Is leftist survivalism a thing?

Is leftist survivalism a thing?

If not it definitely should be.

yes, drive up to Modoc County or in the back ends of the PNW

it's worth mentioning that the GPUSA would get a lot farther if they embraced the second amendment


"you need to grow some crops if we want to survive"

"d-don't exploit me so much you evil capitalstic pig!"

"John here needs more food to get to the lake to get fresh water"

"w-what?! that bougeois bastard is suppose to have more than I have? reeeeeeeeeee"

You're all just the support group for the poor and scum of capitalism that have no chance to come out on top so you try to make everyone as poor as you are in order to not feel inferior anymore.

you ain't shit.
and you'll never be

and you're the only ideology that ever had to imprison it's own people because your ideas are so shitty and based on morality not on reality hat even without wars and catastrophic events they had to live like animals while still circle jerking about WWII in which you beat the axis together with the small help of the rest of the entire fucking world you delusional idiots just so you could go back to genocide your own people in peace again which you did in numbers that are unmatched even today.

Your Marx never worked a single day in his life and was a rich little brat that got so ashamed of his wealth that he just decided to LARP as the messiah of the poor and helpless.

The first and only realization of your ideas were funded by wilhelm II of germany in order the get russia out of the war.

You don't even survive the current world.
don't even think about an actual situation of survival you inferior-complexes on legs.

Nothing but a crippled mistake of history.

Sick bait fam

absolutely sophistic

Sounds like some primmie predilections fam

Ted Kaczynski couldn't make it today, so here's a (you) on his behalf.

No. K-selection is a prerequisite for survivalism. Leftists are r-selected and thus won't have much interest in it.

Sick pseudoscience famalam

I'm not sure what you meant here exactly. Can you elaborate?


Contrary to the illusions of edgy right-wing armchair scientists on the internet, all humans are K-selected. Regardless, rightists are the true beta fags anyway considering they worship people like Trump and Pinochet and enthusiastically advocate for a system which actively fucks them over at every turn

Are those your guns user?



Damn nigga, they sexy

I wish I had more money to spend on guns

fam you went so long without posting on here, don't fall off the wagon :^(

Nice. Can't wait to get into hunting. And practical pistol. And long range.

Well the one on the left in the bottom pic isn't mine, and the top one in the first pic was a gift.

But leftists want to prohibit competition in the acquisition of wealth, promote the massive welfare state, rack up enormous national debts and inflate the currency to create the illusion of infinite resources, promote promiscuity as opposed to monogamy, want to sexualize children at an early age (sex-ed in 1st grade), and import hoards of third world immigrants? All those policies are r-selective! A K-selected individual wants the complete opposite of above mentioned things.
I'm not from Holla Forums, so please don't lump me in with those people.

A remarkable simulation.

I would also like to add that the majority of Holla Forums, even though they wrongly see themselves as K's, are in fact r's, as they are socialists and want to eliminate competition in free market capitalism.

I'm not really a survivalist per se, but I own guns and enjoy shooting them. If I had enough money and space, I'd definitely set up a survival nest, with canned goods, hiking/camping gear, etc.

You didn't respond to anything I said about leftists being r-selected.

I'm an anarcho-capitalist who comes here occasionally because I enjoy debating with you people. I bring up r/K because I, unlike Holla Forums, actually read the book. I have tried to make threads in the past on Holla Forums about their criticisms of anarcho-capitalism. One time the thread got spammed to shut down any discussion, and another time it got filled with non-arguments about how the ideology was flawed because Ayn Rand was ethnically Jewish. I would write many elaborate posts, only to get one-liners back. Combined with the sheer number of posts and the speed at which threads move, my conclusion is that discussion of any opposing ideas is impossible there. This is why I come here.

Woops was meant for .

Holla Forums is insufferable. I hope they scale back their crossboard shitposting after Trump loses.

Lurk more or kys you dumb nigger.

No, because supporting liberal policies, which Holla Forums does not, does not change the biology of humans as K-selected species. You could try reading, but I suppose words violate the NAP.


Survivalists simply want to stay alive after a moment of collapse. For the Left, this moment of collapse is revolutionary potential. You're not supposed to back your bags and go into the woods, you're supposed to move into the center of the action.

So we should Revolutionists instead of Survivalists: people who cultivate the right skills and accumulate the right tools to form the red guards, arm the proles, occupy the buildings and fight off forces of reaction once SHTF.

Is there any point to respond to your half-assed bait ?
I will do it nonetheless.
Let's take a look at the fucking r/K selection Wikipedia page.

A woman give birth to only one child in most cases.
9 months isn't short.
Most human societies decide to punish their members if they fail to take care of their offspring.
13-14 years isn't a short time.

You are fucking deluded if you really believe political ideologies have more influence on our ways to reproduce ourselves than human biology 101.

I think we should try to create small survivalist communes in order to prep for the collapse. Once the collapse happen we may have a chance to implement socialism on a large scale, but that is unlikely. Primitivism is the next historical step imo.

Leftist prepperism is a cool idea tbh

We aren't liberals you goddamn moron

Go to Reddit if you want to argue with Hillary supporters


Nigger, what the fuck are you talking about? Humans are K selected, the above isn't going to change that.

