoc, some Libertarian. Maybe the NatZoc should rebrand. Alt-left anyone?

wait is this your position? ffs. Y U MAKE ME READ.

Yes. It's a good intro to proletarian internationalism.

don't really get this one.

communism is just the other side of the same coin that capitalism is on.

the pigs need someone to take care of the losers of society in order to keep capitalism going to they give them a useless system that always collapses on its own when left alone they can cry for so they can never cause any actual danger to the system

as always you are the best goy ever lefty/pol/

Why did you go from continents to countries?


All well and good. But didn't the International fail? Why would it succeed today when if anything competition for resources is even fiercer. And that's not even considering the diametrically opposed ideologies held around the world. It all just seems like wishful thinking to me.

Actually if Holla Forums knew about it and had enough money, they would be treated like Gods in places like Kenya tbh.

Nobody ever said that.


Do you think whites in South Africa have a right to keep their property?

Given they built the entire nation, yes?


Personal property, yes. Private property, no.

i love these minion memes

ironically to clarify

bad meme since Nazi chooses neither

Nobody cares about what happens in Asia because the rate at which it happens is tiny since there are so few whites there. Doesn't change the fact that Asians are racist as shit and people are largely disgusted when there are signed that say "Japanese only".

historically that's not true, as the Nazi party crushed the real turd positionists in the night of the long knives

well apart from that
but Fascist economics is a blend of socialism and nationalism and nationalist economics dont really exist, its up for debate

The Nazis were capitalist as fuck, especially after they purged the left wing of the party. They privatized industries, protected private property, and allowed capitalists like Hugo Boss and the Krupps to make fortunes off their pillaging of Europe.

I don't think whites should be treated any differently from their fellow black citizens, regardless of which race makes up the majority of the country they live in.

In fact, my uncle is planning to move to Rwanda and I obviously have no reason to think any ill of it. Why the hell would I?

they also nationalised the banks and erased a tonne of debts if I recall

Maybe Mussolini's. But that's it. Hitler's Germany was not at all socialist except in name to gain the populist rhetoric of Marxism at the time and to root out the left wing elements after taking power. It was privatized from thereon out.

Nationalisation =/= socialism.


Trump should play by different rules because why? Nobody holds him up as an idealist, he is just egotistical enough to not back down and say the bloody obvious even though no other candidate half a century has done it.

He's a fucking enigma of unbelievable proportions in that he's the last person that should be President in a perfect world and the only person in this race that would be capable of trying for change.

The neoliberal order is not going to be threatened this election. Same porky, different face.

same porky but none of the regular capitalist elite support, donations or GOP backing

Postcolonialism is a mental disorder, you won't find many postcolonialists on this board.

The international proletariat have no nation or race.

Because thinking races must be all the same is a spook.

Yeah, he's not an idealist, and he's far too pro kike despite the kikes not giving him anything, but for him to even mention alliance with Russia, pulling back NATO expansion, telling the dude free markets lmao to fuck off and revolutionizing the Republican base into anti-globalists, you are disingenuous to say this is the same old same old.

have you tried voting with your vallet?

My valet sticks to cleaning the car mostly, making him do my voting would be exploitation.

It's the same old same old.

Stirnerists continue to be the only worthwhile part of leftypol



