7th gen thread

I just gave this one a try today. It's really, really, really food.
Though you can't compare this to the original one, but it's a really good reimagination of the N64 game. Using Craig instead of Bossman feels a little bit out of place though if you grew up with the original Goldeneye movie, but it doesn't bother me that much.

But anyway, what are other good overlooked 7th gen games?


I can't believe i fucked up that badly.

Gonna get an obvious one out of the way.

Far east side of eden or something for the xbox 360. Really good jrpg, check it out.

It's really really REALLY food!

Excitebots Trick Racing

pls no bully

Is that game related to the Excitebike games?

These two.

pretty much every good wii game no one played

i think so. Pretty sure there was an exitetrucks too.

Ok, some of my reccomended Wii games:

And the usual Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc.



why do i find this so funny.

Second doesn't count, those are gen 6 games.


it doesn't even have the streets level, user, i know you're hungry for good games but come on, you can't lower your guard because it will make you subconsciously lower your standards of quality

It's not good and it's not food either

I see what you did there.

Vidya is for playing, not eating.

Heads up that I'm still working on that, but I don't see much Wii discussion in general to have gotten around to finishing it yet. Still taking ideas for further things to add though if people can think of them.


Food for fishes maybe

Prince of Persia Forgotten Sands on wii is probably the best Prince of Persia game ever made. Why the Wii version was so good but the PC/Console one was that bad is beyond me.

A lot of people hate on it, but Super Paper Mario is pretty tasty.

I certainly liked it myself, but it's pretty different in Gameplay than Paper Mario or TTYD. Probably a case of a lot of people understandably expecting different than they got, it being more of a story-driven platformer with minor RPG elements

I certainly liked the first two better but I wouldn't have minded if every Paper Mario from Super onwards was just like Super. Platforming's a lot better than turn based combat.

Unfortunately now we've got the shit that we've got, and after Colour Splash inevitably fails, I fear there won't be another Paper Mario.

There's a time and place. I don't mind that they kept the paper style (and I'm fine with either real time or turn-based combat, provided the team making the game knows what they're doing with it, but I think in changing up the combat to a more platforming approach (and without having another game in the works confirmed to be more in line with TTYD that might appease fans if SPM wasn't well received), they risked a lot of fans being annoyed in thinking it was going to be just like its predecessors, given what paper Mario was known for over the two games prior to it.

And yeah, unfortunately Miyamoto or whoever seems to have it in his head to keep story at a minimum now, original characters at a minimum, and annoying gameplay elements like having to have stickers and shit to even attack in combat (which would be like having a game based around using cards to act, but not having your deck refresh between fights or whatever, leaving you unable to do anything if you're absolutely out). Admittedly I haven't paid Color Splash much attention since I don't have a 3DS.

Colour Splash is the Wii U sequel. It's Sticker Star that's the 3DS game. They're both horrible

Oh, thought they were making it on the 3DS again. Well, I don't have a WiiU either at this point. Had considered XCX to be a catalyst for getting one, but considering how shit turned out there I still haven't opted to get the system. Makes me hope some day some group does an "Unfuck this shit" retranslation/restoration patch when it becomes feasible.

I don't have a Wii U either and now with the NX coming out I don't think I'll ever get one.

Is the NX going to be backwards compatible, or is Nintendo likely to go the Sony route and strip all that out (the way the PS4 can't play PS2 or PS3 discs; it can't even play PS1 games either)?

It hasn't been announced.

Rumours are that it will be completely backwards compatible.

Because it's one of the most boring games I've ever played, I was getting flashbacks to my copies of quest64 and glover, it's just a worthless game imo.