Other than having zero idea on what the fuck r/K selection is (all humans are K-selected), none of that even makes sense. Everything you're suggesting that "leftists" want (even though all of that is liberal as fuck) suggests spending more and more on each person to ensure their survival rather than the mass spread out of people with little care given to each one. And you dumb rightwing bitches are constantly whining about how "leftists" are stopping breeding. Isn't that the exact opposite of r-selection? Wouldn't "have lots of kids and see which survives muh god of naychur, Competition" be literally r-selection in action?

How many g-men are you expecting to take on user?

1k rounds is enough for a small firefight between two squads taking pop shots at one another..

I can sort of understand 1000 rifle rounds (but that's still way too much for one person), but 1000 shotgun shells?

Unless this guy has a squad this is a bit silly.

Well if you used a shotgun I'd recommend using them, 1k is probably right for a group of people.

There's nothing wrong with being equipped well enough to supply a few people with you. 1k for each gun is maybe a bit overkill unless you intend to go through an entire battle with zero logistical support

Literally exactly what I intend.

Why do you think you will do any better than a government stormtrooper? Most likely you'll only be able to kill one of them at best before they kill you. Again, unless you have a regiment the armoury is hardly needed.

In all seriousness I wouldn't expect to do that. I don't even think that violence is the best course of action (at least initially) for revolution. Also I'm fresh out of ammo for that bolt action because it's rare as fuck and I only have 80 rounds for the two SKSs lol


I wish I could get a firearm but the liberal democracy I live in doesn't even let me own a stiletto or pepper spray. It's not even allowed to own a permanently disabled (soldered shut, triggers and firing spring mechanic removed) firearm for collection purposes. You're only allowed to own a firearm if you have a hunting permit (which you must leave at the gun club), and then only for personal use may use an air gun.

Wow, which one is it?

In mine hunters can still keep their guns at home. And you can have collection rifles, I think.


We only have completely privatized coal and lignite mines, both in entirely industrial areas where a gun is considered unnecessary simply because there's no dangerous wildlife that could threaten mine workers. There's also virtually zero risk of theft from the firms that own the mines because the mines are all surrounded by fences in hermetically sealed compounds, where every possible entrance is protected by private security (which /is/ allowed to carry and utilize military grade firearms).

Collection rifles, even toy pistols, are outlawed. This means state fairs are no longer allowed to sell or have as prizes BB guns that look remotely like realistic firearms.

Come to Canada, my blaar. Our gun laws aren't that bad (5 round mag limit and no AKs aside) and there's still pockets of left-wing sentiment throughout the area.

Can't you at least go over the border to Germany and buy pepper spray there? It's not much, but still better than having nothing.

What length is the barrel on that shogun? It looks awfully short.

Survivalism/Preppers is bourgeois ideology. The idea that you could survive on your own after the collapse of society is self-delusion. No amount of shotguns, dried beans, seed bags, etc will save you.

What you need is the assistance of your neighbors, systems of mutual aid (or Communalism, or whatever word you want for it).

About 12 inches. They go down to like 8.5 but then you've got a 2-round tube and at that point you may as well have a double-barrel unless you want to fuck around with the magazine version.

Pic related. Definitely neat, but what the fuck are you going to use it for besides highway robbery and knocking over liquor stores?

Also this. The ability to cooperate with your fellows is far more important than whatever supplies you might have on hand. You might have enough canned beans and water filters to last several lifetimes, but all that's gonna help is make you a target for a more organized group with a particular need for exact stuff you decided to hoard. Don't be a kulak.


Not everyone prepares for the collapse of society. If there is a natural disaster, economic depression, massive civil unrest or war, a couple months' worth of food, along with a gun, will help immensely.
You contradict yourself here, as you specified the scenario as the end of society. If there is only enough resources to support 10–20% of the current population, it won't matter how well you organize – the majority of people are still going to get wiped out, especially those in urban areas.

I don't think that a total collapse will happen quite like you imagine it. You're not going to see a Mad Max style survival situation where you've got people fighting in the streets for basic necessities. You're probably going to still have people going to work, operating stores, and trying to make a living however they can. What you will see is a general breakdown of public services and a sharp rise in violent crime, still being done by people trying to hide their identities and not get caught, and probably a sharp rise in gangsterism as police pull out and criminals step in (or, as is already the case in many places, the police straight up becoming a protection racket.) In this situation I'd recommend you pick up a pistol of some kind for self defense on the go and whatever you need to get by without any public services or utilities such as water and power.

The kind of stuff you're probably thinking of only happens in war zones, and if that's the case then your best shots are either joining an army or getting the fuck out of there to somewhere with no war.

The scenario you've proposed where 90% of all people die will probably never happen. On the other hand, if it does and you're one of the surviving 10%, you've probably got a pretty sweet deal since all the dead people will have left behind a lot of nice stuff.

what will happen has already happened many times throughout history, it's called feudalism and barbarism. There will be democratic holdouts, but people revert to authoritarianism in survival situations, that doesn't necessarily mean hilter/north korea types, it can also mean Tito types, the rare benevolent dicator, but authoritarianism is the default in these situations.

When resources, safety, and education become common again, democracy usually rises and replaces the old systems, even with some holdouts, it has happened time and time again.

We'll either be extinct, or cyborgs by the time it happens though.