Watch the Heartbreaking Moment Al Franken's Victim Breaks Down During Emotional Interview

Hold me, bros. Why can't I be as strong as these women?


Holla Forums btfo
Now please stop posting tweets and pol bait videos and youtube links. pol lost



Amen. Al Franken needs to go to jail.



Reminder: it's not.


The man is a monster.






Nu'pol proven to be retarded yet again. This was one of the most obvious psyop in recent history (besides the Drumpf and alt kike shit) and yet these supposedly "redpilled non lemmings" fell for it hook line and sinker. Not surprising really, we call them RWSJWW for a reason…

how come it's always jews?

I have 47 active threads right now AMA

When was the last time you had a positive interaction with somebody outside of your family and people in careers that force them to be polite to retards?

hey retard, you're not on cuckchan anymore so you can post more than one image at a time. Go back.


All the time

How is it a psyop when there is a picture of it happening?


She's right and this scares Holla Forums this entire time they didn't know what they enabled.


The effect that it will have. It is intended to change public perception on a mass scale. It's a psyop.

How is it intended to change public perception on a mass scale more than the 40 other stories of sexual harassment

she can give a hella blowjob

the only thing these sexual abuse scandals prove is that women are truly and entirely incapable of protecting themselves. they need a strong man to keep other men from doing things near or in front of them.

masturbating in front of women is not assault. pretending to mash a woman's boobs while she's asleep for a photo is not assault. these things, for some reason, utterly devastate these women. they are children and they always have been.


accusations against kurt eichenwald in 3…2…

They are almost part of a psyop, that is the point. I've been saying this since Weinstein.

Isn't that Tentacle Porn Research man?


Shes right



Never forget: the sleep people can't consent.




Holla Forums holds accountable only liberals,no one wants Moore to cave in.If you are liberal and get accused you follow your own rule and get fucked,otherwise an accusation without proof is nothing.

Nobody likes a hypocrite.

Where is the hypocrisy?
Is a muslim saying fuck allah the same as an atheist saying it?
Only liberals believe in rape culture and in #believewomen,so they are the ones who have to follow it.

No once they pass some new laws we'll all have to follow it.

lol no

Wood Rape


The laws would have passed anyway,at least with this mess men might realize SJWs are a problem.


Kill yourself.

*all part of a psyop

Who is getting arrested?

We all call them Nu-pol.


Reminder all Holla Forumslacks should be killed. No exceptions.

It's difficult not to like this kike sometimes.

Because they love trump and trump commiserates with jews?

Nah, just the Dumpflets and white trash supremacists tbh
